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- Faculty Publications (1,406)
- September 2014
- Article
Income Inequality and Social Preferences for Redistribution and Compensation Differentials
By: William R. Kerr
In cross-sectional studies, countries with greater income inequality typically exhibit less support for government-led redistribution and greater acceptance of wage inequality (e.g., United States versus Western Europe). If individual nations evolve along this pattern,... View Details
Kerr, William R. "Income Inequality and Social Preferences for Redistribution and Compensation Differentials." Journal of Monetary Economics 66 (September 2014): 62–78.
- August 2014 (Revised June 2019)
- Case
MRC's House of Cards
By: Anita Elberse
In March 2011, Asif Satchu and Modi Wiczyk, co-chairmen and co-chief executive officers at independent production company Media Rights Capital (MRC), are debating whether to accept a licensing offer from Netflix for their most ambitious project to date, a new... View Details
Keywords: Television; House Of Cards; Asif Satchu; Modi Wiczyk; Netflix; Media Rights Capital; Information Technology; Change Management; Marketing; Television Entertainment; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Motion Pictures and Video Industry
Elberse, Anita. "MRC's House of Cards." Harvard Business School Case 515-003, August 2014. (Revised June 2019.)
- August 2014
- Case
Rent the Runway (Abridged)
By: Thomas R. Eisenmann, Brent Goldfarb and David A. Kirsch
Two months after a successful launch In November 2009, the cofounders of Rent the Runway (RTR), a website that rented designer dresses, are debating whether to grow their startup at a measured pace and focus on improving operational effectiveness, or raise a new round... View Details
Keywords: Lean Startup; Electronic Commerce; Fashion; Expansion; Business Startups; Growth and Development Strategy; E-commerce; Fashion Industry
Eisenmann, Thomas R., Brent Goldfarb, and David A. Kirsch. "Rent the Runway (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 815-055, August 2014.
- August 2014
- Teaching Plan
The Huffington Post
In February 2010, management of the Huffington Post, a fast-growing but not-yet-profitable Internet newspaper that aggregates blog posts from unpaid contributors and excerpts of stories originally published by other news sites, faces a number of decisions about its... View Details
Keywords: Internet and the Web; Newspapers; Entrepreneurship; Growth and Development Strategy; Journalism and News Industry
Eisenmann, Thomas R. "The Huffington Post." Harvard Business School Teaching Plan 815-052, August 2014.
- 2014
- Working Paper
The Nobel Prize: A 'Heritage-based' Brand-oriented Network
By: Mats Urde and Stephen A. Greyser
Purpose — Understanding the Nobel Prize as a 'true' heritage brand in a networked situation and its management challenges, especially regarding identity and reputation.
Methodology — The Nobel Prize serves as an in-depth case study and is analysed within... View Details
Methodology — The Nobel Prize serves as an in-depth case study and is analysed within... View Details
Keywords: Nobel Prize; Heritage Brand; Brand Network; Networked Brand; Brand Within A Network; Brand Orientation; Brand Stewardship; Corporate Brand Identity; Reputation; Networks; Organizations; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Brands and Branding
Urde, Mats, and Stephen A. Greyser. "The Nobel Prize: A 'Heritage-based' Brand-oriented Network." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 15-010, August 2014.
- 2016
- Working Paper
Signaling without Certification: The Critical Role of Civil Society Scrutiny
By: Susan A. Kayser, John W. Maxwell and Michael W. Toffel
In response to stakeholders' growing concerns, companies are joining voluntary environmental programs to signal their superior environmental management capabilities. In contrast to the literature's focus on certification programs that require a third-party audit, we... View Details
Keywords: United Nations; Labor Standards; Supplier Relationship; Procurement; Sustainability; Sustainability Management; Quality And Safety; Risk; Globalization; Globalized Markets and Industries; Governance; Working Conditions; Supply Chain Management; Supply Chain; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Quality; Risk and Uncertainty; Safety; Reputation
Kayser, Susan A., John W. Maxwell, and Michael W. Toffel. "Signaling without Certification: The Critical Role of Civil Society Scrutiny." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 15-009, August 2014. (Revised July 2016.)
