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- All HBS Web
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- 1 PM – 2 PM EDT, 28 Sep 2022
- Virtual Programming
From Strength to Strength: A Pre-Reunion Virtual Program with Arthur Brooks
How can you ensure happiness as you age? Join HBS professor Arthur Brooks for a special pre-reunion virtual program organized by reunion volunteers for all 2022 Fall Reunion classes. In this program, Brooks will share key points from his new book, including his roadmap... View Details
- 06 Mar 2012
- Working Paper Summaries
Big BRICs, Weak Foundations: The Beginning of Public Elementary Education in Brazil, Russia, India, and China
- April 2012
- Article
Big BRICs, Weak Foundations: The Beginning of Public Elementary Education in Brazil, Russia, India, and China
By: Latika Chaudhary, Aldo Musacchio, Steven Nafziger and Se Yan
Our paper provides a comparative perspective on the development of public primary education in four of the largest developing economies circa 1910: Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC). These four countries encompassed more than 50% of the world's population in... View Details
Keywords: Perspective; Growth and Development; Middle School Education; Developing Countries and Economies; Data and Data Sets; Geographic Location; Public Administration Industry; Brazil; Russia; India; China
Chaudhary, Latika, Aldo Musacchio, Steven Nafziger, and Se Yan. "Big BRICs, Weak Foundations: The Beginning of Public Elementary Education in Brazil, Russia, India, and China." Explorations in Economic History 49, no. 2 (April 2012): 221–240.
- 2012
- Working Paper
Big BRICs, Weak Foundations: The Beginning of Public Elementary Education in Brazil, Russia, India, and China
By: Latika Chaudhary, Aldo Musacchio, Steven Nafziger and Se Yan
Our paper provides a comparative perspective on the development of public primary education in four of the largest developing economies circa 1910: Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC). These four countries encompassed more than 50% of the world's population in 1910,... View Details
Keywords: History; Middle School Education; Data and Data Sets; Residency; Integration; Perspective; Surveys; Geographic Location; Welfare or Wellbeing; Government and Politics; Developing Countries and Economies; Growth and Development; China; India; Brazil; Russia
Chaudhary, Latika, Aldo Musacchio, Steven Nafziger, and Se Yan. "Big BRICs, Weak Foundations: The Beginning of Public Elementary Education in Brazil, Russia, India, and China." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 17852, February 2012.
- September 2013
- Case
Professional Development at DLA Piper—Building the Strength of Global Legal Talent
By: Heidi K. Gardner and Nicolas Thornley
Gardner, Heidi K., and Nicolas Thornley. "Professional Development at DLA Piper—Building the Strength of Global Legal Talent." Harvard Business School Case 414-039, September 2013.
- 03 May 2011
- Working Paper Summaries
Big BRICs, Weak Foundations: The Beginning of Public Elementary Education in Brazil, Russia, India, and China, 1880-1930
- May 2023
- Article
Do Internal Control Weaknesses Affect Firms' Demand for Financial Skills? Evidence from U.S. Job Postings
By: Janet Gao, Kenneth J. Merkley, Joseph Pacelli and Joseph H. Schroeder
Ineffective internal controls over financial reporting often relates to a lack of qualified personnel with sufficient accounting and technical expertise. In this study, we examine whether firms respond to internal control failures by increasing their demand for... View Details
Keywords: Internal Controls; Labor Demand; Accounting; Financial Reporting; Experience and Expertise; Recruitment; Competency and Skills; Corporate Finance
Gao, Janet, Kenneth J. Merkley, Joseph Pacelli, and Joseph H. Schroeder. "Do Internal Control Weaknesses Affect Firms' Demand for Financial Skills? Evidence from U.S. Job Postings." Accounting Review 98, no. 3 (May 2023): 203–228.
- Article
Why Negotiators Should Reveal their Deadlines: Disclosing Weaknesses Can Make you Stronger
By: F. Gino and D. A. Moore
Keywords: Negotiation
Gino, F., and D. A. Moore. "Why Negotiators Should Reveal their Deadlines: Disclosing Weaknesses Can Make you Stronger." Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 1, no. 1 (February 2008): 77–96.
- December 2022
- Article
Fostering Perceptions of Authenticity via Sensitive Self-Disclosure
By: Li Jiang, Leslie K. John, Reihane Boghrati and Maryam Kouchaki
Leaders’ perceived authenticity—the sense that leaders are acting in accordance with their “true self”—is associated with positive outcomes for both employees and organizations alike. How might leaders foster this impression? We show that sensitive self-disclosure, in... View Details
Keywords: Authenticity; Weaknesses; Self-disclosure; Leaders; Impression Management; Leadership Style; Motivation and Incentives
Jiang, Li, Leslie K. John, Reihane Boghrati, and Maryam Kouchaki. "Fostering Perceptions of Authenticity via Sensitive Self-Disclosure." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 28, no. 4 (December 2022): 898–915.
