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- All HBS Web (912)
- Faculty Publications (153)
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- All HBS Web (912)
- Faculty Publications (153)
- Research Summary
Social media and user-generated content
In this project, Professor Piskorski, jointly with Andreea Gorbatai, examines inherent trade-offs in provision of user-generated content, using Wikipedia as a research setting. In Wikipedia, every user has the right to add material to an article, but with no... View Details
- 2017
- Working Paper
The Importance of Unemployment Insurance as an Automatic Stabilizer
By: Marco Di Maggio and Amir Kermani
We assess the extent to which unemployment insurance (UI) serves as an automatic stabilizer to mitigate the economy's sensitivity to shocks. Using a local labor market design based on heterogeneity in local benefit generosity (defined as the percentage of household... View Details
Keywords: Unemployment Insurance; Automatic Stabilizers; Bartik Shocks; Aggregate Demand; System Shocks; Employment; Balance and Stability; Insurance; Volatility; Insurance Industry
Di Maggio, Marco, and Amir Kermani. "The Importance of Unemployment Insurance as an Automatic Stabilizer." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 17-009, July 2016. (Revise and Resubmit to American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.)
- February 2003
- Case
Jeff Sloane (A)
Traces the career decision-making process of Jeff Sloane, an MBA student, from his second year of graduate school through five (plus) years post-graduation. Sloane encounters many significant challenges, including the adverse effects of a faltering economy, the tragedy... View Details
Higgins, Monica C. "Jeff Sloane (A)." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Case 403-067, February 2003.
- June 2013
- Article
Signals across Multiple Networks: How Venture Capital and Alliance Networks Affect Interorganizational Collaboration
By: Umit Ozmel, Jeffrey J. Reuer and Ranjay Gulati
In this paper, we examine the contingent effects of signals generated by different types of networks on new ventures' formation of future strategic alliances. We argue that the signaling value of a given tie in reducing adverse selection is more pronounced when another... View Details
Ozmel, Umit, Jeffrey J. Reuer, and Ranjay Gulati. "Signals across Multiple Networks: How Venture Capital and Alliance Networks Affect Interorganizational Collaboration." Academy of Management Journal 56, no. 3 (June 2013): 852–866.
- February 2020 (Revised February 2022)
- Case
Sustainable Product Management at Solvay
By: George Serafeim, Vincent Dessain and Mette Fuglsang Hjortshoej
In November 2019, Ilham Kadri, CEO of Solvay, a Belgian specialty chemicals and advanced materials group, with annual revenues of more than €10 billion in 2018, announced the group’s mid-term strategy, eight months after she took the helm as Solvay’s 11th CEO. The case... View Details
Keywords: Sustainability; Sustainable Business And Innovation; Sustainability Management; Sustainable Development; Management Accounting; Innovation; Carbon Emissions; Sustainability Reporting; Sustainability Targets; Target-setting; Product; Management; Transformation; Growth and Development Strategy; Climate Change; Environmental Sustainability; Chemical Industry; Europe; Belgium
Serafeim, George, Vincent Dessain, and Mette Fuglsang Hjortshoej. "Sustainable Product Management at Solvay." Harvard Business School Case 120-081, February 2020. (Revised February 2022.)
- Article
Foreign Competition and Domestic Innovation: Evidence from U.S. Patents
By: David Autor, David Dorn, Gordon H. Hanson, Gary P. Pisano and Pian Shu
Manufacturing accounts for more than three-quarters of U.S. corporate patents. The competitive shock to this sector emanating from China's economic ascent could in theory either augment or stifle U.S. innovation. Using three decades of U.S. patents matched to corporate... View Details
Autor, David, David Dorn, Gordon H. Hanson, Gary P. Pisano, and Pian Shu. "Foreign Competition and Domestic Innovation: Evidence from U.S. Patents." American Economic Review: Insights 2, no. 3 (September 2020): 357–374.
