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- Faculty Publications (102)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (102)
- 2010
- Book
Buy-In: Saving Your Good Idea from Getting Shot Down
By: John P. Kotter and Lorne A. Whitehead
You've got a good idea. You know it could make a crucial difference for you, your organization, your community. You present it to the group but get confounding questions, inane comments, and verbal bullets in return. Before you know what's happened, your idea is dead,... View Details
Keywords: Communication Intention and Meaning; Cost vs Benefits; Problems and Challenges; Interests; Value
Kotter, John P., and Lorne A. Whitehead. Buy-In: Saving Your Good Idea from Getting Shot Down. Harvard Business Review Press, 2010.
- 2010
- Article
By: Beth A. Hennessey and Teresa M. Amabile
The psychological study of creativity is essential to human progress. If strides are to be made in the sciences, humanities, and arts, we must arrive at a far more detailed understanding of the creative process, its antecedents, and its inhibitors. This review,... View Details
Hennessey, Beth A., and Teresa M. Amabile. "Creativity." Annual Review of Psychology 61 (2010): 569–598.
- 2010
- Casebook
Global Capital and National Institutions: Crisis and Choice in the International Financial Architecture
By: Laura Alfaro
All managers face a business environment in which international and macroeconomic phenomena matter. International capital flows can significantly affect countries' development efforts and provide clear investment opportunities for businesses. During the 1990s and early... View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Capital; International Finance; Globalized Economies and Regions; Policy; Government and Politics; Business and Government Relations
Alfaro, Laura. Global Capital and National Institutions: Crisis and Choice in the International Financial Architecture. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2010.
- October 2009
- Article
A Decision-making Perspective to Negotiation: A Review of the Past and a Look into the Future
By: Chia-Jung Tsay and Max Bazerman
Through the decision-analytic approach to negotiations, the past quarter century has seen the development of a better dialog between the descriptive and the prescriptive, as well as a burgeoning interest in the field for both academics and practitioners. Researchers... View Details
Keywords: Decision Making; Negotiation; Perspective; Ethics; Emotions; Perception; Relationships; Management Practices and Processes; Training; Behavior
Tsay, Chia-Jung, and Max Bazerman. "A Decision-making Perspective to Negotiation: A Review of the Past and a Look into the Future." Negotiation Journal 25, no. 4 (October 2009): 467–480.
- 2009
- Working Paper
A Decision-making Perspective to Negotiation: A Review of the Past and a Look into the Future
By: Chia-Jung Tsay and Max H. Bazerman
Through the decision-analytic approach to negotiations, the past quarter century has seen the development of a better dialog between the descriptive and the prescriptive, as well as a burgeoning interest in the field for both academics and practitioners. Researchers... View Details
Tsay, Chia-Jung, and Max H. Bazerman. "A Decision-making Perspective to Negotiation: A Review of the Past and a Look into the Future." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 10-002, July 2009.
- January 2009 (Revised October 2011)
- Case
Barack Obama and the Bush Tax Cuts (A)
By: Matthew C. Weinzierl and Eric D. Werker
As his inauguration approached, President-elect Obama faced a financial sector meltdown, a costly bailout, and massive government deficits. With the economy in recession, interest rates near zero, and joblessness on the rise, Obama needed to decide whether, and how... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Financial Crisis; Borrowing and Debt; Financial Management; Policy; Government Administration; Taxation; United States
Weinzierl, Matthew C., and Eric D. Werker. "Barack Obama and the Bush Tax Cuts (A)." Harvard Business School Case 709-037, January 2009. (Revised October 2011.)
- 2008
- Chapter
Corporate Honesty and Business Education: A Behavioral Model
By: Rakesh Khurana and Herbert Gintis
Since the mid-1970s neoclassical economic theory has dominated business school thinking and teaching in dealing with the nature of human motivation. However valuable in understanding competitive product and financial markets, neoclassical economic theory employs an... View Details
Keywords: Business Education; Ethics; Managerial Roles; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Organizational Culture; Business and Shareholder Relations; Mathematical Methods; Behavior
Khurana, Rakesh, and Herbert Gintis. "Corporate Honesty and Business Education: A Behavioral Model." In Moral Markets: The Critical Role of Values in the Economy, edited by Paul J. Zak. Princeton University Press, 2008.
- 2008
- Book
On Competition
By: M. E. Porter
Competition is one of society's most powerful forces for making things better in many fields of human endeavor. The study of competition and the creation of value, in their full richness, have preoccupied me for several decades. Competition is pervasive, whether it... View Details
Porter, M. E. On Competition. Updated and Expanded Ed. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 2008.
- 2008
- Working Paper
Beyond Gender and Negotiation to Gendered Negotiations
By: Deborah M. Kolb and Kathleen L. McGinn
Where do we start if we are interested in understanding how gender plays out in negotiations that take place within organizations? Do we start with women and men and explore their individual differences in thought, motivation, style, appetite for risk, and propensity... View Details
Kolb, Deborah M., and Kathleen L. McGinn. "Beyond Gender and Negotiation to Gendered Negotiations." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 09-064, October 2008.
- September 2007
- Article
Investigative Negotiation
By: Deepak Malhotra and Max H. Bazerman
This article includes a one-page preview that quickly summarizes the key ideas and provides an overview of how the concepts work in practice along with suggestions for further reading. Negotiators often fail to achieve results because they channel too much effort into... View Details
Keywords: Knowledge Acquisition; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Negotiation Process; Negotiation Tactics; Motivation and Incentives; Perspective; Pharmaceutical Industry
Malhotra, Deepak, and Max H. Bazerman. "Investigative Negotiation." Harvard Business Review 85, no. 9 (September 2007).
