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- All HBS Web
- News (206)
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- Faculty Publications (308)
- 2020
- Working Paper
Best Ideas
By: Miguel Antón, Randolph B. Cohen and Christopher Polk
We find that the stocks in which active mutual fund or hedge fund managers display the most conviction towards ex-ante, their “Best ideas,” outperform the market, as well as the other stocks in those managers’ portfolios, by approximately 2.8 to 4.5 percent per year,... View Details
Keywords: Mutual Funds; Managerial Skill; Market Efficiency; Investment Funds; Management; Investment Portfolio; Decision Making
Antón, Miguel, Randolph B. Cohen, and Christopher Polk. "Best Ideas." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-004, June 2020.
- May 1994
- Background Note
Managing Market Complexity: A Three-Ring Circus
Proposes models of organization that address the various product-market environments posed by the product life cycle. Frames these changes along the two dimensions of uncertainty and diversity. Offers three sets of organizational characteristics to reflect the three... View Details
Keywords: Business Processes; Growth and Development Strategy; Complexity; Organizational Structure; Organizational Culture; Product Marketing; Markets; Product
Rangan, V. Kasturi. "Managing Market Complexity: A Three-Ring Circus." Harvard Business School Background Note 594-119, May 1994.
- Article
Value of Information with Sequential Futures Markets
By: Jerry R. Green
The effects of an improvement in information on the efficiency of risk-bearing are studied under various systems of incomplete markets. With sequential futures markets for uncontingent delivery, the welfare effects are indeterminate in sign, except under special... View Details
Green, Jerry R. "Value of Information with Sequential Futures Markets." Econometrica 49, no. 2 (March 1981): 335–358.
- Forthcoming
- Article
Passive Ownership and Price Informativeness
By: Marco Sammon
I show that passive ownership negatively affects the degree to which stock prices anticipate earnings announcements. Estimates across several research designs imply that the rise in passive ownership over the last 30 years has caused the amount of information... View Details
Keywords: Passive Ownership; ETFs; Market Efficiency; Price; Investment Funds; Stocks; Communication
Sammon, Marco. "Passive Ownership and Price Informativeness." Management Science (forthcoming). (Pre-published online September 17, 2024.)
- June 7, 1990
- Article
New Trading Practices and the Short-run Predictability of the S&P 500
By: André Perold, Kenneth A. Froot and James F. Gammill Jr.
- Program
Strategic Marketing for Driving Growth
capture value Thrive in the era of digital marketing and digital business models Assess ROI for your marketing spend Balance performance and brand marketing Craft engaging,... View Details
- February 2017 (Revised April 2018)
- Case
Kameda Seika: Cracking the U.S. Market
By: Elie Ofek, Nobuo Sato and Akiko Kanno
In spring 2016, Kameda’s CEO, Michiyasu Tanaka, is facing difficult questions from board members over the lackluster performance of the company’s U.S. subsidiary. Kameda was the leading player in the Japanese rice cracker market and was looking to expand overseas to... View Details
Keywords: Marketing Strategy; Growth and Development Strategy; Adaptation; Performance Improvement; Food and Beverage Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Japan; United States
Ofek, Elie, Nobuo Sato, and Akiko Kanno. "Kameda Seika: Cracking the U.S. Market." Harvard Business School Case 517-095, February 2017. (Revised April 2018.)
- Article
Efficiencies and Regulatory Shortcuts: How Should We Regulate Companies like Airbnb and Uber?
By: Benjamin Edelman and Damien Geradin
New software platforms use modern information technology, including full-featured web sites and mobile apps, to allow service providers and consumers to transact with relative ease and increased trust. These platforms provide notable benefits including reducing... View Details
Keywords: Platforms; Regulation; Sharing Economy; Uber; Airbnb; Universal Service; Insurance; Market Platforms; Service Delivery; Software; Service Industry
Edelman, Benjamin, and Damien Geradin. "Efficiencies and Regulatory Shortcuts: How Should We Regulate Companies like Airbnb and Uber?" Stanford Technology Law Review 19, no. 2 (2016): 293–328.
