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- Faculty Publications (93)
- December 2010 (Revised March 2011)
- Case
The Euro in Crisis: Decision Time at the European Central Bank
By: J. Gunnar Trumbull, Dante Roscini and Diane Choi
This case traces the origins and evolution of the European Central Bank, with attention to its 2010 decision concerning the purchase of Greek sovereign debt. View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Borrowing and Debt; Currency; Central Banking; Financial Management; Sovereign Finance; Policy; Crisis Management; Europe; Greece
Trumbull, J. Gunnar, Dante Roscini, and Diane Choi. "The Euro in Crisis: Decision Time at the European Central Bank." Harvard Business School Case 711-049, December 2010. (Revised March 2011.)
- 2010
- Chapter
Property Rights for Foreign Capital: Sovereign Debt and Private Direct Investment in Times of Crisis
By: Louis T. Wells
Keywords: Property; Rights; International Finance; Capital; Sovereign Finance; Foreign Direct Investment; Financial Crisis
Wells, Louis T. "Property Rights for Foreign Capital: Sovereign Debt and Private Direct Investment in Times of Crisis." Chap. 12 in The Yearbook on International Investment Law and Policy 2009-2010, edited by Karl Sauvant, 477–504. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.
- March 2010
- Article
Sudden Stops: Determinants and Output Effects in the First Era of Globalization, 1880–1913
By: Michael D. Bordo, Alberto Cavallo and Christopher Meissner
We study the determinants and output effects of sudden stops in capital inflows during an era of intensified globalization from 1880 to 1913. Higher levels of exposure to foreign currency debt and large current account deficits associated with reliance on foreign... View Details
Keywords: Sudden Stops; Capital Flows; Economics; Macroeconomics; Economic Growth; Financial Crisis; Globalization; History
Bordo, Michael D., Alberto Cavallo, and Christopher Meissner. "Sudden Stops: Determinants and Output Effects in the First Era of Globalization, 1880–1913." Journal of Development Economics 91, no. 2 (March 2010): 227–241.
- 2010
- Casebook
Global Capital and National Institutions: Crisis and Choice in the International Financial Architecture
By: Laura Alfaro
All managers face a business environment in which international and macroeconomic phenomena matter. International capital flows can significantly affect countries' development efforts and provide clear investment opportunities for businesses. During the 1990s and early... View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Capital; International Finance; Globalized Economies and Regions; Policy; Government and Politics; Business and Government Relations
Alfaro, Laura. Global Capital and National Institutions: Crisis and Choice in the International Financial Architecture. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2010.
- February 2009
- Article
Optimal Reserve Management and Sovereign Debt
By: Laura Alfaro and Fabio Kanczuk
Most models currently used to determine optimal foreign reserve holdings take the level of international debt as given. However, given the sovereign's willingness-to-pay incentive problems, reserve accumulation may reduce sustainable debt levels. In addition, assuming... View Details
Keywords: Borrowing and Debt; Motivation and Incentives; Decisions; Emerging Markets; Balance and Stability; Earnings Management; Policy; Interest Rates; International Finance; Cost
Alfaro, Laura, and Fabio Kanczuk. "Optimal Reserve Management and Sovereign Debt." Journal of International Economics 77, no. 1 (February 2009): 23–36. (Also Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 07-010, 2006 and NBER Working Paper No. 13216.)
- November 2008
- Journal Article
Financial Constraints and Growth: Multinational and Local Firm Responses to Currency Crises
By: Mihir A. Desai, C. Fritz Foley and Kristin Forbes
This paper examines how financial constraints and product market exposures determine the response of multinational and local firms to sharp depreciations. U.S. multinational affiliates increase sales, assets, and investment significantly more than local firms during,... View Details
Keywords: Economic Growth; Financial Crisis; Currency; Private Equity; Foreign Direct Investment; Multinational Firms and Management; Emerging Markets; United States
Desai, Mihir A., C. Fritz Foley, and Kristin Forbes. "Financial Constraints and Growth: Multinational and Local Firm Responses to Currency Crises." Review of Financial Studies 21, no. 6 (November 2008).
