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- Faculty Publications (97)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (97)
- December 2011
- Article
EXEMPLARY CONTRIBUTION: Transforming Mental Models on Emerging Markets
By: Charles Dhanaraj and Tarun Khanna
Economic growth in the Western world increasingly depends on meaningful engagement with emerging markets such as Brazil, China, India, South Africa, and Turkey. Business schools are responding with increased attention to these markets in their research and curricula.... View Details
Keywords: Emerging Markets; Business Model; Economic Growth; Developing Countries and Economies; Research; Business Education; Learning; Financial Institutions; Framework; Transformation; Perspective; India; China; Brazil; South Africa; Turkey
Dhanaraj, Charles, and Tarun Khanna. "EXEMPLARY CONTRIBUTION: Transforming Mental Models on Emerging Markets." Academy of Management Learning & Education 10, no. 4 (December 2011).
- September 2011
- Case
Vibco Industrial Vibrators
By: Das Narayandas, Kerry Herman and Matthew Preble
Karl Wadensten, president of Vibco Vibrators, was deciding whether to grow his small company through a marketing push for one of two technologies that he believed could launch his company to the next level of sales, or if he should continue to grow his company through... View Details
- June 2011
- Article
Implicit Voice Theories: Taken-for-granted Rules of Self-censorship at Work
By: J. R. Detert and Amy C. Edmondson
This article examines, in a series of four studies, the nature and impact of implicit voice theories-largely taken-for-granted beliefs about when and why speaking up at work is risky or inappropriate. In Study 1, qualitative data from 190 interviews conducted in a... View Details
Keywords: Spoken Communication; Interpersonal Communication; Employees; Managerial Roles; Organizational Culture; Risk and Uncertainty; Behavior
Detert, J. R., and Amy C. Edmondson. "Implicit Voice Theories: Taken-for-granted Rules of Self-censorship at Work." Academy of Management Journal 54, no. 3 (June 2011): 461–488.
- May 2010
- Column
Block-by-Blockbuster Innovation
Executives often find themselves debating the merits of incremental innovations versus game-changers, but that's a false dichotomy, says HBR columnist Rosabeth Moss Kanter. Even if a company is lucky enough to come up with the next Kindle, Swiffer, or smartphone,... View Details
Keywords: Innovation and Management; Resource Allocation; Product; Business Processes; Risk and Uncertainty
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss. "Block-by-Blockbuster Innovation." Harvard Business Review 88, no. 5 (May 2010): 38.
- Article
How Implicit Beliefs Influence Trust Recovery
By: M. Haselhuhn, M.E. Schweitzer and A. Wood
After a trust violation, some people are quick to forgive, whereas others never trust again. In this report, we identify a key characteristic that moderates trust recovery: implicit beliefs of moral character. Individuals who believe that moral character can change... View Details
Haselhuhn, M., M.E. Schweitzer, and A. Wood. "How Implicit Beliefs Influence Trust Recovery." Psychological Science 21, no. 5 (May 2010): 645–648.
- Article
Market Reaction to and Valuation of IFRS Reconciliation Adjustments: First Evidence from the UK
By: Joanne Horton and George Serafeim
We investigate the market reaction to, and the value-relevance of, information contained in the mandatory transitional documents required by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 1 (2005). We find significant negative abnormal returns for firms reporting... View Details
Keywords: Valuation; Markets; Information; International Finance; Earnings Management; Stock Shares; Taxation; Goodwill Accounting; Price; Financial Reporting; Standards; Corporate Disclosure; United Kingdom
Horton, Joanne, and George Serafeim. "Market Reaction to and Valuation of IFRS Reconciliation Adjustments: First Evidence from the UK." Review of Accounting Studies 15, no. 4 (December 2010).
- Article
The Cost Structure, Customer Profitability, and Retention Implications of Self-Service Distribution Channels: Evidence from Customer Behavior in an Online Banking Channel
By: Dennis Campbell and Frances X. Frei
This paper uses the context of online banking to investigate the consequences of employing self-service distribution channels to alter customer interactions with the firm. Using a sample of retail banking customers observed over a 30-month period at a large U.S. bank,... View Details
Keywords: Cost; Service Operations; Distribution Channels; Consumer Behavior; Internet and the Web; Banks and Banking; Technology Adoption; Service Delivery; Market Transactions; Market Participation; Profit; Retail Industry; Banking Industry; United States
Campbell, Dennis, and Frances X. Frei. "The Cost Structure, Customer Profitability, and Retention Implications of Self-Service Distribution Channels: Evidence from Customer Behavior in an Online Banking Channel." Management Science 56, no. 1 (January 2010): 4–24. (Lead Article.)
