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- Faculty Publications (720)
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- October 1988
- Case
Harris Seafoods Leveraged Buyout
Describes set of issues confronting Alison Lassiter, who is trying to help Charlie Harris arrange a leveraged buyout of the shrimp company he runs, a division of a publicly traded company, Katy Industries. Lassiter has prepared a memorandum discussing and analyzing the... View Details
Keywords: Leveraged Buyouts; Venture Capital; Financing and Loans; Equity; Cost vs Benefits; Negotiation Tactics; Negotiation Preparation; Financial Management; Strategy; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Planning; Food and Beverage Industry; Food and Beverage Industry
Sahlman, William A. "Harris Seafoods Leveraged Buyout." Harvard Business School Case 289-019, October 1988.
- June 1987 (Revised July 2004)
- Case
Textile Corporation Building, The
Describes the potential acquisition of a downtown office building in Boston through a sealed bid auction. The prospective buyer analyzes in detail all elements of the income and expense statements, calculates the effect of all improvements, and imputes a purchase price... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Property; Bids and Bidding; Auctions; Price; Asset Pricing; Real Estate Industry; Boston
Poorvu, William J. "Textile Corporation Building, The." Harvard Business School Case 387-189, June 1987. (Revised July 2004.)
- March 1987 (Revised October 1993)
- Case
Au Bon Pain: The French Bakery Cafe, The Partner/Manager Program
By: W. Earl Sasser
In recent years, Au Bon Pain (ABP), a chain of upscale French bakeries/sandwich cafes based in Boston, confronted a set of human resource problems endemic to the fast food industry (i.e., a labor shortage which made it difficult to attract and maintain quality crew... View Details
Keywords: Motivation and Incentives; Managerial Roles; Retention; Employees; Performance Improvement; Recruitment; Problems and Challenges; Compensation and Benefits; Food and Beverage Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Boston
Sasser, W. Earl. "Au Bon Pain: The French Bakery Cafe, The Partner/Manager Program." Harvard Business School Case 687-063, March 1987. (Revised October 1993.)
- October 1986 (Revised November 1988)
- Case
B-W Footwear
By: David B. Yoffie
As import penetration into the American footwear market reached 81% in 1986, B-W Footwear, along with all of its American competitors, was struggling. Supply lines were deteriorating, retailers and importers were gaining power, and the government had rejected two... View Details
Keywords: Competitive Strategy; Management; Globalization; Government and Politics; Business Strategy; Trade; Apparel and Accessories Industry; United States
Yoffie, David B. "B-W Footwear." Harvard Business School Case 387-022, October 1986. (Revised November 1988.)
- February 1984 (Revised February 1986)
- Case
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.: Titanium Dioxide
By: W. Carl Kester, Robert R. Glauber, David W. Mullins Jr. and Stacy S. Dick
Disequilibrium in the $350 million TiO2 market has prompted Du Pont's Pigments Department to develop two strategies for competing in this market in the future. The growth strategy has a smaller internal rate of return than the alternative strategy due to large capital... View Details
Keywords: Forecasting and Prediction; Cash Flow; Investment Return; Growth and Development Strategy; Strategic Planning; Projects; Chemical Industry
Kester, W. Carl, Robert R. Glauber, David W. Mullins Jr., and Stacy S. Dick. "E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.: Titanium Dioxide." Harvard Business School Case 284-066, February 1984. (Revised February 1986.)
- September 1983 (Revised February 1989)
- Background Note
The Oil Tanker Shipping Industry in 1983
Describes the international oil tanker shipping industry both historically and in 1983. Designed to provide a vehicle for practicing industry analysis in a volatile commodity business, and for formulating strategy in such an environment. Also can be used to examine... View Details
Keywords: Strategic Planning; Globalized Markets and Industries; Goods and Commodities; Volatility; Vertical Integration; Supply and Industry; Shipping Industry
Porter, Michael E. "The Oil Tanker Shipping Industry in 1983." Harvard Business School Background Note 384-034, September 1983. (Revised February 1989.)
- July–August 1983
- Article
End-Game Strategies for Declining Industries
By: Kathryn Rudie Harrigan and M. E. Porter
Many companies are faced with declining product demand beyond their control. A study of the strategies of over 95 companies that confronted declining markets suggests that companies can often be very successful if they analyze all the characteristics that shape... View Details
Harrigan, Kathryn Rudie, and M. E. Porter. "End-Game Strategies for Declining Industries." Harvard Business Review 61, no. 4 (July–August 1983).
- May 1983 (Revised December 1987)
- Case
Technical Data Corp.
