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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (935)
- October 2023
- Case
JPMorgan Chase in Paris
By: Joseph L. Bower, Dante Roscini, Elena Corsi and Michael Norris
In 2019, Daniel Pinto, President and COO of JPMorgan Chase, has to make a recommendation to the bank’s Chairman and CEO, Jamie Dimon, about where to physically locate the bank’s European trading operations after Brexit takes effect in 2020. The decision-making process... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Banks and Banking; Financial Markets; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Globalized Firms and Management; Globalized Markets and Industries; Decisions; Banking Industry; Europe; European Union; France; United Kingdom; Paris
Bower, Joseph L., Dante Roscini, Elena Corsi, and Michael Norris. "JPMorgan Chase in Paris." Harvard Business School Case 724-001, October 2023.
- October 2023 (Revised June 2024)
- Case
Revvity: A Symbol of Change
By: Satish Tadikonda and William Marks
After selling the PerkinElmer name and several ancillary business units, Prahlad Singh (CEO) and his team at the newly christened Revvity faced a challenge on how best to capitalize on the opportunities ahead for the business and emerge as winners within the Life... View Details
Tadikonda, Satish, and William Marks. "Revvity: A Symbol of Change." Harvard Business School Case 824-071, October 2023. (Revised June 2024.)
- October 2023
- Case
Taiwan After Globalization: Twilight of the Developmental State?
By: Debora L. Spar and Julia M. Comeau
In the last 70 years, the small island of Taiwan has achieved what many believe to be a “miracle”: its economy has grown at a record-setting pace, driven and guided by one of the world's most successful set of industrial policies, and it has become one of the richest... View Details
Keywords: Economic Growth; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Trade; Policy; Government and Politics; Semiconductor Industry; Technology Industry; Taiwan; China; Asia; United States
Spar, Debora L., and Julia M. Comeau. "Taiwan After Globalization: Twilight of the Developmental State?" Harvard Business School Case 324-032, October 2023.
- September–October 2023
- Article
Building Brand Engagement: Lessons from NFTs and Collectibles
By: Frank V. Cespedes and Ben Plomion
The financial hype about Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) has cooled considerably since trading in that market went from more than $780 million on May 1, 2022 to less than $295 million for the entire month of May, 2023. But brands launch marketing campaigns in this medium,... View Details
Cespedes, Frank V., and Ben Plomion. "Building Brand Engagement: Lessons from NFTs and Collectibles." European Business Review (September–October 2023): 2–5.
- October 2023
- Article
Product Variety, the Cost of Living, and Welfare Across Countries
By: Alberto Cavallo, Robert C. Feenstra and Robert Inklaar
We use the structure of the Melitz (2003) model to compute the cost of living and welfare across 47 countries, and compare these to conventional measures of prices and real consumption from the International Comparisons Project (ICP). The cost of living is inferred... View Details
Cavallo, Alberto, Robert C. Feenstra, and Robert Inklaar. "Product Variety, the Cost of Living, and Welfare Across Countries." American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 15, no. 4 (October 2023): 40–66.
- September 2023
- Teaching Note
Esquel Group
By: William C. Kirby and Noah B. Truwit
Teaching Note for HBS Case Nos. 307-076 and 322-058. These cases focus on the experience of China's largest shirt manufacturer, Esquel Group, and how it manages various aspects of government relations in China and abroad. The A case identifies a wide variety of social... View Details
- September 2023
- Supplement
CMA CGM: Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Container Shipping
By: Willy Shih
Marine transport is the most cost-effective way to move large volumes over long distances, and container shipping is the backbone of international trade in goods. Yet shipping contributed 3% of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, and the deep-sea segment, which... View Details
- September 2023 (Revised January 2024)
- Case
Icahn Enterprises: Ponzi Scheme or Sound Investment
By: Aiyesha Dey, Jonas Heese and James Weber
Icahn Enterprises, a publicly traded limited partnership founded and operated by famed activist investor Carl Icahn, had earned above market returns for over a decade. Between 2018 and early 2023, it had a compound annual return of 31%. Icahn invested in undervalued... View Details
Dey, Aiyesha, Jonas Heese, and James Weber. "Icahn Enterprises: Ponzi Scheme or Sound Investment." Harvard Business School Case 124-013, September 2023. (Revised January 2024.)
