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- All HBS Web (459)
- Faculty Publications (149)
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- All HBS Web (459)
- Faculty Publications (149)
- 01 Feb 1997
- News
Leading the Way In Negotiation and Decision Making
and conflict resolution took place at the Negotiation Roundtable, itself part of an active University-wide effort called the Program on Negotiation, based at Harvard Law School. Since its establishment in the early 1980s, the View Details
Keywords: Judith A. Ross
- 1999
- Chapter
The Effects of Agents and Mediators on Negotiation Behavior
By: M. H. Bazerman, M. A. Neale, K. L. Valley, Y. M. Kim and E. J. Zajac
Bazerman, M. H., M. A. Neale, K. L. Valley, Y. M. Kim, and E. J. Zajac. "The Effects of Agents and Mediators on Negotiation Behavior." In Judgment and Decision Making: An Interdisciplinary Reader. 2nd ed. Edited by T. Connolly, H. Arkes, and K. Hammond. Cambridge University Press, 1996.
- August 2013
- Teaching Plan
By: Guhan Subramanian and Charlotte Krontiris
This exercise models a negotiation between two pharmaceutical companies—Johnson & Johnson and Merck—concerning the international distribution rights for Remicade, a blockbuster anti-arthritis drug. At odds over the original distribution contract, the two companies... View Details
Keywords: Johnson & Johnson; Merck; Negotiation; Negotiation Participants; Negotiation Deal; Pharmaceutical Industry
Subramanian, Guhan, and Charlotte Krontiris. "Remicade-Simponi." Harvard Business School Teaching Plan 914-006, August 2013.
- May 2016
- Article
Cooperation in Multicultural Negotiations: How the Cultures of People with Low and High Power Interact
By: Shirli Kopelman, Ashley E. Hardin, Christopher G. Myers and Leigh Plunkett Tost
This study examined whether the cultures of low- and high-power negotiators interact to influence cooperative behavior of low-power negotiators. Managers from four different cultural groups (Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, and the United States) negotiated face-to-face in... View Details
Keywords: Global Collaboration; Negotiations; Culture; Negotiation Process; Negotiation Participants; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Hong Kong; Germany; Israel; United States
Kopelman, Shirli, Ashley E. Hardin, Christopher G. Myers, and Leigh Plunkett Tost. "Cooperation in Multicultural Negotiations: How the Cultures of People with Low and High Power Interact." Journal of Applied Psychology 101, no. 5 (May 2016): 721–730.
- 01 Dec 1999
- News
Negotiating in 3-D: An Overarching Way to Get to Yes?
From resolving a labor dispute, to orchestrating a merger, to getting a new company off the ground, negotiation plays a vital role in nearly every facet of business. In a course note titled "Negotiation Analysis: Summary Framework and... View Details
Keywords: Anita M. Harris
- December 1998 (Revised May 1999)
- Exercise
Negotiating Peace Accords in Bellicoso for the Minister of the Presidency (MOP): General Instructions and Confidential Information
Bellicoso is a multi-party conflict resolution simulation based loosely on the bitter civil war in El Salvador. It is designed to explore issues in: 1) the management of interactions between external negotiations between sides and internal negotiations within them, 2)... View Details
Keywords: War; Negotiation Tactics; Negotiation Participants; Government and Politics; Conflict and Resolution; El Salvador
"Negotiating Peace Accords in Bellicoso for the Minister of the Presidency (MOP): General Instructions and Confidential Information." Harvard Business School Exercise 899-093, December 1998. (Revised May 1999.)
- December 1998 (Revised May 1999)
- Exercise
Negotiating Peace Accords in Bellicoso for the Minister of the Defense (MOD): General Instructions and Confidential Information
Bellicoso is a multi-party conflict resolution simulation based loosely on the bitter civil war in El Salvador. It is designed to explore issues in: 1) the management of interactions between external negotiations between sides and internal negotiations within them, 2)... View Details
Keywords: War; Negotiation Tactics; Negotiation Participants; Government and Politics; Conflict and Resolution; El Salvador
"Negotiating Peace Accords in Bellicoso for the Minister of the Defense (MOD): General Instructions and Confidential Information." Harvard Business School Exercise 899-087, December 1998. (Revised May 1999.)
