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- Faculty Publications (81)
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- Faculty Publications (81)
- 2008
- Working Paper
Spanning the Institutional Abyss: The Intergovernmental Network and the Governance of Foreign Direct Investment
By: Juan Alcacer and Paul Ingram
Global economic transactions such as foreign direct investment must extend over an institutional abyss between the jurisdiction, and therefore protection, of the states involved. Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), whose members are states, represent an important... View Details
Keywords: International Finance; Foreign Direct Investment; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Governance Controls; International Relations; Social Issues
Alcacer, Juan, and Paul Ingram. "Spanning the Institutional Abyss: The Intergovernmental Network and the Governance of Foreign Direct Investment." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 09-045, September 2008.
- 2008
- Blog
Harvard Business Online—Marketing Know:How: How Marketing Helps Democracy
By: John A. Quelch
Quelch, John A. "How Marketing Helps Democracy." Harvard Business Online—Marketing Know:How (blog). January 31, 2008.
- 2008
- Book
Greater Good: How Good Marketing Makes for Better Democracy
By: John A. Quelch and Katherine E. Jocz
Marketing has a greater purpose, and marketers, a higher calling, than simply selling more widgets, according to John Quelch and Katherine Jocz. In "Greater Good", the authors contend that marketing performs an essential societal function—and does so democratically.... View Details
- 2008
- Article
Workplace Democracy, Workplace Republicanism, and Economic Democracy
By: Nien-he Hsieh
Hsieh, Nien-he. "Workplace Democracy, Workplace Republicanism, and Economic Democracy." Revue de philosophie économique 9, no. 1 (2008): 57–78.
- January 2007 (Revised February 2010)
- Case
Afghanistan 2006: Building a Brand New State
By: Noel Maurer, Debora L. Spar and J. Gunnar Trumbull
In 2006, Afghanistan remains a country in turmoil. It has a newly elected democratic government, a rebounding economy, and considerable economic potential. But the country is still torn by rival factions and dominated by the opium trade. Explores how Afghanistan has... View Details
Keywords: Developing Countries and Economies; Economic Growth; Policy; Government and Politics; Political Elections; Organizations; Outcome or Result; Afghanistan
Maurer, Noel, Debora L. Spar, and J. Gunnar Trumbull. "Afghanistan 2006: Building a Brand New State." Harvard Business School Case 707-033, January 2007. (Revised February 2010.)
- 2005
- Book
Imperial Reckoning: The Untold Story of Britain's Gulag in Kenya
In a groundbreaking and Pulitzer winning debut, Harvard historian and 1998 IDRF Fellow Caroline Elkins has recovered the lost history of the last days of British colonialism in Kenya. Elkins reveals for the first time what Britain so desperately tried to hide. In the... View Details
Elkins, Caroline M. Imperial Reckoning: The Untold Story of Britain's Gulag in Kenya. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 2005.
- January 2005
- Article
Accountability in Hong Kong: Transiting from Colony to Democracy
By: Dutch Leonard and Thomas Axworthy
- 2004
- Chapter
The Chinese Party-State under Democracy and Dictatorship on the Mainland and Taiwan
By: William C. Kirby
Kirby, William C. "The Chinese Party-State under Democracy and Dictatorship on the Mainland and Taiwan." In Realms of Freedom in Modern China. Vol. 15, edited by William C. Kirby, 113–138. Making of Modern Freedom. Stanford University Press, 2004.
- September 2003 (Revised May 2004)
- Case
New Partnership for Africa's Development, The
By: Laura Alfaro, Debora L. Spar and Cate Reavis
In a world context of international institutions such as the World Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund and their interaction with developing countries, this case looks at an African development initiative to address its own problems: The New Economic... View Details
Keywords: Development Economics; Developing Countries and Economies; International Finance; Investment; Poverty; Africa
Alfaro, Laura, Debora L. Spar, and Cate Reavis. "New Partnership for Africa's Development, The." Harvard Business School Case 704-006, September 2003. (Revised May 2004.)
- February 2002 (Revised February 2003)
- Case
Remaking the Rainbow Nation: South Africa 2002
By: Rawi E. Abdelal, Debora L. Spar and Katherine E. Cousins
In April 1994, the world witnessed a political milestone in South Africa. After decades of repression and racial segregation, South Africa's black majority came to power at last, as the African National Congress (ANC), led by the celebrated Nelson Mandela, rode into... View Details
Keywords: Development Economics; Race; Political Elections; Economic Growth; Business and Government Relations; South Africa
Abdelal, Rawi E., Debora L. Spar, and Katherine E. Cousins. "Remaking the Rainbow Nation: South Africa 2002." Harvard Business School Case 702-035, February 2002. (Revised February 2003.)
