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- Faculty Publications (7,952)
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Professor Coffman studies the sources of gender gaps in economically-important contexts. Her work focuses on the role of beliefs: how do stereotypes bias the beliefs that individuals hold about themselves (and others), and how do these biased beliefs shape... View Details
- Research Summary
By: Robert J. Dolan
Professor Dolan's research interests including product policy and pricing. These areas have been the subject to two books, Managing the New Product Development Process and Power Pricing:How Managing Price Impacts the Bottom Line. In addition, he works on the societal... View Details
- Research Summary
By: Lynn S. Paine
My work focuses on boards of directors and corporate governance. I am currently developing new cases and materials for our MBA and Executive offerings in this area and working on a project entitled The Future of Corporate Governance. In addition, I am currently... View Details
- Research Summary
In his research, Professor Siriwardane seeks to develop a quantitative understanding of how the financial sector affects asset prices and macroeconomic stability, particularly relevant in the wake of the financial crisis of the last decade. View Details
- Research Summary
By: Chiara Farronato
Based on a broad interest in the economics of innovation and the Internet, Professor Farronato concentrates her research on the evolution of e-commerce and peer-to-peer online platforms, including platform adoption, economies of scale, and drivers of heterogeneous... View Details
- Research Summary
By: Vincent Pons
Professor Pons studies questions in political economy and development with the goal of understanding how democratic systems function, and how they can be improved.
He decomposes the electoral cycle into four essential steps: the factors affecting voter... View Details
He decomposes the electoral cycle into four essential steps: the factors affecting voter... View Details
- Research Summary
Professor Friedman devotes his research to the history of the Left and its struggle to end economic and social inequality. He studies how this struggle evolved, its various cultural contexts, and what paths have been tried and rejected. He has been able to gain access... View Details
- Research Summary
Professor Ferreira's research primarily focuses on how retailers can use algorithms to make better revenue management decisions, including pricing, product display, and assortment planning. In the retail industry, anticipating consumer demand is arguably one of the... View Details
- Research Summary
By: Ayelet Israeli
Professor Israeli utilizes econometric methods and field experiments to study data driven decision making in marketing context. Her research focuses on data-driven marketing, with an emphasis on how businesses can leverage their own data, customer data, and market data... View Details
- Research Summary
By: Susanna Gallani
In her current research, Professor Gallani draws on economic and sociological theories to analyze the design of incentive and performance management systems. She explores the effectiveness of monetary and non-monetary incentives, feedback systems, and types of... View Details
- Research Summary
John's research focuses on behavioral decision theory, which studies all the ways in which people systematically deviate from rational decision making. To date, his work has looked at the ways in which people irrationally respond to pricing, to product portfolios, and... View Details
Keywords: Marketing
- Research Summary
By: Boris Vallee
Professor Vallée focuses on financial innovation, investigating it from different angles. This research thread has led him to relate the methods and insights of corporate finance and banking with those of other subfields, including household finance, public finance,... View Details
- Research Summary
Professor Jones researches the history and impact of global firms. In recent years he has prublished extensively on the ecological and social responsibility of business leaders. He has a strong interest in the business history of emerging markets. He founded and... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Ethics; Globalization; Government and Politics; History; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Africa; Asia; Europe; Latin America; Middle East; North and Central America; Oceania
- Research Summary
Rayport focuses his teaching and research on launching and scaling technology ventures, with emphasis on digital media, e-commerce, and multi-channel retail. View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Management; Digital Marketing; Digital Innovation; Digital Media; E-commerce; E-Commerce Strategy; "Marketing Analytics"; Advertising Technology; Technology Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship; Technological Innovation; Marketing Strategy; Service Operations; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry; United States; European Union; China
- Research Summary
By: Amy C. Edmondson
My research examines psychological safety and cross-boundary teaming within and between organizations. I am particularly interested in how leaders enable the learning and collaboration that are vital to performance in a dynamic environment. In one stream of my... View Details
- Research Summary
By: Nien-he Hsieh
Professor Hsieh’s research concerns ethical issues in business and the responsibilities of global business leaders. His work centers on the question of whether and how managers ought to be guided not only by considerations of economic efficiency, but also by values... View Details
- Teaching Interest
Owner/President Management Progam (Executive Education)
By: Josh Lerner
As business owners and entrepreneurs prepare to take their companies to the next level in a highly competitive global arena, they must be fully equipped to master a range of skills—from strategy development to financial management to team... View Details
- Research Summary
Ownership Qutotient: Putting the Service Profit Chain for Unbeatable Competitive Advantage
By: W. Earl Sasser
Professors Jim Heskett and Earl Sasser, in collaboration with Joe Wheeler have been examining cuatomer and employee ownership behaviors which have a profound impact on long term profit and growth. Their findings are published in Ownership Quotient:... View Details
- Article
Paradise Lost (and Restored?): A Study of Psychological Safety over Time
By: Derrick P. Bransby, Michaela Kerrissey and Amy C. Edmondson
Although prior research indicates that psychological safety can fluctuate, questions about when and why remain. To gain insights into the emergence and temporal dynamics of psychological safety, we explored longitudinal data representing more than 10,000 health care... View Details
Keywords: Analytics and Data Science; Research; Attitudes; Working Conditions; Well-being; Health Industry
Bransby, Derrick P., Michaela Kerrissey, and Amy C. Edmondson. "Paradise Lost (and Restored?): A Study of Psychological Safety over Time." Academy of Management Discoveries (in press). (Pre-published online March 14, 2024.)
- Article
Passion Penalizes Women and Advantages (Unexceptional) Men in High-Potential Designations
By: Joyce He, Jon M. Jachimowicz and Celia Moore
High potential programs offer a swift path up the corporate ladder for those who secure a place on them. However, the evaluation of “potential” occurs under considerable uncertainty, creating fertile ground for gender bias. We document that men are more likely than... View Details
Keywords: Passion; Potential; Gender; Motivation and Incentives; Performance; Talent and Talent Management
He, Joyce, Jon M. Jachimowicz, and Celia Moore. "Passion Penalizes Women and Advantages (Unexceptional) Men in High-Potential Designations." Organization Science (in press).