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- All HBS Web
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- Faculty Publications (595)
- April 1988 (Revised December 1988)
- Case
OPEC and the World Oil Industry
Gomes-Casseres, Benjamin. "OPEC and the World Oil Industry." Harvard Business School Case 388-016, April 1988. (Revised December 1988.)
- April 1992 (Revised July 1993)
- Case
Conoco's: "Green" Oil Strategy (A)
Conoco faces challenges in formulating a proactive environmental strategy for its proposed oil development in Ecuador's pristine tropical rain forest region. The case outlines the innovative process in which Conoco collaborated with a wide range of often conflicting... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Ethics; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Outcome or Result; Problems and Challenges; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Conflict Management; Ecuador
Salter, Malcolm S., and Joseph L. Badaracco Jr. Conoco's: "Green" Oil Strategy (A). Harvard Business School Case 392-133, April 1992. (Revised July 1993.)
- September 2007 (Revised August 2008)
- Case
Suncor in the Oil Sands Industry
By: Forest L. Reinhardt and Nazli Uludere
Describes the economics, technology, and politics of the oil sands industry, focusing on one of the industry's leading firms. Oil sands deposits in Alberta represent a potentially vast reserve of hydrocarbons, but the extraction, refining, and transportation challenges... View Details
Keywords: Economics; Non-Renewable Energy; Government and Politics; Supply and Industry; Natural Environment; Competitive Strategy; Environmental Sustainability; Energy Industry; Alberta
Reinhardt, Forest L., and Nazli Uludere. "Suncor in the Oil Sands Industry." Harvard Business School Case 708-023, September 2007. (Revised August 2008.)
- April 2017 (Revised August 2018)
- Case
The U.S. Shale Revolution: Global Rebalancing?
By: Laura Alfaro and Richard H.K. Vietor
The American shale revolution has upended oil and gas markets for nearly a decade. Prices have risen then plunged, production has surged and then waned, LNG has boomed, and technology and productivity have improved. The U.S. energy policy, under the Obama... View Details
Keywords: Shale Oil; Shale Gas; LNG; Energy Policy; Drilling Technology; Energy; Trade; Economics; Macroeconomics; Policy; Energy Industry; Manufacturing Industry; United States; Middle East
Alfaro, Laura, and Richard H.K. Vietor. "The U.S. Shale Revolution: Global Rebalancing?" Harvard Business School Case 717-056, April 2017. (Revised August 2018.)
- April 1999
- Background Note
Note on the Caspian Oil Pipelines
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Mathew M Millett
The Caspian region may become one of the world's next major energy producers. Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan-all former Soviet republics--hold vast and largely undeveloped reserves of oil and gas, but the region's export infrastructure is nearly... View Details
Keywords: Economics; Non-Renewable Energy; Investment; Government and Politics; Infrastructure; Outcome or Result; Projects; Natural Environment; Azerbaijan; Kazakhstan; Uzbekistan
Esty, Benjamin C., and Mathew M Millett. "Note on the Caspian Oil Pipelines." Harvard Business School Background Note 299-044, April 1999.
- 20 Jan 2011
- News
Oil Spill Solution
SOAKING IT IN: Scott Smith has proven the absorbency of his firm's Opflex polymer foam at major oil spills in the Gulf and China. Last April’s Gulf of Mexico disaster was back on the front pages in early... View Details
- 2022
- Case
A Sweet Dilemma: Sourcing Palm Oil with Ferrero SpA and Nestlé
By: Andrew J. Hoffman
This case focuses on Ferrero SpA's sustainable palm oil sourcing strategy in light of its acquisition of Nestlé's U.S. confectionery brands, which in many ways does not comply with Ferrero's sustainable sourcing commitments. The case reviews Ferrero's rich family... View Details
Hoffman, Andrew J. "A Sweet Dilemma: Sourcing Palm Oil with Ferrero SpA and Nestlé." William Davidson Institute Case 7-951-326, 2022.
- March 2016 (Revised June 2016)
- Case
Gotong Royong: Toward Sustainable Palm Oil
By: Rebecca Henderson, Hann-Shuin Yew and Monica Baraldi
In late 2015, Jeff Seabright, chief sustainability officer at Unilever, had to report to Unilever CEO Paul Polman on the effort to transform palm oil cultivation. Historically, palm oil was produced using unsustainable methods that included burning large tracts of... View Details
Keywords: Sustainability; Environment; Industry Self-regulation; Corporate Image; Corporate Strategy; Indonesia; Malaysia
Henderson, Rebecca, Hann-Shuin Yew, and Monica Baraldi. "Gotong Royong: Toward Sustainable Palm Oil." Harvard Business School Case 316-124, March 2016. (Revised June 2016.)
- August 2004 (Revised June 2008)
- Case
Debating the Expropriation of Mexican Oil
By: Geoffrey G. Jones and R. Daniel Wadhwani
In 1938, the Mexican government expropriated the assets of foreign oil companies. Explores the legal and moral arguments in favor of and against expropriation. View Details
Keywords: Ethics; Globalized Firms and Management; Government and Politics; Business History; Lawfulness; Business and Government Relations; Energy Industry; Mexico
Jones, Geoffrey G., and R. Daniel Wadhwani. "Debating the Expropriation of Mexican Oil." Harvard Business School Case 805-011, August 2004. (Revised June 2008.)
- May 1995 (Revised February 1996)
- Case
Phillips Petroleum Co. and Norwegian Oil Policy
By: Willis M. Emmons III and Atte Almas
Emmons, Willis M., III, and Atte Almas. "Phillips Petroleum Co. and Norwegian Oil Policy." Harvard Business School Case 795-034, May 1995. (Revised February 1996.)
