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- Faculty Publications (953)
- October 2001 (Revised January 2002)
- Case
OAO YUKOS Oil Company
By: Malcolm S. Salter and Joshua N. Rosenbaum
This case presents the history and current position of Russia's second-largest oil company, YUKOS, as it seeks listing on the NYSE as an ADR and attempts to rid itself from a punishing "governance discount" by the capital markets. This is a company with a history of... View Details
Keywords: Stocks; Capital Markets; Corporate Governance; Developing Countries and Economies; Energy Sources; Energy Industry; Russia
Salter, Malcolm S., and Joshua N. Rosenbaum. "OAO YUKOS Oil Company." Harvard Business School Case 902-021, October 2001. (Revised January 2002.)
- September 2001
- Background Note
Accounting for Computer Software Development Costs
By: Robert S. Kaplan and Tatiana Sandino
Summarizes the debate on accounting for computer software development costs. Provides a historical description of the development of standards on accounting of computer software development costs, both in the United States and internationally. Describes how, after much... View Details
Kaplan, Robert S., and Tatiana Sandino. "Accounting for Computer Software Development Costs." Harvard Business School Background Note 102-034, September 2001.
- August 2001 (Revised March 2016)
- Case
Doral Costa
By: William J. Poorvu, John H. Vogel Jr., Arthur I. Segel and Amy Silverstein
Doral Costa is a proposed 277,803 square foot Class A office park development in Miami, FL. Trammell Crow Co. would like to develop this office park in joint venture with a partner. Samantha Spar, the acquisitions partner at Titan Associates, a large real estate... View Details
Keywords: Buildings and Facilities; Joint Ventures; Acquisition; Investment; Partners and Partnerships; Decision Choices and Conditions; Fair Value Accounting; Construction; Property; Real Estate Industry; Consulting Industry; Miami
Poorvu, William J., John H. Vogel Jr., Arthur I. Segel, and Amy Silverstein. "Doral Costa." Harvard Business School Case 802-023, August 2001. (Revised March 2016.)
- July 2001 (Revised December 2001)
- Case
American Express Interactive
Follows the protagonist, Sonia Sharpe, as she and her American Express Interactive Team attempt to develop and market an interactive, on-line, corporate travel service in a highly competitive environment. Looks at the possible resources and partnerships a company needs... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Entrepreneurship; Partners and Partnerships; Growth and Development Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Marketing Strategy; Product Positioning; Applications and Software; Technological Innovation; Global Strategy; Expansion; Information Technology; Vertical Integration; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry
Applegate, Lynda M. "American Express Interactive." Harvard Business School Case 802-022, July 2001. (Revised December 2001.)
- July 2001 (Revised March 2002)
- Case
Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc., The
By: Andre F. Perold and Austin K Scee
NASDAQ's mission "to facilitate capital formation" is threatened by the emergence of Electronic Communication Networks, which are not as heavily regulated by the SEC. This case reviews the development of NASDAQ and its evolution from a loose network of broker-dealers... View Details
Keywords: Capital Markets; Stocks; Financial Markets; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Innovation Strategy; Performance Efficiency; Perspective
Perold, Andre F., and Austin K Scee. "Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc., The." Harvard Business School Case 202-008, July 2001. (Revised March 2002.)
- June 2001 (Revised November 2004)
- Case
Kingsley Management
Includes a brief overview of key challenges facing recent HBS graduates seeking funding for a business, followed by a 22-page excerpt from the Kingsley Management business plan. Describes Matthew Lieb and Chris Jones, two of the partners who developed the business plan... View Details
Keywords: Business Organization; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Business Plan; Opportunities; Investment Return; Organizational Structure
Hamermesh, Richard G. "Kingsley Management." Harvard Business School Case 801-474, June 2001. (Revised November 2004.)
- May 2001
- Supplement
Asian Strategies: Ian Buchanan
By: Tarun Khanna
Ian Buchanan, senior VP of Booz-Allen & Hamilton, comments on Sime Darby and the Asian financial crisis. He also discusses the value propositions of different types of business groups in Malaysia. View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Growth and Development Strategy; Industry Structures; Strategy; Competition; Competitive Strategy; Consulting Industry; Service Industry; Asia; Malaysia
Khanna, Tarun. "Asian Strategies: Ian Buchanan." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 701-805, May 2001.
