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- All HBS Web
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- November 2009 (Revised March 2013)
- Case
Miles Everson at PricewaterhouseCoopers
By: Robert G. Eccles and David Lane
Miles Everson, a partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), is the Global Engagement Partner (GEP) for a large U.S. financial institution and about to take over this role for a much larger global financial institution. The GEP role is a critical one at PwC. GEPs have... View Details
Keywords: Experience and Expertise; Customer Relationship Management; Globalized Firms and Management; Managerial Roles; Consulting Industry
Eccles, Robert G., and David Lane. "Miles Everson at PricewaterhouseCoopers." Harvard Business School Case 410-062, November 2009. (Revised March 2013.)
- July – August 2011
- Article
What Factors Drive Analyst Forecasts?
A firm's competitive environment, its strategic choices, and its internal capabilities are considered important determinants of its future performance. Yet there is little evidence on whether analysts' forecasts of firm performance actually reflect any of these factors... View Details
Keywords: Competition; Forecasting and Prediction; Industry Growth; Judgments; Performance; Valuation; Price; Quality; Innovation and Invention; Organizational Culture; Competency and Skills; Surveys
Groysberg, Boris, Paul Healy, Nitin Nohria, and George Serafeim. "What Factors Drive Analyst Forecasts?" Financial Analysts Journal 67, no. 4 (July–August 2011).
- January 2002 (Revised June 2003)
- Case
Abelli and Saviotti at Banca Commerciale Italiana (A)
By: Tiziana E. Casciaro, Kathleen L. McGinn and Massimiliano Belingheri
In 1999, a powerful struggle amidst complex corporate and interpersonal networks led to the failed merger between Banca Commerciale Italiana and Unicredito Italiano--two of Italy's largest banking groups. This case analyzes the actions of Abelli and Saviotti, co-CEOs... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Networks; Banks and Banking; Business Strategy; Power and Influence; Crisis Management; Government and Politics; International Finance; Failure; Banking Industry; Italy
Casciaro, Tiziana E., Kathleen L. McGinn, and Massimiliano Belingheri. "Abelli and Saviotti at Banca Commerciale Italiana (A)." Harvard Business School Case 402-043, January 2002. (Revised June 2003.)
- 01 Sep 2015
- News
China Syndrome
- 14 Jul 2017
- News
Aiming to Do Good, Not Just Well
- March 2003 (Revised January 2006)
- Case
Threshold Sports
By: Richard G. Hamermesh and Todd H Thedinga
Describes the sales, marketing, and operating issues facing Threshold Sports, a small cycling event management company that produces the Pro Cycling Tour. Examines the issues facing the company as it approaches breakeven and attempts to grow the business substantially.... View Details
Keywords: Growth Management; Bicycle Transportation; Service Delivery; Sports; Bicycle Industry; Service Industry
Hamermesh, Richard G., and Todd H Thedinga. "Threshold Sports." Harvard Business School Case 803-134, March 2003. (Revised January 2006.)
- June 1994
- Background Note
Scope and Challenge of Business-to-Business Marketing
Identifies six key linkages that distinguish business-to-business marketing; three with respect to the external environment (i.e., derived demand, complex buying process, and concentrated customer base) and three with respect to the internal organization (emphasis on... View Details
Keywords: Marketing; Customers; Demand and Consumers; Organizational Structure; Order Taking and Fulfillment; Technology
Rangan, V. Kasturi. "Scope and Challenge of Business-to-Business Marketing." Harvard Business School Background Note 594-125, June 1994.
- April 1989 (Revised September 1989)
- Case
CIBA-GEIGY AG: Impact of Inflation and Currency Fluctuations
By: Hugo Uyterhoeven
The chairman of the second-largest Swiss multinational company is preparing for a board discussion on the impact of a constantly strengthening Swiss franc. The case raises strategic issues in terms of international competitiveness, financial reporting issues of how to... View Details
Keywords: Inflation and Deflation; Currency; Financial Management; Multinational Firms and Management; Problems and Challenges; Risk and Uncertainty; Competitive Strategy; Switzerland
Uyterhoeven, Hugo. "CIBA-GEIGY AG: Impact of Inflation and Currency Fluctuations." Harvard Business School Case 389-176, April 1989. (Revised September 1989.)
- November 2000 (Revised May 2002)
- Case
Oracle Corporation
By: Frances X. Frei and Hanna Rodriguez-Farrar
Oracle Corp., the world's second-largest independent software company (behind Microsoft) was the world's dominant supplier of database software. Oracle also sold application software, such as the popular enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Internet and the Web; Service Operations; Service Delivery; Applications and Software; Management Teams; Innovation and Invention; Web Services Industry; Information Technology Industry
Frei, Frances X., and Hanna Rodriguez-Farrar. "Oracle Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 601-043, November 2000. (Revised May 2002.)