Describes a decision confronting the president of a small company about selling some or all of the shares in his company to another firm. Technical Data Corp. provides analytical services to professional bond market traders over a system of computer terminals operated... View Details
Keywords: Stocks; Entrepreneurship; Business Startups; Internet and the Web; Information Infrastructure; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Valuation; Negotiation Tactics; Mergers and Acquisitions; Corporate Strategy; Horizontal Integration; Information Industry; Information Industry
Sahlman, William A. "Technical Data Corp." Harvard Business School Case 283-072, May 1983. (Revised December 1987.)
- June 1982 (Revised May 1995)
- Case
Ellis Manufacturing Co.
By: Roy D. Shapiro
Ellis finds itself in a weakening competitive position largely due to the lack of rationalization in its plants. Driven by a strong traditionally decentralized sales organization, Ellis finds that all plants want control over all product lines. As a result, overall... View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Cost; Analytics and Data Science; Brands and Branding; Performance Capacity; Competitive Strategy; Construction Industry
Shapiro, Roy D. "Ellis Manufacturing Co." Harvard Business School Case 682-103, June 1982. (Revised May 1995.)
- December 1980 (Revised July 1991)
- Case
Loctite Corp.: Industrial Products Group
By: John A. Quelch
A new product introduction strategy covering all elements of the marketing mix must be planned for equipment designed to dispense industrial adhesives. The equipment and adhesives are manufactured by the same company. View Details
Quelch, John A. "Loctite Corp.: Industrial Products Group." Harvard Business School Case 581-066, December 1980. (Revised July 1991.)
- March 1978 (Revised June 1983)
- Case
Kennecott Copper Corp.
Involves a $550 million cash tender offer by Kennecott Copper Corp. for all of the outstanding common shares of the Carborundum Corp. View Details
Fruhan, William E., Jr. "Kennecott Copper Corp." Harvard Business School Case 278-143, March 1978. (Revised June 1983.)
- Article
New Interest in Incentive Financing
By: Samuel Hayes
The article presents the findings of a study on incentive financings as they apply to institutional investors, particularly life insurance company investors. The author made contact with investment officers in 29 insurance companies, and have collected a considerable... View Details
Hayes, Samuel. "New Interest in Incentive Financing." Harvard Business Review 44, no. 4 (July–August 1966): 99–112. (Reprinted: Brigham, Earl, Ricks, R. B., Readings in the Essentials of Managerial Finance. Holt, Rhinehart and Winston, 1968.)
- Research Summary
Financing New Business Formation
By: Paul A. Gompers
New business creation has become a potent force for economicdevelopment in the United States. Prior to 1980, large firms created the majority of new jobs in the American economy. While considerable debate rages over whether small firms are the source of recent job... View Details
- Research Summary
Growth and the Quality of Foreign Direct Investment: Is All FDI Equal? (joint with Andrew Charlton)
By: Laura Alfaro
In this paper we distinguish different qualities of FDI to re-examine the relationship between FDI and growth. Establishing the quality of FDI, however, is a difficult concept. Quality, that is the effect of a unit of FDI on economic growth, is a combination and... View Details
- Teaching Interest
MBA Elective Curriculum-- Competing Through Business Models
The words “business model” are inescapable in our daily fare of business news. These two ubiquitous words seemed to effortlessly rise up to prominence during the dot-com boom of the late 1990s. When businesspeople, journalists, academics, and other... View Details
- Teaching Interest
Course Requirements
Students are required to prepare a business plan, which employs the framework of this course, to explore an entrepreneurial opportunity in health care, and to evaluate their classmates' plans.
Career Focus
For... View Details
Students are required to prepare a business plan, which employs the framework of this course, to explore an entrepreneurial opportunity in health care, and to evaluate their classmates' plans.
Career Focus
For... View Details
- Research Summary
By: Jorge Tamayo
Professor Tamayo’s research focuses on theoretical modeling and structural estimation of firm decision-making and productivity.
Professor Tamayo studies dynamic competition for customer membership. Generally, firms that implement a membership model charge a... View Details
Professor Tamayo studies dynamic competition for customer membership. Generally, firms that implement a membership model charge a... View Details
- Research Summary
Professor Ferreira's research primarily focuses on how retailers can use algorithms to make better revenue management decisions, including pricing, product display, and assortment planning. In the retail industry, anticipating consumer demand is arguably one of the... View Details
- Research Summary
Personal Data in Marketing
By: John A. Deighton
Between 10% and 20% of all marketing activity in the United States, and a smaller proportion internationally, relies on data about individuals, whether personally identifying or pseudonomized. These data flow across a system of established and emerging firms operating... View Details
- Teaching Interest
Transforming Education through Social Entrepreneurship
This course is designed for students who want to understand the central role that education plays in our economy and society and who may want to play an active role (e.g., as entrepreneur, board member, etc.) in shaping the future workforce, bringing about a more... View Details
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