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- Faculty Publications (77)
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- July 1972
- Article
The Nucleolus as a Solution to a Minimization Problem
By: Elon Kohlberg
Keywords: Problems and Challenges
Kohlberg, Elon. "The Nucleolus as a Solution to a Minimization Problem." SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 23, no. 1 (July 1972): 34 – 39.
- October 1986
- Background Note
Central Office Switch Industry in 1985
By: Elon Kohlberg
Kohlberg, Elon. "Central Office Switch Industry in 1985." Harvard Business School Background Note 187-053, October 1986.
- January 1982
- Background Note
Constant Sum Games
By: Elon Kohlberg
Keywords: Game Theory
Kohlberg, Elon. "Constant Sum Games." Harvard Business School Background Note 182-113, January 1982.
- January 1982
- Background Note
Canadian Constitution Amendment Scheme
By: Elon Kohlberg
Kohlberg, Elon. "Canadian Constitution Amendment Scheme." Harvard Business School Background Note 182-110, January 1982.
- November 1981
- Background Note
Agree II
By: Elon Kohlberg
Kohlberg, Elon. "Agree II." Harvard Business School Background Note 182-108, November 1981.
- July 1974
- Journal Article
Repeated Games with Absorbing States
By: Elon Kohlberg
Kohlberg, Elon. "Repeated Games with Absorbing States." Annals of Statistics 2, no. 4 (July 1974): 724–738.
- 1980
- Journal Article
Invariant Half-Lines of Nonexpansive Piecewise-Linear Transformations
By: Elon Kohlberg
Kohlberg, Elon. "Invariant Half-Lines of Nonexpansive Piecewise-Linear Transformations." Mathematics of Operations Research, no. 5 (1980): 366–372.
- Article
The Perron-Frobenius Theorem Without Additivity
By: Elon Kohlberg
Kohlberg, Elon. "The Perron-Frobenius Theorem Without Additivity." Journal of Mathematical Economics 10, nos. 2-3 (September 1982): 299–303.
- January 1982
- Background Note
Bluffing at Poker II
By: Elon Kohlberg
Keywords: Game Theory
Kohlberg, Elon. "Bluffing at Poker II." Harvard Business School Background Note 182-112, January 1982.
- January 1971
- Journal Article
On the Nucleolus of a Characteristic Function Game
By: Elon Kohlberg
Kohlberg, Elon. "On the Nucleolus of a Characteristic Function Game." SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 20 (January 1971): 62–66.
- 1983
- Article
Consistency of Finite Systems of Convex Inequalities
By: Elon Kohlberg
Keywords: System
Kohlberg, Elon. "Consistency of Finite Systems of Convex Inequalities." Mathematical Programming 25 (1983): 359 – 362.
- January 1982
- Background Note
Bluffing at Poker I
By: Elon Kohlberg
Keywords: Game Theory
Kohlberg, Elon. "Bluffing at Poker I." Harvard Business School Background Note 182-111, January 1982.
- March 1975
- Article
Optimal Strategies in Repeated Games with Incomplete Information
By: Elon Kohlberg
Kohlberg, Elon. "Optimal Strategies in Repeated Games with Incomplete Information." International Journal of Game Theory 4, no. 1 (March 1975): 7 – 24.
- August 1976
- Article
A Model of Economic Growth With Altruism Between Generations
By: Elon Kohlberg
Kohlberg, Elon. "A Model of Economic Growth With Altruism Between Generations." Journal of Economic Theory 13, no. 1 (August 1976): 1–13.
- 1983
- Article
Equilibrium Store Locations When Consumers Minimize Travel Time Plus Waiting Time
By: Elon Kohlberg
Kohlberg, Elon. "Equilibrium Store Locations When Consumers Minimize Travel Time Plus Waiting Time." No. 3. Economics Letters 11, no. 3 (1983): 211–216.
- 2015
- Working Paper
The Cooperative Solution of Stochastic Games
By: Elon Kohlberg and Abraham Neyman
Building on the work of Nash, Harsanyi, and Shapley, we define a cooperative solution for strategic games that takes account of both the competitive and the cooperative aspects of such games. We prove existence in the general (NTU) case and uniqueness in the TU... View Details
Kohlberg, Elon, and Abraham Neyman. "The Cooperative Solution of Stochastic Games." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 15-071, March 2015.
- September 1974
- Article
Repeated Games of Incomplete Information: The Symmetric Case
By: Elon Kohlberg and Shmuel Zamir
Kohlberg, Elon, and Shmuel Zamir. "Repeated Games of Incomplete Information: The Symmetric Case." Annals of Statistics 2, no. 5 (September 1974): 1040–1041.
- April 1983
- Article
Convergence in Hilbert's Metric and Convergence in Direction
By: Elon Kohlberg and Abraham Neyman
Keywords: Measurement and Metrics
Kohlberg, Elon, and Abraham Neyman. "Convergence in Hilbert's Metric and Convergence in Direction." Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 93, no. 1 (April 1983): 104 – 108.
- 2014
- Working Paper
The NTU-Value of Stochastic Games
By: Elon Kohlberg and Abraham Neyman
Since the seminal paper of Shapley, the theory of stochastic games has been developed in many different directions. However, there has been practically no work on the interplay between stochastic games and cooperative game theory. Our purpose here is to make a first... View Details
Kohlberg, Elon, and Abraham Neyman. "The NTU-Value of Stochastic Games." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 15-014, September 2014.