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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
- People (38)
- News (2,796)
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- Faculty Publications (4,800)
- 2025
- Chapter
Employer-Based Short-Term Savings Accounts
By: Sarah Holmes Berk, John Beshears, Jay Garg, James J. Choi and David Laibson
We study the introduction of a choice architecture design intended to increase short-term savings among employees at five U.K. firms. Employees were offered the opportunity to opt into a payroll deduction program that auto-deposits funds from each paycheck into a... View Details
Keywords: Personal Finance; Compensation and Benefits; Well-being; Behavior; Investment Funds; Employees; United Kingdom
Berk, Sarah Holmes, John Beshears, Jay Garg, James J. Choi, and David Laibson. "Employer-Based Short-Term Savings Accounts." In The Elgar Companion to Consumer Behaviour and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, edited by Lucia A. Reisch and Cass R. Sunstein. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming.
- July 2019
- Supplement
Omidyar Network's Impact Investment Framework
By: Vikram S Gandhi
A team of investors at Omidyar Network explore two different investment possibilities in the budding financial inclusion space using their investment framework to consider capital alternatives available for both investments, each of which carries highly divergent... View Details
Keywords: Impact Investing; Micro Finance; Investment; Investment Return; Investment Activism; Investment Portfolio; Microfinance; Framework; India; Philippines
Gandhi, Vikram S. "Omidyar Network's Impact Investment Framework." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 320-701, July 2019.
- 2007
- Report
Compounding Impact: Mission Investing by U.S. Foundations
By: Mark R. Kramer and Sarah E. Cooch
If foundations are to achieve their lofty ambitions for social impact, they must find creative ways to use every resource they possess. Enter mission investing (now more popularly called impact investing), a practice of using financial investments as tools to achieve a... View Details
Keywords: Foundations; Mission Investing; Impact Investing; Organizations; Mission and Purpose; Investment
Kramer, Mark R., and Sarah E. Cooch. "Compounding Impact: Mission Investing by U.S. Foundations." Report, FSG, March 2007.
- 2024
- Working Paper
Employer-Based Short-Term Savings Accounts
By: Sarah Holmes Berk, John Beshears, Jay Garg, James J. Choi and David Laibson
We study the introduction of a choice architecture design intended to increase short-term savings among employees at five U.K. firms. Employees were offered the opportunity to opt into a payroll deduction program that auto-deposits funds from each paycheck into a... View Details
Berk, Sarah Holmes, John Beshears, Jay Garg, James J. Choi, and David Laibson. "Employer-Based Short-Term Savings Accounts." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 32074, January 2024.
- March 2018 (Revised July 2018)
- Case
Greenlight Biosciences: In Search of Impact Investment
By: Michael Chu, Annelena Lobb and Joni Coughlin
Greenlight Biosciences, a biotech company, is in search of impact investment for its next round of financing. View Details
Keywords: Impact Investment; Investment; Environmental Sustainability; Financing and Loans; Biotechnology Industry
Chu, Michael, Annelena Lobb, and Joni Coughlin. "GreenLight Biosciences: In Search of Impact Investment." Harvard Business School Case 318-072, March 2018. (Revised July 2018.)
- 2021
- Working Paper
The Project on Impact Investments' Impact Investment Database
By: M. Diane Burton, Shawn Cole, Abhishek Dev, Christina Jarymowycz, Leslie Jeng, Josh Lerner, Fanele Mashwama, Yue (Cynthia) Xu and T. Robert Zochowski
Impact investing has grown significantly over the past 15 years. From a niche investing segment with only $25 billion AUM in 2013 (WEF 2013), it experienced double-digit growth and developed into a market with an estimated $502 billion AUM (Mudaliapar and Dithrich... View Details
Burton, M. Diane, Shawn Cole, Abhishek Dev, Christina Jarymowycz, Leslie Jeng, Josh Lerner, Fanele Mashwama, Yue (Cynthia) Xu, and T. Robert Zochowski. "The Project on Impact Investments' Impact Investment Database." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-117, May 2020. (Revised August 2021.)
