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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
- People (30)
- News (3,898)
- Research (9,289)
- Events (68)
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- Faculty Publications (7,105)
- June 2010 (Revised September 2012)
- Teaching Note
Patient Flow at Brigham and Women's Hospital (TN) (A) and (B)
By: Anita L. Tucker
Teaching Note for 608171 and 608172. View Details
- February 2005 (Revised November 2012)
- Case
Chuck's Wagon Inc.
By: Paul W. Marshall and Derek Lewis
This case describes the experiences of an HBS student as he takes on the challege of transitioning from an intern to a president at a small consumer packaged goods firm in Southern Texas. This HBS student is confronted with the opportunity to perform an operational and... View Details
Keywords: Consumer Goods; Operations Strategy; Executive Development; Strategy; Small Business; Production; Transformation; Management Skills; Financial Strategy; Consumer Products Industry; Texas
Marshall, Paul W., and Derek Lewis. "Chuck's Wagon Inc." Harvard Business School Case 805-100, February 2005. (Revised November 2012.)
- 2005
- Chapter
The Recovery Window: Organizational Learning Following Ambiguous Threats
By: A. Edmondson, Erika Ferlins, Laura Feldman and Richard Bohmer
- 2013
- Working Paper
How Does Risk Management Influence Production Decisions? Evidence from a Field Experiment
By: Shawn Cole, Xavier Gine and James Vickery
Weather is a key source of income risk, particularly in emerging market economies. This paper uses a randomized controlled trial involving a sample of Indian farmers to study how an innovative rainfall insurance product affects production decisions. We find that... View Details
Keywords: Risk Management; Production; Weather; Insurance; Emerging Markets; Agribusiness; Insurance Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; India
Cole, Shawn, Xavier Gine, and James Vickery. "How Does Risk Management Influence Production Decisions? Evidence from a Field Experiment." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-080, March 2013. (Revised September 2014.)
- 11 Aug 2003
- Research & Ideas
Cheap, Fast, and In Control: How Tech Aids Innovation
product and service development is changing; creating the potential for higher R&D performance, innovation, and value creation for customers. The choice is simple: Organizations can either ignore these changes or take action and tap... View Details
Keywords: by Wendy Guild
- 08 Oct 2014
- Research & Ideas
Who Is the Chief Sustainability Officer?
sell," Serafeim says. "They're a good thing to do and the obvious thing to do." At this stage, more companies are likely to hire or appoint an official corporate sustainability officer, who works with the CEO. The CSO is often tasked with building a... View Details
- February 2010
- Teaching Note
The Cleveland Clinic: Growth Strategy 2008 (TN)
By: Michael E. Porter, Elizabeth O. Teisberg, Jennifer F Baron and Carolyn Daly
Teaching Note for 709473. View Details
- February 2024
- Supplement
Can Cities Beat the Heat? (B4): Columbus Climate Action Snapshot
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Coelin P. Scibetta and Jacob A. Small
Climate snapshots provide a summary of climate actions that occurred between 2018 and 2024, highlighting major green initiatives, innovations, carbon mitigation strategy, and action across multiple levels of government and the private sector. Snapshots also provide an... View Details
- 01 Dec 2020
- News
Karmic Kickstart
of those less fortunate pivots was pretty standard stuff: After a change in leadership, I was unceremoniously fired at the bank where I had been promoted just a few days earlier. After a year of frustration and effort I gave up on the... View Details
- November 2017
- Supplement
Loss Prevention at Mac's Convenience Stores (B)
By: Francesca Gino, Katherine DeCelles and Olivia Hull
Supplement to HBS No. 918-001. The case describes the inventive approaches to retail crime prevention that Sean Sportun, security and loss prevention manager at Mac’s Convenience Stores, implemented between 2007 and 2017. View Details
Keywords: Public Relations; Community Relations; Change Management; Leading Change; Training; Knowledge Dissemination; Working Conditions; Crime and Corruption; Law Enforcement; Legal Liability; Business and Community Relations; Retail Industry; Canada
Gino, Francesca, Katherine DeCelles, and Olivia Hull. "Loss Prevention at Mac's Convenience Stores (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 918-002, November 2017.
