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- Faculty Publications (217)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (217)
- December 2021
- Article
The Evolutionary Nature of Breakthrough Innovation: An Empirical Investigation of Firm Search Strategies
By: Dominika Kinga Randle and Gary P. Pisano
Breakthrough innovation has been an important topic of study for generations of scholars. Previous research in this domain has focused on exploring the way breakthroughs emerge from cumulative combination and recombination of prior technologies and knowledge components... View Details
Keywords: Breakthrough Innovation; Exploration And Exploitation; Search Strategy; Innovation and Invention; Technological Innovation; Strategy
Randle, Dominika Kinga, and Gary P. Pisano. "The Evolutionary Nature of Breakthrough Innovation: An Empirical Investigation of Firm Search Strategies." Strategy Science 6, no. 4 (December 2021): 290–304.
- 2022
- Working Paper
ESG: Hyperboles and Reality
By: George Serafeim
ESG has rapidly become a household name leading to both confusion about what it means and creating unrealistic expectations about its effects. In this paper, I draw on more than a decade of research to dispel several myths about ESG and provide answers to important... View Details
Keywords: ESG; ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance; ESG Disclosure; ESG Reporting; ESG Ratings; Sustainability; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Environmental Sustainability; Performance; Corporate Disclosure; Reports
Serafeim, George. "ESG: Hyperboles and Reality." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 22-031, November 2021.
- 2021
- Chapter
Digital Infrastructure
By: Shane Greenstein
What determines the supply of innovative digital infrastructure and how does variance in supply shape the performance of digital services? The essay reviews research into the economic impact of deployment, innovation, and adoption of digital infrastructure. It... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Infrastructure; Economics; Policy; Research; Analysis; United States
Greenstein, Shane. "Digital Infrastructure." In Economic Analysis and Infrastructure Investment, edited by Edward L. Glaeser and James Poterba. National Bureau of Economic Research, and University of Chicago Press, 2021.
- September 2021
- Article
Kidney Exchange: An Operations Perspective
By: Itai Ashlagi and Alvin E. Roth
Many patients in need of a kidney transplant have a willing but incompatible (or poorly matched) living donor. Kidney exchange programs arrange exchanges among such patient-donor pairs, in cycles and chains of exchange, so each patient receives a compatible kidney.... View Details
Keywords: Kidney Exchange Programs; Matching; Health Disorders; Health Care and Treatment; Programs; Design
Ashlagi, Itai, and Alvin E. Roth. "Kidney Exchange: An Operations Perspective." Management Science 67, no. 9 (September 2021): 5455–5478.
- 2021
- Book
Lead and Disrupt: How to Solve the Innovator's Dilemma
By: Charles A. O'Reilly III and Michael Tushman
Why do successful firms find it so difficult to adapt in the face of change—to innovate? In the past ten years, the importance of this question has increased as more industries and firms confront disruptive change. The pandemic has accelerated this crisis, collapsing... View Details
Keywords: Organization Change And Adaptation; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Disruptive Innovation; Innovation and Management; Leading Change
O'Reilly, Charles A., III, and Michael Tushman. Lead and Disrupt: How to Solve the Innovator's Dilemma. Second ed. Stanford, CA: Stanford Business Books, 2021.
- June 2021
- Article
Cognition and Emotion in Extreme Political Action: Individual Differences and Dynamic Interactions
By: Leor Zmigrod and Amit Goldenberg
Who is most likely to join and engage in extreme political action? While traditional theories have focused on situational factors or group identity attributes, an emerging science illustrates that tendencies for extreme political action may also be rooted in... View Details
Keywords: Extreme Political Action; Ideology; Political Psychology; Cognition-emotion Interactions; Cognition and Thinking; Emotions; Personal Characteristics
Zmigrod, Leor, and Amit Goldenberg. "Cognition and Emotion in Extreme Political Action: Individual Differences and Dynamic Interactions." Current Directions in Psychological Science 30, no. 3 (June 2021): 218–227.
- 2021
- Chapter
Renewing the Relevance of IB: Can Some History Help?