- January 2019 (Revised November 2019)
- Case
Ajeej Capital: Investing in Emerging Markets
By: Luis M. Viceira and Eren Kuzucu
In October 2007, Tarek Sakka and Fouad Dajani launched Ajeej Capital, the first independent investment advisory in the MENA region. Fittingly named ajeej, an Arabic word that translates to “growth and propagation in a chaotic setting,” the firm’s AUM grew from $20... View Details
Keywords: Security Selection; Investments; Growth; Culture; UAE; Finance; Asset Management; Emerging Markets; Capital Markets; Investment; Growth Management; Risk Management; Middle East; Saudi Arabia; Dubai; United Arab Emirates; Egypt; North Africa
Viceira, Luis M., and Eren Kuzucu. "Ajeej Capital: Investing in Emerging Markets." Harvard Business School Case 219-029, January 2019. (Revised November 2019.)
- June 2007 (Revised January 2008)
- Background Note
The U.S. Retirement Savings Market and the Pension Protection Act of 2006
By: Luis M. Viceira and Helen Tung
Provides an overview of the evolution of the private retirement savings market in the U.S. since 1990; the management and administration of defined-contribution (DC) plans; the existing evidence about the investment and savings decisions of participants in DC plans;... View Details
Keywords: Investment; Personal Finance; Saving; Government Legislation; Retirement; Business and Government Relations; Financial Services Industry; United States
Viceira, Luis M., and Helen Tung. "The U.S. Retirement Savings Market and the Pension Protection Act of 2006." Harvard Business School Background Note 207-130, June 2007. (Revised January 2008.)
- 2015
- Working Paper
Strategy-Proofness, Investment Efficiency, and Marginal Returns: An Equivalence
By: John William Hatfield, Fuhito Kojima and Scott Duke Kominers
We show that a mechanism induces an agent to make efficient ex ante investment choices if and only if it rewards that agent with his marginal surplus; additionally, for an ex post efficient mechanism, these properties are equivalent to strategy-proofness for the agent.... View Details
Keywords: Strategy-proofness; Investment Efficiency; Providing Marginal Rewards; Vickrey-Clarke-Groves Mechanisms; Mechanism Design; Market Design; Human Capital
Hatfield, John William, Fuhito Kojima, and Scott Duke Kominers. "Strategy-Proofness, Investment Efficiency, and Marginal Returns: An Equivalence." Working Paper, January 2015.
- 23 Jun 2008
- Research & Ideas
Innovative Ways to Encourage Personal Savings
Putting together the money for everything from a short-term emergency to retirement is hard enough, a challenge that low- and moderate-income families endure every day. Yet as HBS professor Peter Tufano describes, new View Details
- April 2005
- Case
Saving Disney
At a March 2004 annual shareholder meeting, 45% of Walt Disney Co.'s shareholders withheld their support from CEO and Chairman Michael Eisner, producing a large no-confidence vote in the company's leader. The company had struggled financially in recent years and the... View Details
Keywords: Governing and Advisory Boards; Personal Development and Career; Corporate Governance; Entertainment and Recreation Industry
Beaulieu, Nancy D., and Aaron Zimmerman. "Saving Disney." Harvard Business School Case 905-014, April 2005.
- 05 Sep 2013
- News
Women and Sustainable Investing
- October 2024
- Course Overview Note
Risks, Opportunities, and Investments in the Era of Climate Change (ROICC)
By: George Serafeim
This course overview note introduces the course Risks, Opportunities, and Investments in the Era of Climate Change to students. View Details
Keywords: Environment; Innovation; Technology; General Management; Organizational Transformations; Investments; Entrepreneurship; Strategy; Finance; Accounting; Leadership; Climate Change; Environmental Sustainability; Management
Serafeim, George. "Risks, Opportunities, and Investments in the Era of Climate Change (ROICC)." Harvard Business School Course Overview Note 125-052, October 2024.
