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- Faculty Publications (741)
- July 1999 (Revised January 2000)
- Case
Yahoo!: Business on Internet Time
By: Jan W. Rivkin and Jay R. Girotto
In the wake of major competitive moves, CEO Tim Koogle and his senior team at Yahoo!, an Internet portal, must decide whether and how to adjust their strategy. Following deals between AOL and Netscape, Excite and @Home, Infoseek and Disney, and Snap and NBS, Yahoo!... View Details
Keywords: Competitive Strategy; Growth and Development Strategy; Business Strategy; Organizational Structure; Industry Structures; Internet and the Web; Risk Management; Technological Innovation; Business or Company Management; Information Technology Industry; Web Services Industry
Rivkin, Jan W., and Jay R. Girotto. "Yahoo!: Business on Internet Time." Harvard Business School Case 700-013, July 1999. (Revised January 2000.)
- June 1999 (Revised June 2000)
- Case
Robert Mondavi: Competitive Strategy
By: Michael E. Porter and Gregory C Bond
Describes the competitive situation facing Robert Mondavi, the leading premium California winery. Mondavi has been an industry innovator and has recently taken steps to become more international. Mondavi has to cope with growing domestic competition as well as market... View Details
Keywords: Global Strategy; Technological Innovation; Business or Company Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Growth Management; Industry Structures; Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Food and Beverage Industry; California; Australia; Chile
Porter, Michael E., and Gregory C Bond. "Robert Mondavi: Competitive Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 799-125, June 1999. (Revised June 2000.)
- June 1999 (Revised April 2003)
- Case
Zucamor S.A.: Global Competition in Argentina
Describes the evolution of Zucamor and its business strategy, particularly after the opening of the Argentine economy in 1992 and 1993. Traces the action that led to its association with U.S. paper giant Union Camp. Poses some of the critical challenges faced by the... View Details
Keywords: Business Strategy; Global Strategy; Value; Problems and Challenges; Business or Company Management; Goods and Commodities; Alliances; Pulp and Paper Industry; Argentina; United States
Rangan, V. Kasturi. "Zucamor S.A.: Global Competition in Argentina." Harvard Business School Case 599-096, June 1999. (Revised April 2003.)
- May 1999 (Revised August 1999)
- Case
Victory Supermarkets: Expansion Strategy?
By: David E. Bell and Ann Leamon
Jay DiGeronimo, president of a 16-store supermarket chain, is trying to decide the timing and method for expanding his chain. The family-owned company could continue in a maintenance mode, with each family member running one store. It could expand slowly using a new... View Details
Keywords: Budgets and Budgeting; Cost vs Benefits; Trade; Investment; Market Entry and Exit; Supply Chain Management; Private Ownership; Competition; Expansion; Retail Industry
Bell, David E., and Ann Leamon. "Victory Supermarkets: Expansion Strategy?" Harvard Business School Case 599-054, May 1999. (Revised August 1999.)
- May 1999
- Background Note
Broadband Race, The
By: David B. Yoffie and Mary Kwak
Surveys developments in broadband in the late 1990s, focusing on the rivalry between telecom companies deploying DSL and cable companies rolling out cable modem service. Reviews the major broadband technologies, examines the state of competition in the United States,... View Details
Keywords: Technological Innovation; Internet and the Web; Competition; Telecommunications Industry; United States; Hong Kong; Singapore
Yoffie, David B., and Mary Kwak. "Broadband Race, The." Harvard Business School Background Note 799-106, May 1999.
- Article
Fixing What Really Ails Japan
By: Michael E. Porter and Hirotaka Takeuchi
Conventional wisdom claims that Japan’s “economic miracle” stemmed from its unique model of government guidance and its revolutionary corporate management techniques. An in-depth study proves this seriously wrong. Rampant government intervention has caused more... View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Competition; Innovation and Invention; Business and Government Relations; Japan
Porter, Michael E., and Hirotaka Takeuchi. "Fixing What Really Ails Japan." Foreign Affairs 78, no. 3 (May–June 1999): 66–81.