By: Geoffrey Jones
International business (IB) as a discipline has given limited attention to contemporary grand challenges of inequality, global warming, aging populations, endemic health crises, and de-globalization, in all of which multinationals are either central to the problem or... View Details
Jones, Geoffrey. "Renewing the Relevance of IB: Can Some History Help?" Chap. 6 in The Multiple Dimensions of Institutional Complexity in International Business Research. Vol. 15, edited by Alain Verbeke, Rob van Tulder, Elizabeth L. Rose, and Yingqi Wei, 77–92. Progress in International Business Research. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021.
- 2021
- Working Paper
Kidney Exchange: An Operations Perspective
By: Itai Ashlagi and Alvin E. Roth
Many patients in need of a kidney transplant have a willing but incompatible (or poorly matched) living donor. Kidney exchange programs arrange exchanges among such patient-donor pairs, in cycles and chains of exchange, so each patient receives a compatible kidney.... View Details
Ashlagi, Itai, and Alvin E. Roth. "Kidney Exchange: An Operations Perspective." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 28500, February 2021.
- 2021
- Article
Fair Algorithms for Infinite and Contextual Bandits
By: Matthew Joseph, Michael J Kearns, Jamie Morgenstern, Seth Neel and Aaron Leon Roth
We study fairness in linear bandit problems. Starting from the notion of meritocratic fairness introduced in Joseph et al. [2016], we carry out a more refined analysis of a more general problem, achieving better performance guarantees with fewer modelling assumptions... View Details
Joseph, Matthew, Michael J Kearns, Jamie Morgenstern, Seth Neel, and Aaron Leon Roth. "Fair Algorithms for Infinite and Contextual Bandits." Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society 4th (2021).
- 2021
- Book
Harvard Business Review Family Business Handbook: How to Build and Sustain a Successful, Enduring Enterprise
By: Josh Baron and Rob Lachenauer
Navigate the complex decisions and critical relationships necessary to create and sustain a healthy family business--and business family. Though "family business" may sound like it refers only to mom-and-pop shops, businesses owned by families are among the most... View Details
Keywords: Family Business; Entrepreneurship; Family and Family Relationships; Outcome or Result; Business Model; Conflict and Resolution; Organizational Culture
Baron, Josh, and Rob Lachenauer. Harvard Business Review Family Business Handbook: How to Build and Sustain a Successful, Enduring Enterprise. Harvard Business Review Press, 2021.
- Winter 2021
- Editorial
This issue of Negotiation Journal is dedicated to the theme of artificial intelligence, technology, and negotiation. It arose from a Program on Negotiation (PON) working conference on that important topic held virtually on May 17–18. The conference was not the... View Details
Wheeler, Michael A. "Introduction." Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence, Technology, and Negotiation. Negotiation Journal 37, no. 1 (Winter 2021): 5–12.
- Article
Corporate Headquarters in the Twenty-first Century: An Organization Design Perspective
By: Sven Kunisch, Markus Menz and David J. Collis
The corporate headquarters (CHQ) of the multi-business enterprise, which emerged as the dominant organizational form for the conduct of business in the twentieth century, has attracted considerable scholarly attention. As the business environment undergoes a... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Strategy; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Business Headquarters
Kunisch, Sven, Markus Menz, and David J. Collis. "Corporate Headquarters in the Twenty-first Century: An Organization Design Perspective." Art. 22. Journal of Organization Design 9 (2020): 1–32.
- October 6, 2020
- Article
Test Your Board's Readiness for the Post-COVID Era
By: Lynn S. Paine
Research suggests that well-run boards take the process of self-evaluation quite seriously, often using a combination of director surveys and personal interviews to assess the functioning and effectiveness of the board, its committees, and its individual members. As... View Details
Paine, Lynn S. "Test Your Board's Readiness for the Post-COVID Era." Harvard Business Review Digital Articles (October 6, 2020).
