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- Faculty Publications (59)
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- May 2004
- Background Note
56K Modem Battle
By: David B. Yoffie and Deborah Freier
Examines the battle to set the standard for the 56K modem. Set in 1996, this case looks at how computers accessed the Internet via a telephone line, or dial-up connection, and a hardware modem. In 1995, there were 18.6 million total modem unit shipments, with market... View Details
Keywords: Announcements; Revenue; Patents; Product Launch; Network Effects; Standards; Competition; Information Infrastructure; Internet and the Web; Technology Industry; Illinois
Yoffie, David B., and Deborah Freier. "56K Modem Battle." Harvard Business School Background Note 704-501, May 2004.
- July 2002
- Teaching Note
MAC Development Corporation (TN)
Teaching Note for (2-802-140), (9-806-703), and (9-806-706). View Details
- March 2002 (Revised June 2003)
- Case
MAC Development Corporation
By: Richard G. Hamermesh and Colleen McCaffrey
Deals with MAC Development's efforts to develop a 41-acre site near Chicago. Reviews two years of efforts and highlights the remaining issues of: 1) gaining town approval for development and tax reductions, 2) meeting the bank's debt covenants, including finding a... View Details
Keywords: Risk Management; Taxation; Financial Instruments; Borrowing and Debt; Asset Pricing; Construction Industry; Chicago
Hamermesh, Richard G., and Colleen McCaffrey. "MAC Development Corporation." Harvard Business School Case 802-140, March 2002. (Revised June 2003.)
- February 2001 (Revised September 2002)
- Teaching Note
Marshall Field and the Rise of the Department Store TN
By: Nancy F. Koehn and William Grundy
Teaching Note for (9-801-349). View Details
- February 2001 (Revised December 2002)
- Case
Marshall Field and the Rise of the Department Store
By: Nancy F. Koehn
Analyzes Marshall Field's efforts to develop a market for mass retailing in late 19th-century Chicago. Examines Chicago's expansion in the 1860s and, within this context, how Field struck out on his own to, build a wholesale and retail business. Concentrates on the... View Details
Keywords: Fluctuation; Industry Growth; Corporate Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Brands and Branding; Society; Distribution Industry; Retail Industry; Chicago
Koehn, Nancy F. "Marshall Field and the Rise of the Department Store." Harvard Business School Case 801-349, February 2001. (Revised December 2002.)
- May 1998 (Revised February 1999)
- Case
Diamond in the Rough (A)
By: Thomas J. DeLong and Catherine M. Conneely
Diamond Technology Partners, a consulting firm based in Chicago, was founded in 1994 by Mel Bergstein and Chris Moffitt, with investment from founding partners and Safeguard Scientifics. In April 1996, just after fiscal year-end, the two largest clients withdrew from... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Entrepreneurship; Going Public; Crisis Management; Finance; Consulting Industry; Chicago
DeLong, Thomas J., and Catherine M. Conneely. "Diamond in the Rough (A)." Harvard Business School Case 898-115, May 1998. (Revised February 1999.)
- May 1998
- Case
Diamond in the Rough (B)
By: Thomas J. DeLong and Catherine M. Conneely
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Entrepreneurship; Going Public; Crisis Management; Finance; Consulting Industry; Chicago
DeLong, Thomas J., and Catherine M. Conneely. "Diamond in the Rough (B)." Harvard Business School Case 898-151, May 1998.
- March 1998
- Case
Bumper Acquisition (A1), A: Confidential Information for Thermo-Impact, Inc.
By: James K. Sebenius and David T. Kotchen
Located in Mundelein, IL, Thermo-Impact, Inc. is a rapidly growing, private firm that manufactures automotive bumpers. In 1995, a number of large automotive supply companies and a private equity investment firm offer to buy Thermo-Impact. The cases in this series focus... View Details
Keywords: Private Equity; Valuation; Negotiation Participants; Decision Making; Negotiation Process; Entrepreneurship; Negotiation Offer; Acquisition; Manufacturing Industry; Auto Industry; Illinois
Sebenius, James K., and David T. Kotchen. "Bumper Acquisition (A1), A: Confidential Information for Thermo-Impact, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 898-198, March 1998.
- March 1998
- Case
Bumper Acquisition (A2), A: Confidential Information for Medallion Capital, Inc.
By: James K. Sebenius and David T. Kotchen
Located in Mundelein, IL, Thermo-Impact, Inc. is a rapidly growing, private firm that manufactures automotive bumpers. In 1995, a number of large automotive supply companies and a private equity investment firm offer to buy Thermo-Impact. The cases in this series focus... View Details
Keywords: Private Equity; Valuation; Negotiation Participants; Decision Making; Negotiation Process; Entrepreneurship; Negotiation Offer; Acquisition; Manufacturing Industry; Auto Industry; Illinois
Sebenius, James K., and David T. Kotchen. "Bumper Acquisition (A2), A: Confidential Information for Medallion Capital, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 898-199, March 1998.