- January 2002 (Revised March 2006)
- Background Note
By: Rawi E. Abdelal
Surveys scholarship on democracy and democratization. Describes the relationship between democracy and the environment of business, including capitalist economic institutions, economic growth, economic reform, and international relations. View Details
Keywords: Economic Systems; Situation or Environment; Business and Government Relations; Economic Growth; International Relations; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms
Abdelal, Rawi E. "Democracy." Harvard Business School Background Note 702-036, January 2002. (Revised March 2006.)
- July 1999
- Article
An American Democracy Network: Factors Shaping the Future of On-line Political Campaigns
By: Sharon Docter, William H Dutton and Anita Elberse
Docter, Sharon, William H Dutton, and Anita Elberse. "An American Democracy Network: Factors Shaping the Future of On-line Political Campaigns." Parliamentary Affairs 52, no. 3 (July 1999): 535–552.
- Forthcoming
- Article
Asymmetric Mass Mobilization and the Vincibility of Democracy in Hungary
By: Laura Jakli, Béla Greskovits and Jason Wittenberg
Using an original dataset of partisan protest events in Hungary (n = 4836) spanning 1989 to 2011, we argue that left-liberal parties’ neglect in cultivating civil society during the post-communist period had deleterious downstream effects on Hungarian liberal... View Details
Keywords: Voting; Political Elections; Civil Society or Community; Government Administration; Hungary
Jakli, Laura, Béla Greskovits, and Jason Wittenberg. "Asymmetric Mass Mobilization and the Vincibility of Democracy in Hungary." Comparative Political Studies (forthcoming). (Pre-published online January 10, 2025.)
- 2022
- Government Testimony
Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, and Panama: A New Alliance for Promoting Democracy and Prosperity in the Americas
By: Laura Alfaro
Alfaro, Laura. "Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, and Panama: A New Alliance for Promoting Democracy and Prosperity in the Americas." Government Testimony, U.S. House of Representatives, Foreign Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, Civilian Security, Migration, and International Economic Policy, January 2022.
- Research Summary
Democratic Governance and Decision Making
By: David A. Moss
Under what conditions are public policies in a democracy determined by special interests or, alternatively, by the general interest? A good deal of academic work, particularly associated with the economic theory of regulation, suggests that special interests... View Details
- Forthcoming
- Article
Economic Integration and the Transmission of Democracy
By: Marco Tabellini and Giacomo Magistretti
In this paper, we study the effects of economic integration with democratic partners on democracy. We assemble a large country-level panel dataset from 1960 to 2015, and exploit improvements in air, relative to sea, transportation to derive a time-varying instrument... View Details
Keywords: Democratization; Institutional Development; Economic Integration; International Trade; Democracy; Political Preferences; Institutions; Trade; Global Range; Economics; Government and Politics
Tabellini, Marco, and Giacomo Magistretti. "Economic Integration and the Transmission of Democracy." Review of Economic Studies (forthcoming). (Pre-published online August 9, 2024. Available also from VOX, VOXEU, Atlantico, The Economist, Domani, and Ideas for India. Longer NBER working paper version available here.)
- Research Summary
By: Vincent Pons
Professor Pons studies questions in political economy and development with the goal of understanding how democratic systems function, and how they can be improved.
He decomposes the electoral cycle into four essential steps: the factors affecting voter... View Details
He decomposes the electoral cycle into four essential steps: the factors affecting voter... View Details
- Research Summary
Renovating Democratic Capitalism
This in-process work focuses on how best to address the declining public trust and confidence in democratic capitalism, which many citizens consider to be a cornerstone of our national ideology and identity? While the answer to this question is not entirely clear, I... View Details
- Forthcoming
- Book Review
Retrofitting Leninism: Participation Without Democracy in China | by Dimitar D. Gueorguiev // Outsourcing Repression: Everyday State Power in Contemporary China | by Lynette H. Ong
By: Meg Rithmire
Rithmire, Meg. "Retrofitting Leninism: Participation Without Democracy in China | by Dimitar D. Gueorguiev // Outsourcing Repression: Everyday State Power in Contemporary China | by Lynette H. Ong." Pacific Affairs (forthcoming). (Pre-published online November 14, 2024.)