- March 1999 (Revised May 1999)
- Case
Apple Computer--1999
By: David B. Yoffie and Mary Kwak
In 1980, Apple was the leader of the PC industry, but by 1999, it had suffered heavy losses at the hands of the Wintel camp. This case examines Apple's efforts to create sustainable competitive advantage as the PC industry evolves. After discussing Apple's history and... View Details
Keywords: Competitive Advantage; Competitive Strategy; Growth and Development Strategy; Technological Innovation; Information Technology; Business or Company Management; Management Practices and Processes; Corporate Strategy; Information Technology Industry
Yoffie, David B., and Mary Kwak. "Apple Computer--1999." Harvard Business School Case 799-108, March 1999. (Revised May 1999.)
- December 1998 (Revised May 2003)
- Case
Vivendi (A): Revitalizing a French Conglomerate
By: Cynthia A. Montgomery and John M. Turner
Examines corporate strategy for a diversified firm in the French business context. Issues include corporate governance, vision, and the management of unrelated diversification. After the company's first loss ever, the Vivendi board elected a new chairman who completed... View Details
Keywords: Business Conglomerates; Technological Innovation; Business or Company Management; Goals and Objectives; Growth and Development Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Diversification; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Telecommunications Industry; France
Montgomery, Cynthia A., and John M. Turner. "Vivendi (A): Revitalizing a French Conglomerate." Harvard Business School Case 799-019, December 1998. (Revised May 2003.)
- December 1998
- Case
Australian Wheat Board Limited.: Becoming a Grower-owned Corporation
By: Ray A. Goldberg, Carin-Isabel Knoop and Cate Reavis
In July 1999, the Australian Wheat Board (AWB), a statutory national and international grain marketing organization, would become grower-owned. As a private corporation, the AWB would no longer receive government borrowing guarantees and would have to rely on its own... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Capital Structure; Globalized Markets and Industries; Monopoly; Employee Ownership; Competition
Goldberg, Ray A., Carin-Isabel Knoop, and Cate Reavis. "Australian Wheat Board Limited.: Becoming a Grower-owned Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 599-070, December 1998.
- September 1998 (Revised August 1999)
- Case
IBM's Lotus Development in 1999
By: Stephen P. Bradley and Kelley Porter
Describes Lotus' acquisition by IBM, its movement from proprietary standards to open standards, and its current market position. Microsoft is gaining ground with its Exchange Server, and Lotus has received unfavorable press. View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Technological Innovation; Growth and Development Strategy; Growth Management; Product Marketing; Competition; Competitive Strategy; Information Technology Industry; Web Services Industry
Bradley, Stephen P., and Kelley Porter. "IBM's Lotus Development in 1999." Harvard Business School Case 799-014, September 1998. (Revised August 1999.)
- 1998
- Chapter
The Role of Geography in the Process of Innovation and Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Firms
By: M. E. Porter and Orjan Solvell
Porter, M. E., and Orjan Solvell. "The Role of Geography in the Process of Innovation and Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Firms." In The Dynamic Firm, edited by Alfred D. Chandler Jr., Peter Hagstrom, and Orjan Solvell. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.
- Article
Modes of Experimentation: An Innovation Process - and Competitive - Variable
By: S. Thomke, E. von Hippel and R. Franke
Thomke, S., E. von Hippel, and R. Franke. "Modes of Experimentation: An Innovation Process - and Competitive - Variable." Research Policy 27, no. 3 (July 1998): 315–332.
- June 1998 (Revised April 2000)
- Case
GM Powertrain
By: Amy C. Edmondson and Mikelle Eastley
Discusses a young MBA plant manager who is improving the operations of a small General Motors components plant in Fredericksburg, Virginia. At 29 years old, Joe Hinrichs is the youngest plant manager at GM, and in his new assignment, he is faced with the daunting... View Details
Keywords: Service Operations; Labor Unions; Problems and Challenges; Technological Innovation; Change Management; Machinery and Machining; Manufacturing Industry; Auto Industry; United States
Edmondson, Amy C., and Mikelle Eastley. "GM Powertrain." Harvard Business School Case 698-008, June 1998. (Revised April 2000.)