- October 2009
- Case
Low-k Dielectrics at IBM
By: Willy C. Shih and Giovanni Carraro
Innovations at the frontiers of technology carry enormous risk of making wrong choices. This case examines a decision made by IBM in its semiconductor process technology strategy: a material to use as a dielectric insulator in its leading edge silicon chip technology.... View Details
Keywords: Competency and Skills; Decision Choices and Conditions; Technological Innovation; Product Development; Science; Creativity; Semiconductor Industry; United States
Shih, Willy C., and Giovanni Carraro. "Low-k Dielectrics at IBM." Harvard Business School Case 610-023, October 2009.
- February 1991 (Revised November 1993)
- Supplement
Investment Analysis and Lockheed Tri Star
A set of five exercises in capital budgeting. Student calculates and compares various decision criteria (including IRR and NPV) for capital investment projects. This is an introductory case, where relevant cash flows are provided, and the focus is on the discounting... View Details
Edleson, Michael E. "Investment Analysis and Lockheed Tri Star." Harvard Business School Supplement 291-031, February 1991. (Revised November 1993.)
- 2014
- Article
Morality Rebooted: Exploring Simple Fixes to Our Moral Bugs
Ethics research developed partly in response to calls from organizations to understand and solve unethical behavior. Departing from prior work that focused mainly on examining the antecedents and consequences of dishonesty, we examine two approaches to mitigating... View Details
Keywords: Corruption; Dishonesty; Unethical Behavior; Interventions; Structure; Values; Behavior; Ethics; Moral Sensibility
Zhang, Ting, Francesca Gino, and Max Bazerman. "Morality Rebooted: Exploring Simple Fixes to Our Moral Bugs." Research in Organizational Behavior 34 (2014): 63–79.
- 2018
- Working Paper
Need for Speed: The Impact of Website Performance on Online Retail
By: Santiago Gallino, Nil Karacaoglu and Antonio Moreno
The share of e-commerce sales is rapidly increasing and so are the associated losses generated by website outages and slow websites. We leverage novel retail and website performance data to investigate the impact of website performance on online sales. This question is... View Details
Keywords: Online Retail; Quasi-experiments; Abandonment; Synthetic Control; Internet and the Web; Performance; Service Operations
Gallino, Santiago, Nil Karacaoglu, and Antonio Moreno. "Need for Speed: The Impact of Website Performance on Online Retail." Working Paper, October 2018.
- Forthcoming
- Article
The Impact of Minority Representation at Mortgage Lenders
By: W. Scott Frame, Ruidi Huang, Erica Jiang, Yeonjoon Lee, Will Liu, Erik J. Mayer and Adi Sunderam
We study links between the labor market for loan officers and access to mortgage credit. Using novel data matching the (near) universe of mortgage applications to loan officers, we find that minorities are significantly underrepresented among loan officers. Minority... View Details
Keywords: Household Finance; Demographic Economics; Financial Institutions; Diversity; Prejudice and Bias; Mortgages; Personal Finance
Frame, W. Scott, Ruidi Huang, Erica Jiang, Yeonjoon Lee, Will Liu, Erik J. Mayer, and Adi Sunderam. "The Impact of Minority Representation at Mortgage Lenders." Journal of Finance (forthcoming).
- July 1989 (Revised May 2004)
- Case
Colonial Homes
By: David E. Bell
Colonial Homes supplies a complete raw materials package to build entire homes. The price of the package is guaranteed at the signing of the sales contract, while delivery (and payment) are not effected for up to six months. In an effort to reduce its exposure to... View Details
Keywords: Customer Value and Value Chain; Contracts; Price; Price Bubble; Fluctuation; Monopoly; Problems and Challenges; Sales; Accommodations Industry; Real Estate Industry
Bell, David E. "Colonial Homes." Harvard Business School Case 190-008, July 1989. (Revised May 2004.)
- May 2006
- Module Note
Leading Culturally Diverse Teams
By: Robin J. Ely
Describes the Leading Culturally Diverse Teams module (eight class sessions), which teaches students the leadership perspectives and skills necessary to develop high-functioning, culturally diverse teams (teams diverse in, for example, race, ethnicity, gender,... View Details
Ely, Robin J. "Leading Culturally Diverse Teams." Harvard Business School Module Note 406-097, May 2006.
