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- Faculty Publications (131)
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- April 2020
- Article
Designs for Estimating the Treatment Effect in Networks with Interference
By: Ravi Jagadeesan, Natesh S. Pillai and Alexander Volfovsky
In this paper, we introduce new, easily implementable designs for drawing causal inference from randomized experiments on networks with interference. Inspired by the idea of matching in observational studies, we introduce the notion of considering a treatment... View Details
Keywords: Experimental Design; Network Inference; Neyman Estimator; Symmetric Interference Model; Homophily
Jagadeesan, Ravi, Natesh S. Pillai, and Alexander Volfovsky. "Designs for Estimating the Treatment Effect in Networks with Interference." Annals of Statistics 48, no. 2 (April 2020): 679–712.
- 2000
- Book
Merchants to Multinationals
By: Geoffrey Jones
This book examines the evolution of multinational trading companies from the eighteenth century to the present day. During the Industrial Revolution, British merchants established overseas branches which became major trade intermediaries, and later engaged in foreign... View Details
Keywords: Competency and Skills; Trade; Foreign Direct Investment; Multinational Firms and Management; Corporate Governance; Growth and Development; Human Resources; Information Management; Relationships; Corporate Strategy; Africa; Asia; Latin America
Jones, Geoffrey. Merchants to Multinationals. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. (Winner of Newcomen-Harvard Book Award Given once every three years to the best work in the field of business history published in the United States.)
- 2015
- Comment
In the Shadow of the Crowd: A Comment on 'Valve's Way'
There are many ways to exercise authority. Perrow (1986), in his review of March and Simon's Organizations (1958), offers a threefold classification of the ways authority can be exercised in organizations: (1) direct, "fully obtrusive" controls such as giving orders... View Details
Keywords: New Forms Of Organizing; Organizational Forms; Non-hierarchical Organizations; Self-organizing Teams; Boss-less Organizations; Organizational Design; United States
Baldwin, Carliss Y. "In the Shadow of the Crowd: A Comment on 'Valve's Way'." Journal of Organization Design 4, no. 2 (2015): 5–7.
- October 2009 (Revised April 2010)
- Case
Societe Generale (A): The Jerome Kerviel Affair
By: Francois Brochet
This case illustrates the tension/balance that firms with complex and risky business models must consider in designing their internal controls. It describes the environment in which a derivatives trader engaged in massive directional positions on major European stocks... View Details
Keywords: Risk Management; Problems and Challenges; Complexity; Cost Management; Balance and Stability; Business Model; Design; Stocks; Crisis Management; Financial Markets; Consulting Industry; Europe
Brochet, Francois. "Societe Generale (A): The Jerome Kerviel Affair." Harvard Business School Case 110-029, October 2009. (Revised April 2010.)
- Article
Control, Performance, and Knowledge Transfers in Large Multinationals: Unilever in the United States, 1945-1980
By: G. Jones
This article considers key issues relating to the organization and performance of large multinational firms in the post-Second World War period. Although foreign direct investment is defined by ownership and control, in practice the nature of that "control" is far from... View Details
Keywords: Multinational Firms and Management; Governance Controls; Performance; Business or Company Management; Ownership; Consumer Products Industry; Manufacturing Industry; United States
Jones, G. "Control, Performance, and Knowledge Transfers in Large Multinationals: Unilever in the United States, 1945-1980." Business History Review 76, no. 3 (Fall 2002): 435–478.
- 16 Dec 2019
- Research & Ideas
Taking on the Taboos That Keep Women Out of India's Workforce
other economists offers a new way of thinking about this puzzle. Published in September by the National Bureau of Economic Research, On Her Own Account: How Strengthening Women’s Financial Control Affects Labor Supply and Gender... View Details
Keywords: by Julia Hanna
- 2007
- Working Paper
Digital Interactivity: Unanticipated Consequences for Markets, Marketing, and Consumers
By: John A. Deighton and Leora Kornfeld
The digital interactive transformation in marketing is not unfolding, as many thought it would, on the model of direct marketing. That model anticipated that digital media using rich profiling data would intrude marketing messaging more deeply and more precisely into... View Details
Keywords: Communication Intention and Meaning; Interactive Communication; Marketing Communications; Consumer Behavior; Social and Collaborative Networks; Internet and the Web
Deighton, John A., and Leora Kornfeld. "Digital Interactivity: Unanticipated Consequences for Markets, Marketing, and Consumers." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 08-017, September 2007.