- February 2011
- Article
It's the Recipient That Counts: Spending Money on Strong Social Ties Leads to Greater Happiness Than Spending on Weak Social Ties
By: Lara B. Aknin, Gillian M. Sandstrom, Elizabeth W. Dunn and Michael I. Norton
Previous research has shown that spending money on others (prosocial spending) increases happiness. But, do the happiness gains depend on who the money is spent on? Sociologists have distinguished between strong ties with close friends and family and weak... View Details
Aknin, Lara B., Gillian M. Sandstrom, Elizabeth W. Dunn, and Michael I. Norton. "It's the Recipient That Counts: Spending Money on Strong Social Ties Leads to Greater Happiness Than Spending on Weak Social Ties." PLoS ONE 6, no. 2 (February 2011): e17018.
- 2015
- Article
Beliefs About the True Self Explain Asymmetries Based on Moral Judgment
By: George E. Newman, Julian De Freitas and Joshua Knobe
Past research has identified a number of asymmetries based on moral judgments. Beliefs about
(a) what a person values, (b) whether a person is happy, (c) whether a person has shown weakness
of will, and (d) whether a person deserves praise or blame seem to depend... View Details
Keywords: Concepts; Social Cognition; Moral Reasoning; True Self; Values; Weakness Of Will; Blame; Values and Beliefs; Identity; Moral Sensibility; Happiness
Newman, George E., Julian De Freitas, and Joshua Knobe. "Beliefs About the True Self Explain Asymmetries Based on Moral Judgment." Cognitive Science 39, no. 1 (2015): 96–125.
- 16 Dec 2002
- Lessons from the Classroom
Marrying Distance and Classroom Education
adult learning workshop was looking at the strengths and weaknesses of face-to-face education versus online distance learning. But in fact, these two types of education can be... View Details
Keywords: by Sean Silverthorne
- March 2002 (Revised December 2002)
- Background Note
A Note on Corporate Venturing and New Business Creation
By: David A. Garvin
Presents an introduction and overview of corporate venturing. Describes the need for companies to create new businesses, the stages in the process, predictable problems and challenges, the strengths and weaknesses of alternative approaches such as internal venture... View Details
Keywords: Business Plan; Business Startups; Forecasting and Prediction; Venture Capital; Problems and Challenges
Garvin, David A. "A Note on Corporate Venturing and New Business Creation." Harvard Business School Background Note 302-091, March 2002. (Revised December 2002.)
- May 2017
- Supplement
Betfair (B), (C), and (D) Case Slides
By: Ramon Casadesus-Masanell and John Heilbron
Contains slides related to the Betfair B, C, and D cases.
B) Buoyed by success in the market for gambling contracts, Betfair attempts to enter the market for financial products using its exchange model.
C) Prompted by a takeover bid from... View Details
B) Buoyed by success in the market for gambling contracts, Betfair attempts to enter the market for financial products using its exchange model.
C) Prompted by a takeover bid from... View Details
- September 1978 (Revised November 1979)
- Background Note
Some Aspects of Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution in Management Groups
Provides a brief overview of the strengths and weaknesses of group problem solving and suggests criteria for when to use a group. Also, describes the three primary modes of conflict resolution (smoothing and avoidance; bargaining and forcing, problem solving) and... View Details
Ware, James P. "Some Aspects of Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution in Management Groups." Harvard Business School Background Note 479-003, September 1978. (Revised November 1979.)
- September 2023
- Article
Corporate Purpose in Public and Private Firms
By: Claudine Gartenberg and George Serafeim
Analyzing data from approximately 1.5 million employees across 1,108 established public and private US companies, we find that the strength of employee beliefs related to purpose is weaker in public companies. Among public companies, those beliefs are stronger for... View Details
Keywords: Purpose; Corporate Purpose; Culture; Corporate Culture; Public And Private Organizations; Hedge Fund; Executive Pay; Corporate Governance; Corporate Strategy; Organizational Culture; Mission and Purpose; Employees; Attitudes; Executive Compensation; Ownership
Gartenberg, Claudine, and George Serafeim. "Corporate Purpose in Public and Private Firms." Management Science 69, no. 9 (September 2023): 5087–5111.
- May 2005 (Revised December 2022)
- Case
Aristotle Onassis and the Greek Shipping Industry
By: Geoffrey Jones and Paul Gomopoulos
Examines the career of Aristotle Onassis and his creation of one of the world's largest shipping companies between 1945 and 1973. Explores the role of ethnic and family networks in Greek shipping and how Onassis was able to penetrate this system despite being an... View Details
Keywords: Networks; Ethnicity; Family Business; Innovation Strategy; Management Succession; Competitive Advantage; Personal Development and Career; Entrepreneurship; Shipping Industry; Greece
Jones, Geoffrey, and Paul Gomopoulos. "Aristotle Onassis and the Greek Shipping Industry." Harvard Business School Case 805-141, May 2005. (Revised December 2022.)