- September 2023
- Supplement
CMA CGM: Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Container Shipping
By: Willy Shih
Marine transport is the most cost-effective way to move large volumes over long distances, and container shipping is the backbone of international trade in goods. Yet shipping contributed 3% of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, and the deep-sea segment, which... View Details
- September 2023
- Teaching Note
CMA CGM: Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Container Shipping
By: Willy Shih
Teaching Note for HBS Case No. 623-006. Marine transport is the most cost-effective way to move large volumes over long distances, and container shipping is the backbone of international trade in goods. Yet shipping contributed 3% of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions,... View Details
- September 2023
- Supplement
CMA CGM: Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Container Shipping
By: Willy C. Shih
Marine transport is the most cost-effective way to move large volumes over long distances, and container shipping is the backbone of international trade in goods. Yet shipping contributed 3% of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, and the deep-sea segment, which... View Details
Keywords: Container Shipping; Trade Links; Decarbonization; Environmental Strategies; Environmental Impact; Globalization; Trade; Environmental Regulation; Supply Chain; Logistics; Shipping Industry; European Union; Asia; North America
Shih, Willy C. "CMA CGM: Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Container Shipping." Harvard Business School Supplement 624-708, September 2023.
- September 2023 (Revised October 2023)
- Case
Ghassan Nuqul and the Nuqul Group: Preserving a Father's Legacy
By: Christina R. Wing, Lauren Cohen and Alpana Thapar
The Nuqul Group was established in 1952 by Elia Nuqul, a Palestinian refugee who fled his hometown in 1948 with his family to Jordan. He overcame many hardships in his initial years there, but subsequently started a trading business that grew to become one of Jordan’s... View Details
Keywords: Family Business; Family Ownership; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Management Succession; Jordan
Wing, Christina R., Lauren Cohen, and Alpana Thapar. "Ghassan Nuqul and the Nuqul Group: Preserving a Father's Legacy." Harvard Business School Case 624-030, September 2023. (Revised October 2023.)
- 2023
- Working Paper
Global Supply Chains: The Looming 'Great Reallocation'
By: Laura Alfaro and Davin Chor
Global supply chains have come under unprecedented stress as a result of U.S.-China trade tensions, the COVID-19 pandemic, and geopolitical shocks. We document shifts in the pattern of U.S. participation in global value chains over the last four decades, in terms of... View Details
Alfaro, Laura, and Davin Chor. "Global Supply Chains: The Looming 'Great Reallocation'." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-012, August 2023. (in proceedings Jackson Hole Symposium, 2023 (also NBER WP 31661). See feature in NBER Digest, Nov (2023): Economics, Politics, and the Evolution of Global Supply Chains.)
- Summer 2023
- Article
(Un)principled Agents: Monitoring Loyalty after the End of the Royal African Company Monopoly
By: Anne Ruderman and Marlous van Waijenburg
The revocation of the Royal African Company's monopoly in 1698 inaugurated a transformation of the transatlantic slave trade. While the RAC’s exit from the slave trade has received scholarly attention, little is known about the company’s response to the loss of its... View Details
Keywords: Slavery; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Business History; Monopoly; History; Business and Government Relations
Ruderman, Anne, and Marlous van Waijenburg. "(Un)principled Agents: Monitoring Loyalty after the End of the Royal African Company Monopoly." Special Issue on Business, Capitalism, and Slavery edited by Marlous van Waijenburg and Anne Ruderman. Business History Review 97, no. 2 (Summer 2023): 247–281.