- 2006
- Article
The End of Nationality? Global Firms and 'Borderless Worlds'
By: G. Jones
This article provides a historical perspective to current debates whether large global firms are becoming "stateless" and whether this is a historically new phenomenon. It shows that a great deal of international business in the nineteenth century was not easily fitted... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Multinational Firms and Management; Trade; Ownership; International Finance; Economic Systems; International Accounting; Globalized Economies and Regions; Geographic Location; Nationality; Boundaries; Global Strategy
Jones, G. "The End of Nationality? Global Firms and 'Borderless Worlds'." Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte 51, no. 2 (2006): 149–166.
- April 2001 (Revised August 2001)
- Case
Color Kinetics Incorporated (A)
By: Das Narayandas and Mary N. Caravella
Two-year-old start-up Color Kinetics has developed unique colored lighting technology using digitally controlled LEDs, and has developed that technology into a successful line of products for its first targeted market of "retailtainment." Now in November 1999, the... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Growth and Development; Management Teams; Marketing Strategy; Product Launch; Market Entry and Exit; Business Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Electronics Industry
Narayandas, Das, and Mary N. Caravella. "Color Kinetics Incorporated (A)." Harvard Business School Case 501-077, April 2001. (Revised August 2001.)
- June 2013 (Revised July 2017)
- Case
Angus Cartwright IV
By: Kenneth J. Hatten, William J. Poorvu, Howard H. Stevenson, Arthur I Segel and John H. Vogel, Jr.
Judy and John DeRight, looking to diversify their investment portfolios, have retained Angus Cartwright, Jr. to identify prospective real estate acquisitions. Mr. Cartwright has four potential properties that he feels merit an in-depth financial analysis. The case... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Cash Flow; Investment Return; Investment Portfolio; Taxation; Balanced Scorecard; Valuation
Hatten, Kenneth J., William J. Poorvu, Howard H. Stevenson, Arthur I Segel, and John H. Vogel, Jr. "Angus Cartwright IV." Harvard Business School Case 813-185, June 2013. (Revised July 2017.)
- January 2016 (Revised November 2019)
- Case
Blackstone at Age 30
By: Josh Lerner, John D. Dionne and Amram Migdal
Since its IPO in 2007 and following the global financial crisis, Blackstone largely outpaced its alternative investment firm peers in assets under management, new business launches, profitability, and market capitalization. Under the leadership of Stephen A.... View Details
Keywords: Business Growth and Maturation; Asset Management; Private Equity; Financial Services Industry; New York (city, NY)
Lerner, Josh, John D. Dionne, and Amram Migdal. "Blackstone at Age 30." Harvard Business School Case 816-013, January 2016. (Revised November 2019.)
- 2014
- Working Paper
Putting Skin in the Game: Managerial Ownership and Bank Risk-Taking
By: Jan Bouwens and Arnt Verriest
This paper examines the relation between managerial ownership and bank risk exposure for a large sample of international financial institutions. We seek empirical evidence suggested by theories concerning conflicts between managers and owners over risk-taking. We argue... View Details
Keywords: Managerial Equity Ownership; Financial Risk; Banks; Motivation and Incentives; Risk Management; Employee Ownership; Corporate Governance; Banks and Banking; Banking Industry
Bouwens, Jan, and Arnt Verriest. "Putting Skin in the Game: Managerial Ownership and Bank Risk-Taking." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 14-070, February 2014. (Revised June 2014.)
Dafna Bearson
Dafna Bearson is a doctoral candidate in the Strategy Unit at Harvard Business School. Her research interests lie at the intersection of strategy and innovation. Specifically, her research focuses on intellectual property commercialization strategy in startups... View Details
- 2020
- Book
Teaching by Heart: One Professor's Journey to Inspire
By: Thomas J. DeLong
The best teachers are leaders, and the best leaders are teachers. Teaching by Heart summarizes the author's key insights gained from more than 40 years of teaching and managing. It illustrates how teachers can both lift people up and let them down. It proposes... View Details
DeLong, Thomas J. Teaching by Heart: One Professor's Journey to Inspire. Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2020.
- June 1993 (Revised April 1998)
- Case
COMCO Holding AG (B): COMCO Martech
COMCO Martech was a new breed of joint venture for COMCO Holding, a mid-sized Swiss-German company that had grown over a five-year period through tie-ups with small, start-up companies. Whereas a typical COMCO venture provided services to a large German retailer, was... View Details
Keywords: Joint Ventures; Business Startups; Trade; Operations; Environmental Sustainability; Business or Company Management; Multinational Firms and Management; Partners and Partnerships; Switzerland; United States; Europe
Kanter, Rosabeth M. "COMCO Holding AG (B): COMCO Martech." Harvard Business School Case 393-143, June 1993. (Revised April 1998.)
- 02 Nov 2006
- Working Paper Summaries
Organizational Response to Environmental Demands: Opening the Black Box
Keywords: by Magali A. Delmas & Michael W. Toffel
W. Carl Kester
Carl Kester is a Baker Foundation Professor and the George Fisher Baker Jr. Professor of Business Administration, Emeritus at Harvard Business School. He is a member of the Finance Unit. He served as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs (2006-2010), Chairman of the... View Details