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- Faculty Publications (65)
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- October 2019
- Article
Partial Deregulation and Competition: Effects on Risky Mortgage Origination
By: Marco Di Maggio, Amir Kermani and Sanket Korgaonkar
We exploit the OCC's preemption of national banks from state laws against predatory lending as a quasi-experiment to study the effect of deregulation and its interaction with competition on the supply of complex mortgages. Following the preemption ruling, national... View Details
Keywords: Great Recession; Subprime; Complex Mortgages; Credit Supply; Household Debt; Preemption Rule; Competition; Mortgages; Government Legislation; Credit; Financial Crisis
Di Maggio, Marco, Amir Kermani, and Sanket Korgaonkar. "Partial Deregulation and Competition: Effects on Risky Mortgage Origination." Management Science 65, no. 10 (October 2019).
- 24 Nov 2010
- Working Paper Summaries
Valuation When Cash Flow Forecasts Are Biased
Keywords: by Richard S. Ruback
- June 2017
- Case
AT&T Versus Verizon: A Financial Comparison
By: V.G. Narayanan and Joel L. Heilprin
This case asks students to prepare a report comparing the financial and operating performance of AT&T and Verizon. Taking the perspective of a communications industry analyst, they must also consider the differences between and implications of the companies' business... View Details
Keywords: Financial Statements; Operations; Analysis; Business Model; Accounting; Performance Effectiveness; Telecommunications Industry
Narayanan, V.G., and Joel L. Heilprin. "AT&T Versus Verizon: A Financial Comparison." Harvard Business School Brief Case 917-543, June 2017.
- 2022
- Article
Investigating the Association Between Telemedicine Use and Timely Follow-Up Care After Acute Cardiovascular Hospital Encounters
By: Mitchell Tang, A Jay Holmgren, Erin E. McElrath, Ankeet S. Bhatt, Anubodh S. Varshney, Simin Gharib Lee, Muthiah Vaduganathan, Dale S. Adler and Robert S. Huckman
Background: Telemedicine use increased dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic; however, questions remain as to how telemedicine use impacts care.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the association of increased telemedicine use on rates of... View Details
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the association of increased telemedicine use on rates of... View Details
Keywords: Health Care; Telemedicine; Health Care and Treatment; Outcome or Result; Behavior; Health Industry; United States
Tang, Mitchell, A Jay Holmgren, Erin E. McElrath, Ankeet S. Bhatt, Anubodh S. Varshney, Simin Gharib Lee, Muthiah Vaduganathan, Dale S. Adler, and Robert S. Huckman. "Investigating the Association Between Telemedicine Use and Timely Follow-Up Care After Acute Cardiovascular Hospital Encounters." JACC: Advances 1, no. 5 (2022).
- March 31, 2022
- Article
Two Approaches to Capping Health Care Prices
By: Michael E. Chernew, Maximilian J. Pany and Leemore S. Dafny
High health care prices for the privately-insured contribute to high premiums, which put downward pressure on wages, and induce employers to reduce benefit generosity and charge employees more for coverage. As the average annual premium for family coverage currently... View Details
Chernew, Michael E., Maximilian J. Pany, and Leemore S. Dafny. "Two Approaches to Capping Health Care Prices." Health Affairs Forefront (March 31, 2022).
- December 2021
- Article
Employee Responses to Compensation Changes: Evidence from a Sales Firm
By: Jason Sandvik, Richard Saouma, Nathan Seegert and Christopher Stanton
What are the long-term consequences of compensation changes? Using data from an inbound sales call center, we study employee responses to a compensation change that ultimately reduced take-home pay by 7% for the average affected worker. The change caused a significant... View Details
Keywords: Employees; Wages; Compensation and Benefits; Change; Performance; Resignation and Termination; Retention; Analysis
Sandvik, Jason, Richard Saouma, Nathan Seegert, and Christopher Stanton. "Employee Responses to Compensation Changes: Evidence from a Sales Firm." Management Science 67, no. 12 (December 2021): 7687–7707.