- Article
Handshaking Promotes Deal-Making by Signaling Cooperative Intent
By: Juliana Schroeder, Jane L. Risen, Francesca Gino and Michael I. Norton
We examine how a simple handshake—a gesture that often occurs at the outset of social interactions—can influence deal-making. Because handshakes are social rituals, they are imbued with meaning beyond their physical features. We propose that during mixed-motive... View Details
Keywords: Handshake; Cooperation; Affiliation; Competition; Negotiation; Nonverbal Communication; Negotiation Participants; Behavior; Communication Intention and Meaning; Negotiation Deal
Schroeder, Juliana, Jane L. Risen, Francesca Gino, and Michael I. Norton. "Handshaking Promotes Deal-Making by Signaling Cooperative Intent." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 116, no. 5 (May 2019): 743–768.
- December 1998 (Revised May 1999)
- Exercise
Negotiating Peace Accords in Bellicoso for the Head of the Opposition Political Party (OPP): General Instructions and Confidential Information
Bellicoso is a multi-party conflict resolution simulation based loosely on the bitter civil war in El Salvador. It is designed to explore issues in: 1) the management of interactions between external negotiations between sides and internal negotiations within them, 2)... View Details
Keywords: War; Negotiation Tactics; Negotiation Participants; Government and Politics; Conflict and Resolution; El Salvador
"Negotiating Peace Accords in Bellicoso for the Head of the Opposition Political Party (OPP): General Instructions and Confidential Information." Harvard Business School Exercise 899-090, December 1998. (Revised May 1999.)
- December 1998 (Revised May 1999)
- Exercise
Negotiating Peace Accords in Bellicoso for the Director of the National Landowners Association (NLU): General Instructions and Confidential Information
Bellicoso is a multi-party conflict resolution simulation based loosely on the bitter civil war in El Salvador. It is designed to explore issues in: 1) the management of interactions between external negotiations between sides and internal negotiations within them, 2)... View Details
Keywords: War; Negotiation Tactics; Negotiation Participants; Government and Politics; Conflict and Resolution; El Salvador
"Negotiating Peace Accords in Bellicoso for the Director of the National Landowners Association (NLU): General Instructions and Confidential Information." Harvard Business School Exercise 899-089, December 1998. (Revised May 1999.)
- December 1998 (Revised May 1999)
- Exercise
Negotiating Peace Accords in Bellicoso for the Head of the Pro-Peace Party (PPP): General Instructions and Confidential Information
Bellicoso is a multi-party conflict resolution simulation based loosely on the bitter civil war in El Salvador. It is designed to explore issues in: 1) the management of interactions between external negotiations between sides and internal negotiations within them, 2)... View Details
Keywords: War; Negotiation Tactics; Negotiation Participants; Government and Politics; Conflict and Resolution; El Salvador
"Negotiating Peace Accords in Bellicoso for the Head of the Pro-Peace Party (PPP): General Instructions and Confidential Information." Harvard Business School Exercise 899-091, December 1998. (Revised May 1999.)
- 2017
- Chapter
High Stakes Negotiation: Indian Gaming and Tribal/State Compacts
By: Gavin Clarkson and James K. Sebenius
Although Indian tribes and the surrounding states were often bitter enemies throughout much of the history of the United States, recently tribes and states have been able to work cooperatively in a number of areas. In some instances, Congress has mandated such... View Details
Keywords: Indian Gaming; Negotiation; Regulation; Tribal Sovereignty; Sovereign Finance; Negotiation Participants; Relationships; Cooperation; Connecticut
Clarkson, Gavin, and James K. Sebenius. "High Stakes Negotiation: Indian Gaming and Tribal/State Compacts." Chap. 8 in American Indian Business: Principles and Practices, edited by Deanna M. Kennedy, Charles Harrington, Amy Klemm Verbos, Daniel Stewart, Joseph Gladstone, and Gavin Clarkson, 130–161. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2017.
- December 1998 (Revised May 1999)
- Exercise
Negotiating Peace Accords in Bellicoso for the Leader of the Student Revolutionary Front (SRF): General Instructions and Confidential Information
Bellicoso is a multi-party conflict resolution simulation based loosely on the bitter civil war in El Salvador. It is designed to explore issues in: 1) the management of interactions between external negotiations between sides and internal negotiations within them, 2)... View Details
Keywords: War; Negotiation Tactics; Negotiation Participants; Government and Politics; Conflict and Resolution; El Salvador
"Negotiating Peace Accords in Bellicoso for the Leader of the Student Revolutionary Front (SRF): General Instructions and Confidential Information." Harvard Business School Exercise 899-094, December 1998. (Revised May 1999.)
