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- 11 Apr 2023
- Op-Ed
The First 90 Hours: What New CEOs Should—and Shouldn't—Do to Set the Right Tone
10 weeks won’t make up for any ground that gets lost. When Michael Watkins published his best-selling book The First 90 Days 20 years ago, the world was a kinder, gentler, and slower place. Today, given the speed that information travels, the intensity of global... View Details
Keywords: by John Quelch
- 28 Nov 2018
- HBS Case
On Target: Rethinking the Retail Website
quickly. “If you just keep experimenting, people [in the company] will say, when do the sales come in? You don’t have that much time to keep trying,” Datar says. “The only solution is to learn fast, take action, and continue to build on your learning.” Deliver a View Details
- 2013
- Working Paper
The Appeal of the Appropriate: Accounting, Risk Management, and the Competition for the Supply of Control Systems
By: Anette Mikes
How do certain risk measurements in organizations come to be seen as more reliable and acceptable than others? Taking a multiple-control perspective, I investigate the aftermath of a control debacle at a financial services company (MultiBank), focusing on its insurance... View Details
Keywords: Management Control Systems; Multiple Control Systems; Interactive Control Systems; Performance Measurement; Risk Measurement; Financialization Of Accounting; Institutional Logics; Banking; Risk Management; Fair Value Accounting; Insurance; Financial Services Industry
Mikes, Anette. "The Appeal of the Appropriate: Accounting, Risk Management, and the Competition for the Supply of Control Systems." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 12-115, June 2012. (Revised January 2013.)
- February 2009 (Revised July 2012)
- Supplement
Jieliang Phone Home! (C)
By: Willy Shih, Ethan Bernstein and Nina Bilimoria
At Precision Electro-Tek's mobile phone manufacturing facility in southern China, thousands of operators - bright and capable young men and (mostly) women like Jieliang Hao are motivated to improve line productivity through small innovations for faster assembly and... View Details
Keywords: Globalization; Compensation and Benefits; Surveys; Innovation and Invention; Management Practices and Processes; Production; Performance Productivity; Groups and Teams; Labor and Management Relations; Behavior; Motivation and Incentives; Manufacturing Industry; Telecommunications Industry; China
Shih, Willy, Ethan Bernstein, and Nina Bilimoria. "Jieliang Phone Home! (C)." Harvard Business School Supplement 609-082, February 2009. (Revised July 2012.)
- February 2009 (Revised August 2021)
- Supplement
Jieliang Phone Home! (B)
By: Willy Shih, Ethan Bernstein and Nina Bilimoria
At Precision Electro-Tek's mobile phone manufacturing facility in southern China, thousands of operators—bright and capable young men and (mostly) women like Jieliang Hao—are motivated to improve line productivity through small innovations for faster assembly and have... View Details
Keywords: Managing People; Motivation and Incentives; Behavior; Production; Innovation and Invention; Performance Productivity; Groups and Teams; Management Practices and Processes; Compensation and Benefits; Labor; Surveys; Decisions; Manufacturing Industry; China
Shih, Willy, Ethan Bernstein, and Nina Bilimoria. "Jieliang Phone Home! (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 609-081, February 2009. (Revised August 2021.)
- February 2009 (Revised July 2012)
- Case
Jieliang Phone Home! (A)
By: Willy Shih, Ethan Bernstein and Nina Bilimoria
At Precision Electro-Tek's mobile phone manufacturing facility in southern China, thousands of operators—bright and capable young men and (mostly) women like Jieliang Hao—are motivated to improve line productivity through small innovations for faster assembly and have... View Details
Keywords: Compensation and Benefits; Job Design and Levels; Business Processes; Behavior; Motivation and Incentives; Manufacturing Industry; China
Shih, Willy, Ethan Bernstein, and Nina Bilimoria. "Jieliang Phone Home! (A)." Harvard Business School Case 609-080, February 2009. (Revised July 2012.)
- April 2010 (Revised December 2010)
- Case
Shanzhai! MediaTek and the "White Box" Handset Market
By: Willy C. Shih, Chen-Fu Chien and Jyun-Cheng Wang
The term "white box" is often used to describe products without a brand name. Such products are assembled from standardized parts, and they became a very popular category of desktop PCs. Hsinchu, Taiwan based MediaTek is a fabless semiconductor company that unleashed a... View Details
Keywords: Disruptive Innovation; Growth and Development Strategy; Emerging Markets; Competitive Advantage; Wireless Technology; Semiconductor Industry; Taiwan
Shih, Willy C., Chen-Fu Chien, and Jyun-Cheng Wang. Shanzhai! MediaTek and the "White Box" Handset Market. Harvard Business School Case 610-081, April 2010. (Revised December 2010.)
- Article
Strategic Networks and Entrepreneurial Ventures
Much research suggests that social networks shape the emergence and development of nascent ventures. Scholars have argued that founders' and firms' networks influence innovation and the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities, as well as facilitate the... View Details
Keywords: Social and Collaborative Networks; Innovation and Invention; Opportunities; Value; Body of Literature; Research; Outcome or Result; Business Ventures; Entrepreneurship; Relationships; Management Practices and Processes; Power and Influence
Stuart, Toby E., and Olav Sorenson. "Strategic Networks and Entrepreneurial Ventures." Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 1, nos. 3-4 (December 2007): 211–227.
