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- Faculty Publications (1,153)
- 2008
- Working Paper
CEO and CFO Career Penalties to Missing Quarterly Analysts Forecasts
By: Rick Mergenthaler, Shiva Rajgopal and Suraj Srinivasan
We find that missing the quarterly analyst consensus earnings forecast is associated with career penalties in the form of a reduced bonus, smaller equity grants, and a greater chance of forced dismissal for both CEOs and CFOs during the period 1993-2004. These results... View Details
Keywords: Earnings Management; Governing and Advisory Boards; Compensation and Benefits; Managerial Roles; Personal Development and Career
Mergenthaler, Rick, Shiva Rajgopal, and Suraj Srinivasan. "CEO and CFO Career Penalties to Missing Quarterly Analysts Forecasts." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 09-014, August 2008. (Revised June 2009.)
- July – August 2008
- Article
Help Employees Give Away Some of That Bonus
By: Michael I. Norton and Elizabeth W. Dunn
Employees who spend some or all of their bonuses on others-thereby creating what the authors call a "prosocial" workplace-are happier as a result. Managers can enhance that effect by providing opportunities to share the wealth. View Details
Keywords: Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Compensation and Benefits; Employees; Behavior; Happiness
Norton, Michael I., and Elizabeth W. Dunn. "Help Employees Give Away Some of That Bonus." HBS Centennial Issue Harvard Business Review 86, nos. 7/8 (July–August 2008): 27.
- 2008
- Book
Managing Up
By: Linda A. Hill
Managing up is not political game playing. Rather, it's a conscious approach to working with your supervisor toward goals that are important to both of you. Through managing up, you build a productive working relationship with your boss and create a way to use the... View Details
Hill, Linda A. Managing Up. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Press, 2008. (Mentor.)
- June 2008 (Revised January 2010)
- Case
Name Your Price: Compensation Negotiation at Whole Health Management (A)
By: Brian J. Hall, Deepak Malhotra and Nicole Bennett
MBA student Monroe Davies is asked by a potential employer to determine his own compensation package. This case follows Jim Hummer, President and CEO of Whole Health Management and Davies through a unique recruitment process that raises questions of compensation and... View Details
Keywords: Compensation and Benefits; Recruitment; Job Interviews; Negotiation Process; Personal Development and Career; Motivation and Incentives; Value
Hall, Brian J., Deepak Malhotra, and Nicole Bennett. "Name Your Price: Compensation Negotiation at Whole Health Management (A)." Harvard Business School Case 908-064, June 2008. (Revised January 2010.)
- June 2008 (Revised January 2010)
- Supplement
Name Your Price: Compensation Negotiation at Whole Health Management (B)
By: Brian J. Hall, Deepak Malhotra and Nicole Bennett
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Hall, Brian J., Deepak Malhotra, and Nicole Bennett. "Name Your Price: Compensation Negotiation at Whole Health Management (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 908-065, June 2008. (Revised January 2010.)
- June 2008 (Revised January 2010)
- Supplement
Name Your Price: Compensation Negotiation at Whole Health Management (C)
By: Brian J. Hall, Deepak Malhotra and Nicole Bennett
Supplements the (A) and (B) cases. View Details
Hall, Brian J., Deepak Malhotra, and Nicole Bennett. "Name Your Price: Compensation Negotiation at Whole Health Management (C)." Harvard Business School Supplement 908-066, June 2008. (Revised January 2010.)
- June 2008 (Revised July 2008)
- Case
Kit Hinrichs at Pentagram (A)
By: Linda A. Hill and Emily Stecker
This case focuses on Kit Hinrichs, a 65-year-old partner at Pentagram, a privately owned multidisciplinary design firm. One of the world's most prestigious design firms, Pentagram was founded by five designers from different disciplines in London in the 1970s. By 2008,... View Details
Keywords: Arts; Business Offices; Customer Relationship Management; Design; Leadership; Personal Development and Career; Groups and Teams; Creativity; Service Industry; San Francisco
Hill, Linda A., and Emily Stecker. "Kit Hinrichs at Pentagram (A)." Harvard Business School Case 408-127, June 2008. (Revised July 2008.)
- June 2008
- Supplement
Kit Hinrichs at Pentagram (B)
By: Linda A. Hill and Emily Stecker
This case focuses on Kit Hindrichs, a 65 year-old partner at Pentagram, a privately-owned multidisciplinary design firm. One of the world's most prestigious design firms, Pentagram was founded by five designers from different disciplines in London in the 1970s. By... View Details
Keywords: Business Offices; Design; Managerial Roles; Private Ownership; Business and Shareholder Relations; Partners and Partnerships; Equality and Inequality; London; San Francisco; New York (state, US)
Hill, Linda A., and Emily Stecker. "Kit Hinrichs at Pentagram (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 408-128, June 2008.
- May 2008
- Supplement
Finansbank 2006 (CW)
By: C. Fritz Foley and Linnea Meyer
How do financial policy requirements and benefits of ownership concentration affect the need for and process of corporate restructuring? This case provides students with an opportunity to analyze the restructuring of a Turkish multinational business group by way of a... View Details
- May 2008 (Revised September 2009)
- Case
IBM's Dynamic Workplace
IBM already competed for talent by being a best workplace. It was one of the first companies to provide paid vacations, health insurance, sick leave, job sharing, and domestic partner benefits. Its human resources portfolio included a full array of progressive policies... View Details
Keywords: Values and Beliefs; Globalized Firms and Management; Leading Change; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Organizational Culture; Social Enterprise
Kanter, Rosabeth M. "IBM's Dynamic Workplace." Harvard Business School Case 308-107, May 2008. (Revised September 2009.)
