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- Faculty Publications (775)
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- Faculty Publications (775)
- May 1985
- Article
Financial Risk and the Burdens of Contracts
By: Dutch Leonard and Richard Zeckhauser
Leonard, Dutch, and Richard Zeckhauser. "Financial Risk and the Burdens of Contracts." American Economic Review 75, no. 2 (May 1985).
- January 1985 (Revised June 1993)
- Case
Turner Construction Co.
In June, 1984, a vice president at Turner Construction Co. must decide whether to approve a construction project being considered by one of Turner's territorial offices and how to manage that territory general manager's apparent reluctance to pursue another account... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Structure; Projects; Market Entry and Exit; Integration; Contracts; Marketing Strategy; Sales; Business or Company Management; Business Offices; Geographic Location; Construction Industry
Cespedes, Frank V. "Turner Construction Co." Harvard Business School Case 585-031, January 1985. (Revised June 1993.)
- July 1984 (Revised June 1985)
- Background Note
Legal and Ethical Aspects of Marketing
Shapiro, Benson P. "Legal and Ethical Aspects of Marketing." Harvard Business School Background Note 585-007, July 1984. (Revised June 1985.)
- 1984
- Book
Negotiating the Law of the Sea: Lessons in the Art and Science of Reaching Agreement
Sebenius, James K. Negotiating the Law of the Sea: Lessons in the Art and Science of Reaching Agreement. Harvard Economic Studies. Harvard University Press, 1984. (Winner of Harold and Margaret Sprout Award For the best book in the study of international environmental problems presented by International Studies Association.)
- June 1984
- Case
Federal Trade Commission and the Shared Monopoly Case against the Ready-to-Eat Cereal Manufacturers
By: Thomas K. McCraw and Richard S. Tedlow
Keywords: Business and Government Relations; Monopoly; Courts and Trials; Food and Beverage Industry; United States
McCraw, Thomas K., and Richard S. Tedlow. "Federal Trade Commission and the Shared Monopoly Case against the Ready-to-Eat Cereal Manufacturers." Harvard Business School Case 384-265, June 1984.
- June 1984 (Revised July 1999)
- Background Note
Securities Law and Private Financing
By: Howard H. Stevenson and Michael J. Roberts
Describes the issues an entrepreneur faces in the process of raising private funds, and the securities laws which impact the process. Based in part on a note by R.E. Floor of the law firm of Goodwin, Procter & Hoar. View Details
Stevenson, Howard H., and Michael J. Roberts. "Securities Law and Private Financing." Harvard Business School Background Note 384-164, June 1984. (Revised July 1999.)
- June 1984 (Revised March 1993)
- Background Note
Securities Law and Public Offerings
By: Howard H. Stevenson and Michael J. Roberts
Describes the relevant securities laws which pertain to the public offering of securities, as well as the business issues and process of a public offering. View Details
Keywords: Laws and Statutes; Capital Markets; Initial Public Offering; Public Administration Industry
Stevenson, Howard H., and Michael J. Roberts. "Securities Law and Public Offerings." Harvard Business School Background Note 384-165, June 1984. (Revised March 1993.)
- February 1984 (Revised March 1984)
- Teaching Note
Environmental Protection Agency: Emergency Pesticide Exemptions, Teaching Note
By: David E. Bell
- June 1983
- Article
A Comparison of Tournaments and Contracts
By: Jerry R. Green and Nancy Stokey
Tournaments, reward structures based on rank order, are compared with individual contracts in a model with one risk-neutral principal and many risk-averse agents. Each agent's output is a stochastic function of his effort level plus an additive shock term that is... View Details
Green, Jerry R., and Nancy Stokey. "A Comparison of Tournaments and Contracts." Journal of Political Economy 91, no. 3 (June 1983): 349–364.
- Article
Wage-Employment Contracts
By: Jerry R. Green and Charles M. Kahn
This paper studies the efficient agreements about the dependence of workers' earnings on employment, when the employment level is controlled by firms. The firms' superior information about profitability conditions is responsible for this form of contract governance.... View Details
Green, Jerry R., and Charles M. Kahn. "Wage-Employment Contracts." Quarterly Journal of Economics 98, Suppl., no. 2 (1983): 173–188.
- Article
Bilateral Contracts
By: Jerry R. Green and Seppo Honkapohja
A mathematical characterization of self-enforcing bilateral contracts is given. Contracts where both parties exercise some control over the quantity traded can sometimes be superior to contracts that rest control entirely with one side. Some qualitative characteristics... View Details
Green, Jerry R., and Seppo Honkapohja. "Bilateral Contracts." Journal of Mathematical Economics 11, no. 2 (1983): 171–187.
- April 1983
- Article
Productivity and Labor Unions: An Application of the Theory of Self-Enforcing Contracts
Baldwin, Carliss Y. "Productivity and Labor Unions: An Application of the Theory of Self-Enforcing Contracts." Journal of Business 56, no. 2 (April 1983).
- September 1982 (Revised June 1992)
- Case
Barbara J. Key vs. the Gillette Co. (B)
Keywords: Courts and Trials
Bradley, Stephen P. "Barbara J. Key vs. the Gillette Co. (B)." Harvard Business School Case 183-093, September 1982. (Revised June 1992.)
- September 1982 (Revised October 1990)
- Case
Barbara J. Key vs. the Gillette Co. (A)
Keywords: Courts and Trials
Bradley, Stephen P. "Barbara J. Key vs. the Gillette Co. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 183-092, September 1982. (Revised October 1990.)
- fall 1982
- Article
Risk-Spreading Properties of Common Tax and Contract Instruments
By: James K. Sebenius and Peter Stan
Sebenius, James K., and Peter Stan. "Risk-Spreading Properties of Common Tax and Contract Instruments." Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science 13, no. 2 (fall 1982): 555–560.
- November 1981 (Revised November 1991)
- Supplement
Proposition 11 (B)
Keywords: Laws and Statutes
Badaracco, Joseph L., Jr. "Proposition 11 (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 382-076, November 1981. (Revised November 1991.)
- November 1981 (Revised November 1991)
- Supplement
Proposition 11 (C)
Keywords: Laws and Statutes
Badaracco, Joseph L., Jr. "Proposition 11 (C)." Harvard Business School Supplement 382-077, November 1981. (Revised November 1991.)
- November 1981 (Revised January 1983)
- Case
Ready to Regulate Ready to Eat (B)
By: Thomas K. McCraw and Richard S. Tedlow
McCraw, Thomas K., and Richard S. Tedlow. "Ready to Regulate Ready to Eat (B)." Harvard Business School Case 582-048, November 1981. (Revised January 1983.)
- 1981
- Article
Insecure Contracts and Resource Development
By: James K. Sebenius and David Lax
Sebenius, James K., and David Lax. "Insecure Contracts and Resource Development." Public Policy 29 (1981): 419–436.
- October 1980 (Revised October 1981)
- Case
Ready to Regulate Ready to Eat (A1)
By: Thomas K. McCraw and Richard S. Tedlow
McCraw, Thomas K., and Richard S. Tedlow. "Ready to Regulate Ready to Eat (A1)." Harvard Business School Case 381-065, October 1980. (Revised October 1981.)