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- Faculty Publications (740)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (740)
- 2025
- Working Paper
Managing Remote Work Quality: Evidence from Auditing Management Systems Standards
By: Ashley Palmarozzo, Michael W. Toffel and Melissa Ouellet
Remote work has become more common, providing operational flexibility and productivity benefits, but questions remain about whether and how it affects work quality. We investigate the quality effects of remote work in a context in which remote work separates workers... View Details
Keywords: Audit; Auditing; Remote Work; Compliance; Assessment; Environment; Management Systems; Quality Management; Quality Management System; Quality; Operations; Supply Chain Management; Environmental Management; Safety
Palmarozzo, Ashley, Michael W. Toffel, and Melissa Ouellet. "Managing Remote Work Quality: Evidence from Auditing Management Systems Standards." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-002, July 2023. (Revised February 2025.)
- July 2023 (Revised July 2023)
- Background Note
Generative AI Value Chain
By: Andy Wu and Matt Higgins
Generative AI refers to a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that can create new content (e.g., text, image, or audio) in response to a prompt from a user. ChatGPT, Bard, and Claude are examples of text generating AIs, and DALL-E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion are... View Details
Keywords: AI; Artificial Intelligence; Model; Hardware; Data Centers; AI and Machine Learning; Applications and Software; Analytics and Data Science; Value
Wu, Andy, and Matt Higgins. "Generative AI Value Chain." Harvard Business School Background Note 724-355, July 2023. (Revised July 2023.)
- July 2023
- Article
Managerial Quality and Productivity Dynamics
By: Achyuta Adhvaryu, Anant Nyshadham and Jorge Tamayo
Do productivity and managerial quality vary within the firm? If so which managerial traits and practices matter most for team productivity? Combining granular garment production data with survey data on managers across 120 production lines in India, we document... View Details
Keywords: Productivity; Non-cognitive Skills; Learning By Doing; Ready-made Garments; Management; Management Practices and Processes; Management Skills; Performance Productivity; Fashion Industry; Manufacturing Industry; India
Adhvaryu, Achyuta, Anant Nyshadham, and Jorge Tamayo. "Managerial Quality and Productivity Dynamics." Review of Economic Studies 90, no. 4 (July 2023): 1569–1607.
- 2024
- Working Paper
Second- versus Third-party Audit Quality: Evidence from Global Supply Chain Monitoring
By: Maria R. Ibanez, Ashley Palmarozzo, Jodi L. Short and Michael W. Toffel
Capitalizing on the superior credibility and flexibility and potential lower cost of external assessments, many global buyers are relying less on their own employee (“second-party”) auditors and more on third-party auditors to monitor and prevent environmental and... View Details
Keywords: Auditing; Audit Quality; Working Conditions; Sustainability; Empirical Operations; Empirical Service Operations; Sustainability Management; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Supply Chain Management
Ibanez, Maria R., Ashley Palmarozzo, Jodi L. Short, and Michael W. Toffel. "Second- versus Third-party Audit Quality: Evidence from Global Supply Chain Monitoring." Working Paper, August 2024.
- June 2023
- Article
Can Purpose Foster Stakeholder Trust in Corporations
By: Ranjay Gulati and Franz Wohlgezogen
As part of institutional changes toward more responsible capitalism, firms increasingly articulate a purpose beyond simply profit as a central tenet of their governance. Management scholarship has noted the potential advantages of such purpose-focus for stakeholder... View Details
Keywords: Stakeholder Management; Moral Identity; Mission and Purpose; Trust; Corporate Governance; Business and Stakeholder Relations
Gulati, Ranjay, and Franz Wohlgezogen. "Can Purpose Foster Stakeholder Trust in Corporations." Strategy Science 8, no. 2 (June 2023): 270–287.
- May 2023
- Supplement
Sian Flowers: Fresher by Sea - Video Supplement
By: Willy C. Shih
The setting for this case is the Sian Flowers, a company headquartered in Kitengela, Kenya that exports roses to predominantly Europe. Because cut flowers have a limited shelf life and consumers want them to retain their appearance for as long as possible, Sian or its... View Details
Keywords: Supply Chain; Supply Chains; Sustainability; Sustainable Agriculture; Sustainability Reporting; Carbon Emissions; Supply Chain Management; Quality; Ship Transportation; Cost Management; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Africa; Kenya; Netherlands; Europe
Shih, Willy C. "Sian Flowers: Fresher by Sea - Video Supplement." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 623-713, May 2023.
