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- Faculty Publications (64)
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- Faculty Publications (64)
- February 2010
- Case
Shurgard Self-Storage: Expansion to Europe (Abridged)
Shurgard, a U.S.-based firm that rents storage facilities to consumers and small businesses, is considering financing options for rapid expansion of its European operations. Five years after entering Europe, Shurgard Europe has opened 17 facilities in Belgium, France,... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Business Growth and Maturation; Multinational Firms and Management; Logistics; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Trade; Equity; Corporate Finance; United States; Europe
Hamermesh, Richard G. "Shurgard Self-Storage: Expansion to Europe (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 810-102, February 2010.
- June 2009
- Article
Highbrow Films Gather Dust: Time-inconsistent Preferences and Online DVD Rentals
By: Katherine L. Milkman, Todd Rogers and Max H. Bazerman
We report on a field study demonstrating systematic differences between the preferences people anticipate they will have over a series of options in the future and their subsequent revealed preferences over those options. Using a novel panel data set, we analyze the... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Forecasting and Prediction; Film Entertainment; Demand and Consumers; Renting or Rental; Power and Influence; Prejudice and Bias; Online Technology; Motion Pictures and Video Industry
Milkman, Katherine L., Todd Rogers, and Max H. Bazerman. "Highbrow Films Gather Dust: Time-inconsistent Preferences and Online DVD Rentals." Management Science 55, no. 6 (June 2009): 1047–1059.
- 2008
- Working Paper
Investable Tax Credits: The Case of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit
By: Mihir A. Desai, Dhammika Dharmapala and Monica Singhal
The Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) represents a novel tax expenditure program that employs "investable" tax credits to spur production of low-income rental housing. While it has grown into the largest source of new affordable housing in the U.S. and its... View Details
Keywords: Investment; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Taxation; Housing; Renting or Rental; United States
Desai, Mihir A., Dhammika Dharmapala, and Monica Singhal. "Investable Tax Credits: The Case of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 14149, June 2008.
- March 2008
- Article
Market Reactions to Export Subsidies
By: M. A. Desai and James R. Hines Jr.
This paper analyzes the economic impact of export subsidies by investigating stock price reactions to a critical event in 1997. On November 18, 1997, the European Union announced its intention to file a complaint before the World Trade Organization (WTO), arguing that... View Details
Keywords: Economic Systems; Trade; Development Economics; Financial Markets; Profit; Taxation; Volume; Value Creation; Market Design; Business Subsidiaries; Utilities Industry; Financial Services Industry; Europe; North and Central America
Desai, M. A., and James R. Hines Jr. "Market Reactions to Export Subsidies." Journal of International Economics 74, no. 2 (March 2008).
- February 2008
- Article
Attracting Skeptical Buyers: Negotiating for Intellectual Property Rights
By: James J. Anton and Dennis A. Yao
Expropriable disclosures of knowledge to prospective buyers may be necessary to facilitate the sale of intellectual property (IP). In principle, confidentiality agreements can protect disclosures by granting the seller rights to sue for unauthorized use. In practice,... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Disclosure; Intellectual Property; Knowledge Sharing; Lawsuits and Litigation; Rights; Agreements and Arrangements; Competition
Anton, James J., and Dennis A. Yao. "Attracting Skeptical Buyers: Negotiating for Intellectual Property Rights." International Economic Review 49, no. 1 (February 2008): 319–348. (Harvard users click here for full text.)
