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- Faculty Publications (1,393)
- 8 May 2012
- Other Presentation
Value-Based Health Care Delivery
This presentation draws on Redefining Health Care: Creating Value-Based Competition on Results (with Elizabeth O. Teisberg), Harvard Business School Press, May 2006; "A Strategy for Health Care Reform—Toward a Value-Based System," New England Journal of... View Details
Porter, Michael E. "Value-Based Health Care Delivery." Medical Education Grand Rounds, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York City, NY, May 8, 2012.
- February 2012
- Background Note
The Market for Healthcare
By: Joseph L. Bower and Michael Norris
Bower, Joseph L., and Michael Norris. "The Market for Healthcare." Harvard Business School Background Note 312-040, February 2012.
- 2014
- Working Paper
Team Scaffolds: How Meso-Level Structures Support Role-based Coordination in Temporary Groups
By: Melissa A. Valentine and Amy C. Edmondson
This paper shows how meso-level structures support effective coordination in temporary groups. Prior research on coordination in temporary groups describes how roles encode individual responsibilities so that coordination between relative strangers is possible. We... View Details
Keywords: Fluid Personnel; Team Scaffolds; Team Effectiveness; Role-based Coordination; Multi-method; Health Care and Treatment; Analytics and Data Science; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Organizational Structure; Outcome or Result; Performance Effectiveness; Groups and Teams; Networks; Behavior; Balance and Stability; Health Industry
Valentine, Melissa A., and Amy C. Edmondson. "Team Scaffolds: How Meso-Level Structures Support Role-based Coordination in Temporary Groups." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 12-062, January 2012. (Revised June 2014.)
- 12 Jan 2012
- Other Presentation
Value-Based Health Care Delivery Faculty Information Session
Keywords: Health
Porter, Michael E. "Value-Based Health Care Delivery Faculty Information Session." Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, Boston, MA, January 12, 2012.
- 11 Jan 2012
- Other Presentation
Value-Based Health Care Delivery: Outcomes Measurement
Keywords: Health
Porter, Michael E. "Value-Based Health Care Delivery: Outcomes Measurement." Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, Boston, MA, January 11, 2012.
- 11 Jan 2012
- Other Presentation
Value-Based Health Care Delivery: Reimbursement
Keywords: Health
Porter, Michael E. "Value-Based Health Care Delivery: Reimbursement." Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, Boston, MA, January 11, 2012.
- 9 Jan 2012
- Other Presentation
Value Based Health Care Delivery: Welcome and Introduction
Keywords: Health
Porter, Michael E. "Value Based Health Care Delivery: Welcome and Introduction." Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, Boston, MA, January 9, 2012.
- 2012
- Other Book
Redefining German Health Care: Moving to a Value-Based System
By: Michael E. Porter and Clemens Guth
The German health care system is on a collision course with budget realities. Costs are high and rising, and quality problems are becoming ever more apparent. Decades of reforms have produced little change to these troubling trends. Why has Germany failed to solve... View Details
Keywords: Health
Porter, Michael E., and Clemens Guth. Redefining German Health Care: Moving to a Value-Based System. Heidelberg: Springer, 2012.
- December 2011 (Revised December 2011)
- Case
Cancer Treatment Centers of America: Scaling the Mother Standard of Care
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Matthew Bird
The CEO of a private and growing national network of specialty care hospitals focusing on advanced-stage and complex cancer treatments reflected on the firm's past phase of growth before meeting with the company's Chairman and founder to discuss how to further scale... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Business Growth and Maturation; Medical Specialties; Service Delivery; Innovation and Invention; Health Industry
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, and Matthew Bird. "Cancer Treatment Centers of America: Scaling the Mother Standard of Care." Harvard Business School Case 312-073, December 2011. (Revised December 2011.)
- 2011
- Article
Strategic Change and the Jazz Mindset: Exploring Practices That Enhance Dynamic Capabilities for Organizational Improvisation
By: Ethan S. Bernstein and Frank J. Barrett
How can leaders adopt a mindset that maximizes learning, remains responsive to short-term emergent opportunities, and simultaneously strengthens longer-term dynamic capabilities of the organization? This chapter explores the organizational decisions and practices... View Details
Keywords: Dynamic Capabilities; Strategic Change; Jazz; Jazz Mindset; Improvisation; Innovation; Change Management; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Innovation and Management; Innovation Leadership; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Leading Change; Leadership Style; Leadership; Management; Management Style; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Organizations; Creativity; Strategy; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; United States; Japan; Taiwan; Europe; Asia
Bernstein, Ethan S., and Frank J. Barrett. "Strategic Change and the Jazz Mindset: Exploring Practices That Enhance Dynamic Capabilities for Organizational Improvisation." Research in Organizational Change and Development 19 (2011): 55–90.
- November 2011 (Revised December 2013)
- Case
Accretive Health
By: William A. Sahlman and Evan Richardson
Mary Tolan, CEO Accretive Health, examines whether to expand the company's operations in hospital revenue cycle management into the field of Total Cost of Care management. View Details
Sahlman, William A., and Evan Richardson. "Accretive Health." Harvard Business School Case 812-061, November 2011. (Revised December 2013.)