- January 2021
- Case
The FIRE Savings Calculator
By: Michael Parzen and Paul Hamilton
This case follows Carol Muñoz, a member of the Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) lifestyle movement. At the age of 45, Carol is considering retiring and living off the $1 million she has accumulated. Using Monte Carlo simulation, Carol forecasts the... View Details
- September 2024
- Case
Myeloma Investment Fund
By: Kyle Myers and Scott Sawaya
This case explores a critical decision facing the Myeloma Investment Fund (MIF) as it evaluates two investment opportunities aimed at accelerating a cure for multiple myeloma.
The MIF, a venture philanthropy fund, must choose between two distinct paths. One... View Details
The MIF, a venture philanthropy fund, must choose between two distinct paths. One... View Details
Keywords: Venture Philanthropy; Biomedical Research; Investing For Impact; Innovation & Entrepreneurship; Venture Capital; Science-Based Business; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Decision Making; Health Care and Treatment; Biotechnology Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry
Myers, Kyle, and Scott Sawaya. "Myeloma Investment Fund." Harvard Business School Case 625-047, September 2024.
- November 2018 (Revised March 2019)
- Case
Mellody Hobson at Ariel Investments
By: Francesca Gino and Lakshmi Ramarajan
In 2018, Mellody Hobson, President of Ariel Investments, the largest minority-owned investment firm in the United States, was considering how best to divide her time and use her position and personal characteristics to push for positive change at her firm and in... View Details
Keywords: Female Protagonist; African-American Protagonist; Investment Management; Leadership; Personal Development and Career; Work-Life Balance; Financial Services Industry; Chicago
Gino, Francesca, and Lakshmi Ramarajan. "Mellody Hobson at Ariel Investments." Harvard Business School Case 419-041, November 2018. (Revised March 2019.)
- 01 Sep 2020
- News
Saving Grace
fees to service and administrative charges and investment and withdrawal penalties. Chapman is not alone in his struggle to make sense of a murky... View Details
Keywords: Jen McFarland Flint
- January 2018
- Case
John Rogers, Jr.—Ariel Investments Co.
By: Steven Rogers and Greg White
John Rogers Jr., the founder and CEO of Ariel Investments, an enormously successful finance firm with $12 billion of invested capital, is one of the few African Americans in the asset management industry. As one of the high profile leaders in the black business... View Details
Keywords: Advocacy; Diversity; Investment Management; Affirmative Action; Disruption; Cost vs Benefits; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Fairness; Moral Sensibility; Values and Beliefs; Corporate Accountability; Leading Change; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Problems and Challenges; Financial Services Industry; Chicago
Rogers, Steven, and Greg White. "John Rogers, Jr.—Ariel Investments Co." Harvard Business School Case 318-099, January 2018.
- Research Summary
Investment Decisions and Decision Problems in Professional Investment Management
Jay O. Light is evaluating strategic business decisions in the money management industry as well as problems that arise in the management of very large pools of tax exempt money, particularly pension funds and endowments. From this research he is developing teaching... View Details
- October 1999
- Case
CIBC Corporate and Investment Banking (A): 1987-1992
By: Joseph L. Bower and Michael Raynor
In 1992, CIBC CEO Al Flood faced the short-term operational challenge of saving Wood Gundy, the troubled investment bank CIBC had purchased five years earlier. At the same time he had to tackle the long-term strategic challenge of integrating Gundy's investment banking... View Details
Keywords: Investment Banking; Banks and Banking; Corporate Strategy; Integration; Problems and Challenges; Mergers and Acquisitions; Banking Industry
Bower, Joseph L., and Michael Raynor. "CIBC Corporate and Investment Banking (A): 1987-1992." Harvard Business School Case 300-041, October 1999.