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- All HBS Web
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- November 2017 (Revised April 2019)
- Case
Summa Equity: Building Purpose-Driven Organizations
By: George Serafeim and David Freiberg
In 2015, Reynir Indahl left top Nordic private equity firm Altor Equity Partners to found Summa Equity (Summa). After long contemplation following the financial crisis, Indahl was convinced the financial system was producing negative externalities and that the current... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Purpose; ESG; ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance; Social Impact; Investment Management; Management Practices; Innovation; Voice; Environmental Impact; Private Equity; Social Enterprise; Finance; Capital Markets; Management Practices and Processes; Innovation Leadership; Leadership; Innovation and Management; Entrepreneurship; Mission and Purpose; Value Creation; Financial Services Industry; Norway; Sweden; Scandinavia
Serafeim, George, and David Freiberg. "Summa Equity: Building Purpose-Driven Organizations." Harvard Business School Case 118-028, November 2017. (Revised April 2019.)
- 21 Nov 2023
- Research & Ideas
Employee Negativity Is Like Wildfire. Manage It Before It Spreads.
the emotional impact. Goldenberg uses the example of an investor forum after a less-than-stellar earnings call. As stock prices drop, forum members often share explanations for the reported profits, which might be lower due to a recent corporate investment that is... View Details
Keywords: by Kristen Senz
- February 2017 (Revised April 2018)
- Case
Kameda Seika: Cracking the U.S. Market
By: Elie Ofek, Nobuo Sato and Akiko Kanno
In spring 2016, Kameda’s CEO, Michiyasu Tanaka, is facing difficult questions from board members over the lackluster performance of the company’s U.S. subsidiary. Kameda was the leading player in the Japanese rice cracker market and was looking to expand overseas to... View Details
Keywords: Marketing Strategy; Growth and Development Strategy; Adaptation; Performance Improvement; Food and Beverage Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Japan; United States
Ofek, Elie, Nobuo Sato, and Akiko Kanno. "Kameda Seika: Cracking the U.S. Market." Harvard Business School Case 517-095, February 2017. (Revised April 2018.)
- 06 Dec 2006
- Op-Ed
India Needs to Encourage Trade with China
Everyone points out that China-India bilateral trade, at roughly $19 billion in 2005, is a far cry from the $2 billion in 1999. Indeed, the increase is to be celebrated. Chinese President Hu Jintao's current visit to New Delhi cements the diplomatic and economic... View Details
Keywords: by Tarun Khanna
- April 2014 (Revised July 2015)
- Case
Sanofi Pasteur: The Dengue Vaccine Dilemma
By: V. Kasturi Rangan, David E. Bloom, Vincent Dessain and Emilie Billaud
In 2012, Sanofi Pasteur was racing to develop a vaccine against dengue, a mosquito-borne disease, and was evaluating this product in a Phase IIb trial conducted with school children in Thailand. But while the candidate vaccine met the high safety expectations and a... View Details
Keywords: Health Testing and Trials; Product Launch; Market Entry and Exit; Emerging Markets; Pharmaceutical Industry; France
Rangan, V. Kasturi, David E. Bloom, Vincent Dessain, and Emilie Billaud. "Sanofi Pasteur: The Dengue Vaccine Dilemma." Harvard Business School Case 514-074, April 2014. (Revised July 2015.)
- Article
From Wealth to Well-Being? Money Matters, but Less than People Think
By: Lara B. Aknin, Michael I. Norton and Elizabeth W. Dunn
While numerous studies have documented the modest (though reliable) link between household income and well-being, we examined the accuracy of laypeople's intuitions about this relationship by asking people from across the income spectrum to report their own... View Details
Aknin, Lara B., Michael I. Norton, and Elizabeth W. Dunn. "From Wealth to Well-Being? Money Matters, but Less than People Think." Journal of Positive Psychology 4, no. 6 (2009): 523–527.
- 2009
- Working Paper
Product-Market Competition and Managerial Autonomy
By: Christian Alejandro Ruzzier
It is often argued that competition forces managers to make better choices, thus favoring managerial autonomy in decision making. I formalize and challenge this idea. Suppose that managers care about keeping their position or avoiding interference, and that they can... View Details
Ruzzier, Christian Alejandro. "Product-Market Competition and Managerial Autonomy." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 09-082, January 2009.
- May 2007
- Article
Location Strategies and Knowledge Spillovers
By: Juan Alcacer and Wilbur Chung
Given the importance of proximity for knowledge spillovers, we examine firms' location choices expecting differences in firms' strategies. Firms will locate to maximize their net spillovers as a function of locations' knowledge activity, their own capabilities, and... View Details
Keywords: Business Strategy; Corporate Strategy; For-Profit Firms; Knowledge Management; Research and Development; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Disruptive Innovation; Five Forces Framework; Cost Management; Technology; Competition; United States
Alcacer, Juan, and Wilbur Chung. "Location Strategies and Knowledge Spillovers." Management Science 53, no. 5 (May 2007): 760–776.
