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- Faculty Publications (308)
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- Faculty Publications (308)
- January 2020
- Case
The Origins of Bell Labs
By: Tom Nicholas and John Masko
In 1947, scientists at Bell Labs invented the transistor—a tiny signal amplifier that would go on to become the fundamental building block of the digital age. But, confounding most traditional economic assumptions, it was not a vigorous startup that made this momentous... View Details
Keywords: Business History; Innovation Leadership; Technological Innovation; Patents; Monopoly; Organizational Structure; Competitive Strategy; Telecommunications Industry; Boston; Massachusetts; New York (city, NY)
Nicholas, Tom, and John Masko. "The Origins of Bell Labs." Harvard Business School Case 820-081, January 2020.
- 2020
- Book
Business, Ethics and Institutions: The Evolution of Turkish Capitalism in Global Perspectives
By: Asli M. Colpan and Geoffrey Jones
This book is the first systematic scholarly study on the business history of Turkey and its predecessor the Ottoman Empire from the nineteenth century until the present. It places the distinctive characteristics of capitalism in Turkey within a global and comparative... View Details
Keywords: Capitalism; Corruption; Business History; Ethics; Economic Systems; Crime and Corruption; Middle East; Central Asia; Turkey
Colpan, Asli M., and Geoffrey Jones, eds. Business, Ethics and Institutions: The Evolution of Turkish Capitalism in Global Perspectives. New York: Routledge, 2020.
- January 2020
- Article
Gifts of the Immigrants, Woes of the Natives: Lessons from the Age of Mass Migration
By: Marco Tabellini
In this paper, I jointly investigate the political and the economic effects of immigration and study the causes of anti-immigrant sentiments. I exploit exogenous variation in European immigration to U.S. cities between 1910 and 1930 induced by World War I and the... View Details
Keywords: Political Backlash; Age Of Mass Migration; Cultural Diversity; Immigration; History; Economy; Attitudes; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Diversity
Tabellini, Marco. "Gifts of the Immigrants, Woes of the Natives: Lessons from the Age of Mass Migration." Review of Economic Studies 87, no. 1 (January 2020): 454–486. (Also Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 19-005, July 2018. Available also from Cato Institute, Microeconomic Insights, VOX, Broadstreet, Cato Institute, and in Oxford University Press's Blog.)
- November 2019 (Revised January 2025)
- Case
Russia: A Drama In Three Acts
By: Rawi Abdelal, Rafael Di Tella, Galit Goldstein, Sogomon Tarontsi and Lavinia Teodorescu
The collapse of central authority in the Soviet Union in 1991 ushered in a period of revolutionary transformations for the states that emerged in its wake. The leaders of Russia, the USSR's successor, struggled to reestablish central authority while also seeking to... View Details
Keywords: Business & Government Relations; Developing Countries; Government Policy; Policy Change; Policy Making; Economic Systems; Economics; Globalization; Emerging Markets; Privatization; Non-Renewable Energy; Governance; Global Strategy; Corporate Governance; Policy; Business History; Lawfulness; Problems and Challenges; Business and Government Relations; Risk and Uncertainty; Strategy; Change Management; Russia; Moscow
Abdelal, Rawi, Rafael Di Tella, Galit Goldstein, Sogomon Tarontsi, and Lavinia Teodorescu. "Russia: A Drama In Three Acts." Harvard Business School Case 720-020, November 2019. (Revised January 2025.)
- November 2019 (Revised April 2020)
- Case
Danone: Changing the Food System
By: David E. Bell, Federica Gabrieli and Daniela Beyersdorfer
Emmanuel Faber, Chairman and CEO of the food and beverage company Danone, believed that humankind had only ten years to bend the curve on climate change and restore the biodiversity that the global food and agricultural ecosystem was critically dependent on. Upon... View Details
Keywords: Animal-Based Agribusiness; Plant-Based Agribusiness; Food; Nutrition; Quality; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Environmental Sustainability; Climate Change; Business Model; Food and Beverage Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; France
Bell, David E., Federica Gabrieli, and Daniela Beyersdorfer. "Danone: Changing the Food System." Harvard Business School Case 520-053, November 2019. (Revised April 2020.)
- October 2019 (Revised February 2021)
- Case
Myanmar: Special Economic Zones
By: Willy Shih and Dawn Lau
This case examines four Special Economic Zones in Myanmar. While the country's development had been hobbled by a complex history of military rule, ethnic conflict, and international sanctions, as it pursued liberalization it sought avenues to developing its economy.... View Details
Keywords: Economic Development; Emerging Economies; Special Economic Zones (SEZs); Development Economics; Developing Countries and Economies; Manufacturing Industry; Energy Industry; Southeast Asia; Myanmar
Shih, Willy, and Dawn Lau. "Myanmar: Special Economic Zones." Harvard Business School Case 620-027, October 2019. (Revised February 2021.)
