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- Faculty Publications (53)
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- December 2016
- Case
Public Mission, Private Funding: The University of California, Berkeley
By: William C. Kirby and Joycelyn W. Eby
UC Berkley, long known as one of the leading public universities in both the U.S. and the world, has seen turbulent times recently. While student enrollment and costs have increased steadily in recent years, the school, which has been fiercely proud of its public... View Details
Keywords: Public University; University Administration; Conflict Management; State Funding; Competition; Faculty Governance; University Of California Berkeley; Change Management; Volatility; Diversity; Residency; Higher Education; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Globalization; Policy; Leading Change; Crisis Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Organizational Design; Privatization; Problems and Challenges; Education Industry; United States
Kirby, William C., and Joycelyn W. Eby. "Public Mission, Private Funding: The University of California, Berkeley." Harvard Business School Case 317-023, December 2016.
- Article
The Scandal Effect
By: Boris Groysberg, Eric Lin, George Serafeim and Robin Abrahams
Executives with scandal-tainted companies on their résumés pay a penalty on the job market, even if they clearly had nothing to do with the trouble. Because the scandal effect is lasting, a company you left long ago could have an impact on your current and future job... View Details
Keywords: Misconduct; Career; Career Management; Career Changes; Executive Leadership; Executive Development; Crime and Corruption; Executive Compensation; Personal Development and Career; Management Skills; Management Teams
Groysberg, Boris, Eric Lin, George Serafeim, and Robin Abrahams. "The Scandal Effect." Harvard Business Review 94, no. 9 (September 2016): 90–98.
- Editorial
How to Survive a Company Scandal You Had Nothing to Do With
By: Boris Groysberg, Eric Lin, George Serafeim and Robin Abrahams
Groysberg, Boris, Eric Lin, George Serafeim, and Robin Abrahams. "How to Survive a Company Scandal You Had Nothing to Do With." Harvard Business Review (website) (August 31, 2016).
- 2016
- Chapter
Dishonesty Explained: What Leads Moral People To Act Immorally
By: F. Gino and D. Ariely
The last two decades have witnessed what seems to be an increasing number of cases of dishonesty, from corporate corruption and employee misconduct to questionable behaviors during the financial crisis and individual acts of unethical behavior in many spheres of... View Details
Gino, F., and D. Ariely. "Dishonesty Explained: What Leads Moral People To Act Immorally." In The Social Psychology of Good and Evil. 2nd ed. Edited by Arthur G. Miller. New York: Guilford Press, 2016.
- 2016
- Article
Scandal and Stigma: Does Corporate Misconduct Affect the Future Compensation of Bystander Managers?
By: Boris Groysberg, Eric Lin and George Serafeim
This paper explores whether a firm’s misconduct can affect the compensation of former managers who were neither at the firm at the time of misdeeds nor involved in the scandal. Results suggest that stigma may influence compensation of former managers, even in cases... View Details
Groysberg, Boris, Eric Lin, and George Serafeim. "Scandal and Stigma: Does Corporate Misconduct Affect the Future Compensation of Bystander Managers?" Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings (2016).
- 2013
- Working Paper
Securities Litigation Risk for Foreign Companies Listed in the U.S.
By: Beiting Cheng, Suraj Srinivasan and Gwen Yu
We study securities litigation risk faced by foreign firms listed on U.S. exchanges. We take into account not only the propensity for foreign firms to commit violations of U.S. securities laws but also the costs that investors face when suing foreign firms. We find... View Details
Keywords: Litigation Risk; Cross Listing; Bonding; 10b-5; Securities Litigation; U.S.Listing; Class Action; Risk and Uncertainty; Debt Securities; Globalized Firms and Management; Ethics; Lawsuits and Litigation; United States
Cheng, Beiting, Suraj Srinivasan, and Gwen Yu. "Securities Litigation Risk for Foreign Companies Listed in the U.S." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-036, October 2012. (Revised March 2014.)
- May 2012
- Article
Measuring the Prevalence of Questionable Research Practices with Incentives for Truth-telling
By: Leslie K. John, George Loewenstein and Drazen Prelec
Cases of clear scientific misconduct have received significant media attention recently, but less flagrant transgressions of research norms may be more prevalent and in the long run more damaging to the academic enterprise. We surveyed over 2,000 psychologists about... View Details
Keywords: Research; Practice; Motivation and Incentives; Surveys; Values and Beliefs; Measurement and Metrics
John, Leslie K., George Loewenstein, and Drazen Prelec. "Measuring the Prevalence of Questionable Research Practices with Incentives for Truth-telling." Psychological Science 23, no. 5 (May 2012): 524–532.
- Article
Temporal View of the Costs and Benefits of Self-Deception
By: Zoe Chance, Michael I. Norton, Francesca Gino and Dan Ariely
Researchers have documented many cases in which individuals rationalize their regrettable actions. Four experiments examine situations in which people go beyond merely explaining away their misconduct to actively deceiving themselves. We find that those who exploit... View Details
Keywords: Hindsight Bias; Lying; Motivated Reasoning; Self-enhancement; Social Psychology; Perception; Performance Expectations
Chance, Zoe, Michael I. Norton, Francesca Gino, and Dan Ariely. "Temporal View of the Costs and Benefits of Self-Deception." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108, no. S3 (September 13, 2011): 15655–15659.
- July 2009
- Article
When Misconduct Goes Unnoticed: The Acceptability of Gradual Erosion in Others' Unethical Behavior
By: Francesca Gino and Max Bazerman
Four laboratory studies show that people are more likely to accept others' unethical behavior when ethical degradation occurs slowly rather than in one abrupt shift. Participants served in the role of watchdogs charged with catching instances of cheating. The watchdogs... View Details
Gino, Francesca, and Max Bazerman. "When Misconduct Goes Unnoticed: The Acceptability of Gradual Erosion in Others' Unethical Behavior." Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 45, no. 4 (July 2009): 708–719.
- 2005
- Working Paper
Letting Misconduct Slide: The Acceptability of Gradual Erosion in Others' Unethical Behavior
By: Francesca Gino and Max H. Bazerman
Four laboratory studies show that people are more likely to overlook others' unethical behavior when ethical degradation occurs slowly rather than in one abrupt shift. Participants served in the role of watchdogs charged with catching instances of cheating. The... View Details
Gino, Francesca, and Max H. Bazerman. "Letting Misconduct Slide: The Acceptability of Gradual Erosion in Others' Unethical Behavior." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 06-007, August 2005. (Revised September 2006, February 2007, January 2009. Previously titled "Slippery Slopes and Misconduct: The Effect of Gradual Degradation on the Failure to Notice Others' Unethical Behavior.")
- September 2004 (Revised April 2005)
- Background Note
Note on Individual and Corporate Liability
By: Lynn S. Paine
Answers some of the most common questions managers ask about potential corporate and individual liability for corporate misconduct under U.S. law. Describes a few general principles of liability that managers should be aware of. A rewritten version of an earlier note. View Details
Paine, Lynn S. "Note on Individual and Corporate Liability." Harvard Business School Background Note 305-049, September 2004. (Revised April 2005.)
- Research Summary
Business Leaders and Corporate Responsibility
By: Thomas R. Piper
Thomas R. Piper is trying to establish an appropriate sense of ethics and corporate responsibility for future business leaders. Earlier research provided compelling evidence that many future leaders seriously doubt that their interpersonal ethics can be brought into... View Details
- Research Summary
By: Mark L. Egan
When considering how households make investment decisions, Professor Egan became intrigued by the question, “What makes a bank ‘special’ when compared to other lending institutions?” Focusing on empirical industrial organization with applications to finance and... View Details