- November 2001 (Revised April 2002)
- Case
Taking Charge at Dogus Holding (A)
By: Rakesh Khurana, Gina Carioggia and Simon Johnson
Describes 37-year-old Ferit Sahenk's challenges in taking over his father's traditionally managed $14 billion Turkish conglomerate in a period of economic instability. Leading the large holding company into the 21st century will require the establishment of a more... View Details
Keywords: Business Conglomerates; Trade; Competitive Strategy; Decision Making; Leadership; Performance Effectiveness; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Family Business; Change Management; Turkey
Khurana, Rakesh, Gina Carioggia, and Simon Johnson. "Taking Charge at Dogus Holding (A)." Harvard Business School Case 402-009, November 2001. (Revised April 2002.)
- 01 Sep 2004
- News
Nancy Hall (MBA 1974)
Levitt in Marketing. When I’m teaching my students — who are interested in changing the world — I know that what they learn will stay with them for years. It’s an incredibly satisfying feeling. — SY View Details
- 16 Jul 2016
- News
Angie’s List Introduces 'Freemium' Model
Angie’s List CEO Scott Durchslag (MBA 1991) has made many changes to the venerable home-service review website since taking the helm in September 2015, including the creation of a new technology platform for the site. He announced the... View Details
- 13 Mar 2005
- Research & Ideas
Reinforcing Values: A Public Dressing Down
performance to improve, only to be bitterly disappointed. For some reason, the right things still don't happen. Why is change so hard? First of all, most people are reluctant to alter their habits. What worked in the past is good enough;... View Details
Keywords: by David A. Garvin & Michael A. Roberto
- Portrait Project
Myoung Cha
To be changed by the world around me. Many people come to HBS to "change the world." I was one of those people. But I have come to realize that it is HBS that has changed me. I have learned how to... View Details
- 2023
- Working Paper
Senior Team Emotional Dynamics and Strategic Decision Making at a Platform Transition
By: Timo O. Vuori and Michael L. Tushman
Based on an inductive case study, we develop an emotional-temporal process model of an incumbent’s
strategic decision making at a platform transition. We describe the senior team’s emotional response to
this transition and the impact of these emotions on their... View Details
Vuori, Timo O., and Michael L. Tushman. "Senior Team Emotional Dynamics and Strategic Decision Making at a Platform Transition." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 23-054, March 2023.
- July 2020
- Article
Yiqing xia zhongguo qiye de duice xuanze [Lessons from Chinese Companies' Response to COVID-19]
By: Das Narayandas, Vinay Hebar and Liangliang Li
China was weeks ahead of the rest of the world in dealing with the pandemic and its fallout. To understand what's next, the authors conducted a series of 20 in-depth, in-person interviews, as well as a large-scale survey of more than 350 senior executives to ascertain... View Details
Keywords: Management; Innovation and Management; Health Pandemics; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Asia; China
Narayandas, Das, Vinay Hebar, and Liangliang Li. "Yiqing xia zhongguo qiye de duice xuanze [Lessons from Chinese Companies' Response to COVID-19]." Hafo shang ye ping lun [Harvard Business Review, Chinese edition] (July 2020): 118–125. (Also appeared online, in English, at Harvard Business Review, June 5, 2020.)
- March 2017
- Exercise
Designing Transformational Customer Experiences
By: Stefan Thomke
Anyone who has recently travelled, gone shopping, or tried to have a problem solved may have little recollection of the experience. Worse yet, some are frustrated by the lack of responsiveness or empathy that they encountered. The reality is that most customer... View Details
Keywords: Customer Experience; Exercise; Learning By Doing; LEGO; Storytelling; Customer Satisfaction; Design; Innovation and Management; Transformation; Service Delivery
Thomke, Stefan. "Designing Transformational Customer Experiences." Harvard Business School Exercise 617-051, March 2017.