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- Faculty Publications (1,036)
- January 2009 (Revised May 2011)
- Case
China Mobile's Rural Communications Strategy
By: William C. Kirby, F. Warren McFarlan, G.A. Donovan and Tracy Manty
China Mobile was the world's leading mobile communications service provider with over 400 million customers. In some cities, its penetration rate was over 100%. With such huge successes, Chairman Wang Jianzhou was exploring ways to expand its customer base. Nearly... View Details
Keywords: Communication Technology; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Investment; Rural Scope; Strategy; Growth and Development Strategy; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Business and Government Relations; Telecommunications Industry; China
Kirby, William C., F. Warren McFarlan, G.A. Donovan, and Tracy Manty. "China Mobile's Rural Communications Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 309-034, January 2009. (Revised May 2011.)
- January 2009 (Revised May 2010)
- Case
Altoona State Investment Board: December 2008
By: Josh Lerner
Rod Calhoun, the head of the Altoona State Investment Board's private equity investment program, considered the communication he had just received. It was from Permira, the leading European buyout fund, and concerned its fourth fund, to which Altoona had made a £ 100... View Details
Keywords: Private Equity; Financial Management; Financial Strategy; Investment Funds; Partners and Partnerships
Lerner, Josh. "Altoona State Investment Board: December 2008." Harvard Business School Case 809-095, January 2009. (Revised May 2010.)
- Article
Investor Activism and Takeovers
By: Robin Greenwood and Michael Schor
Recent work documents large positive abnormal returns around the time that a hedge fund announces its activist intentions with a publicly listed firm. We show that these returns are largely explained by the ability of activists to force target firms into a takeover: In... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Private Equity; Investment Return; Investment Activism; Investment Portfolio; Public Ownership
Greenwood, Robin, and Michael Schor. "Investor Activism and Takeovers." Journal of Financial Economics 92, no. 3 (June 2009): 362–375.
- December 2008 (Revised October 2009)
- Case
Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
By: David E. Bell and Brian Matthew Milder
In 2006, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation joined together to form a new organization, AGRA, to tackle the historic challenge of increasing agricultural production in Africa. Launched with much fanfare and led by former U.N.... View Details
Keywords: Developing Countries and Economies; Investment Funds; Food; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Business and Government Relations; Non-Governmental Organizations; Poverty; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Africa
Bell, David E., and Brian Matthew Milder. "Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)." Harvard Business School Case 509-007, December 2008. (Revised October 2009.)
- December 2008 (Revised July 2010)
- Case
TravelCenters of America
By: Robin Greenwood, Daniel Jacob Goldberg and James Quinn
A New York-based hedge fund must decide whether to invest in TravelCenters of America (TA), a recent spin-off from a U.S.-based real estate investment trust. The case confronts students with the question: To what extent is this spin-off opportunity attractive from a... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Investment; Valuation; Real Estate Industry; Travel Industry; United States
Greenwood, Robin, Daniel Jacob Goldberg, and James Quinn. "TravelCenters of America." Harvard Business School Case 209-030, December 2008. (Revised July 2010.)
- December 2008 (Revised March 2009)
- Case
Rosetree Mortgage Opportunity Fund
By: Victoria Ivashina and Andre F. Perold
In December 2008, in the midst of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, Rosetree Capital Management was evaluating the purchase of a pool of U.S. residential mortgages. The firm had formed an investment vehicle to acquire troubled residential mortgages... View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Borrowing and Debt; Mortgages; Investment; Housing; Valuation; United States
Ivashina, Victoria, and Andre F. Perold. "Rosetree Mortgage Opportunity Fund." Harvard Business School Case 209-088, December 2008. (Revised March 2009.)
- December 2008 (Revised October 2010)
- Case
Paul Capital Partners: Secondary Limited Partnership Investing
This case examines the proposed purchase by Paul Capital Partners of a limited partnership (LP) interest in a private equity fund. Paul Capital has a fund dedicated to buying these "secondary" LP interests. The case is intended as a vehicle for discussing the secondary... View Details
Keywords: Capital; Investment; Private Equity; Valuation; Partners and Partnerships; Interests; Markets; Debates; Financial Services Industry
Scharfstein, David S. "Paul Capital Partners: Secondary Limited Partnership Investing." Harvard Business School Case 209-089, December 2008. (Revised October 2010.)