- March 1998
- Case
Bumper Acquisition (B), A
By: James K. Sebenius and David T. Kotchen
Picks up the negotiation between Thermo-Impact and Medallion Capital where the (A1) and A2) cases leave off. The companies began talks in 1995 when Medallion offered to buy Thermo-Impact. This case brings the negotiation through May 1996. Students view developments... View Details
Keywords: Negotiation Process; Negotiation Tactics; Negotiation Participants; Decision Making; Entrepreneurship; Manufacturing Industry; Auto Industry; Illinois
Sebenius, James K., and David T. Kotchen. "Bumper Acquisition (B), A." Harvard Business School Case 898-200, March 1998.
- March 1998 (Revised August 2000)
- Case
Bumper Acquisition (C), A
By: James K. Sebenius and David T. Kotchen
Carries the negotiation between Thermo-Impact and Medallion Capital through October 1996. The companies began talks in 1995 when Medallion offered to buy Thermo-Impact. Students view developments from the perspective of Thermo-Impact's owners and must make decisions... View Details
Keywords: Decisions; Negotiation Process; Negotiation Participants; Entrepreneurship; Acquisition; Manufacturing Industry; Auto Industry; Illinois
Sebenius, James K., and David T. Kotchen. "Bumper Acquisition (C), A." Harvard Business School Case 898-201, March 1998. (Revised August 2000.)
- March 1997 (Revised October 1999)
- Case
Stone Container in Honduras (A)
By: James K. Sebenius and Hannah Bowles
Chicago-based Stone Container Corp., a leading producer of cardboard containers and paper bags, proposes a large-scale pine forest management and utilization program in the La Mosquitia region of Honduras. A framework agreement with the government is strongly endorsed... View Details
Keywords: Negotiation Preparation; Negotiation Types; Environmental Sustainability; Conflict of Interests; Globalized Firms and Management; Developing Countries and Economies; Government and Politics; Manufacturing Industry; Pulp and Paper Industry; Honduras; Chicago
Sebenius, James K., and Hannah Bowles. "Stone Container in Honduras (A)." Harvard Business School Case 897-172, March 1997. (Revised October 1999.)
- March 1997
- Case
Stone Container in Honduras (B)
By: Hannah Bowles and James K. Sebenius
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Keywords: Negotiation Preparation; Negotiation Types; Environmental Sustainability; Conflict of Interests; Globalized Firms and Management; Developing Countries and Economies; Government and Politics; Manufacturing Industry; Pulp and Paper Industry; Honduras; Chicago
Bowles, Hannah, and James K. Sebenius. "Stone Container in Honduras (B)." Harvard Business School Case 897-173, March 1997.
- March 1997
- Case
Stone Container in Honduras (C)
By: James K. Sebenius and Hannah Bowles
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Keywords: Negotiation Preparation; Negotiation Types; Environmental Sustainability; Conflict of Interests; Globalized Firms and Management; Developing Countries and Economies; Government and Politics; Manufacturing Industry; Pulp and Paper Industry; Honduras; Chicago
Sebenius, James K., and Hannah Bowles. "Stone Container in Honduras (C)." Harvard Business School Case 897-174, March 1997.
- August 1995 (Revised October 1996)
- Case
Futures on the Mexican Peso
By: Kenneth A. Froot, Matthew McBrady and Mark Seasholes
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange needs to decide how to design, and whether and when to introduce, a futures contract on the Mexican peso. View Details
Keywords: Exchange Rates; Money Markets; Futures Market; Country Analysis; International Finance; Financial Markets; Futures and Commodity Futures; Financial Services Industry; Chicago; Mexico
Froot, Kenneth A., Matthew McBrady, and Mark Seasholes. "Futures on the Mexican Peso." Harvard Business School Case 296-004, August 1995. (Revised October 1996.)
- March 1994 (Revised October 1994)
- Case
Reading Energy
Reading Energy builds facilities that produce energy from nontraditional fuels. A privately held, entrepreneurial organization, it has spent six years developing a plan to build a waste-to-energy plant in the town of Robbins, Illinois. The plant would burn municipal... View Details
Keywords: Energy Generation; Wastes and Waste Processing; Business and Community Relations; Business Plan; Agreements and Arrangements; Contracts; Risk and Uncertainty; Government and Politics; Environmental Sustainability; Business Strategy; Energy Industry; Utilities Industry; Illinois
Reinhardt, Forest L. "Reading Energy." Harvard Business School Case 794-102, March 1994. (Revised October 1994.)
- February 1992 (Revised March 1995)
- Case
Amelia Rogers at Tassani Communications (A)
By: Linda A. Hill
Describes a conflict that has arisen between an account manager and a creative director at Tassani Communications, a Chicago-based advertising agency which is making the transition from entrepreneurial to professional management. The client, the marketing director of a... View Details
Keywords: Rank and Position; Conflict Management; Change Management; Entrepreneurship; Practice; Behavior; Creativity; Problems and Challenges; Advertising Industry; Chicago
Hill, Linda A. "Amelia Rogers at Tassani Communications (A)." Harvard Business School Case 492-034, February 1992. (Revised March 1995.)
- April 1984 (Revised October 1984)
- Teaching Note
Chicago-Midway (A) and (B), Teaching Note
Keywords: Chicago
- January 1984
- Supplement
Chicago-Midway (A), Supplement
Keywords: Chicago
Vietor, Richard H.K. "Chicago-Midway (A), Supplement." Harvard Business School Supplement 384-153, January 1984.