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- All HBS Web
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- November 2013 (Revised March 2015)
- Case
Massachusetts Pay-for-Success Contracts: Reducing Juvenile and Young Adult Recidivism
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Lisa A. Chase
The case describes the nature of juvenile recidivism in Massachusetts and explores the potential structure of a privately funded, publicly guaranteed pay-for-success contract. View Details
Keywords: Social Impact Bonds; Pay-for-success; Social Innovation; Juvenile (Prison) Recidivism; Homelessness; Bonds; Social Issues; Public Administration Industry; Massachusetts
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Lisa A. Chase. "Massachusetts Pay-for-Success Contracts: Reducing Juvenile and Young Adult Recidivism." Harvard Business School Case 514-061, November 2013. (Revised March 2015.)
- Program
Foundations of Private Equity and Venture Capital
Summary Raising private capital can be a daunting process, especially for new entrants in the sector. Foundations of Private Equity and Venture Capital delves into the fundamental challenges and best... View Details
- September 2013 (Revised June 2017)
- Supplement
IBM and the Reinvention of High School (B): Replicating & Scaling P-TECH and Partners
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Ai-Ling Jamila Malone
IBM's Corporate Citizenship office created an innovation in public education through a business-school partnership for widespread replication and diffusion. In 2012, while P-TECH (Pathways in Technology Early College High School) was still in its first year operating,... View Details
Keywords: Social Enterprise; Partnerships; Innovation; Entrepreneurship; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Leadership; Partners and Partnerships; Social Entrepreneurship; Education; Business and Community Relations; Innovation and Invention; Growth Management; Chicago; Idaho
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, and Ai-Ling Jamila Malone. "IBM and the Reinvention of High School (B): Replicating & Scaling P-TECH and Partners." Harvard Business School Supplement 314-050, September 2013. (Revised June 2017.)
- Research Summary
Vicarious Learning in Organizations
To advance the study of how individuals learn through their interactions with others, Professor Myers has adopted a vicarious learning theory lens. Vicarious learning allows individuals to learn from the outcomes of others’ experiences, rather than solely their own... View Details
- Forthcoming
- Article
Faith and Assimilation: Italian Immigrants in the U.S.
By: Stefano Gagliarducci and Marco Tabellini
How do ethnic religious organizations influence immigrant assimilation? To answer this question, we assemble novel data from the Catholic directories to measure the presence of Italian Catholic churches in the US between 1890 and 1920, when four million Italians moved... View Details
Gagliarducci, Stefano, and Marco Tabellini. "Faith and Assimilation: Italian Immigrants in the U.S." Economic Journal (forthcoming). (Also available from NBER and featured in NBER Digest and VoxEU.)
- 2013
- Book
Entrepreneurship and Multinationals: Global Business and the Making of the Modern World
By: Geoffrey Jones
This book examines the history of entrepreneurship and multinationals in the making of the modern world. In recent years economists, historians, and political scientists have written extensively on the history of globalization and patterns of global wealth and poverty,... View Details
Keywords: FDI; Economic History; Business History; Industrial Organization; Chinitz; Agglomeration; Clusters; Cities; Mines; Globalization; Entrepreneurship; Government and Politics; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Africa; Asia; Europe; Latin America; Middle East; North and Central America; South America
Jones, Geoffrey. Entrepreneurship and Multinationals: Global Business and the Making of the Modern World. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013.
- February 2018
- Article
Financial Disclosure and Market Transparency with Costly Information Processing
By: Marco Di Maggio and Marco Pagano
We study a model where some investors (“hedgers”) are bad at information processing, while others (“speculators”) have superior information-processing ability and trade purely to exploit it. The disclosure of financial information induces a trade externality: if... View Details
Keywords: Financial Disclosure; Information Processing; Liquidity; Market Transparency; Rational Inattention; Information; Financial Liquidity; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Corporate Disclosure; Financial Markets; Investment
Di Maggio, Marco, and Marco Pagano. "Financial Disclosure and Market Transparency with Costly Information Processing." Review of Finance 22, no. 1 (February 2018): 117–153.
- 2014
- Working Paper
Bride Price and the Returns to Education
By: Nava Ashraf, Natalie Bau, Nathan Nunn and Alessandra Voena
Traditional cultural practices can play an important role in development, but can also inspire condemnation. The custom of bride price, prevalent throughout sub-Saharan Africa and in parts of Asia as a payment of the groom to the family of the bride, is one example. In... View Details
Ashraf, Nava, Natalie Bau, Nathan Nunn, and Alessandra Voena. "Bride Price and the Returns to Education." Working Paper, November 2014.
- 12 Jul 2016
- News
Tesla’s Strategy Is Risky and Aggressive, but It Has Worked
- Research Summary
Diversity Orientations: Construct, Antecedents, and Consequences
Researchers have identified a number of different methods with which a group can handle its diversity. Some of the methods gaining the most attention mirror popular ideologies around colorblindness, pride in one's own subgroup, or integrative cultural pluralism.... View Details
- November 1990 (Revised November 1991)
- Case
Apple Computer (A): Industry, Strategy, and Organization
Explores how the human resource (HR) function at Apple Computer can best support the company's strategy. Provides an overview of the company's history, industry, competitive position, strategy, and organization. Written at a time when the company faces a very... View Details
Keywords: Attitudes; Organizational Culture; Employees; Business Strategy; Computer Industry; United States
Gibbs, Michael J. "Apple Computer (A): Industry, Strategy, and Organization." Harvard Business School Case 491-040, November 1990. (Revised November 1991.)
