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- Faculty Publications (6,872)
- June 1978
- Article
How Foreign Businesses Decide to Invest in Massachusetts
By: L. T. Wells Jr.
Wells, L. T., Jr. "How Foreign Businesses Decide to Invest in Massachusetts." Massworld: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Quarterly Report on Foreign Business Activity (June 1978).
- February 1978
- Case
Sierra Log Homes, Inc. (A)
Describes the history and evolution of the log home manufacturing industry, a rapidly growing embryonic industry capitalizing on the back-to-basics lifestyle changes in the United States. Focuses on one of the leading firms in the industry, but allows a discussion of... View Details
Keywords: Business or Company Management; Change Management; Industry Structures; Supply and Industry; Problems and Challenges; Business Startups; Business Strategy; Manufacturing Industry; United States
Porter, Michael E. "Sierra Log Homes, Inc. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 378-195, February 1978.
- August 1977 (Revised April 1987)
- Case
Crown Cork & Seal Co., Inc.
By: Richard G. Hamermesh, Karen Gordon Mills and John P. Reed
Describes the technical, economic, and competitive trends in the metal container industry. The strategy of Crown Cork and Seal is then described in relation to these trends. Focuses on two immediate threats to Crown's strategy: the future of aerosol cans, given the... View Details
Keywords: Business Strategy; Industry Structures; Environmental Sustainability; Trends; Manufacturing Industry
Hamermesh, Richard G., Karen Gordon Mills, and John P. Reed. "Crown Cork & Seal Co., Inc." Harvard Business School Case 378-024, August 1977. (Revised April 1987.)
- July 1977 (Revised July 1979)
- Teaching Note
Managing Changes in Process Technology, Module Overview
- June 1977 (Revised May 1997)
- Case
University of Trent
Focuses on two issues: 1) technical systems that can be employed in nonprofit organizations for control and motivational purposes. Systems discussed range from payroll monitoring systems to zero-base budgeting and 2) the managerial environment needed for serious... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Motivation and Incentives; Business or Company Management; Nonprofit Organizations; Governance Controls; Education Industry
Herzlinger, Regina E. "University of Trent." Harvard Business School Case 177-245, June 1977. (Revised May 1997.)
- 1977
- Book
Men and Women of the Corporation
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss. Men and Women of the Corporation. New York: Basic Books, 1977. (Italian, Edizioni Olivares; Japanese, Japan Productivity Center. Excerpts in Working in America, edited by A.S. Wharton, Mountain View, Calif.: Mayfield, 1998. Other reprinting information available from publisher.)
- January 1977
- Case
MRC, Inc. (Consolidated)
By: Thomas R. Piper
A large diversified company must develop a strategy for a division whose performance has deteriorated due to its aging product. Alternatives range from liquidation to a major investment in a new product. The formal capital budgeting system is compared with the informal... View Details
Piper, Thomas R. "MRC, Inc. (Consolidated)." Harvard Business School Case 277-123, January 1977.
- October 1976 (Revised May 1985)
- Case
Raytheon Co.: Diversification
Centers on the question of whether Raytheon should enter the electronic component distribution industry in the context of its broad diversification approach and acquisition criteria. This industry represents a vertical integration area for Raytheon, so the analytical... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Policy; Market Entry and Exit; Distribution; Diversification; Vertical Integration; Distribution Industry; Electronics Industry
Porter, Michael E. "Raytheon Co.: Diversification." Harvard Business School Case 377-055, October 1976. (Revised May 1985.)
- September 1976
- Case
Del Norte Paper Co. (A)
Deals with a transfer pricing problem in a complex, international situation. A broad range of issues are present in the case, or are needed for a thorough case analysis. Such issues include: relevant costs; the appropriateness of profit centers; the appropriateness of... View Details
Sahlman, William A. "Del Norte Paper Co. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 177-034, September 1976.