- Article
What Really Motivates Workers
By: Teresa M. Amabile and Steve J. Kramer
This essay appears in "The HBR List: Breakthrough Ideas for 2010," which is compiled by this journal in collaboration with the World Economic Forum. The ten problems and the innovative solutions are discussed in each essay. This particular essay describes research... View Details
Keywords: Problems and Challenges; Innovation and Invention; Research; Performance Improvement; Managerial Roles; Motivation and Incentives; Creativity
Amabile, Teresa M., and Steve J. Kramer. "What Really Motivates Workers." Harvard Business Review 88, nos. 1/2 (January–February 2010): 44–45. (#1 in Breakthrough Ideas for 2010.)
- 2009
- Working Paper
Don't Just Survive - Thrive: Leading Innovation in Good Times and Bad
By: Lynda M. Applegate and J. Bruce Harreld
Battered by contracting markets and frozen credit, many businesses today are fighting for survival. Indeed, the current global financial crisis provides a mandate for restructuring. But survival is not the end goal. In fact, cost cutting and restructuring are simply... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Risk Management; Leading Change; Innovation and Management; Crisis Management; Growth and Development Strategy
Applegate, Lynda M., and J. Bruce Harreld. "Don't Just Survive - Thrive: Leading Innovation in Good Times and Bad." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 09-127, April 2009. (Revised May 2009.)
- Article
Households' Willingness to Pay for 'Green' Goods: Evidence from Patagonia's Introduction of Organic Cotton Sportswear
By: Ramon Casadesus-Masanell, Michael Crooke, Forest L. Reinhardt and Vishal Vasishth
To shed light on individuals' willingness to pay for "green" goods (i.e., goods that are supposed to have lower adverse environmental impacts either in production or in use), we study data from the introduction by Patagonia, Inc., of organic cotton sportswear in the... View Details
Casadesus-Masanell, Ramon, Michael Crooke, Forest L. Reinhardt, and Vishal Vasishth. "Households' Willingness to Pay for 'Green' Goods: Evidence from Patagonia's Introduction of Organic Cotton Sportswear." Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 18, no. 1 (Spring 2009): 203–233.
- May 2008
- Article
Regulation and Bonding: The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Flow of International Listings
By: Suraj Srinivasan and Joseph Piotroski
In this paper, we examine the economic impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) by analyzing foreign listing behavior onto U.S. and U.K. stock exchanges before and after the enactment of the Act in 2002. Using a sample of all listing events onto U.S. and U.K. exchanges... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Stocks; Government Legislation; Market Transactions; Motivation and Incentives; United Kingdom; United States
Srinivasan, Suraj, and Joseph Piotroski. "Regulation and Bonding: The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Flow of International Listings." Journal of Accounting Research 46, no. 2 (May 2008).
- March 2006
- Case
The Whitesides Lab
By: H. Kent Bowen and Francesca Gino
A significant part of the long-term economic growth in developed economies depends on the translation of scientific research into new products and processes. Focuses on the front end of this value creation stream. The laboratory of George Whitesides has a 30-year... View Details
Keywords: Research; Performance Productivity; Economic Growth; Infrastructure; Creativity; Groups and Teams; Value Creation; Factories, Labs, and Plants; Leadership; Resource Allocation
Bowen, H. Kent, and Francesca Gino. "The Whitesides Lab." Harvard Business School Case 606-064, March 2006.
- February 2006 (Revised June 2007)
- Case
Brazos Partners and Cheddar's Inc.
By: G. Felda Hardymon, Josh Lerner and Ann Leamon
Randall Fojtasek, a partner at Brazos Private Equity Partners, must decide whether to invest more money in Cheddar's restaurant chain, which the firm invested in 10 months earlier. The incremental investment would fund a real estate subsidiary that would own the... View Details
Keywords: Negotiation Deal; Price; Partners and Partnerships; Management; Investment; Leadership; Business Subsidiaries; Stocks
Hardymon, G. Felda, Josh Lerner, and Ann Leamon. "Brazos Partners and Cheddar's Inc." Harvard Business School Case 806-069, February 2006. (Revised June 2007.)
