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- August 2018 (Revised September 2018)
- Supplement
Predicting Purchasing Behavior at PriceMart (B)
By: Srikant M. Datar and Caitlin N. Bowler
Supplements the (A) case. In this case, Wehunt and Morse are concerned about the logistic regression model overfitting to the training data, so they explore two methods for reducing the sensitivity of the model to the data by regularizing the coefficients of the... View Details
Keywords: Data Science; Analytics and Data Science; Analysis; Customers; Household; Forecasting and Prediction
Datar, Srikant M., and Caitlin N. Bowler. "Predicting Purchasing Behavior at PriceMart (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 119-026, August 2018. (Revised September 2018.)
- 17 Apr 2007
- First Look
First Look: April 17, 2007
of inventory policies, including optimal inventory policies, that can be employed in a single-stage supply chain. The perceptions framework is based on forecasting with Auto-regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) time series models... View Details
Keywords: Martha Lagace
- 08 May 2018
- First Look
First Look at New Research and Ideas, May 8, 2018
1979). Counter to this notion, results from six experiments show that lay people adhere more to advice when they think it comes from an algorithm than from a person. People showed this sort of algorithm appreciation when making numeric estimates about a visual stimulus... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 11 Jan 2011
- First Look
First Look: Jan. 11
Publication:Journal of Finance (forthcoming) Abstract We show that characteristics of stock issuers can be used to forecast important common factors in stocks' returns such as those associated with book-to-market, size, and industry.... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- Article
Foreseeing Marketing
By: R. Deshpande
Deshpande, R. "Foreseeing Marketing." Journal of Marketing 63, no. 4 Special (October 1999): 164–167.
- February 2018 (Revised December 2020)
- Case
People Analytics at Teach For America (A)
By: Jeffrey T. Polzer and Julia Kelley
As of mid-2016, national nonprofit Teach For America (TFA) had struggled with three consecutive years of declining application totals, and senior management was re-examining the organization's strategy, including recruitment and selection. A few months earlier, former... View Details
Polzer, Jeffrey T., and Julia Kelley. "People Analytics at Teach For America (A)." Harvard Business School Case 418-013, February 2018. (Revised December 2020.)
- 2023
- Working Paper
Insufficiently Justified Disparate Impact: A New Criterion for Subgroup Fairness
By: Neil Menghani, Edward McFowland III and Daniel B. Neill
In this paper, we develop a new criterion, "insufficiently justified disparate impact" (IJDI), for assessing whether recommendations (binarized predictions) made by an algorithmic decision support tool are fair. Our novel, utility-based IJDI criterion evaluates false... View Details
Menghani, Neil, Edward McFowland III, and Daniel B. Neill. "Insufficiently Justified Disparate Impact: A New Criterion for Subgroup Fairness." Working Paper, June 2023.
- July 2005 (Revised June 2006)
- Case
Ryanair Holdings plc
Examines the valuation of an Irish airline that reported its first decline in net income in 2004 and saw a 30% stock price drop on the news. Ryanair is a low-cost, low-fare airline headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, operating over 200 routes in 20 countries. The company... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; International Accounting; Analysis; Valuation; Air Transportation; Forecasting and Prediction; Finance; Air Transportation Industry; Dublin
Bradshaw, Mark T. "Ryanair Holdings plc." Harvard Business School Case 106-003, July 2005. (Revised June 2006.)
- 01 Jul 2014
- First Look
First Look: July 1
firm-level expected returns and expected profitability are time-varying but highly persistent; 2) forecasts of holding period returns strongly predict the cross section of future returns up to three years ahead. We document a highly... View Details
Keywords: Carmen Nobel
- 1995
- Chapter
Alternative Models of Negotiated Outcomes and the Nontraditional Utility Concerns That Limit Their Predictability
By: S. B. White, M. H. Bazerman and M. A. Neale
White, S. B., M. H. Bazerman, and M. A. Neale. "Alternative Models of Negotiated Outcomes and the Nontraditional Utility Concerns That Limit Their Predictability." In Research on Negotiation in Organizations, edited by R. J. Bies, R. Lewicki, and B. Sheppard. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1995.