- October 2019 (Revised November 2019)
- Case
C16 Biosciences: Lab-Grown Palm Oil
By: Jeffrey J. Bussgang and Olivia Hull
Synthetic biology start-up C16 Biosciences wants to solve a big problem: replace palm oil, a major contributor to deforestation and climate change, with a lab-grown substitute. CEO Shara Ticku has ambitious plans to supply her lab-grown palm oil to food manufacturers,... View Details
Keywords: Science-Based Business; Environmental Sustainability; Social Entrepreneurship; Product Development; Product Positioning; Venture Capital; Strategy; Decision Making; Food and Beverage Industry; Consumer Products Industry
Bussgang, Jeffrey J., and Olivia Hull. "C16 Biosciences: Lab-Grown Palm Oil." Harvard Business School Case 820-008, October 2019. (Revised November 2019.)
- April 2011 (Revised April 2011)
- Supplement
Fleet Oil Company: An Exercise
The exercise, which adapts a famous experiment by experimental psychologist Thomas Gilovich, is designed to show both the ubiquity of analogy or associative thinking more generally and its potential perils. Students are presented with a scenario in which an oil company... View Details
Keywords: Business Headquarters; Crime and Corruption; Decisions; Non-Renewable Energy; Cost; Production; Performance Productivity; Research and Development; Energy Industry; Atlanta; Houston
Gavetti, Giovanni. "Fleet Oil Company: An Exercise." Harvard Business School Supplement 711-512, April 2011. (Revised April 2011.)
- September 2015
- Case
Eco7: Launching a New Motor Oil
By: John Quelch and Sunru Yong
Aaron Jonnerson, vice president of marketing at the automotive division of Avellin, must make marketing mix decisions for the launch of Eco7, a new environmentally-friendly motor oil. The company's performance has been mediocre, shareholder pressure is increasing, and... View Details
Keywords: Distribution Channels; Environmental Sustainability; Product Launch; Transportation; Energy Sources; Auto Industry
Quelch, John, and Sunru Yong. "Eco7: Launching a New Motor Oil." Harvard Business School Brief Case 916-507, September 2015.
- 2017
- Article
Negotiating Cluster Boundaries: Governance Shifts in the Palm Oil and Rubber Cluster in Malay(si)a (1945–1970 ca.)
By: Valeria Giacomin
Keywords: Cluster Governance; Institutional Change; Agency Houses; Palm Oil; Rubber; Malay(si)a; Decolonization; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Southeast Asia
Giacomin, Valeria. "Negotiating Cluster Boundaries: Governance Shifts in the Palm Oil and Rubber Cluster in Malay(si)a (1945–1970 ca.)." Management & Organizational History 12, no. 1 (2017): 76–98.
- February 2017 (Revised June 2017)
- Case
ExxonMobil: Business as Usual? (A)
By: George Serafeim, Shiva Rajgopal and David Freiberg
Climate change was becoming an important societal and business issue as more governments were introducing climate change related regulations and investors became increasibly worried about stranded assets within oil and gas firms. In September 2016, the U.S. Securities... View Details
Keywords: Oil & Gas; Oil Prices; Oil Companies; Asset Impairment; Predictive Analytics; Sustainability; Environmental Impact; Innovation; Disclosure; Accounting; Valuation; Climate Change; Renewable Energy; Environmental Sustainability; Financial Reporting; Energy Industry
Serafeim, George, Shiva Rajgopal, and David Freiberg. "ExxonMobil: Business as Usual? (A)." Harvard Business School Case 117-046, February 2017. (Revised June 2017.)
- October 1961 (Revised June 1984)
- Case
Standard Oil Co.: Combination, Consolidation, and Integration
Johnson, Arthur M., and S. M. Salsbury. "Standard Oil Co.: Combination, Consolidation, and Integration." Harvard Business School Case 362-001, October 1961. (Revised June 1984.)
- February 1982 (Revised September 1987)
- Case
El Paso Natural Gas Co. and the FPC
Vietor, Richard H.K. "El Paso Natural Gas Co. and the FPC." Harvard Business School Case 382-038, February 1982. (Revised September 1987.)
- 04 May 2011
- News
Pain from increased gas prices is mostly mental
- July 1993 (Revised September 1995)
- Case
Block 16: Conoco's "Green" Oil Strategy (A)
By: Malcolm S. Salter and Susan E.A. Hall
Conoco's attempted to win an oil development contract in Ecuador's tropical rain forest. The case discusses government perspectives, environmental perspectives, and indigenous people's perspectives. Allows role playing in a "negotiating forum" set up by Conoco to get... View Details
Keywords: Governance; Contracts; Growth and Development Strategy; Negotiation; Practice; Business and Community Relations; Environmental Sustainability; Perspective; Culture; Corporate Strategy; Latin America
Salter, Malcolm S., and Susan E.A. Hall. Block 16: Conoco's "Green" Oil Strategy (A). Harvard Business School Case 394-001, July 1993. (Revised September 1995.)
- April 2011 (Revised April 2011)
- Exercise
Raptor Oil Company: An Exercise
The exercise, which adapts a famous experiment by experimental psychologist Thomas Gilovich, is designed to show both the ubiquity of analogy or associative thinking more generally and its potential perils. Students are presented with a scenario in which an oil company... View Details
"Raptor Oil Company: An Exercise." Harvard Business School Exercise 711-511, April 2011. (Revised April 2011.)