- 2023
- Working Paper
Setting Gendered Expectations? Recruiter Outreach Bias in Online Tech Training Programs
By: Jacqueline N. Lane, Karim R. Lakhani and Roberto Fernandez
Competence development in digital technologies, analytics, and artificial intelligence is increasingly important to all types of organizations and their workforce. Universities and corporations are investing heavily in developing training programs, at all tenure... View Details
Keywords: STEM; Selection and Staffing; Gender; Prejudice and Bias; Training; Equality and Inequality; Competency and Skills
Lane, Jacqueline N., Karim R. Lakhani, and Roberto Fernandez. "Setting Gendered Expectations? Recruiter Outreach Bias in Online Tech Training Programs." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 23-066, April 2023. (Accepted by Organization Science.)
- April 2023
- Article
Inattentive Inference
By: Thomas Graeber
This paper studies how people infer a state of the world from information structures that include additional, payoff-irrelevant states. For example, learning from a customer review about a product’s quality requires accounting for the reviewer’s otherwise irrelevant... View Details
Graeber, Thomas. "Inattentive Inference." Journal of the European Economic Association 21, no. 2 (April 2023): 560–592.
- March 2023
- Case
By: Marco Iansiti, Karim R. Lakhani, Hannah Mayer, Kerry Herman, Allison J. Wigen and Dave Habeeb
This multimedia case follows the story of Moderna and its entry into vaccine development in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. In summer 2020, Stephane Bancel, CEO of biotech firm Moderna, faces several challenges as his company races to develop a vaccine for COVID-19.... View Details
- March 2023 (Revised June 2023)
- Case
Layoffs in the Tech Industry: 2022–2023
By: Sandra J. Sucher and Marilyn Morgan Westner
This case examines the mass layoffs that swept through the tech industry (2022-2023) through the lens of four companies: Twitter, Stripe, Meta, and Google. How these companies implemented workforce change through mass layoffs raises critical questions applicable beyond... View Details
Keywords: Layoffs; Human Resource Management; Workforce Reductions; Ethics; Human Resources; Management; Values and Beliefs; Employee Relationship Management; Resignation and Termination; Compensation and Benefits; Technology Industry; United States; United Kingdom
Sucher, Sandra J., and Marilyn Morgan Westner. "Layoffs in the Tech Industry: 2022–2023." Harvard Business School Case 323-095, March 2023. (Revised June 2023.)
- March 2023 (Revised June 2023)
- Teaching Note
Ransomware Attack at Springhill Medical Center
By: Suraj Srinivasan and Li-Kuan (Jason) Ni
Teaching Note for HBS Case No. 123-065. In July, 2019, Springhill Medical Center (“SMC”) in Mobile, Alabama fell prey to a malicious ransomware attack that crippled the hospital’s internal network systems and public-facing web page. While the hospital rushed to... View Details
Keywords: Disruption; Communication; Communication Strategy; Decision Making; Decision Choices and Conditions; Judgments; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Disclosure; Corporate Governance; Governance Controls; Policy; Employees; News; Cybersecurity; Digital Strategy; Information Infrastructure; Information Management; Internet and the Web; Crisis Management; Business or Company Management; Resource Allocation; Risk Management; Negotiation Tactics; Failure; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Attitudes; Behavior; Perception; Reputation; Trust; Public Opinion; Social Issues; Health Industry; Alabama; United States
- February 2023
- Case
Ransomware Attack at Springhill Medical Center
By: Suraj Srinivasan and Li-Kuan (Jason) Ni
In July, 2019, Springhill Medical Center (“SMC”) in Mobile, Alabama, fell prey to a malicious ransomware attack that crippled the hospital’s internal network systems and public-facing web page. While the hospital rushed to securely restore the network, medical... View Details
Keywords: Disruption; Communication; Communication Strategy; Decision Making; Decision Choices and Conditions; Judgments; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Disclosure; Corporate Governance; Governance Controls; Policy; Employees; News; Cybersecurity; Digital Strategy; Information Infrastructure; Information Management; Internet and the Web; Crisis Management; Resource Allocation; Risk Management; Negotiation Tactics; Failure; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Attitudes; Behavior; Perception; Reputation; Trust; Public Opinion; Social Issues; Health Industry; United States; Alabama
Srinivasan, Suraj, and Li-Kuan (Jason) Ni. "Ransomware Attack at Springhill Medical Center." Harvard Business School Case 123-065, February 2023.
