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- All HBS Web (451)
- Faculty Publications (259)
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- All HBS Web (451)
- Faculty Publications (259)
- March 2023
- Article
Authentic First Impressions Relate to Interpersonal, Social, and Entrepreneurial Success
By: David M. Markowitz, Maryam Kouchaki, Francesca Gino, Jeffrey T. Hancock and Ryan L. Boyd
This paper examines how verbal authenticity influences person perception. Our work combines human judgments and natural language processing to suggest verbal authenticity is a positive predictor of interpersonal interest (Study 1: 294 dyadic conversations), engagement... View Details
Keywords: Authenticity; Impression Formation; Natural Language Processing; First Impressions; Communication; Perception; Success
Markowitz, David M., Maryam Kouchaki, Francesca Gino, Jeffrey T. Hancock, and Ryan L. Boyd. "Authentic First Impressions Relate to Interpersonal, Social, and Entrepreneurial Success." Social Psychological & Personality Science 14, no. 2 (March 2023): 107–116.
- 13 Mar 2005
- Research & Ideas
Reinforcing Values: A Public Dressing Down
reinforce organizational values on a constant basis, using actions to back up their words. Their goal is to change behavior, not just ways of thinking. For example, a leader can talk about values such as openness, tolerance, civility, teamwork, delegation, and direct... View Details
Keywords: by David A. Garvin & Michael A. Roberto
- August 2011 (Revised November 2012)
- Case
Mary Griffin at Derby Foods
By: Anthony J. Mayo and Joshua D. Margolis
Mary Griffin, Vice President of Consumer Products, must provide feedback to one of her direct reports, Simon York. York is a strong performer, but he has displayed some poor interpersonal skills in the manner in which he interacts with his team and the production... View Details
Keywords: Outcome or Result; Training; Interpersonal Communication; Labor and Management Relations; Management Skills; Management Style; Management Teams; Managerial Roles
Mayo, Anthony J., and Joshua D. Margolis. "Mary Griffin at Derby Foods." Harvard Business School Case 412-040, August 2011. (Revised November 2012.)
- Article
The Artful Dodger: Answering the Wrong Question the Right Way
By: Todd Rogers and Michael I. Norton
What happens when speakers try to "dodge" a question they would rather not answer by answering a different question? In 4 studies, we show that listeners can fail to detect dodges when speakers answer similar-but objectively incorrect-questions (the "artful dodge"), a... View Details
Rogers, Todd, and Michael I. Norton. "The Artful Dodger: Answering the Wrong Question the Right Way." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 17, no. 2 (June 2011): 139–147.
- 2021
- Article
Masked and Distanced: A Qualitative Study of How Personal Protective Equipment and Distancing Affect Teamwork in Emergency Care
By: Tuna Cem Hayirli, Nicholas Stark, Aditi Bhanja, James Hardy, Christopher Peabody and Michaela J. Kerrissey
Background: Newly intensified use of personal protective equipment (PPE) in emergency departments presents teamwork challenges affecting the quality and safety of care at the frontlines.
Objective: We conducted a qualitative study to categorize and... View Details
Objective: We conducted a qualitative study to categorize and... View Details
Keywords: COVID-19; Teamwork; Emergency Service; Hospital; Quality Of Health Care; Health Pandemics; Health Care and Treatment; Quality; Groups and Teams; Communication
Hayirli, Tuna Cem, Nicholas Stark, Aditi Bhanja, James Hardy, Christopher Peabody, and Michaela J. Kerrissey. "Masked and Distanced: A Qualitative Study of How Personal Protective Equipment and Distancing Affect Teamwork in Emergency Care." International Journal for Quality in Health Care 33, no. 2 (2021): mzab069.
- 10 Feb 2020
- Working Paper Summaries
Fostering Perceptions of Authenticity via Sensitive Self-Disclosure
- 2017
- Simulation
Global Collaboration Simulation: Tip of the Iceberg
By: Tsedal Neeley
This online simulation teaches students about the difficulties in cross-cultural communication and managing global teams. Communicating via chat, teams of 4 or 5 students race against the clock to prepare a VC presentation. Students are assigned the role of a native... View Details
Keywords: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Interpersonal Communication; Groups and Teams; Social and Collaborative Networks
Neeley, Tsedal. "Global Collaboration Simulation: Tip of the Iceberg." Simulation and Teaching Note. Harvard Business Publishing, 2017. Electronic.
- April 2019
- Article
Mitigating Malicious Envy: Why Successful Individuals Should Reveal Their Failures
People often feel malicious envy, a destructive interpersonal emotion, when they compare themselves to successful peers. Across three online experiments and a field experiment of entrepreneurs, we identify an interpersonal strategy that can mitigate feelings of... View Details
Brooks, Alison Wood, Karen Huang, Nicole Abi-Esber, Ryan W. Buell, Laura Huang, and Brian Hall. "Mitigating Malicious Envy: Why Successful Individuals Should Reveal Their Failures." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 148, no. 4 (April 2019): 667–687.
