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- All HBS Web
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- 16 May 2011
- Research & Ideas
What Loyalty? High-End Customers are First to Flee
Businesses that offer their customers the highest levels of service might like to believe that all their efforts to pamper and please will pay off with an extremely loyal following. “Customers you might expect to be the most 'stuck' are... View Details
Keywords: by Julia Hanna
- 2017
- Working Paper
Why and How Investors Use ESG Information: Evidence from a Global Survey
Using survey data from a sample of senior investment professionals from mainstream (i.e., not SRI funds) investment organizations, we provide insights into why and how investors use reported environmental, social, and governance (ESG) information. The primary reason... View Details
Keywords: Investment Management; Sustainability; ESG; ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance; Investment Fund; Investment Strategy; Corporate Accountability; Activist Shareholder; Engagement; Environment; Climate Change; Customers; Customer Satisfaction; Employee Engagement; Global Warming; Investment; Decision Making; Environmental Sustainability; Performance Expectations
Serafeim, Georgios. "Why and How Investors Use ESG Information: Evidence from a Global Survey." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 17-079, February 2017.
- 22 Jan 2013
- First Look
First Look: Jan. 22 Expectations of Returns and Expected Returns Authors:Greenwood, Robin, and Andrei Shleifer Abstract We analyze time-series of investor View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 13 Mar 2014
- HBS Seminar
Karthik Ramanna, Harvard Business School
- 28 Nov 2011
- Research & Ideas
Rethinking the Fairness of Organ Transplants
simulations, the model suggests that life-year expectancies for the program can be increased by up to 8 percent, depending on variables plugged into the process. As with the "Moneyball" metrics movement in baseball, the goal of... View Details
- Program
Growing as a Purposeful Leader
Summary Leaders today have to lead in the context of extraordinary changes and challenges. The demands of today's stakeholders have risen significantly, and what is expected of senior leaders is quickly evolving in terms of their mission... View Details
- June 1991 (Revised December 1997)
- Case
Takeover of the Norton Co., The
By: Thomas R. Piper
After a decade of mediocre performance, the Norton Co. enters 1990 with the prospect of increased sales in the next few years. Yet Norton is pursuing slow growth industries, and a lower than expected earnings announcement at the beginning of 1990 has depressed earnings... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Business Conglomerates; Goals and Objectives; Forecasting and Prediction; Performance Evaluation; Revenue; Bids and Bidding; Business Processes; Ownership Stake
Piper, Thomas R. "Takeover of the Norton Co., The ." Harvard Business School Case 291-002, June 1991. (Revised December 1997.)
- June 2023
- Case
Dan McCrum - Unmasking Wirecard
By: Jonas Heese, Charles C.Y. Wang, Tonia Labruyere and Carlota Moniz
Dan McCrum, an investigative journalist for the Financial Times, had spent the past six years fighting to expose German payment processing firm Wirecard. The company had enjoyed years of exponential growth and was viewed by several investors as the poster child of... View Details
Keywords: Crime and Corruption; Accounting; Financial Services Industry; Journalism and News Industry; Europe; United Kingdom; Germany
Heese, Jonas, Charles C.Y. Wang, Tonia Labruyere, and Carlota Moniz. "Dan McCrum - Unmasking Wirecard." Harvard Business School Case 123-098, June 2023.
- Fourth Quarter 2017
- Article
Optimal Tilts: Combining Persistent Characteristic Portfolios
By: Malcolm Baker, Ryan Taliaferro and Terry Burnham
We examine the optimal weighting of four tilts in U.S. equity markets from 1968 through 2014. We define a “tilt” as a characteristic-based portfolio strategy that requires relatively low annual turnover. This is a continuum, with small size (a very persistent... View Details
Baker, Malcolm, Ryan Taliaferro, and Terry Burnham. "Optimal Tilts: Combining Persistent Characteristic Portfolios." Financial Analysts Journal 73, no. 4 (Fourth Quarter 2017): 75–89.
- Article
Operations Research in the Public Sector and Nonprofit Organizations
By: Zilla Sinuany-Stern and H. David Sherman
Public sector and nonprofit organizations (NPO) have been growing substantially in number and size since the turn of the millennium. In light of the ongoing economic crises these sectors are expected to grow even more with expanded demands for services, increased need... View Details
Sinuany-Stern, Zilla, and H. David Sherman. "Operations Research in the Public Sector and Nonprofit Organizations." Annals of Operations Research 221 (October 2014): 1–8.