- Aug 2020
- Conference Presentation
Impacting Grand Challenges: A 'Both/And' Approach
By: Natalie Slawinski, Wendy K. Smith, Robin J. Ely, Tobias Hahn, Andrew J. Hoffman and Anita M. McGahan
In this panel symposium, we seek to build on growing efforts by management scholars to engage with grand challenges and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Reflective of the All- Academy Theme description, we note that research and scholarship... View Details
Slawinski, Natalie, Wendy K. Smith, Robin J. Ely, Tobias Hahn, Andrew J. Hoffman, and Anita M. McGahan. "Impacting Grand Challenges: A 'Both/And' Approach." Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Virtual, August 2020.
- 2020
- Working Paper
What Can Economics Say About Alzheimer's Disease?
By: Amitabh Chandra, Courtney Coile and Corina Mommaerts
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) affects one in ten people aged 65 or older and is the most expensive disease in the United States. We describe the central economic questions raised by AD. While there is overlap with the economics of aging, the defining features of the... View Details
Chandra, Amitabh, Courtney Coile, and Corina Mommaerts. "What Can Economics Say About Alzheimer's Disease?" NBER Working Paper Series, No. 27760, August 2020.
- Summer 2020
- Article
Tech Clusters
By: William R. Kerr and Frederic Robert-Nicoud
Tech clusters like Silicon Valley play a central role for modern innovation, business competitiveness, and economic performance. This paper reviews what constitutes a tech cluster, how they function internally, and the degree to which policy makers can purposefully... View Details
Keywords: Clusters; Agglomeration; Innovation; Industry Clusters; Innovation and Invention; Entrepreneurship; Patents
Kerr, William R., and Frederic Robert-Nicoud. "Tech Clusters." Journal of Economic Perspectives 34, no. 3 (Summer 2020): 50–76.
- July 2020
- Article
The Role of Interdependence in the Microfoundations of Organization Design: Task, Goal, and Knowledge Interdependence
By: Marlo Raveendran (formerly Goetting), Luciana Silvestri and Ranjay Gulati
Interdependence is a core concept in organization design, yet one that has remained consistently understudied. Current notions of interdependence remain rooted in seminal works, produced at a time when managers’ near-perfect understanding of the task at hand drove the... View Details
Keywords: Interdependence; Organizational Behavior; Work Design; Organizational Design; Goals and Objectives; Knowledge Sharing
Raveendran (formerly Goetting), Marlo, Luciana Silvestri, and Ranjay Gulati. "The Role of Interdependence in the Microfoundations of Organization Design: Task, Goal, and Knowledge Interdependence." Academy of Management Annals 14, no. 2 (July 2020): 828–868.
- 2020
- Working Paper
Transaction Cost Economics in the Digital Economy: A Research Agenda
By: Frank Nagle, Robert Seamans and Steve Tadelis
Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) theory has played an important role in understanding when it is more efficient for a transaction between two parties to occur within the market or within an organization. However, as more transactions occur in a digitally-mediated... View Details
Keywords: Transaction Cost Economics; Digital Economy; Economics; Cost; Markets; Research; Digital Transformation
Nagle, Frank, Robert Seamans, and Steve Tadelis. "Transaction Cost Economics in the Digital Economy: A Research Agenda." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-009, July 2020.
- May 27, 2020
- Editorial
Stable Democracies Better at Fostering Economic Growth
By: Ashish Nanda
Differences across countries in how the COVID-19 pandemic has been managed have led some to raise the broader question of whether democracies are necessarily a good way to organise a society. Research findings clearly show that compared to autocracies, democracies... View Details
Nanda, Ashish. "Stable Democracies Better at Fostering Economic Growth." The Hindu (May 27, 2020).
- 2020
- Chapter
Consensual Assessment
By: B. A. Hennessey, J. S. Mueller and T. M. Amabile
Over time, the field of creativity research has seen a gradual shift away from an almost exclusive emphasis on the creative person towards a more balanced inquiry that centers both on individual difference issues and questions about the nature of creative products and... View Details
Hennessey, B. A., J. S. Mueller, and T. M. Amabile. "Consensual Assessment." In Encyclopedia of Creativity. 3rd ed. Edited by Mark A. Runco and Steven R. Pritzker, 199–205. Academic Press, 2020.