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- All HBS Web
- People (88)
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- 23 Apr 2018
- Research & Ideas
Sponsorship Programs Could Actually Widen the Gender Gap
says Katie Coffman, an assistant professor at Harvard Business School and co-author of the study. “What we are saying is that certain aspects of sponsorship don’t work exactly how we’d want them to work, at least View Details
Keywords: by Carmen Nobel
- October 2008 (Revised September 2009)
- Case
Procter & Gamble in the 21st Century (A): Becoming Truly Global
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Matthew Bird
Since the 1980s, Procter & Gamble had leveraged its purpose, values, and principles (PVP) to create a global company. When P&G faced difficult times in 2000, the new CEO, A.G. Lafley, leveraged the PVP to drive P&G's turnaround, integrate global operations, and guide... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Values and Beliefs; Globalized Firms and Management; Leading Change; Growth Management; Mission and Purpose; Organizational Change and Adaptation
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Matthew Bird. "Procter & Gamble in the 21st Century (A): Becoming Truly Global." Harvard Business School Case 309-030, October 2008. (Revised September 2009.)
- 23 Jun 2014
- News
In Venture Capital, Birds of a Feather Lose Money Together
- February 1997
- Case
Enron Development Corporation: The Dabhol Power Project in Maharashtra, India (A) (Abridged)
A large, lucrative power plant is negotiated for construction/operation by an American power company in India's evolving privatized power sector. The process of incorporating the project is captured in this case. The American company will own and operate the plant in... View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Transition; Energy Generation; Construction; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Emerging Markets; Negotiation Process; Production; Privatization; Energy Industry
Wells, Louis T., Jr. "Enron Development Corporation: The Dabhol Power Project in Maharashtra, India (A) (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 797-085, February 1997.
- Research Summary
The Supply Chain Economy: A New Industry Categorization for Understanding Innovation in Services
By: Karen Mills
An active debate has centered on the importance of manufacturing for driving innovation in the U.S. economy. This paper offers an alternative framework that focuses on the role of suppliers of goods and services (the “supply chain economy”) in national performance. We... View Details
- 26 Jul 2023
- Research & Ideas
STEM Needs More Women. Recruiters Often Keep Them Out
research suggests that gender bias seeps in before women even apply to these programs, undercutting the goal of broadening applicant pools and bolstering equity in... View Details
Keywords: by Rachel Layne
- 09 Sep 2024
- HBS Case
McDonald’s and the Post #MeToo Rules of Sex in the Workplace
dalliances of leaders, a kiss is never just a kiss. “A board’s oversight over culture and respect in the workplace has become much more important than it was prior to #MeToo.” A series of Harvard Business... View Details
- June 2005 (Revised March 2007)
- Case
ACHAP (African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships): the Merck/Gates Initiative in Botswana
By June 2004, ACHAP, a three-way partnership of The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Merck, and the Botswana government, had committed nearly $60 million of the $100 million toward various AIDS education, prevention, and treatment programs. It was time to evaluate... View Details
Keywords: Business or Company Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Social Marketing; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Performance Evaluation; Business and Government Relations; Partners and Partnerships; Health Industry
Rangan, V. Kasturi. "ACHAP (African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships): the Merck/Gates Initiative in Botswana." Harvard Business School Case 505-057, June 2005. (Revised March 2007.)
- February 2017
- Article
The Throne vs. the Kingdom: Founder Control and Value Creation in Startups
By: Noam Wasserman
Does the degree to which founders keep control of their startups affect company value? I argue that founders face a "control dilemma" in which a startup's resource dependence drives a wedge between the startup's value and the founder's ability to retain control of... View Details
Keywords: Founders; Entrepreneurial Management; Value Creation; Governing and Advisory Boards; Entrepreneurship; Business Startups
Wasserman, Noam. "The Throne vs. the Kingdom: Founder Control and Value Creation in Startups." Strategic Management Journal 38, no. 2 (February 2017): 255–277.
- 10 Sep 2014
- News
Rocket Internet Seeks to Raise About $967 Million in I.P.O.
- July 1997 (Revised June 2001)
- Case
H.E. Butt Grocery Company: A Leader in ECR Implementation (B) (Abridged)
By: Robert D. Austin and F. Warren McFarlan
H.E. Butt Grocery Co. led the grocery industry in adopting many innovations, including category management, electronic data interchange, and continuous replenishment. They have also moved aggressively and profitably into newer applications such as Scanner-based payment... View Details
Keywords: Information Management; Independent Innovation and Invention; Innovation and Invention; Business Organization; Risk and Uncertainty; Science-Based Business; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Risk Management; Electronics Industry; Computer Industry
Austin, Robert D., and F. Warren McFarlan. "H.E. Butt Grocery Company: A Leader in ECR Implementation (B) (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 198-016, July 1997. (Revised June 2001.)
- Spring 1970
- Article
EPS Growth from Financial Packaging: An Accounting Incentive in Acquisitions
By: Henry B. Reiling
Reiling, Henry B. "EPS Growth from Financial Packaging: An Accounting Incentive in Acquisitions." Special Edition St. John's Law Review (Spring 1970).
- February 2003 (Revised February 2009)
- Case
Yahoo!: Becoming a Competitor in the Career Listings Space (B)
By: Kathleen L. McGinn and Nicole Nasser
After weighing the pros and cons of making an unsolicited bid for (an online recruiting company already under contract to be acquired by TMP Worldwide), the executive team of Yahoo! decides to make an immediate move rather than wait for the Federal Trade... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Management Teams; Bids and Bidding; Negotiation Process; Strategy
McGinn, Kathleen L., and Nicole Nasser. "Yahoo!: Becoming a Competitor in the Career Listings Space (B)." Harvard Business School Case 903-072, February 2003. (Revised February 2009.)
- 01 Jun 2001
- News
Teaching for the Ages: the MBA Classroom in the 21st Century
must not let whiz-bang inventions overwhelm the need for sound business principles. Later, in other classes, I get a further taste of innovation. In a Marketing session taught... View Details
- November 2010
- Supplement
Esquel Group: Building a Sustainable Partnership with Cotton Farmers in Xinjiang (B)
By: James K. Sebenius and Jason Cheng Qian
Details and evaluates results in Esquel's 2002 initiative to negotiate long-term partnerships with often-exploited farmers in Xinjiang (western China) to procure a superior cotton variety. View Details
Keywords: Contracts; Agreements and Arrangements; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Outcome or Result; Leasing; Business and Community Relations; Business and Government Relations; Partners and Partnerships; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Hong Kong; Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu
Sebenius, James K., and Jason Cheng Qian. "Esquel Group: Building a Sustainable Partnership with Cotton Farmers in Xinjiang (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 911-032, November 2010.
- Web
Field Course: Innovating in Health Care, Advanced - Course Catalog
quality and access, ripe for massive technological and consumer-facing innovations—is one of the largest and ripest sectors for innovation. This course focuses on the creation of a business plan for an innovation View Details