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- Faculty Publications (60)
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- October 2008 (Revised September 2009)
- Case
Consumer Lending in Japan: Citi CFJ (A)
By: J. Gunnar Trumbull and Akiko Kanno
Despite a tradition of high household savings, Japan has supported a dynamic and technically sophisticated consumer-lending sector. The high profitability of the sector has periodically attracted interest from domestic banks as well as international investors. Most... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Financing and Loans; Foreign Direct Investment; Personal Finance; Courts and Trials; Business and Government Relations; Banking Industry; Japan
Trumbull, J. Gunnar, and Akiko Kanno. "Consumer Lending in Japan: Citi CFJ (A)." Harvard Business School Case 709-017, October 2008. (Revised September 2009.)
- January 2007 (Revised February 2010)
- Case
Afghanistan 2006: Building a Brand New State
By: Noel Maurer, Debora L. Spar and J. Gunnar Trumbull
In 2006, Afghanistan remains a country in turmoil. It has a newly elected democratic government, a rebounding economy, and considerable economic potential. But the country is still torn by rival factions and dominated by the opium trade. Explores how Afghanistan has... View Details
Keywords: Developing Countries and Economies; Economic Growth; Policy; Government and Politics; Political Elections; Organizations; Outcome or Result; Afghanistan
Maurer, Noel, Debora L. Spar, and J. Gunnar Trumbull. "Afghanistan 2006: Building a Brand New State." Harvard Business School Case 707-033, January 2007. (Revised February 2010.)
- December 2006 (Revised March 2008)
- Case
The European Union in the 21st Century
Focuses on the challenges facing the European Union in 2006. Following the French and Dutch referendums in 2005, the fate of the European Constitution is in jeopardy. Ten new accession countries have just joined the EU, with Turkey in the beginning stages of the... View Details
Keywords: Economic Growth; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Government Administration; European Union
Trumbull, J. Gunnar. "The European Union in the 21st Century." Harvard Business School Case 707-021, December 2006. (Revised March 2008.)
- June 2006
- Teaching Note
Wal-Mart in Europe (TN)
- 2006
- Book
Consumer Capitalism: Politics, Product Markets, and Firm Strategy in France and Germany
By: Gunnar Trumbull
Trumbull, Gunnar. Consumer Capitalism: Politics, Product Markets, and Firm Strategy in France and Germany. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2006.
- spring 2006
- Article
Varieties of Consumerism
By: Gunnar Trumbull
Keywords: Customers
Trumbull, Gunnar. "Varieties of Consumerism." Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte (spring 2006).
- April 2004 (Revised July 2019)
- Case
Wal-Mart in Europe
By: J. Gunnar Trumbull and Louisa Neissa
Presents challenges facing Wal-Mart during its move into Germany. Explores the dynamics of the German retail market. View Details
Keywords: Globalized Markets and Industries; Distribution Channels; Expansion; Trade; Foreign Direct Investment; Retail Industry; Europe; Germany
Trumbull, J. Gunnar, and Louisa Neissa. "Wal-Mart in Europe." Harvard Business School Case 704-027, April 2004. (Revised July 2019.)
- 2004
- Book
Silicon and the State: French Innovation Policy in the Internet Age
By: Gunnar Trumbull
Trumbull, Gunnar. Silicon and the State: French Innovation Policy in the Internet Age. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2004.
- April 2003 (Revised November 2003)
- Case
Creation of the European Union, The
Describes the emergence of the European Union (EU). Focuses on a critical stage in European integration--the period in the early 1990s when member states negotiated the terms of the Maastricht Treaty. This agreement set in motion the project that would eventually lead... View Details
Keywords: International Relations; Alliances; System; Negotiation Participants; Government and Politics; Agreements and Arrangements; Money; Cooperation; European Union
Trumbull, J. Gunnar. "Creation of the European Union, The." Harvard Business School Case 703-032, April 2003. (Revised November 2003.)
- fall 2002
- Article
Policy Activism in a Globalized Economy: France's 35-hour Work Week
By: Gunnar Trumbull
Trumbull, Gunnar. "Policy Activism in a Globalized Economy: France's 35-hour Work Week." French Politics, Culture and Society 20, no. 3 (fall 2002).
- 2000
- Other Unpublished Work
Europe and Globalization: Report Prepared for the National Intelligence Council
- fall 2000
- Article
More Trade, Safer Products
By: Gunnar Trumbull
Trumbull, Gunnar. "More Trade, Safer Products." Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (fall 2000).
- Research Summary
The Political Power of Weak Interests
By: Gunnar Trumbull
One of the most broadly accepted theoretical claims of public policy is the proposal that interests shared by a large set of actors tend to be under-represented in public policy. From Mancur Olson to George Stigler to James Q. Wilson, our most influential theorists... View Details
- Research Summary
The Politics of Consumer Credit
By: Gunnar Trumbull
A combination of factors has dramatically increased consumer access to and reliance upon credit across the OECD. These factors include financial liberalization and deregulation, improvements in consumer credit information and its analysis, and a growth in debt... View Details
- Research Summary
The Politics of Food
By: Gunnar Trumbull
This project explores the origins and evolution of national food cultures, emphasizing the sources of variation in terms of quality, safety, and 'sophistication'. Comparing food cultures in postwar Italy, France, and America, I argue that distinctive national... View Details