- May 2005 (Revised April 2011)
- Case
Arctic Timber AB: Engineered Woods Division (A)
By: Michael L. Tushman, David Kiron and Wendy Smith
Describes the leadership challenges involved in managing strategic innovation and change in a highly mature business unit. Allows systematic exploration of organizational structures, incentives, competencies, and culture that impede innovation. Pivots on a new leader's... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Innovation and Management; Innovation Strategy; Leadership; Management Teams; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Organizational Structure
Tushman, Michael L., David Kiron, and Wendy Smith. "Arctic Timber AB: Engineered Woods Division (A)." Harvard Business School Case 405-067, May 2005. (Revised April 2011.)
- June 2004
- Article
Market Liquidity as a Sentiment Indicator
By: Malcolm Baker and Jeremy Stein
We build a model that helps to explain why increases in liquidity-such as lower bid-ask spreads, a lower price impact of trade, or higher turnover-predict lower subsequent returns in both firm-level and aggregate data. The model features a class of irrational... View Details
Keywords: Markets; Financial Liquidity; Price; Trade; Sales; Equity; Information; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Accounting Industry
Baker, Malcolm, and Jeremy Stein. "Market Liquidity as a Sentiment Indicator." Journal of Financial Markets 7, no. 3 (June 2004): 271–299.
- April 2003
- Article
Exploitation, Exploration, and Process Management: The Productivity Dilemma Revisited
By: Mary J. Benner and Michael L. Tushman
We develop a contingency view of process management's influence on both technological
innovation and organizational adaptation. We argue that while process management
activities are beneficial for organizations in stable contexts, they are fundamentally
inconsistent... View Details
Benner, Mary J., and Michael L. Tushman. "Exploitation, Exploration, and Process Management: The Productivity Dilemma Revisited." Academy of Management Review 28, no. 2 (April 2003): 238–256. (Winner of Academy of Management Review. Best Paper Award. Also the 2013 AMR Decade Award winner.)
- September 2002
- Case
Align Technology, Inc.: Matching Manufacturing Capacity to Sales Demand
By: H. Kent Bowen and Jonathan P Groberg
Align Technology is a four-year-old medical products company that has invented a new product requiring new manufacturing processes. Demand for the new product has grown more slowly than initial forecasts predicted, and the cost structure is preventing the company from... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Problems and Challenges; Product; Forecasting and Prediction; Marketing Strategy; Sales; Demand and Consumers; Production; Health Industry
Bowen, H. Kent, and Jonathan P Groberg. "Align Technology, Inc.: Matching Manufacturing Capacity to Sales Demand." Harvard Business School Case 603-058, September 2002.
- 2002
- Other Unpublished Work
Market Liquidity as a Sentiment Indicator
By: Malcolm Baker and Jeremy Stein
We build a model that helps to explain why increases in liquidity—such as lower bid–ask spreads, a lower price impact of trade, or higher turnover—predict lower subsequent returns in both firm-level and aggregate data. The model features a class of irrational... View Details
Keywords: Price; Financial Liquidity; Trade; Valuation; Markets; Forecasting and Prediction; Equity; Stock Shares; Investment Return
Baker, Malcolm, and Jeremy Stein. "Market Liquidity as a Sentiment Indicator." NBER Working Paper Series, 2002. (First draft in 2001.)
- November 1999
- Case
Long-Term Capital Management, L.P. (A)
By: Andre F. Perold
Long-Term Capital Management, L.P. (LTCM) was in the business of engaging in trading strategies to exploit market pricing discrepancies. Because the firm employed strategies designed to make money over long horizons--from six months to two years or more--it adopted a... View Details
Keywords: Fluctuation; Capital; Financial Liquidity; Financing and Loans; Investment Funds; Investment Portfolio; Corporate Governance; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Management; Risk Management; Marketing; Motivation and Incentives; Financial Services Industry
Perold, Andre F. "Long-Term Capital Management, L.P. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 200-007, November 1999.
- November 1999
- Case
Long-Term Capital Management, L.P. (C)
By: Andre F. Perold
Long-Term Capital Management, L.P. (LTCM) was in the business of engaging in trading strategies to exploit market pricing discrepancies. Because the firm employed strategies designed to make money over long horizons--from six months to two years or more--it adopted a... View Details
Keywords: Fluctuation; Capital; Financial Liquidity; Financing and Loans; Investment Funds; Investment Portfolio; Corporate Governance; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Management; Risk Management; Markets; Motivation and Incentives; Financial Services Industry
Perold, Andre F. "Long-Term Capital Management, L.P. (C)." Harvard Business School Case 200-009, November 1999.