- 2014
- Book
Consumer Lending in France and America: Credit and Welfare
By: Gunnar Trumbull
Why did America embrace consumer credit over the course of the twentieth century, when most other countries did not? How did American policy makers by the late twentieth century come to believe that more credit would make even poor families better off? This book traces... View Details
Trumbull, Gunnar. Consumer Lending in France and America: Credit and Welfare. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
- July 2014
- Article
Diasporas and Outsourcing: Evidence from oDesk and India
By: Ejaz Ghani, William R. Kerr and Christopher Stanton
This study examines the role of the Indian diaspora in the outsourcing of work to India. Our data are taken from oDesk, the world's largest online platform for outsourced contracts, where India is the largest country in terms of contract volume. We use an ethnic name... View Details
Keywords: Diaspora; Outsourcing; oDesk; Networks; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Diasporas; Internet and the Web; Ethnicity; Service Industry; South Asia; India
Ghani, Ejaz, William R. Kerr, and Christopher Stanton. "Diasporas and Outsourcing: Evidence from oDesk and India." Management Science 60, no. 7 (July 2014): 1677–1697.
- July–August 2014
- Article
Where to Launch in Africa?
By: Eugene F. Soltes
A case study in the management of new business enterprises in developing countries is examined. A dilemma facing a Malawian entrepreneur in whether to locate a packaging industry new business in his native Malawi or in the larger market of Nigeria is examined.... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Entrepreneurship; Developing Countries and Economies; Geographic Location; Decision Making; Africa
Soltes, Eugene F. "Where to Launch in Africa?" Harvard Business Review 92, nos. 7/8 (July–August 2014): 121–125.
- June 2014 (Revised April 2015)
- Background Note
Affordable Housing and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits in the United States
By: Arthur I Segel and Nicolas P. Retsinas
This background note explores the basic themes surrounding the government's approach to providing housing: namely its shift from a supplier and builder of affordable housing to an approach that focuses on demand-side solutions and indirect subsidies to private... View Details
Segel, Arthur I., and Nicolas P. Retsinas. "Affordable Housing and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits in the United States." Harvard Business School Background Note 214-107, June 2014. (Revised April 2015.)
- June 2014 (Revised May 2017)
- Case
Southeastern Asset Management Challenges Buyout at Dell
By: Paul Healy, Suraj Srinivasan and Aldo Sesia
In late 2012, Michael Dell wants to take Dell Inc., the company he founded, private. Mr. Dell believes that the successful company's transformation from a personal computer (PC) manufacturer to an enterprise solutions and services provider (ESS) is dependent on going... View Details
Keywords: Leveraged Buyout Transaction; Leveraged Recapitalization; Management Buyout; Dell, Inc.; Hedge Fund; Corporate Governance Theory; Valuation; Valuation Ratios; Valuation Methodologies; Board Of Directors; Boards Of Directors; Carl Icahn; Computer Services Industries; Proxy Contest; Proxy Battles; Proxy Fight; Proxy Advisor; Financial Accounting; Financial Analysis; Financial Ratios; Finance; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Governance; Corporate Finance; Leveraged Buyouts; Computer Industry; United States
Healy, Paul, Suraj Srinivasan, and Aldo Sesia. "Southeastern Asset Management Challenges Buyout at Dell." Harvard Business School Case 114-015, June 2014. (Revised May 2017.)
- June 2014
- Article
Building Brand Knowledge Structures: Elaboration and Interference Effects on the Processing of Sequentially Advertised Brand Benefit Claims
By: Susan E. Heckler, Kevin L. Keller, Michael J. Houston and Jill Avery
Two experiments are reported that examine the effects of an ad campaign designed to link two different benefit claims to a brand. The findings indicated that recall for a subsequently advertised claim depended on the strength of existing brand-benefit links in memory.... View Details
Keywords: Marketing Communication; Brand Building; Brand Management; Brands; Advertising; Consumer Psychology; Advertising Campaigns; Brands and Branding; Marketing Communications; Consumer Behavior; Marketing Strategy; Advertising Industry; Consumer Products Industry
Heckler, Susan E., Kevin L. Keller, Michael J. Houston, and Jill Avery. "Building Brand Knowledge Structures: Elaboration and Interference Effects on the Processing of Sequentially Advertised Brand Benefit Claims." Journal of Marketing Communications 20, no. 3 (June 2014): 176–196.
- June 2014
- Article
Collective Genius
By: Linda A. Hill, Greg Brandeau, Emily Truelove and Kent Lineback
Competitiveness depends in great part on the ability to innovate. The perennial challenge, then, is to build an organization capable of innovating again and again. Traditional, direction-setting leadership can work well when the solution to a problem is known and... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; Innovation Leadership; Leadership; Innovation and Invention; Organizational Culture
Hill, Linda A., Greg Brandeau, Emily Truelove, and Kent Lineback. "Collective Genius." Harvard Business Review 92, no. 6 (June 2014): 94–102.