- 2023
- Working Paper
Insufficiently Justified Disparate Impact: A New Criterion for Subgroup Fairness
By: Neil Menghani, Edward McFowland III and Daniel B. Neill
In this paper, we develop a new criterion, "insufficiently justified disparate impact" (IJDI), for assessing whether recommendations (binarized predictions) made by an algorithmic decision support tool are fair. Our novel, utility-based IJDI criterion evaluates false... View Details
Menghani, Neil, Edward McFowland III, and Daniel B. Neill. "Insufficiently Justified Disparate Impact: A New Criterion for Subgroup Fairness." Working Paper, June 2023.
- December 2000 (Revised December 2016)
- Technical Note
Valuing Companies in Corporate Restructurings: Technical Note
By: Stuart C. Gilson
This case provides a technical overview of different valuation techniques for use in valuing companies in corporate restructuring. Techniques covered include adjusted present value, WACC, capital cash flow, and discounted cash flow valuation. Specific numerical... View Details
Gilson, Stuart C. "Valuing Companies in Corporate Restructurings: Technical Note." Harvard Business School Technical Note 201-073, December 2000. (Revised December 2016.)
- November 2024
- Article
A National Analysis of General Pediatric Inpatient Unit Closures and Openings, 2011–2018
By: Carolyn San Soucie, Nancy D. Beaulieu, Jason D. Buxbaum, David Cutler, JoAnna K. Leyenaar, Sarah C. McBride, Olivia Zhao and Alyna T. Chien
OBJECTIVES: This paper provides an examination of: (1) the frequency and net rates of change for general pediatric inpatient (GPI) unit closures and openings nationally and by state; (2) how often closures or openings are caused by GPI unit changes only or caused by... View Details
Keywords: Health Industry
San Soucie, Carolyn, Nancy D. Beaulieu, Jason D. Buxbaum, David Cutler, JoAnna K. Leyenaar, Sarah C. McBride, Olivia Zhao, and Alyna T. Chien. "A National Analysis of General Pediatric Inpatient Unit Closures and Openings, 2011–2018." Hospital Pediatrics 14, no. 11 (November 2024): 899–908.
- Article
The Learning Effects of Monitoring
By: Dennis Campbell, Marc Epstein and F. Asis Martinez-Jerez
This paper investigates the relationship between monitoring, decision making, and learning among lower-level employees. We exploit a field-research setting in which business units vary in the "tightness" with which they monitor employee decisions. We find that tighter... View Details
Keywords: Learning; Business or Company Management; Decision Making; Employees; Research; Resignation and Termination; Rights; Business Units; Governance Controls; Performance; Motivation and Incentives
Campbell, Dennis, Marc Epstein, and F. Asis Martinez-Jerez. "The Learning Effects of Monitoring." Accounting Review 86, no. 6 (November 2011): 1909–1934.
- Article
The End of Chimerica
For the better part of the past decade, the world economy has been marked by an economic order that combined Chinese export-led development with U.S. over-consumption. The financial crisis of 2007-09 likely marks the beginning of the end of the Chimerican relationship.... View Details
Ferguson, Niall, and Moritz Schularick. "The End of Chimerica." International Finance 14, no. 1 (Spring 2011): 1–26.
- 2020
- Working Paper
Social Interactions in Pandemics: Fear, Altruism, and Reciprocity
By: Laura Alfaro, Ester Faia, Nora Lamersdorf and Farzad Saidi
In SIR models, homogeneous or with a network structure, infection rates are assumed to be exogenous. However, individuals adjust their behavior. Using daily data for 89 cities worldwide, we document that mobility falls in response to fear, as approximated by Google... View Details
Keywords: Social Interactions; Pandemics; Mobility; Cities; SIR Networks; Social Preferences; Social Planner; Targeted Policies; Health Pandemics; Interpersonal Communication; Behavior; Policy
Alfaro, Laura, Ester Faia, Nora Lamersdorf, and Farzad Saidi. "Social Interactions in Pandemics: Fear, Altruism, and Reciprocity." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 27134, May 2020.
- 05 Oct 2016
- What Do You Think?
Can the US Economy Regain the Growth and Prosperity of the Past?
