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- Faculty Publications (114)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (114)
- February 2015 (Revised February 2017)
- Case
Winnan Metal: Fulfilling the Dream
By: William R. Kerr, Jim Sharpe and James Weber
Neil Kashyap and Neil Lombardo (HBS '08) acquired Winnan Metal, Inc., a metal fabrication shop, after raising a search fund and an 11 month search to fulfill their dreams of becoming business owners. Two weeks after they took control of the company, Winnan's largest... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurial Management; Turnarounds; Bank Loan; Crisis Management; Financial Analysis; Search Funds; Acquisitions; Financial Capital Needed; Management; Operations Management; Sales; Entrepreneurship; Decision Making; Change Management; Manufacturing Industry; United States; Indiana
Kerr, William R., Jim Sharpe, and James Weber. "Winnan Metal: Fulfilling the Dream." Harvard Business School Case 815-104, February 2015. (Revised February 2017.)
- January 2015 (Revised July 2019)
- Case
CVS Health: Promoting Drug Adherence
Email for a courtesy copy.
The case describes a program that CVS Health recently implemented to improve medication adherence, an important problem from a societal, public policy, and firm... View Details
The case describes a program that CVS Health recently implemented to improve medication adherence, an important problem from a societal, public policy, and firm... View Details
Keywords: Medication Adherence; Affordable Care Act (ACA); Marketing Strategy; Communication Strategy; Customer Value and Value Chain; Decisions; Health Care and Treatment; Goals and Objectives; Resource Allocation; Marketing Communications; Consumer Behavior; Measurement and Metrics; Service Delivery; Behavior; Motivation and Incentives; Social Issues; Information Technology; Value Creation; Health Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; Insurance Industry; Public Relations Industry; Retail Industry; United States
John, Leslie, John Quelch, and Robert Huckman. "CVS Health: Promoting Drug Adherence." Harvard Business School Case 515-010, January 2015. (Revised July 2019.) (Email for a courtesy copy.)
- Article
The Allure of Unknown Outcomes: Exploring the Role of Uncertainty in the Preference for Potential
By: Daniella Kupor, Zakary L. Tormala and Michael I. Norton
Influence practitioners often highlight a target's achievements (e.g., "she is the city's top-rated chef"), but recent research reveals that highlighting a target's potential (e.g., "she could become the city's top-rated chef") can be more effective. We examine whether... View Details
Kupor, Daniella, Zakary L. Tormala, and Michael I. Norton. "The Allure of Unknown Outcomes: Exploring the Role of Uncertainty in the Preference for Potential." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 55 (November 2014): 210–216.
- March 2014
- Article
Cheating More for Less: Upward Social Comparisons Motivate the Poorly Compensated to Cheat
By: Leslie K. John, George Loewenstein and Scott Rick
Intuitively, people should cheat more when cheating is more lucrative, but we find that the effect of performance-based pay rates on dishonesty depends on how readily people can compare their pay rate to that of others. In Experiment 1, participants were paid 5 cents... View Details
Keywords: Dishonesty; Social Comparison; Pay Secrecy; Motivation and Incentives; Fairness; Decision Making; Compensation and Benefits
John, Leslie K., George Loewenstein, and Scott Rick. "Cheating More for Less: Upward Social Comparisons Motivate the Poorly Compensated to Cheat." Special Issue on Behavioral Ethics. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 123, no. 2 (March 2014): 101–109.
- January 2014 (Revised August 2017)
- Case
StepSmart Fitness
By: Robert J. Dolan, Benson P. Shapiro and Alisa Zalosh
StepSmart Fitness, a manufacturer of exercise equipment, is undergoing a sweeping reorganization. The new CEO has terminated the District Sales Director and Regional VP and promoted 30-year-old Benjamin Cooper to manage the underperforming New England district. A... View Details
Keywords: Analysis; Restructuring; Salesforce Management; Management Succession; Performance Improvement; Manufacturing Industry; Sports Industry; New England
Dolan, Robert J., Benson P. Shapiro, and Alisa Zalosh. "StepSmart Fitness." Harvard Business School Brief Case 914-509, January 2014. (Revised August 2017.)
- October 2013 (Revised January 2016)
- Case
J.C. Penney's 'Fair and Square' Strategy (Abridged)
By: Elie Ofek and Jill Avery
As he gets ready to release 2nd quarter 2012 results, Ron Johnson, the new CEO of department store J.C. Penney, is reconsidering the dramatic changes he initiated for the business model and brand image of his company. A new pricing scheme he put in place in February,... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Change Management; Marketing Strategy; Price; Consumer Behavior; Decision Making; Management Teams; Brands and Branding; Retail Industry; United States
Ofek, Elie, and Jill Avery. "J.C. Penney's 'Fair and Square' Strategy (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 514-063, October 2013. (Revised January 2016.)