- 2019
- Book
The Economic Turn: Recasting Political Economy in Enlightenment Europe
By: Steven L. Kaplan and Sophus A. Reinert
The mid-eighteenth century witnessed what might be dubbed an “economic turn” that resolutely changed the trajectory of world history. From the birth of new agricultural practices and the foundation of private societies to the sustained and popular theorization of... View Details
Kaplan, Steven L., and Sophus A. Reinert, eds. The Economic Turn: Recasting Political Economy in Enlightenment Europe. London: Anthem Press, 2019.
- 2019
- Article
History, Micro Data, and Endogenous Growth
By: Ufuk Akcigit and Tom Nicholas
The study of economic growth is concerned with long-run changes, and therefore, historical data should be especially influential in informing the development of new theories. In this review, we draw on the recent literature to highlight areas in which study of history... View Details
Keywords: Economic Development; Growth; Innovation; Economic Growth; History; Analytics and Data Science; Innovation and Invention
Akcigit, Ufuk, and Tom Nicholas. "History, Micro Data, and Endogenous Growth." Annual Review of Economics 11 (2019): 615–633.
- 2019
- Chapter
The Great Divergence and the Great Convergence
By: Geoffrey Jones
This chapter provides a new lens to the extensive debate among economists and economic historians concerning why the West grew rich and the rest of the world lagged behind as modern industrialization took hold in the 19th century. The literature has focused heavily on... View Details
Keywords: Globalization; Growth and Development; History; Africa; Asia; Europe; Latin America; Middle East; North and Central America; Oceania
Jones, Geoffrey. "The Great Divergence and the Great Convergence." Chap. 37 in The Routledge Companion to the Makers of Global Business, edited by Teresa da Silva Lopes, Christina Lubinski, and Heidi J.S. Tworek, 578–592. New York: Routledge, 2019.
- 2019
- Chapter
Merchants and the Origins of Capitalism
By: Sophus A. Reinert and Robert Fredona
N.S.B. Gras, the father of business history in the United States, argued that the era of mercantile capitalism was defined by the figure of the “sedentary merchant,” who managed his business from home, using correspondence and intermediaries, in contrast to the earlier... View Details
Reinert, Sophus A., and Robert Fredona. "Merchants and the Origins of Capitalism." Chap. 11 in The Routledge Companion to the Makers of Global Business, edited by Teresa da Silva Lopes, Christina Lubinski, and Heidi J.S. Tworek. New York: Routledge, 2019.
- January 2019 (Revised December 2020)
- Case
Angola Starts Now
By: Jeremy Friedman and Sophus A. Reinert
After five centuries of colonialism, four decades of civil war, an extended experiment with Marxism-Leninism, and nearly four decades of rule by a single man, José Eduardo Dos Santos, Angola finally has a chance to realize its enormous economic potential. A country... View Details
Keywords: Development Economics; Government and Politics; History; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Social Issues; Angola
Friedman, Jeremy, and Sophus A. Reinert. "Angola Starts Now." Harvard Business School Case 719-007, January 2019. (Revised December 2020.)
- 2019
- Working Paper
Understanding and Overcoming Roadblocks to Environmental Sustainability. Past Roads and Future Prospects
By: Ann-Kristin Bergquist, Shawn A. Cole, John Ehrenfeld, Andrew A. King and Auden Schendler
This working paper examines key barriers to business sustainability discussed at a multidisciplinary conference held at the Harvard Business School in 2018. Drawing on perspectives from both the historical and business literatures, speakers debated the historical... View Details
Keywords: Environmental Sustainability; Problems and Challenges; History; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Opportunities
Bergquist, Ann-Kristin, Shawn A. Cole, John Ehrenfeld, Andrew A. King, and Auden Schendler. "Understanding and Overcoming Roadblocks to Environmental Sustainability. Past Roads and Future Prospects." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 19-067, January 2019.
- December 2018
- Article
Introduction to Argentine Exceptionalism
By: Edward L. Glaeser, Rafael Di Tella and Lucas Llach
This article is an introduction to the special collection on Argentine Exceptionalism. First, we discuss why the case of Argentina is generally regarded as exceptional: the country was among the richest in the world at the beginning of the 20th century, but it... View Details
Glaeser, Edward L., Rafael Di Tella, and Lucas Llach. "Introduction to Argentine Exceptionalism." Latin American Economic Review 27, no. 1 (December 2018).