Joshua D. Margolis
Joshua Margolis is James Dinan and Elizabeth Miller Professor of Business Administration and the Unit Head for the Organizational Behavior unit. He is also Faculty Chair of the Program for Leadership Development. His research and teaching revolve around leadership... View Details
- May 2023
- Article
A Public Health Approach to Negative News Media: The 3-to-1 Solution
By: Tyler VanderWeele and Arthur C. Brooks
There is clear evidence that the prevalence of negative media reporting has increased substantially over the past years. There is evidence also that this negative reporting adversely affects social interactions, as well as health and well-being outcomes. Given the wide... View Details
Keywords: News; Social Networks; Contagion; Population Health; Media; Health; Welfare; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Journalism and News Industry
VanderWeele, Tyler, and Arthur C. Brooks. "A Public Health Approach to Negative News Media: The 3-to-1 Solution." American Journal of Health Promotion 37, no. 4 (May 2023): 447–449.
- June 1994 (Revised August 1994)
- Case
Cunard Line Ltd.: Managing Integrated Marketing Communications
Cunard, the world's oldest luxury line company, is confronted with several key issues involving its marketing and marketing communications strategy. One concerns the balance between image/positioning advertising and short-term-oriented promotional... View Details
Keywords: Advertising Campaigns; Marketing Communications; Marketing Strategy; Product Positioning; Consumer Behavior; Organizational Structure; Identity; Balance and Stability; Shipping Industry
Greyser, Stephen A. "Cunard Line Ltd.: Managing Integrated Marketing Communications." Harvard Business School Case 594-046, June 1994. (Revised August 1994.)
- April 2013
- Case
Southfield Packaging
By: Michael Beer and Alisa Zalosh
Southfield Packaging provides packaging materials and services to medical device manufacturers. The case examines the relationship between a corporate vice president, Mark Sanders, and one of his direct reports, Regional Manager Frank Belby. Sanders' preparation for... View Details
Keywords: Rank and Position; Performance Evaluation; Problems and Challenges; Management Teams; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; Distribution Industry; Service Industry
Beer, Michael, and Alisa Zalosh. "Southfield Packaging." Harvard Business School Brief Case 913-562, April 2013.
- Article
Isolating the Symbolic Implications of Employee Mobility: Price Increases after Hiring Winemakers from Prominent Wineries
By: Peter W. Roberts, Mukti Khaire and Christopher I. Rider
When a skilled employee moves from one organization to another, the effects on the hiring organization can be substantive (i.e., changes in actual outcomes) and symbolic (i.e., changes in expectations or valuations and therefore prices). We theorize that strong or even... View Details
Keywords: Employees; Organizations; Performance Expectations; Price; Competency and Skills; Quality; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Selection and Staffing; Valuation; Food and Beverage Industry
Roberts, Peter W., Mukti Khaire, and Christopher I. Rider. "Isolating the Symbolic Implications of Employee Mobility: Price Increases after Hiring Winemakers from Prominent Wineries." American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings 101, no. 3 (May 2011): 147–151.
- Research Summary
Personal Data in Marketing
By: John A. Deighton
Between 10% and 20% of all marketing activity in the United States, and a smaller proportion internationally, relies on data about individuals, whether personally identifying or pseudonomized. These data flow across a system of established and emerging firms operating... View Details
- December 2014 (Revised July 2016)
- Case
HEINEKEN—Brewing a Better World
By: Forest L. Reinhardt, José Alvarez, Tonia Junker and Daniela Beyersdorfer
The Dutch company HEINEKEN, one of the leading global brewers known for its brands like Heineken, Amstel, and Desperados and for its award-winning marketing campaigns, seeks to closely integrate its long-term sustainability "Brewing a Better World" approach into its... View Details
Keywords: Beer/brewing Industry; Sustainability; Local Sourcing; Corporate Strategy; Global Strategy; Brands and Branding; Marketing Strategy; Supply Chain Management; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Food and Beverage Industry
Reinhardt, Forest L., José Alvarez, Tonia Junker, and Daniela Beyersdorfer. "HEINEKEN—Brewing a Better World." Harvard Business School Case 715-022, December 2014. (Revised July 2016.)