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- Faculty Publications (50)
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- March 1994 (Revised October 1994)
- Case
Reading Energy
Reading Energy builds facilities that produce energy from nontraditional fuels. A privately held, entrepreneurial organization, it has spent six years developing a plan to build a waste-to-energy plant in the town of Robbins, Illinois. The plant would burn municipal... View Details
Keywords: Energy Generation; Wastes and Waste Processing; Business and Community Relations; Business Plan; Agreements and Arrangements; Contracts; Risk and Uncertainty; Government and Politics; Environmental Sustainability; Business Strategy; Energy Industry; Utilities Industry; Illinois
Reinhardt, Forest L. "Reading Energy." Harvard Business School Case 794-102, March 1994. (Revised October 1994.)
- September 1993 (Revised October 1994)
- Case
Environment and International Trade
During the 1990s, environmental activists became interested in trade issues for the first time. Whereas GATT, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, had previously been the province of trade specialists, a new poster popular among environmentalists depicted the... View Details
Keywords: Trade; Environmental Sustainability; Science-Based Business; Policy; Government and Politics; Agreements and Arrangements; Alliances; Globalization; International Relations; Conflict of Interests
Reinhardt, Forest L. "Environment and International Trade." Harvard Business School Case 794-018, September 1993. (Revised October 1994.)
- July 1993 (Revised September 1995)
- Case
Block 16: Conoco's "Green" Oil Strategy (A)
By: Malcolm S. Salter and Susan E.A. Hall
Conoco's attempted to win an oil development contract in Ecuador's tropical rain forest. The case discusses government perspectives, environmental perspectives, and indigenous people's perspectives. Allows role playing in a "negotiating forum" set up by Conoco to get... View Details
Keywords: Governance; Contracts; Growth and Development Strategy; Negotiation; Practice; Business and Community Relations; Environmental Sustainability; Perspective; Culture; Corporate Strategy; Latin America
Salter, Malcolm S., and Susan E.A. Hall. Block 16: Conoco's "Green" Oil Strategy (A). Harvard Business School Case 394-001, July 1993. (Revised September 1995.)
- 1993
- Chapter
The Law of the Sea Conference: Lessons for Negotiations to Control Global Warming
Keywords: Negotiation; Climate Change; Environmental Sustainability; Agreements and Arrangements; International Relations
Sebenius, James K. "The Law of the Sea Conference: Lessons for Negotiations to Control Global Warming." In International Environmental Negotiation, edited by Gunnar Sjostedt, 189–216. Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE Publications, 1993.
- 1991
- Chapter
Crafting a Winning Coalition: Negotiating a Regime to Control Global Warming
Sebenius, James K. "Crafting a Winning Coalition: Negotiating a Regime to Control Global Warming." In Greenhouse Warming, edited by Jessica Tuchman Mathews, 69–98. Washington, D.C.: World Resources Institute, 1991.
- spring 1991
- Article
Designing Negotiations toward a New Regime: The Case of Global Warming
Sebenius, James K. "Designing Negotiations toward a New Regime: The Case of Global Warming." International Security 15, no. 4 (spring 1991): 110–148.
- 1991
- Article
Binding Parties to Agreements in Environmental Disputes
By: M. A. Wheeler and L. Bacow
Wheeler, M. A., and L. Bacow. "Binding Parties to Agreements in Environmental Disputes." Villanova Environmental Law Journal (1991): 99–109.
- December 1990 (Revised December 1993)
- Case
Australian Paper Manufacturers (A)
By: David M. Upton and Joshua D. Margolis
Describes a company which has broken an unwritten cordial agreement amongst the three Australian paper manufacturers to split the domestic market three ways by market segment. The company invades another's "territory" with advanced technology, quality, and,... View Details
Keywords: Agreements and Arrangements; Production; Information Technology; Ethics; Situation or Environment; Product Development; Segmentation; Expansion; Financial Strategy; Pulp and Paper Industry; Australia
Upton, David M., and Joshua D. Margolis. "Australian Paper Manufacturers (A)." Harvard Business School Case 691-041, December 1990. (Revised December 1993.)
- Research Summary
Winning Coalitions
James K. Sebenius is examining the most effective ways to generate and sustain cooperation among a corporations many stakeholders. As the number of stakeholders grows, and management actions more often involve players outside the traditional chain of command and... View Details