- 2007
- Chapter
Collaborative R&D in Management: The Practical Experience of Fenix and TruePoint in Bridging the Divide Between Scientific and Managerial Goals
By: Michael Beer and Niclas Adler
The gap between theory and practice has been of concern to both practitioners and academics, yet other than pleas to close the gap with more accessible writing by academics and more interest in research by practitioners few systematic efforts have been made to close... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Knowledge Management; Management; Goals and Objectives; Performance Effectiveness; Performance Improvement; Practice; Research and Development; Social and Collaborative Networks; Theory; Value; United States
Beer, Michael, and Niclas Adler. "Collaborative R&D in Management: The Practical Experience of Fenix and TruePoint in Bridging the Divide Between Scientific and Managerial Goals." In Handbook of Collaborative Management Research, edited by A. B. Shani, N. Adler, N. Mohrman, W. A. Pasmore, and B. Stymne. Sage Publications, 2007.
- 2007
- Article
Three Perspectives on Team Learning: Outcome Improvement, Task Mastery, and Group Process
By: Amy C. Edmondson, James R. Dillon and Kate Roloff
The emergence of a research literature on team learning has been driven by at least two factors. First, longstanding interest in what makes organizational work teams effective leads naturally to questions about how members of newly formed teams learn to work together... View Details
Keywords: Learning; Organizational Culture; Performance Improvement; Practice; Groups and Teams; Research; Adaptation; Cooperation
Edmondson, Amy C., James R. Dillon, and Kate Roloff. "Three Perspectives on Team Learning: Outcome Improvement, Task Mastery, and Group Process." Academy of Management Annals 1 (2007): 269–314.
- November 2004 (Revised July 2006)
- Case
Patrimonio Hoy
By: Arthur I Segel, Michael Chu and Gustavo Herrero
Patrimonio Hoy is a program targeting the housing needs of the low-income population by CEMEX, a major Mexican company and a leading global cement producer. Originally conceived as a project to understand the customers in the self-construction segment better, a major... View Details
Keywords: Housing; Construction; Product Design; Globalized Firms and Management; Microfinance; Income; Market Entry and Exit; Emerging Markets; Entrepreneurship; Construction Industry; Mexico
Segel, Arthur I., Michael Chu, and Gustavo Herrero. "Patrimonio Hoy." Harvard Business School Case 805-064, November 2004. (Revised July 2006.)
- February 2004
- Case
Note on Human Behavior: Reason and Emotion
By: Nitin Nohria and Bridget Gurtler
Human beings are driven by reasons and emotions. On the one hand, as rational choice theorists assert, human beings are resourceful and evaluative as they strive to maximize their own interests. An individual's interests can converge or diverge from the interests of... View Details
Keywords: Behavior; Cognition and Thinking; Emotions; Interests; Organizations; Organizational Design; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms
Nohria, Nitin, and Bridget Gurtler. "Note on Human Behavior: Reason and Emotion." Harvard Business School Case 404-104, February 2004.
- December 2003 (Revised April 2004)
- Case
Sherif Mityas at A.T. Kearney (A): Negotiating a Client Service Predicament
By: Ashish Nanda
Sherif Mityas, recently promoted as project manager at A.T. Kearney, faced a client service challenge in his very first project experience. Mityas had been working closely for six weeks with the management team of the U.S. subsidiary of a Japan-headquartered consumer... View Details
Keywords: Management; Conflict of Interests; Business Subsidiaries; Trust; Consumer Products Industry; Japan; United States
Nanda, Ashish, and Kelley Elizabeth Morrell. "Sherif Mityas at A.T. Kearney (A): Negotiating a Client Service Predicament." Harvard Business School Case 904-031, December 2003. (Revised April 2004.)
- September 2001
- Background Note
Financial Reporting Environment, The
Provides a framework for understanding the role of financial reporting and various intermediaries as mechanisms for reducing both adverse selection and moral hazard problems in capital markets. Financial reports reduce adverse selection by providing basic information... View Details
Keywords: Financial Reporting; Financial Statements; Capital Markets; Venture Capital; Corporate Disclosure; Conflict of Interests
Healy, Paul M., Amy P. Hutton, Robert S. Kaplan, and Krishna G. Palepu. "Financial Reporting Environment, The." Harvard Business School Background Note 102-029, September 2001.
- February 1998
- Background Note
Contracting and Control in Venture Capital
By: Paul A. Gompers
Discusses the control mechanisms and contracts utilized by venture capitalists. The emphasis is on understanding potential conflicts of interest and how the contracts mitigate those conflicts. View Details
Keywords: Venture Capital; Governance Controls; Contracts; Business or Company Management; Conflict of Interests
Gompers, Paul A. "Contracting and Control in Venture Capital." Harvard Business School Background Note 298-067, February 1998.
- March 1995 (Revised August 1995)
- Background Note
Options and Put-Call Parity
By: Andre F. Perold and Wai Lee
Illustrates the payoff structure of various positions involving put and call options and the use of put-call parity in understanding the relationships among various positions. Examines the cases of insured equity, interest rate caps and floors, callable and extendable... View Details
Keywords: Stock Options
Perold, Andre F., and Wai Lee. "Options and Put-Call Parity." Harvard Business School Background Note 295-129, March 1995. (Revised August 1995.)
- Research Summary
Business Ethics
Joshua Margolis is interested in how individuals can exercise leadership in the face of competing ethical and economic responsibilities, and how organizations can enable them to do that. In particular, how can managers and companies simultaneously advance... View Details
- Teaching Interest
Decision Making Under Uncertainty
By: David E. Bell
Many of the decisions we face are made complicated by having uncertain consequences: how should I set my inventory when I don’t know what demand will be, should I refinance my mortgage when rates might go lower, how big a bet shall I make in a new business, and so... View Details