- May 2008
- Supplement
Kenny Kahn at Muzak (B)
By: Linda A. Hill and Emily Stecker
Supplemental Material for 408-057 View Details
Keywords: Organizations; Geographic Location; Innovation and Invention; Employees; Management Teams; Brands and Branding; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Design; Music Industry
Hill, Linda A., and Emily Stecker. "Kenny Kahn at Muzak (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 408-069, May 2008.
- May 2008 (Revised September 2014)
- Teaching Note
TD Canada Trust (A), (B), and (C)
By: Dennis Campbell
- April 2008
- Case
Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant: Motivating in Good Times and Bad
By: Michael Beer and Elizabeth Collins
In May 2007, the Engstrom Auto Mirrors plant, a relatively small supplier based in Indiana, faces a crisis. The business was in the second year of a downturn. Sales had started to decline in 2005; a year later, plant manager Ron Bent had been forced to lay off more... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Behavior; Human Resource Management; Incentives; Motivation; Manufacturing; Leadership; Change Management; Employees; Motivation and Incentives; Goals and Objectives; Manufacturing Industry; Indiana
Beer, Michael, and Elizabeth Collins. "Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant: Motivating in Good Times and Bad." Harvard Business School Brief Case 082-175, April 2008.
- April 2008
- Teaching Note
Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant: Motivating in Good Times and Bad (Brief Case)
By: Michael Beer and Elizabeth Collins
Teaching note for case # 2175 View Details
- April 2008
- Case
TerraCog Global Positioning Systems: Conflict and Communication on Project Aerial
By: Michael Beer and Sunru Yong
TerraCog, a successful privately held high-tech firm that develops GPS (global positioning system) and similar products for consumer markets, has recently been caught off-guard by a competitor's new product that makes novel use of satellite imagery. When TerraCog... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Behavior; Meetings; Decision Making; Group Dynamics; Human Resource Management; Conflict; Information Technology; Leadership; Conflict Management; Competition; Groups and Teams; Organizational Culture; Human Resources; Communication; Decision Choices and Conditions; Crisis Management; Technology Industry
Beer, Michael, and Sunru Yong. "TerraCog Global Positioning Systems: Conflict and Communication on Project Aerial." Harvard Business School Brief Case 082-184, April 2008.
- April 2008
- Teaching Note
TerraCog Global Positioning Systems: Conflict and Communication on Project Aerial (Brief Case)
By: Michael Beer and Sunru Yong
Teaching note to case #2184 View Details
- April 2008
- Case
Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. (A)
By: Paul W. Marshall, Michael Shih-ta Chen and Keith Chi-ho Wong
In late November 2000, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd., the once-monopolized telecom operator owned by the Taiwanese government, was on its way to privatization. Mr. C.K. Mao, Chairman of the company, who headed the job only three months earlier, after its prior chairman... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Employee Relationship Management; Leading Change; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Privatization; Competition; Telecommunications Industry; Taiwan
Marshall, Paul W., Michael Shih-ta Chen, and Keith Chi-ho Wong. "Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 808-137, April 2008.
- April 2008
- Supplement
Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. (B)
By: Paul W. Marshall, Michael Shih-ta Chen and Keith Chi-ho Wong
In late November 2000, Chung Telecom Co., Ltd., the once-monopolized telecom operator owned by the Taiwanese government, was on its way to privatization. Mr. C.K. Mao, Chairman of the company, was headed the job only three months earlier, after its prior chairman... View Details
Keywords: State Ownership; Jobs and Positions; Monopoly; Privatization; Competition; Decisions; Motivation and Incentives; Labor and Management Relations; Resignation and Termination; Compensation and Benefits; Price; Status and Position; Telecommunications Industry; Public Administration Industry; Taiwan
Marshall, Paul W., Michael Shih-ta Chen, and Keith Chi-ho Wong. "Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 808-138, April 2008.
- April 2008 (Revised March 2015)
- Case
TheLadders (A)
By: Peter A. Coles, Benjamin Edelman, Brian J. Hall and Nicole Bennett
Despite strong appeal among job seekers and outside recruiters, TheLadders' corporate job listings seem to lag. Could raising prices help solve the problem? TheLadders considers this strategic paradox. View Details
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction; Price; Recruitment; Job Search; Marketing Strategy; Employment Industry
Coles, Peter A., Benjamin Edelman, Brian J. Hall, and Nicole Bennett. "TheLadders (A)." Harvard Business School Case 908-061, April 2008. (Revised March 2015.) (request a courtesy copy.)
- April 2008
- Module Note
Improvement with Customer-Operators
By: Frances X. Frei and Dennis Campbell
Taught as the third module in a Harvard Business School course on Managing Service Operations: Understanding the Customer Operating Role (606-092). Explores how firms can systematically leverage their customer-operators in the organizational improvement process is... View Details
Keywords: Service Operations; Performance Improvement; Customer Focus and Relationships; Framework; Employees; Business Model; Management Practices and Processes; Organizational Design
Frei, Frances X., and Dennis Campbell. "Improvement with Customer-Operators." Harvard Business School Module Note 608-135, April 2008.