- June 2014
- Article
The Capitalist's Dilemma
By: Clayton M. Christensen and Derek C. M. van Bever
Sixty months after the 2008 recession ended, the economy was still sputtering, producing disappointing growth and job numbers. Corporations seemed stuck: Despite low interest rates, they were sitting on massive piles of cash and failing to invest in new initiatives. In... View Details
Keywords: Capital Investments; Creating Markets; Evaluating Business Investments; Innovation; Emerging Markets; Investment; Economic Growth; Capital; Innovation and Invention
Christensen, Clayton M., and Derek C. M. van Bever. "The Capitalist's Dilemma." Harvard Business Review 92, no. 6 (June 2014): 60–68.
- May 2014 (Revised March 2017)
- Case
Unilever's Lifebuoy in India: Implementing the Sustainability Plan
Unilever's new Global Brand VP must not only revitalize Lifebuoy soap's sagging market performance, but simultaneously impact the health of one billion people worldwide. The latter challenge comes from Unilever's new CEO who has introduced the Unilever Sustainable... View Details
Keywords: Multinational Management; Corporate Social Responsibility; Strategy Implementation; Marketing Strategy; Mission And Purpose; Change Management; International Business; Global; Fast-moving Consumer Goods; Soap; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Health Care and Treatment; Environmental Sustainability; Global Strategy; Developing Countries and Economies; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Health Industry; India
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Unilever's Lifebuoy in India: Implementing the Sustainability Plan." Harvard Business School Case 914-417, May 2014. (Revised March 2017.)
- May 14, 2014
- Editorial
In Terms of Social Progress, America Is Not #1—It's #16
As Americans, we like to think of ourselves as a world leader. After all, the United States has the largest economy in the world and is near the very top in GDP per capita. We are used to thinking that we lead on social issues like education, access to information, and... View Details
Keywords: Society
Porter, Michael E. "In Terms of Social Progress, America Is Not #1—It's #16." WorldPost (May 14, 2014).
- Article
Currency Unions, Product Introductions, and the Real Exchange Rate
By: Alberto Cavallo, Brent Neiman and Roberto Rigobon
We use a novel dataset of online prices of identical goods sold by four large global retailers in dozens of countries to study good-level real exchange rates and their aggregated behavior. First, in contrast to the prior literature, we demonstrate that the law of one... View Details
Keywords: Currency Union; Law Of One Price; International Prices; Global Firm; Currency Exchange Rate; Price; International Finance
Cavallo, Alberto, Brent Neiman, and Roberto Rigobon. "Currency Unions, Product Introductions, and the Real Exchange Rate." Quarterly Journal of Economics 129, no. 2 (May 2014): 529–595.
- May 2014
- Article
Digital Dark Matter and the Economic Contribution of Apache
By: Shane Greenstein and Frank Nagle
Researchers have long hypothesized that research outputs from government, university, and private company R&D contribute to economic growth, but these contributions may be difficult to measure when they take a non-pecuniary form. The growth of networking devices and... View Details
Keywords: Open Source; Apache; Economic Measurement; Digital Economics; Measurement and Metrics; Open Source Distribution; Internet and the Web; Information Technology; Applications and Software; Economic Growth; Research and Development; Web Services Industry; Information Technology Industry; United States
Greenstein, Shane, and Frank Nagle. "Digital Dark Matter and the Economic Contribution of Apache." Research Policy 43, no. 4 (May 2014): 623–631. (Lead Article.)
- May 2014
- Article
Right Up the Middle: How Israeli Firms Go Global
By: Jonathan Friedrich, Amit Noam and Elie Ofek
The article considers international business enterprises based in Israel and how they successfully expanded from their origins as small businesses. A common technique of those companies in which they focused on market entry in other countries whose markets were too... View Details
Friedrich, Jonathan, Amit Noam, and Elie Ofek. "Right Up the Middle: How Israeli Firms Go Global." Harvard Business Review 92, no. 5 (May 2014): 113–117.
- Article
The Effect of Institutional Factors on the Value of Corporate Diversification
By: Venkat Kuppuswamy, George Serafeim and Belen Villalonga
Using a large sample of diversified firms from 38 countries we investigate the influence of several national-level institutional factors or 'institutional voids' on the value of corporate diversification. Specifically, we explore whether the presence of frictions in a... View Details
Keywords: Diversification Discount; Institutions; Labor Market; Competition; Human Capital; Diversification; Value; Capital Markets
Kuppuswamy, Venkat, George Serafeim, and Belen Villalonga. "The Effect of Institutional Factors on the Value of Corporate Diversification." Advances in Strategic Management 31 (2014).