- January–February 2023
- Article
External Interfaces and Internal Processes: Market Positioning and Divergent Professionalization Paths in Young Ventures
By: Alicia DeSantola, Ranjay Gulati and Pavel Zhelyazkov
We explore how the initial market positioning of entrepreneurial ventures shapes how they professionalize over time, focusing specifically on the development of functional roles. In contrast to existing literature, which has presumed a uniform march toward... View Details
Keywords: Market Positioning; Professionalization; Scaling; Entrepreneurship; Strategy; Business Startups; Growth and Development; Organizational Structure
DeSantola, Alicia, Ranjay Gulati, and Pavel Zhelyazkov. "External Interfaces and Internal Processes: Market Positioning and Divergent Professionalization Paths in Young Ventures." Organization Science 34, no. 1 (January–February 2023): 1–23.
- July 2015 (Revised January 2020)
- Case
Horst Dassler, Adidas, and the Commercialization of Sport
By: Geoffrey Jones, Michael Norris and Sophi Kim
The case focuses on the career of Horst Dassler, the son of the founder of the German-based sports shoe manufacturer Adidas. The origins of the firm were in the interwar years, and it rose to public prominence after it provided spikes for Jesse Owens, the famous... View Details
Keywords: Corruption; Economic History; Business History; Entertainment; Business; Strategy; Media; Digital Technology; Blockbuster; Superstar; Film; Television; Music; Publishing; Performing Arts; Nightlife; Crime and Corruption; Entrepreneurship; Globalization; History; Sports; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Germany; South America; Europe; Asia; North and Central America
Jones, Geoffrey, Michael Norris, and Sophi Kim. "Horst Dassler, Adidas, and the Commercialization of Sport." Harvard Business School Case 316-007, July 2015. (Revised January 2020.)
- January 2023
- Article
Firm-Induced Migration Paths and Strategic Human-Capital Outcomes
By: Prithwiraj (Raj) Choudhury, Tarun Khanna and Victoria Sevcenko
Firm-induced migration typically entails firms relocating workers to fill value-creating positions at destination locations. But such relocated workers are often exposed to external employment opportunities at their destinations, possibly triggering turnover. We... View Details
Keywords: Worker Relocation; Turnover; Firm-induced Migration; Smaller Towns; Employee Mobility; Geographic Mobility; Migration; Clusters; Employees; Geographic Location; Performance; Opportunities; Retention; Human Capital; Talent and Talent Management
Choudhury, Prithwiraj (Raj), Tarun Khanna, and Victoria Sevcenko. "Firm-Induced Migration Paths and Strategic Human-Capital Outcomes." Management Science 69, no. 1 (January 2023): 419–445.
- 12 Apr 2022
- Book
Racism, Colonialism, and Britain's Legacy of Violence
Britain’s 20th century empire was the largest in human history, with a quarter of the world’s land and nearly 700 million people. Yet the empire drew its strength from violence. That’s the conclusion Harvard Business School Professor Caroline Elkins draws in her new... View Details
Keywords: by Avery Forman
- February 2018
- Case
Root Capital and the Efficient Impact Frontier
By: Shawn Cole and Caitlin Reimers Brumme
In 2015 Root Capital, a pioneer in the impact investing space, began to explore how to more systematically integrate impact and financial management. After much deliberation, Root Capital landed on ex-ante rating system for any potential investment that produced a... View Details
Cole, Shawn, and Caitlin Reimers Brumme. "Root Capital and the Efficient Impact Frontier." Harvard Business School Case 218-084, February 2018.
- 2025
- Working Paper
Discrimination, Rejection, and Job Search
By: Anne Boring, Katherine Coffman, Dylan Glover and María José González-Fuentes
We investigate how candidates’ willingness to apply responds to (potential) discrimination and rejection using a simulated labor market. Past work has shown that “blinding” job applications reduces discrimination and increases the rate at which women are hired. Our... View Details
Boring, Anne, Katherine Coffman, Dylan Glover, and María José González-Fuentes. "Discrimination, Rejection, and Job Search." Working Paper, February 2025.
- June 2014
- Teaching Note
Doing Deals and Leading Teams at XAF Partners
By: Boris Groysberg, Sarah L. Abbott and Robin Abrahams
Private equity firm XAF Partners had grown steadily over the last decade, establishing offices across Asia. At the end of their day-long partners' retreat, several firm partners discuss the challenges they face as "producing managers." These include collaboration and... View Details
- November 2013
- Article
Organizational Ambidexterity: Past, Present and Future
By: Charles A. O'Reilly III and Michael Tushman
Organizational ambidexterity refers to the ability of an organization to both explore and exploit—to compete in mature technologies and markets where efficiency, control, and incremental improvement are prized and to also compete in new technologies and markets where... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Ambidexterity; Organization Design; Innovation; Leadership; Organizational Design; Innovation and Invention
O'Reilly, Charles A., III, and Michael Tushman. "Organizational Ambidexterity: Past, Present and Future." Academy of Management Perspectives 27, no. 4 (November 2013): 324–338.
- April 2013
- Supplement
AIG and the American Taxpayers (B)
By: Karthik Ramanna and Matthew Shaffer
Explores the decision faced by AIG's board on whether to join shareholder and ex-CEO Maurice Greenberg's lawsuit against the U.S. government. The suit, argued by super-lawyer David Boies (of Bush v. Gore and California Gay Marriage fame), claims that in September 2008... View Details
Keywords: Financial Markets; Financial Policy; Property Rights; Financial Institutions; Financial Crisis; Financial Management; Insurance Industry; United States
Ramanna, Karthik, and Matthew Shaffer. "AIG and the American Taxpayers (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 113-125, April 2013.