- April 1982 (Revised June 1985)
- Case
Westinghouse Electric Corp.: Quality of Earnings Analysis
Westinghouse had just issued its annual report to shareholders for the year ending December 31, 1973. The report indicates that sales have increased to a record $5.7 billion but that net income is down almost 20% from its record level of $199 million in the previous... View Details
Bartczak, Norman. "Westinghouse Electric Corp.: Quality of Earnings Analysis." Harvard Business School Case 182-239, April 1982. (Revised June 1985.)
- November 1976
- Article
Partial Equilibrium Approach to the Free-Rider Problem
By: Jerry R. Green, Elon Kohlberg and Jean-Jacques Laffont
Groves and others have shown that truthful answers concerning preferences for public goods can be elicited as dominant strategies if appropriate tax-subsidies rules are applied. This paper studies the statistical properties of the total revenues generated by one of the... View Details
Keywords: Problems and Challenges
Green, Jerry R., Elon Kohlberg, and Jean-Jacques Laffont. "Partial Equilibrium Approach to the Free-Rider Problem." Journal of Public Economics 6, no. 4 (November 1976): 375–394.
- 30 Apr 2020
- News
Leading Your Team Past the Peak of a Crisis
- Web
Accounting & Management - Doctoral
degree programs which officially begin in August. Students are expected to complete their program in five years. Typically, the first two years are spent on coursework, at the end of which students take a field exam, and then another... View Details
- 22 Jan 2008
- Research & Ideas
New Challenges in Leading Professional Services
etc. PSFs promise one thing [to clients] and deliver another; clients are asking for more for less. The firms are becoming more global and more complex to lead. The professionals entering these organizations have higher expectations and... View Details
- 09 Jul 2010
- Working Paper Summaries
The Limits of Nonprofit Impact: A Contingency Framework for Measuring Social Performance
Keywords: by Alnoor Ebrahim & V. Kasturi Rangan
- 2015
- Working Paper
Initial Offer Precision and M&A Outcomes
By: Petri Hukkanen and Matti Keloharju
Building on recent research in social psychology, this paper analyzes the link between the precision of initial cash offers and M&A outcomes. About one-half of the offers are made at the precision of $1 or $5 per share, and an additional one-third at the precision of... View Details
Hukkanen, Petri, and Matti Keloharju. "Initial Offer Precision and M&A Outcomes." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 16-058, November 2015.
- September 2014 (Revised May 2015)
- Case
The United Kingdom and the Means to Prosperity
By: Laura Alfaro, Lakshmi Iyer and Hilary White
After struggling through the country's longest recession since 2008, the U.K. was expected to grow faster than any other G7 nation in 2014. Analysts wondered whether the return to growth was because, or in spite of, Prime Minister David Cameron's controversial £113... View Details
Keywords: United Kingdom; Keynesian Multiplier; Inflation; Inflation Targeting; Government Spending; Government Intervention In The Markets; Monetary Policy; Financial Crisis Management; Austerity; Inequality; Public Finance; Government Finance; Macroeconomics; Economics; Government and Politics; Inflation and Deflation; Financial Crisis; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Economic Growth; Business Cycles; Welfare; United Kingdom
Alfaro, Laura, Lakshmi Iyer, and Hilary White. "The United Kingdom and the Means to Prosperity." Harvard Business School Case 715-008, September 2014. (Revised May 2015.)
- September 2013 (Revised November 2013)
- Case
By: Ramana Nanda and Liz Kind
In early 2010, Naval Ravikant and Babak Nivi posted a list of angel investors on the Venture Hacks blog as a resource for founders looking for funding prior to seeking venture capital. The list quickly evolved into AngelList, a separate matchmaking platform for... View Details
Keywords: Angel Investors; Venture Capital; Entrepreneurial Finance; Finance; Entrepreneurship; Investment; Financial Services Industry; United States
Nanda, Ramana, and Liz Kind. "AngelList." Harvard Business School Case 814-036, September 2013. (Revised November 2013.)
- Research Summary
Contentment with Professor Roy Chua
Middle-Way is one of the core principles of Buddhism-it promotes a moderate lifestyle that is self-sufficient and void of excesses or extremes in any life domains. People with this type of lifestyle live a "content" life. However, could life... View Details
- 2016
- Chapter
Deriving an Optimally Deceptive Policy in Two-Player Iterated Games
By: Elisabeth Paulson and Christopher Griffin
We formulate the problem of determining an optimally deceptive strategy in a repeated game framework. We assume that two players are engaged in repeated play. During an initial time period, Player 1 may deceptively train his opponent to expect a specific strategy. The... View Details
Paulson, Elisabeth, and Christopher Griffin. "Deriving an Optimally Deceptive Policy in Two-Player Iterated Games." In Proceedings of 2016 American Control Conference. IEEE Press, 2016. (Developed with Booz Allen Hamilton.)