- 2023
- Book
Workplace Conditions
By: Jill Maben, Jane Ball and Amy C. Edmondson
This Element reviews the evidence for three workplace conditions that matter for improving quality and safety in healthcare: staffing; psychological safety, teamwork, and speaking up; and staff health and well-being at work. The authors propose that these are... View Details
Maben, Jill, Jane Ball, and Amy C. Edmondson. Workplace Conditions. Cambridge Elements, Improving Quality and Safety in Healthcare. Cambridge University Press, 2023.
- January 2023
- Case
Identifying Quality Stocks using Quantitative Screens
By: Charles CY Wang and Johnson Elugbadebo
- January 2023
- Case
Velong: Rethinking 'Made in China'
By: Krishna G. Palepu, Nancy Hua Dai and Billy Chan
Velong is a supplier of kitchen equipment and backyard grills for major global brands and store brands of large western retailers. In light of the COVID-related disruptions to the global supply chains, and the evolving trade tensions between China and the Western... View Details
Keywords: Globalization; Supply Chain Management; Risk Management; Manufacturing Industry; China; India; Mexico; Turkey; Viet Nam
Palepu, Krishna G., Nancy Hua Dai, and Billy Chan. "Velong: Rethinking 'Made in China'." Harvard Business School Case 323-064, January 2023.
- January 2023
- Case
Crow Holdings Development: Mass Timber Construction
By: John D. Macomber, Robert Hernandez and Kyle MertensMeyer
Jim McCaffery and Cody Armbrister of Crow Holdings Development evaluate the pros and cons of committing to mass timber construction instead of conventional concrete or steel for a new 260,000 SF multi-story office building in Texas. Benefits include substantially... View Details
Keywords: Real Estate Development; Architecture; Air Quality; Health & Wellness; Office Property; Sustainability; Carbon Abatement; Natural Environment; Environmental Accounting; Green Buildings; Design; Construction; Cost vs Benefits; Environmental Sustainability; Construction Industry; Real Estate Industry; Texas
- 2023
- Article
Evaluating Explainability for Graph Neural Networks
By: Chirag Agarwal, Owen Queen, Himabindu Lakkaraju and Marinka Zitnik
As explanations are increasingly used to understand the behavior of graph neural networks (GNNs), evaluating the quality and reliability of GNN explanations is crucial. However, assessing the quality of GNN explanations is challenging as existing graph datasets have no... View Details
Keywords: Analytics and Data Science
Agarwal, Chirag, Owen Queen, Himabindu Lakkaraju, and Marinka Zitnik. "Evaluating Explainability for Graph Neural Networks." Art. 114. Scientific Data 10 (2023).
- December 2022
- Case
Mission Produce in 2022
By: Forest Reinhardt, Jose B. Alvarez and Natalie Kindred
Founded by CEO Steve Barnard in 1983, California-based Mission Produce was a leading supplier of Hass avocados with a global sourcing, marketing, and distribution network and $892 million in 2021 sales. Barnard had been influential in the global avocado trade’s... View Details
Keywords: Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Retail Industry; Consumer Products Industry; United States; California; Peru; Guatemala; Colombia; Mexico; Chile
Reinhardt, Forest, Jose B. Alvarez, and Natalie Kindred. "Mission Produce in 2022." Harvard Business School Case 723-026, December 2022.
- 2022
- Article
Becoming a Learning Organization While Enhancing Performance: The Case of LEGO
By: Thomas Borup Kristensen, Henrik Saabye and Amy Edmondson
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to empirically test how problem-solving lean practices, along with
leaders as learning facilitators in an action learning approach, can be transferred from a production context to a
knowledge work context for the purpose... View Details
Kristensen, Thomas Borup, Henrik Saabye, and Amy Edmondson. "Becoming a Learning Organization While Enhancing Performance: The Case of LEGO." International Journal of Operations & Production Management 42, no. 13 (2022): 438–481.
- December 2022
- Article
Collaborative Rooming: An Innovative Pilot Project to Overcome Primary Care Challenges
By: Gagandeep Singh, Jill G. Lenhart, Richard A. Helmers, Michele Renee Eberlee, Heather Costley, Joel B. Roberts and Robert S. Kaplan
Primary care physicians are overburdened with growing complexities and increasing expectations for primary care visits. To meet expectations, primary care physicians must multitask during visits and spend extra hours in the office for charting, billing, and... View Details
Singh, Gagandeep, Jill G. Lenhart, Richard A. Helmers, Michele Renee Eberlee, Heather Costley, Joel B. Roberts, and Robert S. Kaplan. "Collaborative Rooming: An Innovative Pilot Project to Overcome Primary Care Challenges." Wisconsin Medical Journal 121, no. 4 (December 2022): 306–309.