- 18 Jan 2022
- Research & Ideas
How Eliminating Non-Competes Could Reshape Tech
Federal restrictions of employee non-compete agreements could be in the cards for 2022, paving the way for increased worker mobility in a variety of industries. Such restrictions would have hiring and strategy implications for businesses... View Details
- 18 Jun 2020
- Research & Ideas
What Is an "Essential" Purchase for a Low-Income Family?
machines, mobile phones, and laundry services. Here, 19 of the 20 items were seen as significantly less permissible for the lower-income person, with only personal care products, like shampoo or toothpaste, being the exception. What... View Details
Keywords: by Rachel Layne
- 17 Jun 2014
- First Look
First Look: June 17
Highway: Technology and Mobility Trends and Opportunities Technological innovation is considered a competitive strength for America, but the nation does not score as high in deploying its technology. U.S. transportation systems are in... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 14 Dec 2010
- First Look
First Look: Dec. 14
president of media strategy and digital media for the NFL, was faced with the challenge of determining the league's strategic approach to the wireless market—and presenting his views to NFL team owners. What was the league's best strategy for the View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 2017
- Working Paper
Salience through Information Technology: The Effect of Balance Availability on the Smoothing of SNAP Benefits
By: Andrew Hillis
Recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) run out of most benefits before halfway through a benefit deposit cycle. I study the introduction of a mobile software application, Fresh EBT, that enables beneficiaries to check their available balance... View Details
Hillis, Andrew. "Salience through Information Technology: The Effect of Balance Availability on the Smoothing of SNAP Benefits." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 18-038, October 2017.
- October 2012 (Revised October 2013)
- Case
Rock Health
By: Robert F. Higgins and Ian McKown Cornell
Rock Health was a San Francisco–based nonprofit organization offering accelerator services to spur innovation at the intersection of healthcare and technology. The company was the creation of Halle Tecco (HBS '11) and her HBS classmate Nate Gross (HBS '11), who met... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; Incubation; Healthcare Technology; Startups; Entrepreneurship; Innovation and Management; Health Care and Treatment; Business Startups; Health Industry; San Francisco; California; United States
Higgins, Robert F., and Ian McKown Cornell. "Rock Health." Harvard Business School Case 813-035, October 2012. (Revised October 2013.)
- Article
Isolating the Symbolic Implications of Employee Mobility: Price Increases after Hiring Winemakers from Prominent Wineries
By: Peter W. Roberts, Mukti Khaire and Christopher I. Rider
When a skilled employee moves from one organization to another, the effects on the hiring organization can be substantive (i.e., changes in actual outcomes) and symbolic (i.e., changes in expectations or valuations and therefore prices). We theorize that strong or even... View Details
Keywords: Employees; Organizations; Performance Expectations; Price; Competency and Skills; Quality; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Selection and Staffing; Valuation; Food and Beverage Industry
Roberts, Peter W., Mukti Khaire, and Christopher I. Rider. "Isolating the Symbolic Implications of Employee Mobility: Price Increases after Hiring Winemakers from Prominent Wineries." American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings 101, no. 3 (May 2011): 147–151.
- 11 Jul 2007
- Working Paper Summaries
Managing Proprietary and Shared Platforms: A Life-Cycle View
- February 2025
- Case
Luca de Meo at Renault Group (A)
By: Emily Truelove, Linda A. Hill and Lydia Begag
When Luca de Meo became CEO of Renault Group in 2020, the 122-year-old French automaker faced financial challenges and the double technological disruption of the automotive industry: the shift to electric vehicles (EVs) and the rise of software-defined vehicles (SDVs).... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Transformation; Transition; Interpersonal Communication; Forms of Communication; Talent and Talent Management; Experience and Expertise; Customer Value and Value Chain; Decision Making; Economic Growth; Financial Crisis; Alternative Energy; Engineering; Global Strategy; Governance; Digital Transformation; Digital Strategy; Technology Adoption; Innovation and Invention; Disruptive Innovation; Technological Innovation; Innovation Leadership; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Leadership; Leading Change; Leadership Development; Leadership Style; Crisis Management; Management Skills; Business Processes; Organizational Culture; Organizational Structure; Performance Efficiency; Transportation; Auto Industry; Battery Industry; Energy Industry; Green Technology Industry; Transportation Industry; France; Europe; China
Truelove, Emily, Linda A. Hill, and Lydia Begag. "Luca de Meo at Renault Group (A)." Harvard Business School Case 425-041, February 2025.
- March 2016
- Teaching Note
Advanced Leadership Pathways: Laurent Adamowicz and Bon'App
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Tessa Natanay Hamilton and Ai-Ling Jamila Malone
After a successful career as Chairman and CEO of Paris-based luxury food company, Fauchon, Laurent Adamowicz sought to provide a solution to a large scale complex problem. Ultimately, Adamowicz created a mobile application to provide consumers with more accessible and... View Details
- 2015
- Book
Shadow Cold War: The Sino-Soviet Competition for the Third World
By: Jeremy Friedman
The conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War has long been understood in a global context, but Jeremy Friedman's Shadow Cold War delves deeper into the era to examine the competition between the Soviet Union and the People's... View Details
Friedman, Jeremy. Shadow Cold War: The Sino-Soviet Competition for the Third World. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2015.
- January–February 2014
- Article
The New Patterns of Innovation
By: Rashik Parmar, Ian Mackenzie, David Cohn and David Gann
The search for new business ideas—and models—is hit-or-miss at most firms. Tackling the problem systematically, of course, will improve the odds of success. Traditional ways of framing this search examine competencies, customer needs, and shifts in the landscape. This... View Details
Parmar, Rashik, Ian Mackenzie, David Cohn, and David Gann. "The New Patterns of Innovation." Harvard Business Review 92, nos. 1-2 (January–February 2014): 86–95.