- 2008
- Simulation
Pricing Simulation: Universal Car Rental
This web-based simulation presents an engaging context in which students develop their knowledge of pricing by managing a rental car operation (Universal) in Florida and improve regional performance by developing a pricing strategy. The simulation involves three... View Details
Keywords: Competition; Consumer Behavior; Price; Profit; Renting or Rental; Auto Industry; Service Industry; Miami; Orlando; Tampa
- 2007
- Working Paper
A Taste For Obscurity: An Individual-Level Examination of 'Long Tail' Consumption
By: Anita Elberse
Because online retailers are often able to provide products in a more cost-efficient manner than bricks-and-mortar stores, online channels are characterized by a vast assortment of products. Proponents of the "long tail" principle recently argued that the demand for... View Details
- 2007
- Working Paper
Highbrow Films Gather Dust: Time-inconsistent Preferences and Online DVD Rentals
By: Katherine L. Milkman, Todd Rogers and Max H. Bazerman
We report on a field study demonstrating systematic differences between the preferences people anticipate they will have over a series of options in the future and their subsequent revealed preferences over those options. Using a novel panel data set, we analyze the... View Details
Keywords: Internet and the Web; Decision Choices and Conditions; Attitudes; Conflict and Resolution; Emotions; Film Entertainment; Cognition and Thinking; Entertainment and Recreation Industry
Milkman, Katherine L., Todd Rogers, and Max H. Bazerman. "Highbrow Films Gather Dust: Time-inconsistent Preferences and Online DVD Rentals." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 07-099, June 2007. (Revised July 2007, December 2007, April 2008, September 2008, January 2009.)
- May 2007 (Revised April 2009)
- Case
By: Willy C. Shih, Stephen P. Kaufman and David Spinola
Reed Hastings founded Netflix with a vision to provide a home movie service that would do a better job satisfying customers than the traditional retail rental model. But as it encouraged challenges it underwent several major strategy shifts, ultimately developing a... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Film Entertainment; Disruptive Innovation; Growth and Development Strategy; Distribution Channels; Service Delivery; Renting or Rental; Competitive Strategy; Motion Pictures and Video Industry
Shih, Willy C., Stephen P. Kaufman, and David Spinola. "Netflix." Harvard Business School Case 607-138, May 2007. (Revised April 2009.)
- Article
Finding Lost Profits: An Equilibrium Analysis of Patent Infringement Damages
By: James J. Anton and Dennis A. Yao
We discuss how a seller can appropriate rents when selling knowledge that lacks legal property rights by solving either an expropriation or a valuation problem and then analyze how seller rents increase when a portion of the intellectual property (IP) can be protected.... View Details
Keywords: Profit; Patents; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Knowledge; Rights; Strategy; Valuation; Problems and Challenges
Anton, James J., and Dennis A. Yao. "Finding Lost Profits: An Equilibrium Analysis of Patent Infringement Damages." Journal of Law, Economics & Organization 23, no. 1 (April 2007): 186–207. (Harvard users click here for full text.)
- September 2006
- Case
Stedman Place: Buy or Rent?
By: Andre F. Perold and David S. Scharfstein
A couple has to decide whether to continue renting a townhouse or buy the one next door. Allows for a discussion of net present value, internal rate of return, and the costs and benefits of homeownership. View Details
Keywords: Cost vs Benefits; Decisions; Asset Pricing; Investment Return; Housing; Family Ownership; Renting or Rental; Valuation
Perold, Andre F., and David S. Scharfstein. "Stedman Place: Buy or Rent?" Harvard Business School Case 207-063, September 2006.
- February 2006
- Case
Fraikin SA
By: W. Carl Kester, Vincent Marie Dessain and Monika Stachowiak
Provides an example of a so-called "whole business" securitization. In early 2004, Fraikin, France's leading industrial vehicle rental company, compares several alternatives for refinancing a large bridge loan within a year. Presents three primary options: a classic... View Details
Keywords: Debt Securities; Transportation; Renting or Rental; Transportation Industry; Service Industry; France
Kester, W. Carl, Vincent Marie Dessain, and Monika Stachowiak. "Fraikin SA." Harvard Business School Case 206-090, February 2006.
- April 2005 (Revised June 2006)
- Case
NTT DoCoMo, Inc.: Mobile FeliCa
By: Stephen P. Bradley, Thomas R. Eisenmann, Masako Egawa and Akiko Kanno
Managers of DoCoMo, Japan's largest mobile phone company, are formulating a strategy for mobile FeliCa: contactless integrated circuits that will be built into DoCoMo phones, allowing them to be used for quick and convenient retail or commuter fare payments, building... View Details
Keywords: Cost vs Benefits; Expansion; Alliances; Wireless Technology; Information Technology Industry; Communications Industry; Japan
Bradley, Stephen P., Thomas R. Eisenmann, Masako Egawa, and Akiko Kanno. "NTT DoCoMo, Inc.: Mobile FeliCa." Harvard Business School Case 805-124, April 2005. (Revised June 2006.)