- July 1976 (Revised April 1983)
- Case
Corning Glass Works: The Electronic Products Division (A)
By: Michael Beer
Describes a division of Corning Glass Works that finds itself with deep financial and organizational problems. Severe conflict and lack of coordination exist between functional groups. Employees do not have a sense of direction and morale is low. Provides sufficient... View Details
Keywords: Business Divisions; Change Management; Transformation; Employees; Working Conditions; Business or Company Management; Organizational Change and Adaptation
Beer, Michael. "Corning Glass Works: The Electronic Products Division (A)." Harvard Business School Case 477-024, July 1976. (Revised April 1983.)
- February 1976 (Revised November 1983)
- Case
EG&G, Inc. (B)
Raises the dilemmas of making strategic decisions within an organizational construct. The divestment of a division of the company raises not only strategic issues but organizational and interpersonal ones as well. The decision is framed through the strategic planning... View Details
Keywords: Business Divisions; Decisions; Business or Company Management; Organizations; Strategic Planning; Strategy; Service Industry
Porter, Michael E. "EG&G, Inc. (B)." Harvard Business School Case 376-188, February 1976. (Revised November 1983.)
- September 1975 (Revised June 1983)
- Background Note
Note on the Structural Analysis of Industries
Provides a framework for the analysis of industry structure. Identifies the major structural features that influence the profit potential in industries and some illustrative implications of these for strategy formulation. Can be used as a reference note for business... View Details
Porter, Michael E. "Note on the Structural Analysis of Industries." Harvard Business School Background Note 376-054, September 1975. (Revised June 1983.)
- 1975
- Article
Women and the Structure of Organizations: Explorations in Theory and Behavior
By: R. M. Kanter
Kanter, R. M. "Women and the Structure of Organizations: Explorations in Theory and Behavior." Sociological Inquiry 45, nos. 2-3 (1975). (Also in Another Voice, edited by M. Millman and R.M. Kanter. N.Y.: Doubleday Anchor, 1975; Reprintings include: The Management of Libraries: Basic Readings, edited by B.P. Lynch. Neil Schuman, 1985; The Sociology of Organizations: Basic Studies, edited by O. Grusky and G.A. Miller (Rev. ed.) N.Y.: Free Press, 1980;.)
- 1 Feb 1974
- Conference Presentation
Women in Organizations: Change Agent Skills
By: R. M. Kanter
Kanter, R. M. "Women in Organizations: Change Agent Skills." Paper presented at the New Technology in Organization Development Conference, New Orleans, February 01, 1974. (Also in Current Issues and Strategies in Organization Development, edited by W.R. Burke. N.Y.: Behavioral Publications, 1976; Portions published as "On Ending Female Tokenism in T-Groups," Social Change, vol. 5 (1975), pp. 1-3. Reprinted in Sensitivity Training and the Laboratory Approach, edited by R.T. Golembiewski and A. Blumberg. Third Edition. Itasca, IL: Peacock, 1977.)
- December 1970 (Revised May 1983)
- Case
David Alpert (A)
By: Jay W. Lorsch
Interpersonal day-to-day dealings of a product manager with others in the division, including his comments on these dealings. View Details
Lorsch, Jay W. "David Alpert (A)." Harvard Business School Case 471-050, December 1970. (Revised May 1983.)
- March 1969 (Revised January 2000)
- Case
Industrial Products, Inc.
By: Joseph L. Bower and John W. Rosenblum
Involves the decision of whether to construct a new plant in another part of the country for a line of fire protection equipment. Capital funds set aside for the construction are blocked by Fireguard's continued record of substantial operating losses and divisional... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Factories, Labs, and Plants; Capital; Construction; Financing and Loans; Expansion; Business Earnings; Markets; Product; Manufacturing Industry
Bower, Joseph L., and John W. Rosenblum. "Industrial Products, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 369-019, March 1969. (Revised January 2000.)
- March 1968 (Revised July 2010)
- Case
Basic Industries
By: Joseph L. Bower and John W. Rosenblum
Policy problems, mainly organizational issues, face a young middle manager in the context of capital budgeting in a highly technological conglomerate firm with high market uncertainty. View Details
Bower, Joseph L., and John W. Rosenblum. "Basic Industries." Harvard Business School Case 313-121, March 1968. (Revised July 2010.)