- 13 Jan 2012
- Working Paper Summaries
Intermediaries for the IP Market
Keywords: by Andrei Hagiu & David Yoffie
- May 2004
- Article
The Case for International Coordination of Electricity Regulation: Evidence from the Measurement of Efficiency in South America
A decade of experience has shown that monitoring the performance of public and private monopolies is the hardest part of electricity sector reform in South America—because operators control most of the information needed for effective regulation. South American... View Details
Keywords: Information; Mathematical Methods; Monopoly; Globalization; Energy Sources; Energy Industry; South America
Ruzzier, Christian Alejandro, A. Estache, and M. Rossi. "The Case for International Coordination of Electricity Regulation: Evidence from the Measurement of Efficiency in South America." Journal of Regulatory Economics 25, no. 3 (May 2004): 271–295.
- 10 Jun 2010
- Working Paper Summaries
Corporate Governance and Internal Capital Markets
Keywords: by Zacharias Sautner & Belén Villalonga
- 2016
- Working Paper
Market Design for Altruistic Supply: Evidence from the Lab
By: Robert Slonim and Carmen Wang
Volunteer supply is widespread. Yet without a price, inefficiencies occur due to suppliers’ inability to coordinate with each other and with demand. In these contexts, we propose a market clearinghouse mechanism that improves efficiency if supply is altruistically... View Details
Keywords: Laboratory Experiments; Volunteering; Public Goods Provision; Market Design; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Economics
Slonim, Robert, and Carmen Wang. "Market Design for Altruistic Supply: Evidence from the Lab." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 16-112, March 2016.
- 2010
- Working Paper
Corporate Governance and Internal Capital Markets
We exploit an exogenous shock to corporate ownership structures created by a recent tax reform in Germany to explore the link between corporate governance and internal capital markets. We find that firms with more concentrated ownership are less diversified and have... View Details
Keywords: Cost vs Benefits; Capital Markets; Corporate Governance; Taxation; Ownership; Performance Efficiency; Diversification; Germany
Sautner, Zacharias, and Belen Villalonga. "Corporate Governance and Internal Capital Markets." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 10-100, May 2010.
- December 2014
- Article
The Real Product Market Impact of Mergers
By: Albert Sheen
I document sources of value creation in mergers by analyzing novel data on the quality and price of goods sold by merging firms. When two competitors in a product market merge, their products converge in quality, and prices fall relative to the competition. These... View Details
Sheen, Albert. "The Real Product Market Impact of Mergers." Journal of Finance 69, no. 6 (December 2014).
- Web
Marketing - Faculty & Research
Marketing Overview Faculty Curriculum Seminars & Conferences Awards & Honors Doctoral Students Featured Publication Frontiers: Can an AI Algorithm Mitigate Racial Economic Inequality? An Analysis in the Context of Airbnb By: Shunyuan... View Details
- September 2007 (Revised November 2007)
- Case
Bunge: Food, Fuel, and World Markets
By: Tarun Khanna, Santiago Mingo and Jonathan West
In 2007, Bunge, an agribusiness company, had over $26 billion in worldwide sales and was considered, along with Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), one of three very integrated worldwide agribusiness companies. Headquartered in White Plains, NY, the company has... View Details
Keywords: Globalized Firms and Management; Operations; Organizational Design; Situation or Environment; Strategy; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; White Plains; Brazil
Khanna, Tarun, Santiago Mingo, and Jonathan West. "Bunge: Food, Fuel, and World Markets." Harvard Business School Case 708-443, September 2007. (Revised November 2007.)
- May 1993 (Revised October 1993)
- Case
Vanity Fair Mills: Market Response System
Describes the "Quick Response" program developed by Vanity Fair Mills (VFM), a division of the VF Corp. Beginning in 1989, VFM reorganized its manufacturing systems, invested heavily in computer and telecommunications equipment, and formed "partnership" agreements with... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Logistics; Distribution Channels; Manufacturing Industry
Buzzell, Robert D. "Vanity Fair Mills: Market Response System." Harvard Business School Case 593-111, May 1993. (Revised October 1993.)
- 01 Oct 2015
- Working Paper Summaries
Efficiencies and Regulatory Shortcuts: How Should We Regulate Companies like Airbnb and Uber?
- summer 1992
- Article
Shareholder Trading Practices and Corporate Investment Horizons
By: Kenneth A. Froot, André Perold and J. Stein
Keywords: Institutional Investing; Market Efficiency; Behavioral Finance; Equities; Stock Market; Indexing; Financial Markets; Asset Pricing
Froot, Kenneth A., André Perold, and J. Stein. "Shareholder Trading Practices and Corporate Investment Horizons." Continental Bank Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 5, no. 2 (summer 1992): 42–58.