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- Faculty Publications (954)
- September 1999 (Revised April 2000)
- Case
By: Richard L. Nolan
On a clear day in August 1999 in the new headquarters of, against a backdrop of the Blue Angels flying in formation over Lake Washington practicing for their hydroplane Seafare Cup performance, Peter Neupert was pleased with his company's IPO performance.... View Details
Keywords: Business Growth and Maturation; Internet and the Web; Problems and Challenges; Business Startups; Retail Industry
Nolan, Richard L. "" Harvard Business School Case 300-036, September 1999. (Revised April 2000.)
- 1999
- Book
Internet University Vol. 1: Your Guide to Online College Courses; Vol. 2: Liberal Arts; Vol. 3: Technology; Vol. 4: Graduate Studies; Vol. 5: Business School Edition
By: D. Quinn Mills
Mills, D. Quinn. Internet University Vol. 1: Your Guide to Online College Courses; Vol. 2: Liberal Arts; Vol. 3: Technology; Vol. 4: Graduate Studies; Vol. 5: Business School Edition. Anaheim, CA: Cyber Classics, Inc., 1999.
- August 1999 (Revised October 1999)
- Case
RCA Records: The Digital Revolution
By: Jeffrey F. Rayport, Carin-Isabel Knoop and Cate Reavis
In 1995, Bertelsmann-owned RCA Records was considered a "tired and old" record label. By 1999, the company represented a number of the "hottest" acts in the music industry. Nevertheless, the company's position (as well as that of the entire music industry) was under... View Details
Keywords: Brands and Branding; Business Model; Competition; Corporate Strategy; Internet and the Web; Change Management; Marketing Strategy; Music Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; United States
Rayport, Jeffrey F., Carin-Isabel Knoop, and Cate Reavis. "RCA Records: The Digital Revolution." Harvard Business School Case 800-014, August 1999. (Revised October 1999.)
- July 1999 (Revised January 2000)
- Case
Yahoo!: Business on Internet Time
By: Jan W. Rivkin and Jay R. Girotto
In the wake of major competitive moves, CEO Tim Koogle and his senior team at Yahoo!, an Internet portal, must decide whether and how to adjust their strategy. Following deals between AOL and Netscape, Excite and @Home, Infoseek and Disney, and Snap and NBS, Yahoo!... View Details
Keywords: Competitive Strategy; Growth and Development Strategy; Business Strategy; Organizational Structure; Industry Structures; Internet and the Web; Risk Management; Technological Innovation; Business or Company Management; Information Technology Industry; Web Services Industry
Rivkin, Jan W., and Jay R. Girotto. "Yahoo!: Business on Internet Time." Harvard Business School Case 700-013, July 1999. (Revised January 2000.)
- July 1999
- Article
An American Democracy Network: Factors Shaping the Future of On-line Political Campaigns
By: Sharon Docter, William H Dutton and Anita Elberse
Docter, Sharon, William H Dutton, and Anita Elberse. "An American Democracy Network: Factors Shaping the Future of On-line Political Campaigns." Parliamentary Affairs 52, no. 3 (July 1999): 535–552.
- June 1999 (Revised May 2000)
- Exercise
Working with your "Shadow Partner" in the healthcare industry (A)
By: Richard L. Nolan
Intended to introduce individuals to search engines and databases on the Internet, in particular those that are available to HBS. This exercise is a more difficult version of Working with Your "Shadow Partner" and is intended for those with some previous Internet... View Details
Nolan, Richard L. Working with your "Shadow Partner" in the healthcare industry (A). Harvard Business School Exercise 399-177, June 1999. (Revised May 2000.)
- June 1999 (Revised June 2000)
- Case
Eckerd Corporation
By: Michael E. Porter and John E. Kelleher
Describes the history and current situation in the retail pharmacy industry, including competition from new merchants and Internet drugstores. Eckerd, one of the top four drug chains, must decide how to position itself for the future. View Details
Porter, Michael E., and John E. Kelleher. "Eckerd Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 799-141, June 1999. (Revised June 2000.)
- May 1999 (Revised March 2001)
- Case
Marshall Industries
Confounding predictions that the Internet would "disintermediate" commerce, making "middle man" companies all but obsolete, Marshall Industries, a leading electronics distributor, used the Internet and digital technologies to reinvent itself. Marshall continued to sell... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Digital Platforms; Internet and the Web; Supply Chain; Emerging Markets; Customer Focus and Relationships; Distribution Industry; Electronics Industry
Rayport, Jeffrey F., and Cathy Olofson. "Marshall Industries." Harvard Business School Case 899-239, May 1999. (Revised March 2001.)
- May 1999
- Background Note
Broadband Race, The
By: David B. Yoffie and Mary Kwak
Surveys developments in broadband in the late 1990s, focusing on the rivalry between telecom companies deploying DSL and cable companies rolling out cable modem service. Reviews the major broadband technologies, examines the state of competition in the United States,... View Details
Keywords: Technological Innovation; Internet and the Web; Competition; Telecommunications Industry; United States; Hong Kong; Singapore
Yoffie, David B., and Mary Kwak. "Broadband Race, The." Harvard Business School Background Note 799-106, May 1999.
- April 1999
- Case
Steve Perlman and WebTV (A)
By: James K. Sebenius and Ron Fortgang
The dynamics of a linked series of internal and external negotiations involved in launching, growing, and selling a high-tech, Internet start-up are explored. Steve Perlman unfurled an impressive new technology, recruited a top technical and management team, secured... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Entrepreneurship; Agreements and Arrangements; Negotiation Tactics; Alliances; Internet; Communications Industry
Sebenius, James K., and Ron Fortgang. "Steve Perlman and WebTV (A)." Harvard Business School Case 899-270, April 1999.