- 2012
- Chapter
The Small Worlds of Business Groups: Liberalization and Network Dynamics
By: Jon Brookfield, Sea-Jin Chang, Israel Drori, Shmuel Ellis, Sergio G. Lazzarini, Jordan I. Siegel and Juan Pablo von Bernath Bardina
Using comparative data from six major emerging economies — Brazil, Chile, Israel,
Mexico, South Korea, and Taiwan — we examine how ownership networks in those
societies responded to a roughly similar “ structural break ” of economic liberalization during the 1990s... View Details
Brookfield, Jon, Sea-Jin Chang, Israel Drori, Shmuel Ellis, Sergio G. Lazzarini, Jordan I. Siegel, and Juan Pablo von Bernath Bardina. "The Small Worlds of Business Groups: Liberalization and Network Dynamics." Chap. 3 in The Small Worlds of Corporate Governance, edited by Bruce Kogut, 77–115. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012.
- November 2023 (Revised July 2024)
- Case
'Care in Every Drop': Ayala Corporation and Manila Water (A)
By: Debora L. Spar, Paul Healy, Tricia Peralta and Julia M. Comeau
Since 1834, eight generations of the Ayala family have used their conglomerate to fund nation-building projects in the Philippines, including investments in tramcars, telecommunications, hospitals, and schools. In 1997, Ayala’s subsidiary, Manila Water, took control of... View Details
Keywords: Family Business; Economic Growth; Social Entrepreneurship; Climate Change; Natural Resources; Crisis Management; Failure; Privatization; Social Issues; Urban Development; Adaptation; Public Opinion; Mission and Purpose; Utilities Industry; Asia; Philippines
Spar, Debora L., Paul Healy, Tricia Peralta, and Julia M. Comeau. "'Care in Every Drop': Ayala Corporation and Manila Water (A)." Harvard Business School Case 324-038, November 2023. (Revised July 2024.)
- 2008
- Working Paper
Just Keep My Money! Supporting Tax-time Savings with U.S. Savings Bonds
By: Peter Tufano
This paper reports the results of a 2007 experiment testing if specific process simplification can foster increased take-up rates for savings products, particularly by low-to-moderate income (LMI) households. Tax refund recipients at certain H&R Block tax preparation... View Details
Tufano, Peter. "Just Keep My Money! Supporting Tax-time Savings with U.S. Savings Bonds." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 09-059, October 2008. (Revised August 2010.)
- September 2004 (Revised February 2007)
- Case
Hedging Currency Risks at AIFS
By: Mihir A. Desai, Vincent Dessain and Anders Sjoman
The American Institute for Foreign Studies (AIFS) organizes study abroad programs and cultural exchanges for American students. The firm's revenues are mainly in U.S. dollars, but most of its costs are in eurodollars and British pounds. The company's controllers review... View Details
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment; Investment Funds; Financial Strategy; Forecasting and Prediction; Revenue; Credit Derivatives and Swaps; Currency; Currency Exchange Rate; Education Industry; North and Central America
Desai, Mihir A., Vincent Dessain, and Anders Sjoman. "Hedging Currency Risks at AIFS." Harvard Business School Case 205-026, September 2004. (Revised February 2007.)
- June 2003 (Revised March 2008)
- Case
India on the Move
By: Richard H.K. Vietor and Emily Thompson
By 2003, India had been growing at almost 6% annually since 1992, after it suffered a financial collapse, abandoned import substitution, and moved gradually to adopt the Washington Consensus. Now, financial controls and competition barriers are less burdensome,... View Details
Keywords: Developing Countries and Economies; Economic Growth; Entrepreneurship; Foreign Direct Investment; Business and Government Relations; India
Vietor, Richard H.K., and Emily Thompson. "India on the Move." Harvard Business School Case 703-050, June 2003. (Revised March 2008.)
- July 2021
- Article
Do Interactions with Candidates Increase Voter Support and Participation? Experimental Evidence from Italy
By: Enrico Cantoni and Vincent Pons
We test whether politicians can use direct contact to reconnect with citizens, increase turnout, and win votes. During the 2014 Italian municipal elections, we randomly assigned 26,000 voters to receive visits from city council candidates, from canvassers supporting... View Details
Keywords: Campaigns; Candidates; Elections; Experiment; Political Parties; Turnout; Voting Behavior; Voting; Political Elections; Behavior; Interpersonal Communication; Italy
Cantoni, Enrico, and Vincent Pons. "Do Interactions with Candidates Increase Voter Support and Participation? Experimental Evidence from Italy." Economics & Politics 33, no. 2 (July 2021): 379–402.