- 2013
- Article
Inflated Applicants: Attribution Errors in Performance Evaluation by Professionals
By: S. A. Swift, D. Moore, Z. Sharek and F. Gino
When explaining others' behaviors, achievements, and failures, it is common for people to attribute too much influence to disposition and too little influence to structural and situational factors. We examine whether this tendency leads even experienced professionals... View Details
Keywords: Evaluations; Correspondence Bias; Selection Decisions; Attribution; Prejudice and Bias; Selection and Staffing; Decision Choices and Conditions; Performance Evaluation; Cognition and Thinking
Swift, S. A., D. Moore, Z. Sharek, and F. Gino. "Inflated Applicants: Attribution Errors in Performance Evaluation by Professionals." e69258. PLoS ONE 8, no. 7 (July 2013).
- May 2013
- Case
Wendy Peterson
By: Linda A. Hill and Alisa Zalosh
Wendy Peterson was recently promoted to Vice President of Sales at the Plano, Texas, office of AccountBack, an accounting software and services company. To penetrate a perceived market niche, Peterson hires Fred (Xing) Wu, whose familiarity with and access to Chinese... View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Conflict Management; Salesforce Management; Rank and Position; Performance Evaluation; Management Teams; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Accounting Industry; Texas
Hill, Linda A., and Alisa Zalosh. "Wendy Peterson." Harvard Business School Brief Case 913-560, May 2013.
- Article
On Derivatives Markets and Social Welfare: A Theory of Empty Voting and Hidden Ownership
By: Jordan M. Barry, John William Hatfield and Scott Duke Kominers
In the past twenty-five years, derivatives markets have grown exponentially. Large, modern derivatives markets increasingly enable investors to hold economic interests in corporations without owning voting rights, and vice versa. This leads to both empty... View Details
Barry, Jordan M., John William Hatfield, and Scott Duke Kominers. "On Derivatives Markets and Social Welfare: A Theory of Empty Voting and Hidden Ownership." Virginia Law Review 99, no. 6 (October 2013): 1103–1168.
- Article
Memory Lane and Morality: How Childhood Memories Promote Prosocial Behavior
By: F. Gino and S. Desai
Four experiments demonstrated that recalling memories from one's own childhood lead people to experience feelings of moral purity and to behave prosocially. In Experiment 1, participants instructed to recall memories from their childhood were more likely to help the... View Details
Gino, F., and S. Desai. "Memory Lane and Morality: How Childhood Memories Promote Prosocial Behavior." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 102, no. 4 (April 2012): 743–758.
- 2012
- Book
Producing Prosperity: Why America Needs a Manufacturing Renaissance
By: Gary P. Pisano and Willy Shih
For years—even decades—in response to intensifying global competition, American companies decided to outsource their manufacturing operations in order to reduce costs. But we are now seeing the alarming long-term effect of those choices: in many cases, once... View Details
Keywords: Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Production; Competitive Advantage; Transformation; Innovation and Invention; Manufacturing Industry; United States
Pisano, Gary P., and Willy Shih. Producing Prosperity: Why America Needs a Manufacturing Renaissance. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press, 2012.
- September 2012 (Revised January 2013)
- Case
J.C. Penney's 'Fair and Square' Pricing Strategy
By: Elie Ofek and Jill Avery
As a he gets ready to release 2nd quarter 2012 results, Ron Johnson, the new CEO of department store J.C. Penney, is reconsidering the dramatic changes he initiated for the business model and brand image of his company. A new pricing scheme he put in place in February,... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Consumer Behavior; Management Teams; Business Model; Marketing Strategy; Price; Brands and Branding; Decision Making; Retail Industry; United States
Ofek, Elie, and Jill Avery. "J.C. Penney's 'Fair and Square' Pricing Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 513-036, September 2012. (Revised January 2013.)