- April 1999
- Case
Steve Perlman and WebTV (B)
By: James K. Sebenius and Ron Fortgang
The dynamics of a linked series of internal and external negotiations involved in launching, growing, and selling a high-tech, Internet start-up are explored. Steve Perlman unfurled an impressive new technology, recruited a top technical and management team, secured... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Business Startups; Agreements and Arrangements; Negotiation Process; Value Creation; Alliances; Technological Innovation; Business Exit or Shutdown; Television Entertainment; Media and Broadcasting Industry
Sebenius, James K., and Ron Fortgang. "Steve Perlman and WebTV (B)." Harvard Business School Case 899-271, April 1999.
- April 1999
- Case
Inktomi: Scaling the Internet
By: Marco Iansiti, Myra M. Hart and Richard Bergin
Presents the early months of Inktomi, a company that invented the world's first truly scalable architecture for the Internet. This core technology provides a platform for a variety of innovative applications. The company must decide the direction it wants to take. View Details
Iansiti, Marco, Myra M. Hart, and Richard Bergin. "Inktomi: Scaling the Internet." Harvard Business School Case 699-156, April 1999.
- spring 1999
- Article
Building a Company on Internet Time: Lessons from Netscape
By: D. B. Yoffie and M. A. Cusumano
Yoffie, D. B., and M. A. Cusumano. "Building a Company on Internet Time: Lessons from Netscape." California Management Review 41, no. 3 (spring 1999): 8–28.
- April 1999
- Article
Software Development Strategy for the Internet Age: Lessons from Netscape's Cross-platform Development Strategy
By: M. A. Cusumano and D. B. Yoffie
Keywords: Applications and Software; Research and Development; Strategy; Internet and the Web; Learning; Web Services Industry
Cusumano, M. A., and D. B. Yoffie. "Software Development Strategy for the Internet Age: Lessons from Netscape's Cross-platform Development Strategy." Jōhō shori [Journal of the Information Processing Society of Japan] 40, no. 4 (April 1999): 418–423.
- March 1999
- Case
MySoftware Company (A)
By: H. Kent Bowen and Nicole Tempest
In 1997, Gregory Slayton took the position as CEO of MySoftware, which had been experiencing revenue and operating losses for the past two years. Within 90 days, he stabilized the company through a combination of cost cutting, financial discipline, and accountability... View Details
Keywords: Decisions; Cost Management; Profit; Employees; Growth and Development Strategy; Operations; Outcome or Result; Partners and Partnerships; Internet and the Web; Applications and Software; Information Technology Industry
Bowen, H. Kent, and Nicole Tempest. "MySoftware Company (A)." Harvard Business School Case 699-121, March 1999.
- March 1999 (Revised May 1999)
- Case
Network Associates: Securing the Internet
By: Debora L. Spar
Follows one company's path through the uncharted terrain of government regulation and the Internet. In March 1998, Network Associates announced it would begin selling powerful encryption software from its Dutch subsidiary. Such a move looked to the U.S. government like... View Details
Keywords: Internet and the Web; Information Technology Industry; Public Administration Industry; Telecommunications Industry; United States
Spar, Debora L., and Jennifer Burns. "Network Associates: Securing the Internet." Harvard Business School Case 799-087, March 1999. (Revised May 1999.)
- February 1999
- Case
Crimson Solutions (A)
By: Marco Iansiti and Barbara Feinberg
Describes the design and launch of an Internet venture. Focuses on the drivers of the venture's scalability and adaptability. View Details
Iansiti, Marco, and Barbara Feinberg. "Crimson Solutions (A)." Harvard Business School Case 699-139, February 1999.
- February 1999 (Revised March 2001)
- Case
Egghead to (A)
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Marie Bell
Over the course of 12 months in 1997 and 1998, Egghead senior management decided to shut down its 180 brick-and-mortar retail stores and move to an electronic store. The case describes the evolution of that process, and the role of its CEO George Orban, and poses... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Internet and the Web; Transformation; Decisions; Corporate Strategy; Marketing Strategy; Market Transactions; Buildings and Facilities; Retail Industry
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Marie Bell. "Egghead to (A)." Harvard Business School Case 599-093, February 1999. (Revised March 2001.)
- February 1999 (Revised May 1999)
- Case
Onsale, Inc.
By: Youngme E. Moon
Onsale has been a pioneer in electronic commerce, offering excess and refurbished goods using an online auction format. The company is now planning to become a player in the highly competitive world of first-run computer merchandise as well. However, unlike other... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Transformation; Customers; Brands and Branding; Auctions; Network Effects; Strategic Planning; Competitive Strategy; Internet and the Web; Retail Industry
Moon, Youngme E. "Onsale, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 599-091, February 1999. (Revised May 1999.)
- January 1999 (Revised March 2000)
- Case
ZEFER: November 1998
By: Paul A. Gompers
ZEFER, a young Internet professional service firm, is considering its expansion options. Organic growth versus growth by acquisition is a central theme. The firm's financing strategy will be determined by its business strategy. View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Financial Strategy; Service Operations; Business Strategy; Expansion; Internet; Service Industry
Gompers, Paul A. "ZEFER: November 1998." Harvard Business School Case 299-032, January 1999. (Revised March 2000.)