- 2018
- Book
The Academy of Fisticuffs: Political Economy and Commercial Society in Enlightenment Italy
The terms “capitalism” and “socialism” continue to haunt our political and economic imaginations, but we rarely consider their interconnected early history. Even the 18th century had its “socialists,” but unlike those of the 19th, they paradoxically sought to make the... View Details
Keywords: Enlightenment; Political Economy; Italy; Commercial Society; Economic Systems; Trade; History; Markets; Society; Italy
Reinert, Sophus A. The Academy of Fisticuffs: Political Economy and Commercial Society in Enlightenment Italy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2018.
- Article
Business, Governments and Political Risk in South Asia and Latin America since 1970
By: G. Jones and Rachael Comunale
This article contributes to the literature on political risk in business and economic history by examining both new perspectives (risk encountered by companies domestically, rather than risk for foreign investors) and new settings (emerging markets economies in Latin... View Details
Keywords: Political Risk; Emerging Market; Bribery; Business & Government Relations; Turbulence; Violence; Risk and Uncertainty; Emerging Markets; Crime and Corruption; Business and Government Relations; Business History; India; Latin America
Jones, G., and Rachael Comunale. "Business, Governments and Political Risk in South Asia and Latin America since 1970." Australian Economic History Review 58, no. 3 (November 2018): 233–264.
- October 2018 (Revised January 2019)
- Case
The Financial Crisis: Timothy Geithner and the Stress Tests
In February and March 2009, the U.S. economy was in the midst of a terrifying financial and economic crisis. Between the beginning of 2008 and early 2009, four of the 25 largest U.S. financial institutions had failed, and nine of these 25 institutions had taken... View Details
Keywords: Bailout; Regulation; Stress Test; Financial Crisis; History; Economy; Policy; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Decision Making; Banking Industry; Financial Services Industry; Real Estate Industry; United States
Hanson, Samuel G., Robin Greenwood, David Scharfstein, and Adi Sunderam. "The Financial Crisis: Timothy Geithner and the Stress Tests." Harvard Business School Case 219-038, October 2018. (Revised January 2019.)
- October 2018 (Revised January 2019)
- Case
The Financial Crisis: Hank Paulson in 2008
On the afternoon of Monday October 13, 2008, Hank Paulson Jr., the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, walked into the large conference room across the hall from his office in the Treasury Department. Joining him were Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke,... View Details
Keywords: Bailout; Regulation; Financial Crisis; History; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Decision Making; Banking Industry; Financial Services Industry; Real Estate Industry; United States
Sunderam, Adi, Robin Greenwood, Sam Hanson, and David Scharfstein. "The Financial Crisis: Hank Paulson in 2008." Harvard Business School Case 219-037, October 2018. (Revised January 2019.)
- October 2018
- Article
Africa Rising? A Historical Perspective
By: Ewout Frankema and Marlous van Waijenburg
Sub-Saharan Africa’s recent economic boom has raised hopes and expectations to lift the regions’ ‘bottom millions’ out of poverty by 2030. How realistic is that goal? We approach this question by comparing the experiences of three front-runners of region-specific... View Details
Frankema, Ewout, and Marlous van Waijenburg. "Africa Rising? A Historical Perspective." African Affairs 117, no. 469 (October 2018): 543–568. (Finalist for the bi-annual Stephen Ellis Prize for the most innovative article in African Affairs.)
- 2018
- Working Paper
Taxation and Innovation in the 20th Century
By: Ufuk Akcigit, John Grigsby, Tom Nicholas and Stefanie Stantcheva
This paper studies the effect of corporate and personal taxes on innovation in the United States over the 20th century. We use three new datasets: a panel of the universe of inventors who patent since 1920; a dataset of the employment, location, and patents of firms... View Details
Akcigit, Ufuk, John Grigsby, Tom Nicholas, and Stefanie Stantcheva. "Taxation and Innovation in the 20th Century." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 24982, September 2018. (Forthcoming in Quarterly Journal of Economics.)
- 2018
- Working Paper
Sustainability and Green Business in Latin America During Globalization Waves
By: Geoffrey Jones
This working paper examines the impact of modern business enterprise on the natural environment of Latin America during the globalization waves between the 19th century and the present day. It argues that although global capitalism created much wealth for the region,... View Details
Keywords: Globalization; Natural Environment; Outcome or Result; Business History; Pollutants; Environmental Sustainability; Green Technology Industry; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Tourism Industry; Latin America
Jones, Geoffrey. "Sustainability and Green Business in Latin America During Globalization Waves." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 19-009, August 2018.