- 2001
- Working Paper
Bank Capital and Risk Management: Issues for Banks and Regulators
By: Kenneth A. Froot
Banks and financial firms are in the process of evolving away from primary warehousers of risk to diversified originators and distributors of financial services. These changes are important for the way that financial firms think about their needs for economic... View Details
Keywords: Bank Capital And Risk Management; Issues For Banks And Regulators; Risk Management; Governance Compliance; Capital; Banks and Banking; Banking Industry
Froot, Kenneth A. "Bank Capital and Risk Management: Issues for Banks and Regulators." IFCI Geneva Research Paper, No. 8, April 2001. (International Financial Risk Institute.)
- March 2001 (Revised April 2001)
- Case
Montefiore Medical Center
By: Robert S. Kaplan and Syeda Noorein Inamdar
A large urban medical center implements the Balanced Scorecard management tool. Elaine Brennan, senior VP of operations, has reorganized a highly functional health care organization into decentralized patient care centers and support units. Having recently endured the... View Details
Keywords: Balanced Scorecard; Health Care and Treatment; Management Systems; Organizational Structure; Corporate Strategy; Leadership Development; Growth and Development Strategy; Financial Reporting; Budgets and Budgeting; Cost Accounting; Corporate Accountability; Communication; Health Industry
Kaplan, Robert S., and Syeda Noorein Inamdar. "Montefiore Medical Center." Harvard Business School Case 101-067, March 2001. (Revised April 2001.)
- March 2001
- Case
Yvette Hyater-Adams and Terry Larsen at CoreStates Financial Corp.
By: David A. Thomas, Nancie Zane PHD and Emily Heaphy
Yvette Hyater-Adams, senior VP of CoreStates Bank, and CEO Terry Larsen reflect on their five-year mentor-protege relationship. They describe how building a relationship across both race and gender was challenging and ultimately highly rewarding. Their relationship... View Details
Keywords: Race; Gender; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Change Management; Management Teams; Relationships; Banking Industry
Thomas, David A., Nancie Zane PHD, and Emily Heaphy. "Yvette Hyater-Adams and Terry Larsen at CoreStates Financial Corp." Harvard Business School Case 401-023, March 2001.
- March 2001 (Revised June 2001)
- Case
Identifying and Realizing Investments in Eastern Europe (A)
By: Ray A. Goldberg, Robert E. Kennedy and Laure Mougeot Strook
A Greek milling firm wants to invest in Eastern Europe. The case explores the firm's search strategy and its due diligence process after a potential investment, and considers how the company should structure its bid. A rewritten version of an earlier case. View Details
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment; Venture Capital; Emerging Markets; Business and Government Relations; Financial Strategy; Growth and Development Strategy; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Europe
Goldberg, Ray A., Robert E. Kennedy, and Laure Mougeot Strook. "Identifying and Realizing Investments in Eastern Europe (A)." Harvard Business School Case 701-086, March 2001. (Revised June 2001.)
- March 2001 (Revised October 2001)
- Case
Honest Tea
By: Paul A. Gompers
This case examines the decisions of Seth Goldman and Barry Nalebuff, founders of Honest Tea. Honest Tea is a start-up in the ready-to-drink tea market. Goldman and Nalebuff must craft an expansion and financing strategy. View Details
Keywords: Financial Strategy; Expansion; Business Startups; Growth and Development Strategy; Decisions
Gompers, Paul A. "Honest Tea." Harvard Business School Case 201-076, March 2001. (Revised October 2001.)
- March 2001 (Revised May 2001)
- Case
Corning 1983-1996: Transition at the Top
By: Michael J. Roberts and Michael L. Tushman
Focuses on Jamie Houghton's efforts to revitalize Corning from 1983-1996, including the development of a very strong set of values and culture. The issue centers around Roger Ackerman's rise to president, then chairman/CEO, and his drive to both change the business... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Change Management; Organizational Culture; Management Teams; Strategy
Roberts, Michael J., and Michael L. Tushman. "Corning 1983-1996: Transition at the Top." Harvard Business School Case 401-034, March 2001. (Revised May 2001.)