- February 2013
- Article
Daily Horizons: Evidence of Narrow Bracketing in Judgments from 9,000 MBA Admission Interviews
By: U. Simonsohn and F. Gino
Many professionals, from auditors and lawyers, to clinical psychologists and journal editors, divide a continuous flow of judgments into subsets. College admissions interviewers, for instance, evaluate but a handful of applicants a day. We conjectured that in such... View Details
Simonsohn, U., and F. Gino. "Daily Horizons: Evidence of Narrow Bracketing in Judgments from 9,000 MBA Admission Interviews." Psychological Science 24, no. 2 (February 2013): 219–224.
- November 1990 (Revised August 1996)
- Background Note
Sampling and Statistical Inference
An introduction to sampling and statistical inference that covers the main concepts (confidence intervals, tests of statistical significance, choice of sample size) that are needed in making inferences about a population mean or percent. Includes discussion of problems... View Details
Schleifer, Arthur, Jr. "Sampling and Statistical Inference." Harvard Business School Background Note 191-092, November 1990. (Revised August 1996.)
- June 1999
- Article
Projections onto Efficient Frontiers: Theoretical and Computational Extensions to DEA
By: F. Frei and P. Harker
Frei, F., and P. Harker. "Projections onto Efficient Frontiers: Theoretical and Computational Extensions to DEA." Journal of Productivity Analysis 11, no. 3 (June 1999): 275–300.
- May 1990
- Background Note
Conjoint Analysis: A Manager's Guide
By: Robert J. Dolan
Presents a non-technical description of the conjoint analysis methodology. Discusses the process by which such a study is done and cites areas of application. View Details
Dolan, Robert J. "Conjoint Analysis: A Manager's Guide." Harvard Business School Background Note 590-059, May 1990.
- February 1997
- Case
Arch Communications Group, Inc.
By: Krishna G. Palepu and Sarayu Srinivasan
The market values Arch differently from analysts' values. View Details
Palepu, Krishna G., and Sarayu Srinivasan. "Arch Communications Group, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 197-047, February 1997.
- April 1998
- Case
X-IT Products, LLC
By: Marco Iansiti, Myra M. Hart and Barbara Feinberg
Two entrepreneurs, Andrew Ive and Aldo DiBerlardino, are poised to launch their first product. The decisions they make will have a crucial impact on the future of their company. View Details
Iansiti, Marco, Myra M. Hart, and Barbara Feinberg. "X-IT Products, LLC." Harvard Business School Case 698-084, April 1998.
- December 1995 (Revised March 1996)
- Case
Nestle and the Twenty-First Century
By: Ray A. Goldberg and Elizabeth Ashcroft
A leading food company rethinks its future in the global food system by major geographical areas. View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Forecasting and Prediction; Geographic Location; Globalization; Strategy; System; Food and Beverage Industry
Goldberg, Ray A., and Elizabeth Ashcroft. "Nestle and the Twenty-First Century." Harvard Business School Case 596-074, December 1995. (Revised March 1996.)
- January 1995
- Background Note
A Note on Distribution of Venture Investments
By: Josh Lerner
Venture capitalists typically exit investments by distributing shares to investors. These transfers pose challenges for these investors. Predictions and evidence about the behavior of stock prices of firms around the time of these distributions are presented. View Details
Lerner, Josh. "A Note on Distribution of Venture Investments." Harvard Business School Background Note 295-095, January 1995.
- March 2022
- Case
Auto Mag (Abridged)
By: David E. Bell
A young HBS graduate purchases a publisher of specialty magazines that advertises second hand cars, boats, trucks, etc. The magazines carry photographs and a brief description of each article for sale. The company faces the problem of deciding on how many magazines to... View Details
Keywords: Distribution; Cost Management; Decision Choices and Conditions; Forecasting and Prediction
Bell, David E. "Auto Mag (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 122-096, March 2022.
- 28 Jan 2014
- First Look
First Look: January 28
Publications August 2013 Princeton University Press Fortune Tellers: The Story of America's First Economic Forecasters By: Friedman, Walter A. Abstract—The period leading up to the Great Depression witnessed the rise of the economic... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne