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- All HBS Web
- People (13)
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- Faculty Publications (9,699)
- July 2012
- Case
Transatlantic Holdings, Inc. - The Belle of the Ball
By: Clayton S. Rose and Aldo Sesia
In November of 2011 Transatlantic Holdings, Inc., a global property and casualty reinsurance company, announced it had agreed to sell itself to Alleghany Corporation, ending "the most frenzied takeover battle" of 2011, which involved competitors, Warren Buffett's... View Details
Keywords: Mergers & Acquisitions; Finance; Insurance And Reinsurance; Governance; Insurance; Mergers and Acquisitions; Strategy; Valuation; Financial Services Industry; Insurance Industry; United States; Bermuda; Switzerland
Rose, Clayton S., and Aldo Sesia. "Transatlantic Holdings, Inc. - The Belle of the Ball." Harvard Business School Case 313-017, July 2012.
- May 2017 (Revised October 2017)
- Case
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies: Building Breakthrough Innovations in Crowd-Powered Ecosystems
By: Lynda M. Applegate, Terri L. Griffith and Ann Majchrzak
Dirk Ahlborn, co-founder and CEO of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, Inc. (HTT) looks back at the evolving organizational design and community that allows HTT to be crowd-powered. Since the founding in 2013, HTT has dealt with building an organization with less... View Details
Keywords: Collaboration; Crowdsourcing; Entrepreneurial Finance; Innovation; Organizational Design; Startups; Business Startups; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Entrepreneurship; Finance; Product Development
Applegate, Lynda M., Terri L. Griffith, and Ann Majchrzak. "Hyperloop Transportation Technologies: Building Breakthrough Innovations in Crowd-Powered Ecosystems." Harvard Business School Case 817-134, May 2017. (Revised October 2017.)
- April 2023
- Case
Elliott Management: Capital Allocation in Biopharma
By: Amitabh Chandra, Paul Clancy and Lauren Gunasti
The case explores the intersection of capital allocation and shareholder activism in the biopharmaceutical industry. As many biopharma companies face looming patent expirations for key medicines, the case asks the question of whether investing in R&D and M&A is an... View Details
Keywords: Finance; Strategy; Capital Allocation; Biopharmaceutical Industry; Shareholder Activism; Investment Activism; Resource Allocation; Research and Development; Business and Shareholder Relations; Corporate Strategy; Pharmaceutical Industry
Chandra, Amitabh, Paul Clancy, and Lauren Gunasti. "Elliott Management: Capital Allocation in Biopharma." Harvard Business School Case 623-045, April 2023.
- March 2021
- Teaching Plan
The Black New Venture Competition
Black entrepreneurs encounter many unique obstacles when raising capital to start and grow a business, some stemming from deep systemic discrimination. During their second year at Harvard Business School (HBS), MBA students Kimberly Foster and Tyler Simpson decided to... View Details
Keywords: Analytics; Startup; Start-up; Startup Financing; Financing; Startups; Start-ups; Business And Community; Business And Society; Business Growth; Discrimination; Women; Women-owned Businesses; African Americans; African-american Entrepreneurs; African-american Investors; African-American Protagonist; African-American Women; Early Stage Funding; Early Stage; Innovation & Entrepreneurship; Innovation Competitions; Entrepreneurial Financing; Business Plan; Business Startups; Diversity; Gender; Race; Entrepreneurship; Venture Capital; Small Business; Leadership; Information Technology; Competition
- October 2021
- Article
Fintech Borrowers: Lax Screening or Cream-Skimming?
By: Marco Di Maggio and Vincent Yao
Personal credit is the fastest-growing segment of the consumer credit market, mainly driven by fintech lenders' staggering expansion. We study this market using a unique individual-level data, which covers most of the top fintech and traditional lenders, and provides... View Details
Keywords: Fintech; Lending; Consumer Finance; Credit History; Self-control; Present Bias; Financing and Loans; Personal Finance; Credit; Behavior
Di Maggio, Marco, and Vincent Yao. "Fintech Borrowers: Lax Screening or Cream-Skimming?" Review of Financial Studies 34, no. 10 (October 2021): 4565–4618. (LEAD ARTICLE and EDITOR'S CHOICE.)
- 2024
- Working Paper
Foreign Influence in U.S. Politics
By: Marco Grotteria, Max Miller and S. Lakshmi Naaraayanan
This paper investigates the informational role of lobbyists in the context of foreign lobbying in the United States. Using Department of Justice data on contacts between foreign governments and US legislators, we show that exogenous shocks to these connections... View Details
Grotteria, Marco, Max Miller, and S. Lakshmi Naaraayanan. "Foreign Influence in U.S. Politics." Working Paper, October 2024.
- January 2019
- Teaching Note
Innova Capital: The Transition
By: Josh Lerner, Nori Gerardo Lietz and Terrence Shu
Teaching Note for HBS No. 813-064. View Details
- October 1995
- Article
New Trading Practices and Short-Run Market Efficiency
By: Kenneth A. Froot and André Perold
Keywords: Institutional Investing; Market Efficiency; Behavioral Finance; Equities; Stock Market; Indexing; Financial Markets; Asset Pricing
Froot, Kenneth A., and André Perold. "New Trading Practices and Short-Run Market Efficiency." Journal of Futures Markets 15, no. 7 (October 1995): 731–766. (Revised from NBER Working Paper No. 3498, October 1990.)
- 2022
- Article
The Pricing and Ownership of U.S. Green Bonds
By: Malcolm Baker, Daniel Bergstresser, George Serafeim and Jeffrey Wurgler
We study green bonds, which are bonds whose proceeds are used for environmentally sensitive purposes. After an overview of the U.S. corporate and municipal green bonds markets, we study pricing and ownership patterns using a simple framework that incorporates assets... View Details
Keywords: Green Bond; Pricing; Climate Finance; ESG; SRI; Sustainable; Municipal; Bonds; Environmental Sustainability; Financial Markets; Price; Ownership; United States
Baker, Malcolm, Daniel Bergstresser, George Serafeim, and Jeffrey Wurgler. "The Pricing and Ownership of U.S. Green Bonds." Annual Review of Financial Economics 14 (2022): 415–437.
- January 2008
- Article
On the Pricing of Intermediated Risks: Theory and Application to Catastrophe Reinsurance
By: K. A. Froot and P. O'Connell
Keywords: Catastrophe Risk; Corporate Finance; Banking And Insurance; Hedging; Banking; Financial Markets; Insurance; Policy; Risk Management; Natural Disasters; Cost of Capital; Asset Pricing; Insurance Industry
Froot, K. A., and P. O'Connell. "On the Pricing of Intermediated Risks: Theory and Application to Catastrophe Reinsurance." Special Issue on Dynamics of Insurance Markets: Structure, Conduct, and Performance in the 21st Century Journal of Banking & Finance 32, no. 1 (January 2008): 69–85. (Revised from NBER Working Paper No. 6011, April 1997, Harvard Business School Working Paper No. 98-024, 1997.)
- 01 Mar 2023
- News
3-Minute Briefing: Qiao Ma (MBA 2010)
My dad was an engineering professor, but his true passion was the stock market. When I was six or seven years old, he brought me to a local brokerage office in Guangzhou. It was the early 1990s and the room was packed with men, all smoking. People cheered when the live... View Details
Keywords: Julia Hanna; stock market; investment; finance; Australia; China; Asia; strategy; Finance; Finance
- October 2015 (Revised January 2017)
- Case
UPower Technologies Inc.
By: Joseph B. Lassiter III, William A. Sahlman and Liz Kind
The UPower founders, Jake DeWitte and Caroline Cochran, were recent graduates from MIT's Nuclear Science and Engineering Department. They chose to attend Palo Alto–based Y Combinator's accelerator program to focus on building a "mini" nuclear reactor that would produce... View Details
Keywords: Nuclear; Nuclear Energy; Nuclear Power; Energy Markets; New Nuclear; Entrepreneurial Finance; Entrepreneurial Marketing; Business & Government Relations; Off-grid; Energy; Renewable Energy; Energy Generation; Energy Sources; Entrepreneurship; Marketing; Business and Government Relations; Energy Industry; Utilities Industry; United States
Lassiter, Joseph B., III, William A. Sahlman, and Liz Kind. "UPower Technologies Inc." Harvard Business School Case 816-054, October 2015. (Revised January 2017.)
- November 2012
- Case
Occupy Wall Street
By: Rakesh Khurana and Eric Baldwin
This case examines the Occupy Wall Street movement, which emerged in late 2011 in response to the fallout from the global financial crisis of 2008 and the economic downturn that followed. Occupy Wall Street was born out of a sense of frustration with both a global... View Details
- Teaching Interest
The Entrepreneurial Manager
This course addresses the issues faced by managers who wish to turn opportunity into viable organizations that create value, and empowers students to develop their own approaches, guidelines, and skills for being entrepreneurial managers.