- March 2001 (Revised April 2003)
- Case
Chase's Strategy for Syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland Loan (A)
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Michael Kane
In late 1999, the Walt Disney Co. and the Hong Kong government agreed to develop Hong Kong Disneyland, a HK$28 (U.S.$3.6) billion theme park and resort complex planned to open in late 2005. As part of the total financing package, the sponsors decided to raise HK$3.3... View Details
Keywords: Working Capital; Project Finance; Relationships; Financing and Loans; Financial Strategy; Tourism Industry; Hong Kong
Esty, Benjamin C., and Michael Kane. "Chase's Strategy for Syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland Loan (A)." Harvard Business School Case 201-072, March 2001. (Revised April 2003.)
- February 2001 (Revised March 2003)
- Case
By: Bharat N. Anand, Nitin Nohria and John Pegg
ICICI was the first Indian company to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange. This case is set in 1998, when the company had to decide whether to enter the retail credit segment of the Indian financial market. Although the retail credit sector presents attractive... View Details
Keywords: Growth and Development Strategy; Diversification; Expansion; Strategic Planning; Competition; Competitive Strategy; Growth Management; Markets; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; India
Anand, Bharat N., Nitin Nohria, and John Pegg. "ICICI (A)." Harvard Business School Case 701-064, February 2001. (Revised March 2003.)
- February 2001 (Revised August 2001)
- Case
By: Alan D. MacCormack and Kerry Herman
Describes the development of WholesalerDirect, a B2B electronic commerce venture in the plumbing, heating, cooling, and piping industry. Adam Berger, the CEO, is trying to raise funding to roll out the company's e-commerce platform to the industry's more than 3,000... View Details
MacCormack, Alan D., and Kerry Herman. "WholesalerDirect." Harvard Business School Case 601-067, February 2001. (Revised August 2001.)
- January 2001 (Revised May 2001)
- Case
Russia: The End of a Time of Troubles?
By: Rawi E. Abdelal
Describes Russia's troubled economic transition since 1991, highlights the problem of institutional development, and surveys the challenges President Vladimir Putin faced in 2000. The first section provides a brief synopsis of liberalization, stabilization, and... View Details
Keywords: Transition; Public Sector; Privatization; Economy; Developing Countries and Economies; Government and Politics; Business and Government Relations; Russia
Abdelal, Rawi E. "Russia: The End of a Time of Troubles?" Harvard Business School Case 701-076, January 2001. (Revised May 2001.)
- January 2001 (Revised May 2010)
- Case
BP Amoco (B): Financing Development of the Caspian Oil Fields
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Michael Kane
British Petroleum and Amoco were the two largest members of the Azerbaijan International Oil Consortium (AIOC), an 11-firm consortium that was spending $10 billion to develop oil fields in the Caspian Sea. As of March 1999, AIOC had completed a $1.9 billion development... View Details
Keywords: Investment; Policy; Capital Budgeting; Project Finance; Emerging Markets; Mergers and Acquisitions; Financing and Loans; Financial Strategy; Mining Industry; Energy Industry; United Kingdom; Europe
Esty, Benjamin C., and Michael Kane. "BP Amoco (B): Financing Development of the Caspian Oil Fields." Harvard Business School Case 201-067, January 2001. (Revised May 2010.)
- January 2001 (Revised July 2003)
- Case
Pharmacyclics: Financing Research & Development
By: Malcolm P. Baker, Richard S. Ruback and Aldo Sesia
Pharmacyclics (NASDAQ: PCYC), a pharmaceutical company that manufactures products that will improve existing therapeutic treatments for cancer, arteriosclerosis, and retinal disease, was considering a $60 million private placement in February 2000. The company had more... View Details
Keywords: Valuation; Cash Flow; Financing and Loans; Business Startups; Financial Strategy; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; Health Industry
Baker, Malcolm P., Richard S. Ruback, and Aldo Sesia. "Pharmacyclics: Financing Research & Development." Harvard Business School Case 201-056, January 2001. (Revised July 2003.)
- January 2001
- Case
World Bank and Knowledge Management, The: The Case of the Urban Services Thematic Group
By: William E. Fulmer and W. Earl Sasser
The World Bank has implemented a knowledge management initiative. One of its communities of practice is to take the lead in a $50 billion commitment to address urban slums. The community of practice is struggling with its mission and how knowledge management can help. View Details
Keywords: Urban Development; Knowledge Management; Problems and Challenges; Financial Services Industry
Fulmer, William E., and W. Earl Sasser. "World Bank and Knowledge Management, The: The Case of the Urban Services Thematic Group." Harvard Business School Case 801-157, January 2001.