- June 1998 (Revised January 2001)
- Case
Browser Wars, 1994-1998, The
By: David B. Yoffie and Mary Kwak
Analyzes the competition between Netscape and Microsoft in the market for Web browsers and related products. Despite its first mover advantage, Netscape sees its market share fall once Microsoft becomes "hard-core" about the Internet. By the spring of 1998, the future... View Details
Keywords: Applications and Software; Internet and the Web; Innovation and Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Competition; Supply and Industry; Information Technology Industry
Yoffie, David B., and Mary Kwak. "Browser Wars, 1994-1998, The." Harvard Business School Case 798-094, June 1998. (Revised January 2001.)
- May 1998
- Article
Market Structure, Innovation and Vertical Product Differentiation
By: Shane Greenstein and Garey Ramey
We reassess Arrow's (1962) [Economic Welfare and the Allocation of Resources for Invention, in NBER, The Rate and Direction of Innovative Activity (Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ)] results concerning the effect of market structure on the returns from process... View Details
Greenstein, Shane, and Garey Ramey. "Market Structure, Innovation and Vertical Product Differentiation." International Journal of Industrial Organization 16, no. 3 (May 1998): 285–311.
- March 1998 (Revised December 1999)
- Case
Bronner Slosberg Humphrey
By: David E. Bell and Donald M Leavitt
Bronner Slosberg Humphrey has succeeded by providing integrated direct marketing solutions for major service companies such as AT&T, American Express, and FedEx. A new CEO takes over from the company's founder and is wondering how to grow the company. Options include... View Details
Keywords: Marketing; Growth and Development Strategy; Leading Change; Global Strategy; Service Operations; Competitive Strategy; Information Technology; Salesforce Management; Marketing Communications; Service Industry
Bell, David E., and Donald M Leavitt. "Bronner Slosberg Humphrey." Harvard Business School Case 598-136, March 1998. (Revised December 1999.)
- January 1998 (Revised February 2006)
- Background Note
Creating Competitive Advantage
By: Pankaj Ghemawat and Jan W. Rivkin
A firm such as Schering-Plough that earns superior, long-run financial returns within its industry is said to enjoy a competitive advantage over its rivals. This note examines the logic of how firms create competitive advantage. It emphasizes two themes: First, to... View Details
Keywords: Competitive Advantage; Competitive Strategy; Management; Business Strategy; Growth and Development Strategy; Innovation Strategy; Management Practices and Processes; Value Creation; Pharmaceutical Industry
Ghemawat, Pankaj, and Jan W. Rivkin. "Creating Competitive Advantage." Harvard Business School Background Note 798-062, January 1998. (Revised February 2006.)
- January 1998 (Revised April 1998)
- Case
Lincoln Electric: Venturing Abroad
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and Jamie O'Connell
Lincoln Electric, a 100-year-old manufacturer of welding equipment and consumables based in Cleveland, Ohio, motivates its U.S. employees through a culture of cooperation between management and labor and an unusual compensation system based on piecework and a large... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Restructuring; Transformation; Construction; Compensation and Benefits; Management; Market Entry and Exit; Labor and Management Relations; Competitive Advantage; Expansion; Manufacturing Industry; Ohio
Bartlett, Christopher A., and Jamie O'Connell. "Lincoln Electric: Venturing Abroad." Harvard Business School Case 398-095, January 1998. (Revised April 1998.)
- January 1998 (Revised February 2002)
- Case
Funai Consulting Company, Ltd. (A)
By: Lynn S. Paine and Tomoya Nakamura
In the summer of 1997, a consultant at Japan's Funai Consulting Co. Ltd., must decide how to respond to a client's proposal to offer "open pricing" (based on willingness to pay) to customers unable to pay the standard price for the client's product. The client, Akita... View Details
Keywords: Business or Company Management; Price; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Decisions; Agribusiness; Management Practices and Processes; Business Ventures; Consulting Industry; Japan
Paine, Lynn S., and Tomoya Nakamura. "Funai Consulting Company, Ltd. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 398-017, January 1998. (Revised February 2002.)