The course teaches... View Details
- 2018
- Book
Varieties of Green Business: Industries, Nations and Time
By: Geoffrey Jones
Published at a time of ever-increasing warnings that the pace of climate change and other environmental changes risk making the Earth unsustainable within our own lifetimes, this book looks at the past of green business to identify lessons for the future. It provides... View Details
Keywords: Green Business; Sustainability; Business History; Eco-tourism; Organic Wine; Organic Food; Waste Management; Sustainable Finance; Ethics; Finance; History; Entrepreneurship; Accommodations Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Banking Industry; Energy Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Green Technology Industry; Tourism Industry; Europe; Asia; Latin America; North and Central America; New Zealand
Jones, Geoffrey. Varieties of Green Business: Industries, Nations and Time. Northamption, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018.
- 1994
- Chapter
International Experiences with Securities Transaction Taxes
By: K. A. Froot and J. Campbell
Keywords: Corporation Taxation; Interest Deductibility; Cost Of Capital; Corporate Finance; Accounting; Borrowing and Debt; Financing and Loans; Interest Rates
Froot, K. A., and J. Campbell. "International Experiences with Securities Transaction Taxes." In The Internationalization of Equity Markets, edited by J. Frankel, 277–308. University of Chicago Press, 1994. (Revised from NBER Working Paper No. 4587, December 1993; also featured in The NBER Digest, May 1994.)
- June 30, 2020
- Article
Bipartisan Tax-Free Solution to Health Care Financing: Coupling HRAs With a Public Option
By: Regina E. Herzlinger, Richard Boxer and James Wallace
A combination of health insurance initiatives by the presumptive 2020 Democratic and Republican presidential nominees could expand health care coverage and significantly reduce costs, without raising taxes. Along the way, the combination could revitalize private... View Details
Keywords: Health Care Financing; Public Option; Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA); Health Care and Treatment; Insurance; Cost Management
Herzlinger, Regina E., Richard Boxer, and James Wallace. "Bipartisan Tax-Free Solution to Health Care Financing: Coupling HRAs With a Public Option." Health Affairs Blog (June 30, 2020).
- 2023
- Working Paper
Judging Foreign Startups
By: Nataliya Langburd Wright, Rembrand Koning and Tarun Khanna
Can accelerators pick the most promising startup ideas no matter their provenance? Using unique data from a global accelerator where judges are randomly assigned to evaluate startups headquartered across the globe, we show that judges are less likely to recommend... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship And Strategy; Entrepreneurial Financing; Innovation; Bias; International; Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Global Strategy; Business Startups; Financing and Loans; Decision Making
Wright, Nataliya Langburd, Rembrand Koning, and Tarun Khanna. "Judging Foreign Startups." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-097, March 2021. (Revised January 2023. Accepted at the Strategic Management Journal.)
- August 2023
- Article
Can Security Design Foster Household Risk-Taking?
By: Laurent Calvet, Claire Célérier, Paolo Sodini and Boris Vallée
This paper shows that securities with a non-linear payoff design can foster household risk-taking. We demonstrate this effect empirically by exploiting the introduction of capital guarantee products in Sweden from 2002 to 2007. The fast and broad adoption of these... View Details
Keywords: Financial Innovation; Household Finance; Structured Products; Stock Market Participation; Finance; Innovation and Invention; Household; Personal Finance; Risk and Uncertainty; Behavior; Market Participation
Calvet, Laurent, Claire Célérier, Paolo Sodini, and Boris Vallée. "Can Security Design Foster Household Risk-Taking?" Journal of Finance 78, no. 4 (August 2023): 1917–1966.
- 2012
- Chapter
Is Private Equity in Emerging Markets Coming of Age?: Evidence of the Mexican Private Equity Market
By: Roberto Charvel and Darek Klonowski
This chapters reviews the potential of the private equity and alternative assets industry in Mexico. View Details
Keywords: Private Equity; Emerging Markets; Latin America; Mexico; Entrepreneurial Finance; Business Ventures; Economics; Finance; Market Design; Financial Services Industry; Latin America; Mexico
Charvel, Roberto, and Darek Klonowski. "Is Private Equity in Emerging Markets Coming of Age? Evidence of the Mexican Private Equity Market." Chap. 22 in Private Equity in Emerging Markets: The New Frontiers of International Markets, edited by Darek Klonowski. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.