- 14 Sep 2009
- Research & Ideas
Understanding Users of Social Networks
Its user base is not really growing, but 70 million users is nothing to sneeze at. So why doesn't MySpace get the attention it deserves? The fascinating answer, acquired by studying a dataset of 100,000 MySpace users, is that they largely populate smaller cities and... View Details
- 2009
- Working Paper
Opening Up or Shutting Down? The Effects of Multiple Identities on Problem Solving
Across three studies, I investigate the distinct effects of multiple identity conflict and enhancement within people on two crucial aspects of resolving problems with others: integrative behavior and openness. The results of two studies support the hypotheses that... View Details
- May 2018
- Article
Advice Giving: A Subtle Pathway to Power
By: M. Schaerer, L.P. Tost, L. Huang, F. Gino and R. P. Larrick
We propose that interpersonal behaviors can activate feelings of power, and we examine this idea in the context of advice giving. Specifically, we show a) that advice giving is an interpersonal behavior that enhances individuals’ sense of power and b) that those who... View Details
Schaerer, M., L.P. Tost, L. Huang, F. Gino, and R. P. Larrick. "Advice Giving: A Subtle Pathway to Power." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 44, no. 5 (May 2018): 746–761.
- September 2006
- Supplement
Brainard, Bennis & Farrell (B)
By: Joseph L. Bower
Brainard, Bennis and Farrel is a short case designed to explore the challenge of establishing appropriate compensation from a general management/CEO perspective. Brainard (B) is a one-page handout that is designed to show how an already difficult problem is made more... View Details
Keywords: Interpersonal Communication; Compensation and Benefits; Executive Compensation; Relationships; Strategy
Bower, Joseph L. "Brainard, Bennis & Farrell (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 307-053, September 2006.
- 18 Dec 2020
- News
Making Doctors Effective Managers and Leaders
- April 2003
- Case
HP-Cisco Alliance (A), The
In 2002, Hewlett-Packard and Cisco Systems strove to develop their long-standing partnership into a strategic alliance with increasing impact. Critical components of successful alliance implementation emerge from the analysis. Specifically, the case illuminates the... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Interpersonal Communication; Organizational Design; Alliances; Organizational Structure
Casciaro, Tiziana E., and Christina Darwall. "HP-Cisco Alliance (A), The." Harvard Business School Case 403-120, April 2003.
- May 2020
- Article
To Be or Not to Be Your Authentic Self? Catering to Others' Expectations and Interests Hinders Performance
By: Francesca Gino, Ovul Sezer and Laura Huang
When approaching interpersonal first meetings (e.g., job interviews), people often cater to the target’s interests and expectations to make a good impression and secure a positive outcome such as being offered the job (pilot study). This strategy is distinct from other... View Details
Keywords: Authenticity; Catering; Honesty; Selection; Impression Management; Interpersonal Communication; Behavior; Performance
Gino, Francesca, Ovul Sezer, and Laura Huang. "To Be or Not to Be Your Authentic Self? Catering to Others' Expectations and Interests Hinders Performance." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 158 (May 2020): 83–100.
- Fall 2024
- Article
The Three Traps That Stymie Reinvention: Organizational Identity, Architecture, and Collaboration Can Be Either Assets or Liabilities to Pursuing Growth in New Sectors
By: Ryan Raffaelli
In more than a decade of researching innovation, I have observed how organizations respond to new opportunities, technological changes, or unexpected market shifts that threaten to upend their current business model. This process, which I call reinvention, may occur... View Details
Keywords: Innovation And Strategy; Change Leadership; Collaboration; Architecture; Transformation; Disruption; Leading Change; Innovation Strategy; Identity; Organizational Culture; Organizational Structure
Raffaelli, Ryan. "The Three Traps That Stymie Reinvention: Organizational Identity, Architecture, and Collaboration Can Be Either Assets or Liabilities to Pursuing Growth in New Sectors." MIT Sloan Management Review 66, no. 1 (Fall 2024): 46–52. (Cover story.)
- December 2019
- Article
It Helps to Ask: The Cumulative Benefits of Asking Follow-up Questions
By: Michael Yeomans, Alison Wood Brooks, Karen Huang, Julia A. Minson and Francesca Gino
In a recent article published in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (JPSP; Huang, Yeomans, Brooks, Minson, & Gino, 2017), we reported the results of 2 experiments involving “getting acquainted” conversations among strangers and an observational field... View Details
Yeomans, Michael, Alison Wood Brooks, Karen Huang, Julia A. Minson, and Francesca Gino. "It Helps to Ask: The Cumulative Benefits of Asking Follow-up Questions." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 117, no. 6 (December 2019): 1139–1144.
Lakshmi Ramarajan
Professor Ramarajan is the Diane Doerge Wilson Professor of Business Administration in the Organizational Behavior Unit at Harvard Business School. Her research examines the management and consequences of identities in organizations.
She teaches the... View Details
Keywords: nonprofit industry
- July 2019
- Article
The Gravitational Pull of Expressing Passion: When and How Expressing Passion Elicits Status Conferral and Support from Others
By: Jon M. Jachimowicz, Christopher To, Shira Agasi, Stéphane Côté and Adam D. Galinsky
Prior research attributes the positive effects of passion on professional success to intrapersonal characteristics. We propose that interpersonal processes are also critical because observers confer status on and support those who express passion. These interpersonal... View Details
Keywords: Passion; Admiration; Support; Emotions; Communication; Perception; Status and Position; Success; Situation or Environment; Competition
Jachimowicz, Jon M., Christopher To, Shira Agasi, Stéphane Côté, and Adam D. Galinsky. "The Gravitational Pull of Expressing Passion: When and How Expressing Passion Elicits Status Conferral and Support from Others." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 153 (July 2019): 41–62.
- 04 May 2017
- Cold Call Podcast
Leading a Team to the Top of Mount Everest
Keywords: Re: Amy C. Edmondson