- June 2004
- Case
AT&T's Transmission Systems Business Unit (A)
By: Rogelio Oliva, Elizabeth Keating and James Quinn
The newly appointed director of the project dedicated to reducing product development time for AT&T's Transmission Systems Business Unit (TSBU) is trying to decide how best to sustain the momentum of its Achieving Process Excellence (APEX) teams. During the past three... View Details
Keywords: Quality; Groups and Teams; Performance Improvement; Business Processes; Product Development; Telecommunications Industry
Oliva, Rogelio, Elizabeth Keating, and James Quinn. "AT&T's Transmission Systems Business Unit (A)." Harvard Business School Case 604-098, June 2004.
- 12 Apr 2010
- Research & Ideas
One Report: Better Strategy through Integrated Reporting
the needs and expectations of all stakeholders, how well it is meeting those needs and expectations, and what information will be most useful in reporting on this. Q: What is deficient about current reports? A: The King Code of Governance... View Details
Keywords: by Martha Lagace
- November 2017 (Revised April 2019)
- Case
Summa Equity: Building Purpose-Driven Organizations
By: George Serafeim and David Freiberg
In 2015, Reynir Indahl left top Nordic private equity firm Altor Equity Partners to found Summa Equity (Summa). After long contemplation following the financial crisis, Indahl was convinced the financial system was producing negative externalities and that the current... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Purpose; ESG; ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance; Social Impact; Investment Management; Management Practices; Innovation; Voice; Environmental Impact; Private Equity; Social Enterprise; Finance; Capital Markets; Management Practices and Processes; Innovation Leadership; Leadership; Innovation and Management; Entrepreneurship; Mission and Purpose; Value Creation; Financial Services Industry; Norway; Sweden; Scandinavia
Serafeim, George, and David Freiberg. "Summa Equity: Building Purpose-Driven Organizations." Harvard Business School Case 118-028, November 2017. (Revised April 2019.)
- Research Summary
Relative Thinking and Consumer Choice
Fixed differences appear smaller when compared to large differences. Professor Schwartzstein has proposed a model of relative thinking, in which a person weighs a given change by less when he compares it to a larger range. Relative thinking implies that a person is... View Details
- January 2018
- Article
The Globalization of Angel Investments: Evidence Across Countries
By: Josh Lerner, Antoinette Schoar, Stanislav Sokolinski and Karen Wilson
This paper examines investments made by 13 angel groups across 21 countries. We compare applicants just above and below the funding cutoff and find that these angel investors have a positive impact on the growth, performance, and survival of firms as well as their... View Details
Lerner, Josh, Antoinette Schoar, Stanislav Sokolinski, and Karen Wilson. "The Globalization of Angel Investments: Evidence Across Countries." Journal of Financial Economics 127, no. 1 (January 2018): 1–20.
- May 2006 (Revised July 2007)
- Case
Tropos Networks
By: Joseph B. Lassiter III and Elizabeth Kind
As Ron Sege, president and CEO of Tropos Networks, walked through the halls of the firm's offices, he realized that the space they had moved into only about a year ago was already becoming too small. The company, based in Sunnyvale, California, was founded in late 2000... View Details
Lassiter, Joseph B., III, and Elizabeth Kind. "Tropos Networks." Harvard Business School Case 806-201, May 2006. (Revised July 2007.)
- 28 Feb 2019
- News
The Future of Leadership Development
- 21 Nov 2023
- Research & Ideas
Employee Negativity Is Like Wildfire. Manage It Before It Spreads.
the emotional impact. Goldenberg uses the example of an investor forum after a less-than-stellar earnings call. As stock prices drop, forum members often share explanations for the reported profits, which might be lower due to a recent corporate investment that is... View Details
Keywords: by Kristen Senz
- 05 Sep 2023
- Book
Failing Well: How Your ‘Intelligent Failure’ Unlocks Your Full Potential
“hypothesis-driven,” meaning it’s informed by present knowledge. Trying something new requires doing your homework and basing your actions on a reasonable expectation of success. “You have reason to believe it could work,” Edmondson says.... View Details
Keywords: by Michael Blanding
- 2015
- Working Paper
Initial Offer Precision and M&A Outcomes
By: Petri Hukkanen and Matti Keloharju
Building on recent research in social psychology, this paper analyzes the link between the precision of initial cash offers and M&A outcomes. About one-half of the offers are made at the precision of $1 or $5 per share, and an additional one-third at the precision of... View Details
Hukkanen, Petri, and Matti Keloharju. "Initial Offer Precision and M&A Outcomes." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 16-058, November 2015.