- February 2008 (Revised November 2011)
- Case
The International Monetary Fund in Crisis
By: Rawi Abdelal, David Moss and Eugene Kintgen
When Dominique Strauss-Kahn became the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund in late 2007, he faced a number of significant changes. The organization had lost much of its legitimacy over the previous decade, and countries seemed increasingly reluctant to... View Details
Keywords: History; Globalized Economies and Regions; Problems and Challenges; Developing Countries and Economies; Borrowing and Debt; Government and Politics; Financial Institutions; Business Strategy; Macroeconomics; Financial Services Industry
Abdelal, Rawi, David Moss, and Eugene Kintgen. "The International Monetary Fund in Crisis." Harvard Business School Case 708-035, February 2008. (Revised November 2011.)
- September 2007
- Case
Tetra Pak Argentina
By: Tarun Khanna, Krishna G. Palepu and Gustavo A. Herrero
Deals with the hands-on management of a difficult situation facing the subsidiary of a multinational corporation (Tetra Pak) in a developing country (Argentina). The situation arises from a major economic, social, and institutional breakdown that jeopardizes the... View Details
Keywords: Developing Countries and Economies; Financial Crisis; Currency Exchange Rate; Sovereign Finance; Multinational Firms and Management; Crisis Management; Business and Government Relations; Argentina
Khanna, Tarun, Krishna G. Palepu, and Gustavo A. Herrero. "Tetra Pak Argentina." Harvard Business School Case 708-402, September 2007.
- 2007
- Working Paper
Optimal Reserve Management and Sovereign Debt
By: Laura Alfaro and Fabio Kanczuk
Most models currently used to determine optimal foreign reserve holdings take the level of international debt as given. However, given the sovereign's willingness-to-pay incentive problems, reserve accumulation may reduce sustainable debt levels. In addition, assuming... View Details
- March 2006
- Module Note
Exchange Rates and Firms
By: Mihir A. Desai and Kathleen Luchs
Describes a core module in the International Finance course at Harvard Business School. The module focuses on how firms identify, measure, and manage currency exposures. The cases first introduce students to foreign exchange exposures and the tools used to manage... View Details
Desai, Mihir A., and Kathleen Luchs. "Exchange Rates and Firms." Harvard Business School Module Note 206-123, March 2006.
- March 2006 (Revised November 2006)
- Case
China: To Float or Not To Float? (D)- Bank of America's Strategic Investment in China Construction Bank
By: Laura Alfaro, Rafael M. Di Tella and Ingrid Vogel
With its $3 billion investment in Chinese state bank China Construction Bank, Bank of America--the second U.S. bank behind Citigroup in terms of assets and market capitalization--was one of several foreign banks directly participating in China's banking sector reform.... View Details
Keywords: Currency Exchange Rate; Banks and Banking; Foreign Direct Investment; International Relations; Banking Industry; China; United States
Alfaro, Laura, Rafael M. Di Tella, and Ingrid Vogel. "China: To Float or Not To Float? (D)- Bank of America's Strategic Investment in China Construction Bank." Harvard Business School Case 706-031, March 2006. (Revised November 2006.)