Whose Job Is It to Rebuild the US Middle Class? Optimism among respondents to this month’s column concerning future United States growth rates hinges on whether the middle class can be restored. That’s a big contingency. Those commenting... View Details
Keywords: by James Heskett
- 22 Feb 2022
- Research & Ideas
When Will the Hot Housing Market Finally Start to Cool?
Harvard Gazette spoke with Nori Gerardo Lietz, a senior lecturer who teaches real estate private equity at Harvard Business School, about what’s going on and whether rising interest rates may offer some relief. The interview has been... View Details
Keywords: by Christine Pazzanese, Harvard Gazette
- 2017
- Working Paper
Management as a Technology?
By: Nicholas Bloom, Raffaella Sadun and John Van Reenen
Are some management practices akin to a technology that can explain firm and national productivity, or do they simply reflect contingent management styles? We collect data on core management practices from over 11,000 firms in 34 countries. We find large cross-country... View Details
Keywords: Management Practices; Productivity; Competition; Management Practices and Processes; Performance Productivity
Bloom, Nicholas, Raffaella Sadun, and John Van Reenen. "Management as a Technology?" Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 16-133, June 2016. (Revised October 2017.)
- 2012
- Article
The Excess Burden of Government Indecision
By: Francisco J. Gomes, Laurence J. Kotlikoff and Luis M. Viceira
Governments are known for procrastinating when it comes to resolving painful policy problems. Whatever the political motives for waiting to decide, procrastination distorts economic decisions relative to what would arise with early policy resolution. In so doing, it... View Details
Keywords: Saving; Risk and Uncertainty; Investment Portfolio; Decision Choices and Conditions; Retirement; Policy; Government and Politics
Gomes, Francisco J., Laurence J. Kotlikoff, and Luis M. Viceira. "The Excess Burden of Government Indecision." Tax Policy and the Economy 26 (2012): 125–163.
- 04 Jan 2011
- Working Paper Summaries
The Learning Effects of Monitoring
- November 2020
- Article
Taxation in Matching Markets
By: Arnaud Dupuy, Alfred Galichon, Sonia Jaffe and Scott Duke Kominers
We analyze the effects of taxation in two-sided matching markets, i.e., markets in which all agents have heterogeneous preferences over potential partners. In matching markets, taxes can generate inefficiency on the allocative margin by changing who is matched to whom,... View Details
Dupuy, Arnaud, Alfred Galichon, Sonia Jaffe, and Scott Duke Kominers. "Taxation in Matching Markets." International Economic Review 61, no. 4 (November 2020): 1591–1634.
- February 2022
- Article
Sugar-sweetened Beverage Purchases and Intake at Event Arenas with and without a Portion Size Cap
By: Sheri Volger, James Scott Parrott, Brian Elbel, Leslie K. John, Jason P. Block, Pamela Rothpletz-Puglia and Christina A. Roberto
This is the first real-world study to examine the association between a voluntary 16-ounce (oz.) portion-size cap on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) at a sporting arena on volume of SSBs and food calories purchased and consumed during basketball games. Cross-sectional... View Details
Keywords: Sugar-sweetened Beverages; Nutrition Policy; Obesity Prevention; Portion Sizes; Nutrition; Policy; Health; Behavior
Volger, Sheri, James Scott Parrott, Brian Elbel, Leslie K. John, Jason P. Block, Pamela Rothpletz-Puglia, and Christina A. Roberto. "Sugar-sweetened Beverage Purchases and Intake at Event Arenas with and without a Portion Size Cap." Art. 101661. Preventative Medicine Reports 25 (February 2022).
- April 2012
- Article
Retail Doesn't Cross Borders: Here's Why and What to Do about It
By: Marcel Corstjens and Rajiv Lal
Most companies assume that the easiest way to grow is by investing overseas and that the developing world offers the best opportunities for boosting revenues and profits today. However, success abroad varies widely, and research shows that it's often tough to... View Details
Keywords: Operations; Growth and Development Strategy; Globalization; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Local Range; Retail Industry
Corstjens, Marcel, and Rajiv Lal. "Retail Doesn't Cross Borders: Here's Why and What to Do about It." Harvard Business Review 90, no. 4 (April 2012).