- 2012
- Case
Advanced Leadership Pathways: Shelly London and Ethics Education—'Strengthening Our Moral Compass'
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Anne Arlinghaus
Shelly London and Ethics Education — 'Strengthening Our Moral Compass'
2009 AL Fellow
Following a successful career as a Senior Vice President, Vice President, and Chief Communications Officer at two large corporate companies, Shelly London set out to promote... View Details
Following a successful career as a Senior Vice President, Vice President, and Chief Communications Officer at two large corporate companies, Shelly London set out to promote... View Details
Keywords: Leadership Skills; Ethics Education; Initiatives; Morality; Moral Compass; Prima Facie; Grassroots Movement; Ethical Reasoning; Decision-making; Social Media; Media Relations; Family Dinner Project; Public Conversations Project; Laura Chasin; Computer Games; Video Games; Quandary; Organizational Structure; Infrastructure; Ethics; Education; Moral Sensibility; Behavior; Decision Making; Leadership; Innovation and Management; Education Industry; Service Industry; North and Central America
- July 2012 (Revised August 2015)
- Case
SOHO China: Design, Development, and Social Harmony
By: Arthur I Segel and Mukti Khaire
Founded in 1995 by Zhang Xin and her husband Mr. Pan Shiyi, SOHO China has developed into a world-class real estate development firm that has consistently delivered high-quality projects known for their cutting-edge designs and investment potential. Despite the... View Details
Keywords: Real Estate; Organizational Culture; Leasing; Design; Asset Management; Salesforce Management; Sales; Real Estate Industry; China
Segel, Arthur I., and Mukti Khaire. "SOHO China: Design, Development, and Social Harmony." Harvard Business School Case 213-025, July 2012. (Revised August 2015.)
- December 2011
- Case
Roger Caracappa: Package Deals for the Estée Lauder Companies
Roger Caracappa must negotiate a cost-saving, innovative proposal from a potential French supplier that could displace the otherwise satisfactory, long-time incumbent supplier. Shortly after being promoted to executive vice president of the Estée Lauder Companies with... View Details
Keywords: Operations; Supply Chain Management; Change; Innovation and Invention; Cost vs Benefits; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry
Sebenius, James K. "Roger Caracappa: Package Deals for the Estée Lauder Companies." Harvard Business School Case 912-003, December 2011.
- October 2011 (Revised March 2012)
- Case
Cottle-Taylor: Expanding the Oral Care Group in India
By: John A. Quelch and Alisa Zalosh
Brinda Patel, director of oral care products for the India division of a consumer home-care product company, develops a data-driven marketing plan for toothbrushes. She believes her plan can support a 20% increase in unit sales based on rising demand for modern... View Details
Keywords: Forecasting; Budgeting; International Marketing; Product Planning & Policy; Sales Promotions; Marketing Plans; Products; Marketing Strategy; Consumer Behavior; Emerging Markets; Forecasting and Prediction; Advertising; Product Launch; Budgets and Budgeting; Product Development; Consumer Products Industry; Health Industry; India
Quelch, John A., and Alisa Zalosh. "Cottle-Taylor: Expanding the Oral Care Group in India." Harvard Business School Brief Case 114-350, October 2011. (Revised March 2012.)
- October 2011 (Revised March 2012)
- Supplement
Cottle-Taylor: Expanding the Oral Care Group in India, Faculty Spreadsheet (Brief Case)
By: John A. Quelch and Alisa Zalosh
- October 2011 (Revised March 2012)
- Supplement
Cottle-Taylor: Expanding the Oral Care Group in India, Student Spreadsheet (Brief Case)
By: John A. Quelch and Alisa Zalosh
- July 2011 (Revised October 2011)
- Case
Lady Gaga (A)
By: Anita Elberse and Michael Christensen
In September 2009, Troy Carter, manager of up-and-coming pop star Lady Gaga, has to decide on a new course of action now that his artist's planned co-headlining arena tour with hip-hop superstar Kanye West has been cancelled. Carter knows that continuing the tour, but... View Details
Keywords: Employee Relationship Management; Marketing Strategy; Product; Product Development; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Creativity; Music Industry
Elberse, Anita, and Michael Christensen. "Lady Gaga (A)." Harvard Business School Case 512-016, July 2011. (Revised October 2011.)
- Article
Advertising, the Matchmaker
By: Bharat N. Anand and Ron Shachar
We empirically study the informational role of advertising in matching consumers with products when consumers are uncertain about both observable and unobserved program attributes. Our focus is on the network television industry, in which the products are television... View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Information; Consumer Behavior; Television Entertainment; Risk and Uncertainty; Product; Decision Choices and Conditions; Advertising Industry
Anand, Bharat N., and Ron Shachar. "Advertising, the Matchmaker." RAND Journal of Economics 42, no. 2 (Summer 2011): 205–245. (Lead Article.)