- December 2008
- Article
Style Investing and Institutional Investors
By: Kenneth A. Froot and Melvyn Teo
This paper explores institutional investors' trades in stocks grouped by style and the relationship of these trades with equity market returns. It aggregates transactions drawn from a large universe of approximately $6 trillion of institutional funds. To analyze style... View Details
Keywords: Forecasting and Prediction; Behavioral Finance; Stocks; Investment Return; Market Transactions; Performance Expectations; Personal Characteristics; Financial Services Industry
Froot, Kenneth A., and Melvyn Teo. "Style Investing and Institutional Investors." Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 43, no. 4 (December 2008): 883–906. (Revised from: Equity Style Returns and Institutional Investor Flows, Harvard Business School Working Paper No. 04-048, June 2004.)
- November 2008
- Supplement
NEC Electronics (CW)
By: C. Fritz Foley, Robin Greenwood and James Quinn
Why do shares in NEC Electronics, a publicly listed subsidiary of Japan conglomerate NEC trade at a discount to their fundamental value? Can Perry Capital, a U.S. hedge fund, restructure this subsidiary and generate significant returns? This case provides students with... View Details
- October 2008 (Revised November 2010)
- Case
NEC Electronics
By: C. Fritz Foley, Robin Greenwood and James Quinn
Why do shares in NEC Electronics, a publicly listed subsidiary of Japan conglomerate NEC, trade at a discount to their fundamental value? Can Perry Capital, a U.S. hedge fund, restructure this subsidiary and generate significant returns? This case provides students... View Details
Keywords: Restructuring; Private Equity; Investment Return; Ownership Stake; Business and Shareholder Relations; Financial Services Industry; Japan
Foley, C. Fritz, Robin Greenwood, and James Quinn. "NEC Electronics." Harvard Business School Case 209-001, October 2008. (Revised November 2010.)
- October 2008 (Revised March 2010)
- Case
By: Lauren H. Cohen and Christopher J. Malloy
PlanetTran is an environmentally-friendly car service that utilizes a fleet of hybrid cars in providing livery service to corporations and individuals. The founder, Seth Riney, is evaluating outside funding options in order to expand the company, and has met several... View Details
Keywords: Business Growth and Maturation; Venture Capital; Investment; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Expansion; Value
Cohen, Lauren H., and Christopher J. Malloy. "PlanetTran." Harvard Business School Case 209-029, October 2008. (Revised March 2010.)
- October 2008
- Article
The Small World of Investing: Board Connections and Mutual Fund Returns
By: Lauren Cohen, Andrea Frazzini and Christopher J. Malloy
This paper uses social networks to identify information transfer in security markets. We focus on connections between mutual fund managers and corporate board members via shared education networks. We find that portfolio managers place larger bets on firms they are... View Details
Keywords: Financial Markets; Information Management; Social and Collaborative Networks; Announcements; Investment Portfolio; Investment Return; Investment Funds; Asset Pricing; Governing and Advisory Boards
Cohen, Lauren, Andrea Frazzini, and Christopher J. Malloy. "The Small World of Investing: Board Connections and Mutual Fund Returns." Journal of Political Economy 116, no. 5 (October 2008): 951–979. (Winner of the Barclays Global Investors Award, Best Paper in Asset Pricing, European Finance Association 2007.)
- September 2008 (Revised June 2010)
- Case
Hearts On Fire - Brand Development Manager
By: Frank V. Cespedes and Benson P. Shapiro
Hearts On Fire, a successful branded diamond producer, established the position of Brand Development Manager (BDM) to build the company's presence, sales, and relationships with its retail customers. After one year, the CEO, CFO and President must evaluate the impact... View Details
Keywords: Customer Focus and Relationships; Investment Return; Brands and Branding; Marketing Strategy; Business Processes; Salesforce Management; Business Strategy
Cespedes, Frank V., and Benson P. Shapiro. "Hearts On Fire - Brand Development Manager." Harvard Business School Case 709-436, September 2008. (Revised June 2010.)