- Article
Active World Model Learning with Progress Curiosity
By: Kuno Kim, Megumi Sano, Julian De Freitas, Nick Haber and Daniel Yamins
World models are self-supervised predictive models of how the world evolves. Humans learn world models by curiously exploring their environment, in the process acquiring compact abstractions of high bandwidth sensory inputs, the ability to plan across long temporal... View Details
Kim, Kuno, Megumi Sano, Julian De Freitas, Nick Haber, and Daniel Yamins. "Active World Model Learning with Progress Curiosity." Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 37th (2020).
- October 2009 (Revised April 2010)
- Supplement
Societe Generale (B): The Jerome Kerviel Affair
By: Francois Brochet
This case illustrates the tension/balance that firms with complex and risky business models must consider in designing their internal controls. It describes the environment in which a derivatives trader engaged in massive directional positions on major European stocks... View Details
Brochet, Francois. "Societe Generale (B): The Jerome Kerviel Affair." Harvard Business School Supplement 110-030, October 2009. (Revised April 2010.)
- July 2013
- Case
Novozymes: Establishing the Cellulosic Ethanol Value Chain
By: Willy Shih and Sen Chai
As the world's largest producer of industrial enzymes, Novozymes had invested heavily for many years to bio-engineer enzymes that could break down cellulose into fermentable sugar. In 2010, the company had launched what it thought would become a breakthrough product... View Details
Keywords: System Complexity; Industrial Enzymes; Ethanol; Collulosic Ethanol; Fermentation; Genomics; Genetic Engineering; Value Chain; Assembling Value Chain; Energy Sources; Renewable Energy; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Innovation and Management; Innovation Strategy; Technological Innovation; Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Industry Growth; Production; Research; Research and Development; Science; Genetics; Natural Environment; Environmental Sustainability; Science-Based Business; Business Strategy; Commercialization; Vertical Integration; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Biotechnology Industry; Energy Industry; Denmark; United States
Shih, Willy, and Sen Chai. "Novozymes: Establishing the Cellulosic Ethanol Value Chain." Harvard Business School Case 614-001, July 2013.
- 2006
- Article
Performance Measure Properties and the Effect of Incentive Contracts
By: J. Bouwens and L. van Lent
Using data from a third-party survey on compensation practices at 151 Dutch firms, we show that less noisy or distorted performance measures and higher cash bonuses are associated with improved employee selection and better-directed effort. Specifically, (1) an... View Details
Keywords: Motivation and Incentives; Data and Data Sets; Problems and Challenges; Performance Evaluation; Compensation and Benefits; Netherlands
Bouwens, J., and L. van Lent. "Performance Measure Properties and the Effect of Incentive Contracts." Journal of Management Accounting Research 18 (2006): 55–75.
- 2014
- Article
Rituals Alleviate Grieving for Loved Ones, Lovers, and Lotteries
By: Michael I. Norton and Francesca Gino
Three experiments explored the impact of mourning rituals after losses—of loved ones, lovers, and lotteries—on mitigating grief. Participants who were directed to reflect on past rituals or who were assigned to complete novel rituals after experiencing losses reported... View Details
Norton, Michael I., and Francesca Gino. "Rituals Alleviate Grieving for Loved Ones, Lovers, and Lotteries." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143, no. 1 (February 2014): 266–272.
- 30 Jul 2008
- Op-Ed
Why the U.S. Should Encourage FDI
Last year, foreign investors set new records for their acquisition activity in the United States. And 2008 began with nearly daily stories of American financial executives courting foreign direct investors, particularly sovereign wealth... View Details
Keywords: by Mihir A. Desai
- January 2015 (Revised May 2018)
- Case
$19B 4 txt app WhatsApp...omg!
By: David Collis, Ashley Hartman and Aakash Mehta
In February 2014, Facebook announced the acquisition of WhatsApp for $19 billion. WhatsApp, founded in 2009, was a relatively young company that employed only 50 people and earned merely $10 million in revenue in 2013. It was one of many mobile messaging services that... View Details
Keywords: WhatsApp; Facebook; Mobile Messaging; Social Network; Acquisitions; Value Added; Strategy Alignment; Monetization; Social Platforms; Technology; Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Acquisition; Communication Technology; Social and Collaborative Networks; Value Creation; Social Media; Applications and Software; Digital Platforms; Communications Industry; Information Technology Industry
Collis, David, Ashley Hartman, and Aakash Mehta. "$19B 4 txt app WhatsApp...omg!" Harvard Business School Case 715-441, January 2015. (Revised May 2018.)