- November 2011 (Revised February 2012)
- Supplement
Foxconn Technology Group (B)
By: Robert G. Eccles, George Serafeim and Beiting Cheng
The (B) case presents Foxconn’s plan to replace manual labor with robots and move some of its employees to more interesting and sophisticated jobs. View Details
Keywords: Multinational; Labor Market; Electronic Manufacturing Services; Health & Wellness; Robots; Automation; Social Responsibility; Employee Relationship Management; Safety; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Technology Industry; China
Eccles, Robert G., George Serafeim, and Beiting Cheng. "Foxconn Technology Group (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 112-058, November 2011. (Revised February 2012.)
- October 2011 (Revised December 2012)
- Case
eHealthpoint: Healthcare for Rural India
By: Richard G. Hamermesh, Mona Sinha and Elizabeth Vrolyk
Healthpoint Services sought to address rural India's shortage of quality and affordable healthcare with a multi-service platform that comprised telemedical health clinics called eHealthpoints, clean drinking water, a diagnostic lab, and a pharmacy. Could they convince... View Details
Hamermesh, Richard G., Mona Sinha, and Elizabeth Vrolyk. "eHealthpoint: Healthcare for Rural India." Harvard Business School Case 812-020, October 2011. (Revised December 2012.)
- October 2011 (Revised March 2012)
- Case
Cottle-Taylor: Expanding the Oral Care Group in India
By: John A. Quelch and Alisa Zalosh
Brinda Patel, director of oral care products for the India division of a consumer home-care product company, develops a data-driven marketing plan for toothbrushes. She believes her plan can support a 20% increase in unit sales based on rising demand for modern... View Details
Keywords: Forecasting; Budgeting; International Marketing; Product Planning & Policy; Sales Promotions; Marketing Plans; Products; Marketing Strategy; Consumer Behavior; Emerging Markets; Forecasting and Prediction; Advertising; Product Launch; Budgets and Budgeting; Product Development; Health Industry; Health Industry; India
Quelch, John A., and Alisa Zalosh. "Cottle-Taylor: Expanding the Oral Care Group in India." Harvard Business School Brief Case 114-350, October 2011. (Revised March 2012.)
- September 2011
- Supplement
Expansion at Narayana Hrudayalaya
By: Tarun Khanna and Tanya Bijlani
Narayana Hrudayalaya has expanded into a multi-specialty health city in Bangalore, with a 25-acre campus that offers complex tertiary care procedures ranging from orthopedics to cancer care. In 2008, NH raised private equity from JP Morgan and Pinebridge Investments to... View Details
Keywords: Investment; Price; Health Care and Treatment; Emerging Markets; Social Enterprise; Expansion; Health Industry; Bangalore; Cayman Islands; Miami
Khanna, Tarun, and Tanya Bijlani. "Expansion at Narayana Hrudayalaya." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 712-801, September 2011.
- September 2011
- Supplement
Narayana Hrudayalaya Heart Hospital
By: Tarun Khanna and Tanya Bijlani
Narayana Hrudayalaya (NH) is one of the world's busiest heart hospitals, where surgeons perform 30-35 complex cardiac surgeries daily. With an average cost of $1,800 per surgery, the hospital treats patients at affordable prices, and does not turn away even the poorest... View Details
Keywords: Buildings and Facilities; Experience and Expertise; Cost Management; Insurance; Health Care and Treatment; Resource Allocation; Time Management; Emerging Markets; Infrastructure; Cooperative Ownership; Quality; Social Enterprise; Health Industry; Karnataka
Khanna, Tarun, and Tanya Bijlani. "Narayana Hrudayalaya Heart Hospital." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 712-802, September 2011.
- September 2011 (Revised February 2013)
- Case
Cleveland Clinic: Improving the Patient Experience
By: Ananth Raman and Anita L. Tucker
Healthcare has traditionally focused on medical outcomes and financial performance. The big question is always, "How much is it going to cost?" What would happen, though, if healthcare also considered the question of "How does the patient feel?" This case looks at the... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Customer Satisfaction; Performance Improvement; Service Delivery; Value Creation; Personal Characteristics; Human Needs
Raman, Ananth, and Anita L. Tucker. "Cleveland Clinic: Improving the Patient Experience." Harvard Business School Case 612-031, September 2011. (Revised February 2013.)
- September 2011
- Teaching Note
Tengion: Bringing Regenerative Medicine to Life (TN)
By: Elie Ofek and Natalie Kindred
Teaching Note for 510031. View Details
- September 2011 (Revised January 2012)
- Case
Telemonitoring at Visiting Nurse Health System
By: F. Warren McFarlan, Mark Keil and Mala Kaul
The Telemonitoring at Visiting Nurse Health System case presents one home healthcare organization's efforts to use telemonitoring to improve the quality of care provided to at-risk patients who were discharged from hospitals and needed home care. After two years of... View Details
Keywords: Capital Budgeting; Cost vs Benefits; Risk Management; Technology Adoption; Technological Innovation; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Competitive Strategy; Health Industry; Health Industry
McFarlan, F. Warren, Mark Keil, and Mala Kaul. "Telemonitoring at Visiting Nurse Health System." Harvard Business School Case 112-030, September 2011. (Revised January 2012.)
- September 2011 (Revised August 2014)
- Background Note
Note on Bundled Payment in Health Care
By: Regina E. Herzlinger and Charles C. Huang
The note explains how bundled health care payment differs from fee-for-service payment, provides examples of the difference between the two, describes early innovators in bundling and their results, provides guidance on how to make it happen, and elucidates the legal... View Details
Herzlinger, Regina E., and Charles C. Huang. "Note on Bundled Payment in Health Care." Harvard Business School Background Note 312-032, September 2011. (Revised August 2014.)