- September 2008 (Revised October 2008)
- Case
Shareholder Activists at Friendly Ice Cream (A1)
By: Fabrizio Ferri, V.G. Narayanan and James Weber
Two activist investors, one a founder and one a hedge fund manager, seek to improve board oversight at a chain restaurant company. Prestley Blake founded Friendly Ice Cream in 1935 with his brother, and the two created a chain of full-service restaurants. In 1979, they... View Details
Keywords: Investment Activism; Governing and Advisory Boards; Lawsuits and Litigation; Business or Company Management; Business and Shareholder Relations; Conflict of Interests; Food and Beverage Industry; United States
Ferri, Fabrizio, V.G. Narayanan, and James Weber. "Shareholder Activists at Friendly Ice Cream (A1)." Harvard Business School Case 109-013, September 2008. (Revised October 2008.)
- September 2008 (Revised October 2008)
- Supplement
Shareholder Activists at Friendly Ice Cream (A2)
By: V.G. Narayanan, Fabrizio Ferri and James Weber
The A1 and A2 versions of the “Shareholder Activists at Friendly Ice Cream (A)” split the original A case into two parts. The A1 case ends as activists Sardar Biglari and Phil Cooley prepare to meet with CEO Don Smith at Friendly's headquarters in September 2006. The... View Details
Keywords: Investment Activism; Business and Shareholder Relations; Governing and Advisory Boards; Conflict and Resolution; Lawsuits and Litigation; Business or Company Management; Food and Beverage Industry; United States
Narayanan, V.G., Fabrizio Ferri, and James Weber. "Shareholder Activists at Friendly Ice Cream (A2)." Harvard Business School Supplement 109-014, September 2008. (Revised October 2008.)
- September 2008 (Revised July 2012)
- Case
Khosla Ventures: Biofuels Strategy
By: Joseph B. Lassiter III, William A. Sahlman and Alison Berkley Wagonfeld
By 2008, a number of the firm's early cleantech investments were showing promise, and the companies were starting to need significantly more money to create the massive scale required in the energy sector. As Khosla thought about the hundreds of millions of dollars... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Marketing; Entrepreneurial Finance; New Product Development; Partnerships; Entrepreneurial Management; Venture Capital; Strategy; Partners and Partnerships; Renewable Energy; Entrepreneurship; Investment Funds; Environmental Sustainability; Product Development; Biotechnology Industry; Financial Services Industry
Lassiter, Joseph B., III, William A. Sahlman, and Alison Berkley Wagonfeld. "Khosla Ventures: Biofuels Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 809-004, September 2008. (Revised July 2012.)
- September 2008 (Revised September 2010)
- Case
Ithmar Capital
By: Josh Lerner and Ann Leamon
The founders of Ithmar Capital, a mid-market private equity fund targeting businesses in and addressing the Gulf Co-operation Council countries, are about to raise their third fund, targeting $1 billion. The firm's current strategy as demonstrated in Funds I ($70... View Details
Keywords: Private Equity; Financial Management; Investment Funds; Investment Portfolio; Financial Services Industry
Lerner, Josh, and Ann Leamon. "Ithmar Capital." Harvard Business School Case 809-032, September 2008. (Revised September 2010.)
- 2008
- Chapter
A New Generation of Pension Fund Management
By: Robert C. Merton
In talking about pension plans at this point in American economic and corporate history, we need to discuss three linked issues: the defined-benefit (DB) corporate plans that worked for our parents; the defined-contribution (DC) plans we're getting today because... View Details
- September 2008
- Article
Firm Heterogeneity and Credit Risk Diversification
By: Samuel G. Hanson, M. Hashem Pesaran and Til Schuermann
This paper examines the impact of neglected heterogeneity on credit risk. We show that neglecting heterogeneity in firm returns and/or default thresholds leads to under estimation of expected losses (EL), and its effect on portfolio risk is ambiguous. Once EL is... View Details
Keywords: Volatility; Credit; Investment Return; Outcome or Result; Risk and Uncertainty; Loss; Diversification; Complexity; United States
Hanson, Samuel G., M. Hashem Pesaran, and Til Schuermann. "Firm Heterogeneity and Credit Risk Diversification." Journal of Empirical Finance 15, no. 4 (September 2008): 583–612.
- August 2008
- Teaching Note
North Goes East (TN)
By: Nicolas P. Retsinas and Ben Creo
Teaching Note for [208136]. View Details