- September–October 2023
- Article
The New Era of Industrial Policy Is Here
By: Willy C. Shih
Governments around the world are increasingly intervening in the private sector through industrial policies designed to help domestic sectors reach goals that markets alone are unlikely to achieve. Companies in targeted sectors—such as automakers, energy companies, and... View Details
Keywords: Policy; Government and Politics; Business and Government Relations; Research and Development; Economic Sectors
Shih, Willy C. "The New Era of Industrial Policy Is Here." Harvard Business Review 101, no. 5 (September–October 2023): 66–75.
- 2023
- Working Paper
Mapping Organizational-Level Networks Using Individual-Level Connections: Evidence from Online Professional Networks
By: Shelley Xin Li, Frank Nagle and Aner Zhou
Organization-level networks facilitate the flow of information and business activities in the
economy. Prior research relies solely on high-level connections to measure these networks. Therefore, to
understand the role of employee connections at all job levels in... View Details
Keywords: Networks; Value; Social and Collaborative Networks; Innovation and Invention; Knowledge Sharing; Employees; Social Media
Li, Shelley Xin, Frank Nagle, and Aner Zhou. "Mapping Organizational-Level Networks Using Individual-Level Connections: Evidence from Online Professional Networks." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-010, August 2023.
- August 2023
- Case
Constellation Pharmaceuticals: Corporate Development at a Novel Therapeutic Company
By: Satish Tadikonda and Brad Prosek
Constellation Pharmaceuticals was a company focused on epigenetic therapies for cancer patients. Despite a promising start and an early deal with a leading biopharma company, the company weathered twin setbacks in the end of a major research collaboration and the... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Health Care and Treatment; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Research and Development; Business Strategy; Partners and Partnerships; Goals and Objectives; Pharmaceutical Industry; United States
Tadikonda, Satish, and Brad Prosek. "Constellation Pharmaceuticals: Corporate Development at a Novel Therapeutic Company." Harvard Business School Case 824-032, August 2023.
- July 2023 (Revised February 2024)
- Case
Equity Restructuring at Dell Technologies: Buy Out, Buy Up, Buy In (A)
By: Stuart C. Gilson and Sarah L. Abbott
In November 2018, Dell Technologies was poised to re-enter the public markets by means of a complex recapitalization that would replace an entire class of publicly-traded “tracking stock,” with new shares that would trade publicly without the need of a formal IPO. The... View Details
Keywords: Technology; M&A; Recapitalization; MBO; Equity Issues; Private Equity Buyouts; Public Ownership; Stock Shares; Mergers and Acquisitions; Equity; Technology Industry; United States
Gilson, Stuart C., and Sarah L. Abbott. "Equity Restructuring at Dell Technologies: Buy Out, Buy Up, Buy In (A)." Harvard Business School Case 224-005, July 2023. (Revised February 2024.)
- July–August 2023
- Article
Accounting for Carbon Offsets
By: Robert S. Kaplan, Karthik Ramanna and Marc Roston
Markets for carbon trading function poorly, and many traded offsets do not actually perform as promised. Without robust protocols for monitoring offsets and in the absence of proper accounting mechanisms, market-based approaches to reducing atmospheric GHG will be... View Details
Kaplan, Robert S., Karthik Ramanna, and Marc Roston. "Accounting for Carbon Offsets." Harvard Business Review 101, no. 4 (July–August 2023): 126–137.
- 2023
- Working Paper
The Market for Sharing Interest Rate Risk: Quantities and Asset Prices
By: Umang Khetan, Jane Li, Ioana Neamtu and Ishita Sen
We study the extent of interest rate risk sharing across the financial system using granular positions and transactions data in interest rate swaps. We show that pension and insurance (PF&I) sector emerges as a natural counterparty to banks and corporations: overall,... View Details
Keywords: Interest Rates; Investment Funds; Banks and Banking; Insurance; Investment Banking; Risk and Uncertainty
Khetan, Umang, Jane Li, Ioana Neamtu, and Ishita Sen. "The Market for Sharing Interest Rate Risk: Quantities and Asset Prices." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-052, February 2024.