- April–May 2005
- Article
Markets for Partially-Contractible Knowledge: Bootstrapping Versus Bundling
By: James J Anton and Dennis A. Yao
We discuss how a seller can appropriate rents when selling knowledge that lacks legal property rights by solving either an expropriation or a valuation problem and then analyze how seller rents increase when a portion of the intellectual property (IP) can be protected.... View Details
Keywords: Knowledge; Markets; Rights; Valuation; Problems and Challenges; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Intellectual Property; Strategy
Anton, James J., and Dennis A. Yao. "Markets for Partially-Contractible Knowledge: Bootstrapping Versus Bundling." Journal of the European Economic Association 3, nos. 2-3 (April–May 2005): 745–754. (Harvard users click here for full text.)
- June 2004 (Revised July 2005)
- Background Note
Tenant and Landlord Rights
By: Arthur I Segel, Jeff Mandelbaum and Armen Panossian
Certain key principles govern the landlord-tenant relationship in both commercial and residential settings. Because most property law is state specific, this note provides an overview of how many states would generally analyze a particular situation or relationship. View Details
Keywords: Renting or Rental; Leasing; Rights; Contracts; Laws and Statutes; Relationships; Real Estate Industry
Segel, Arthur I., Jeff Mandelbaum, and Armen Panossian. "Tenant and Landlord Rights." Harvard Business School Background Note 804-161, June 2004. (Revised July 2005.)
- March 2004 (Revised May 2005)
- Case
Shurgard Self-Storage: Expansion to Europe
By: Richard G. Hamermesh and Indra Reinbergs
Shurgard, a U.S.-based firm that rents storage facilities to consumers and small businesses, is considering financing options for rapid expansion of its European operations. Five years after entering Europe, Shurgard Europe has opened 17 facilities in Belgium, France,... View Details
Keywords: Private Equity; Valuation; Business Model; Governing and Advisory Boards; Entrepreneurship; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Service Industry; Belgium; France; Sweden; United States; Europe
Hamermesh, Richard G., and Indra Reinbergs. "Shurgard Self-Storage: Expansion to Europe." Harvard Business School Case 804-112, March 2004. (Revised May 2005.)
- 2004
- Article
Sources of Structural Inequality in Managerial Labor Markets
By: Rakesh Khurana and Mikolaj Jan Piskorski
This article proposes two mechanisms that allow actors to obtain unearned advantages in labor markets. The first mechanism is consistent with collusive closure arguments. However, it questions the assumption that those who seek to benefit from collusive closure will... View Details
Khurana, Rakesh, and Mikolaj Jan Piskorski. "Sources of Structural Inequality in Managerial Labor Markets." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 21 (2004): 169–187.
- October 2003
- Article
Capture by Threat
By: Ernesto Dal Bo and Rafael Di Tella
We analyze a simple stochastic environment in which policy makers can be threatened by “nasty” interest groups. In the absence of these groups, the policy maker’s desire for reelection guarantees that good policies are implemented for every realization of the shock.... View Details
Dal Bo, Ernesto, and Rafael Di Tella. "Capture by Threat." Journal of Political Economy 111, no. 5 (October 2003): 1123–54.
- January 2003 (Revised May 2005)
- Case
Zipcar: Refining the Business Model
By: Myra M. Hart, Michael J. Roberts and Julia Stevens
Zipcar is a start-up organized around the idea of "sharing" car usage via a membership organization. This case describes several iterations of the Zipcar business model and financial plan. These iterations include a very early version and a version developed just prior... View Details
Keywords: Service Operations; Renting or Rental; Business Model; Business Plan; Entrepreneurship; Economic Growth; Management Skills; Transportation; Business Startups; Financial Strategy; Corporate Finance; Growth and Development Strategy; Transportation Industry; Service Industry
Hart, Myra M., Michael J. Roberts, and Julia Stevens. "Zipcar: Refining the Business Model." Harvard Business School Case 803-096, January 2003. (Revised May 2005.)