- January 2006
- Teaching Note
Foreign Exchange Hedging Strategies at General Motors: Competitive Exposures (TN)
By: Mihir A. Desai and Kathleen Luchs
- January 2006
- Teaching Note
Foreign Exchange Hedging Strategies at General Motors: Transactional and Translational Exposures (TN)
By: Mihir A. Desai and Kathleen Luchs
- October 2005
- Teaching Note
Foreign Exchange Markets and Transactions (TN)
By: Mihir A. Desai and Kathleen Luchs
Keywords: Currency Exchange Rate
- August 2005 (Revised April 2014)
- Teaching Note
Innocents Abroad: Currencies and International Stock Returns
By: Mihir A. Desai, Kathleen Luchs, Elizabeth A. Meyer and Mark Veblen
What do international stocks contribute to the portfolio of a U.S. investor? How do currencies interact with stock price movements in determining the benefits of international diversification? This case helps students compare the risks and returns of foreign stock... View Details
Keywords: Diversification; International CAPM; CAPM; Home Bias; Currency Risk; Exchange Rate Risk; International Stock Market Returns; Financial Services Industry; United States; Currency Exchange Rate; Stocks; Financial Markets; International Finance; Investment Return; Currency; Risk and Uncertainty; Emerging Markets; Investment Portfolio; United States; Australia; Canada; China; Germany; India; Japan; United Kingdom
- July 2005 (Revised September 2020)
- Case
The U.S. Current Account Deficit
By: Laura Alfaro, Rafael Di Tella, Ingrid Vogel, Renee Kim, Sarah Jeong, Matthew Johnson and Jonathan Schlefer
Investors and policymakers throughout the world were confronted with the risk of painful economic consequences arising from the large U.S. current account deficit. In 2007, the U.S. current account deficit was $731 billion, equivalent to 5.3% of GDP. The implications... View Details
Keywords: World Economy; Macroeconomics; Borrowing and Debt; Currency; Foreign Direct Investment; Business and Government Relations; United States
Alfaro, Laura, Rafael Di Tella, Ingrid Vogel, Renee Kim, Sarah Jeong, Matthew Johnson, and Jonathan Schlefer. "The U.S. Current Account Deficit." Harvard Business School Case 706-002, July 2005. (Revised September 2020.)
- March 2005 (Revised June 2005)
- Case
Capital Controls in Chile in the 1990s (B)
By: Laura Alfaro, Rafael M. Di Tella and Ingrid Vogel
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Keywords: Governance Controls; Financial Crisis; Foreign Direct Investment; Currency Exchange Rate; Inflation and Deflation; Demand and Consumers; Interest Rates; Capital; System; Central Banking; Chile
Alfaro, Laura, Rafael M. Di Tella, and Ingrid Vogel. "Capital Controls in Chile in the 1990s (B)." Harvard Business School Case 705-032, March 2005. (Revised June 2005.)
- March 2005 (Revised March 2006)
- Case
Foreign Exchange Hedging Strategies at General Motors: Competitive Exposures
By: Mihir A. Desai and Mark Veblen
How can a multinational firm analyze and manage currency risks that arise from competitive exposures? General Motors has a substantial competitive exposure to the Japanese yen. Although the risks GM faces from the depreciating yen are widely acknowledged, the company's... View Details
Keywords: Multinational Firms and Management; Currency Exchange Rate; Competition; Credit Derivatives and Swaps; International Finance; Financial Management; Investment Funds; Risk and Uncertainty; Auto Industry
Desai, Mihir A., and Mark Veblen. "Foreign Exchange Hedging Strategies at General Motors: Competitive Exposures." Harvard Business School Case 205-096, March 2005. (Revised March 2006.)
- March 2005 (Revised July 2007)
- Case
Capital Controls in Chile in the 1990s (A)
By: Laura Alfaro, Rafael M. Di Tella and Ingrid Vogel
In 1991, Chile adopted a framework of capital controls focused on reducing the massive flows of foreign investment coming into the country as international interest rates remained low. Capital inflows threatened the Central Bank's ability to manage the exchange rate... View Details
Keywords: Developing Countries and Economies; Economic Growth; Financial Crisis; Capital; Governance Controls; Business and Government Relations; Chile
Alfaro, Laura, Rafael M. Di Tella, and Ingrid Vogel. "Capital Controls in Chile in the 1990s (A)." Harvard Business School Case 705-031, March 2005. (Revised July 2007.)