- December 1998 (Revised May 1999)
- Exercise
Negotiating Peace Accords in Bellicoso for the Leader of the Peasant Freedom Front (PFF): General Instructions and Confidential Information
Bellicoso is a multi-party conflict resolution simulation based loosely on the bitter civil war in El Salvador. It is designed to explore issues in: 1) the management of interactions between external negotiations between sides and internal negotiations within them, 2)... View Details
Keywords: War; Negotiation Tactics; Negotiation Participants; Government and Politics; Conflict and Resolution; El Salvador
"Negotiating Peace Accords in Bellicoso for the Leader of the Peasant Freedom Front (PFF): General Instructions and Confidential Information." Harvard Business School Exercise 899-092, December 1998. (Revised May 1999.)
- December 1998 (Revised May 1999)
- Exercise
Negotiating Peace Accords in Bellicoso for the Head of the Bellicosan Labor Union (BLU): General Instructions and Confidential Information
Bellicoso is a multi-party conflict resolution simulation based loosely on the bitter civil war in El Salvador. It is designed to explore issues in: 1) the management of interactions between external negotiations between sides and internal negotiations within them, 2)... View Details
Keywords: War; Negotiation Tactics; Negotiation Participants; Government and Politics; Conflict and Resolution; El Salvador
"Negotiating Peace Accords in Bellicoso for the Head of the Bellicosan Labor Union (BLU): General Instructions and Confidential Information." Harvard Business School Exercise 899-088, December 1998. (Revised May 1999.)
- April 1978 (Revised October 1994)
- Case
Cumberland Metal Industries (A): Model Year 1978 Negotiations with Beta Motors
Provides the background on Cumberland Metal Industries' entry into the automotive components market as a supplier of emission control equipment parts. Cumberland Metal must decide what bid to quote on Beta Motor's 1978 model year business. The company previously had a... View Details
Keywords: Decisions; Bids and Bidding; Market Participation; Negotiation; Competitive Strategy; Manufacturing Industry
Shapiro, Benson P. "Cumberland Metal Industries (A): Model Year 1978 Negotiations with Beta Motors." Harvard Business School Case 578-170, April 1978. (Revised October 1994.)
- 1995
- Chapter
Friends, Lovers, Colleagues, Strangers: The Effects of Relationships on the Process and Outcome of Dyadic Negotiations
By: K. L. McGinn, M. A. Neale and F. A. Mannix
Keywords: Relationships; Negotiation Participants; Negotiation Process; Negotiation Types; Outcome or Result
McGinn, K. L., M. A. Neale, and F. A. Mannix. "Friends, Lovers, Colleagues, Strangers: The Effects of Relationships on the Process and Outcome of Dyadic Negotiations." In Research on Negotiation in Organizations, edited by R. J. Bies, R. Lewicki, and B. Sheppard. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1995.
- 1998
- Book
Global Climate Change: A Senior Level Dialogue at the Intersection of Economics, Strategy, Technology, Science, Politics and International Negotiation
By: Andrew J. Hoffman
Based on the 1997 conference organized by the Kellog Environmental Research Center and sponsored by the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, Global Climate Change presents the views of key players in the debate over global climate change... View Details
Hoffman, Andrew J., ed. Global Climate Change: A Senior Level Dialogue at the Intersection of Economics, Strategy, Technology, Science, Politics and International Negotiation. San Francisco, CA: New Lexington Press, 1998.
- June 2001
- Case
Privatization of Anatolia National Telekom, The: EUTEL Confidential Instructions
Anatolia National Telekom is a multiparty negotiation simulation patterned after the Turkish government's aborted attempt to privatize its state-owned telecommunications monopoly, Turk Telekom, in late 1997. Provides participants with an opportunity to identify and... View Details
Keywords: Negotiation Process; Emerging Markets; Privatization; State Ownership; Telecommunications Industry; Turkey
Watkins, Michael D., Banu Ozcan, Burkhard Schrage, and Paul Vaaler. "Privatization of Anatolia National Telekom, The: EUTEL Confidential Instructions." Harvard Business School Case 801-435, June 2001.
- June 2001
- Case
Privatization of Anatolia National Telekom, The: TAD Confidential Instructions
Anatolia National Telekom is a multiparty negotiation simulation patterned after the Turkish government's aborted attempt to privatize its state-owned telecommunications monopoly, Turk Telekom, in late 1997. Provides participants with an opportunity to identify and... View Details
Keywords: Negotiation Process; Emerging Markets; Privatization; State Ownership; Telecommunications Industry; Turkey
Watkins, Michael D., Banu Ozcan, Burkhard Schrage, and Paul Vaaler. "Privatization of Anatolia National Telekom, The: TAD Confidential Instructions." Harvard Business School Case 801-437, June 2001.