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- All HBS Web
- People (2)
- News (147)
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- Faculty Publications (390)
- 2010
- Simulation
Marketing Simulation: Managing Segments and Customers
By: Das Narayandas
In this single-player simulation, students assume the position of CEO of a medical motor manufacturer and are tasked with executing a successful business-to-business marketing strategy over a period of twelve fiscal quarters. Students determine all aspects of the... View Details
Keywords: Marketing Strategy; Salesforce Management; Distribution Channels; Price; Product Positioning; Customer Relationship Management; Profit; Revenue; Cost vs Benefits; Policy; Manufacturing Industry
Narayandas, Das. "Marketing Simulation: Managing Segments and Customers." Simulation and Teaching Note. Harvard Business Publishing, 2010. Electronic.
- March 2014
- Article
Private Interaction Between Firm Management and Sell-Side Analysts
By: Eugene F. Soltes
Although sell-side analysts often privately interact with managers of publicly traded firms, the private nature of this contact has historically obscured direction examination. By examining a set of proprietary records compiled by a large-cap NYSE traded firm, I offer... View Details
Soltes, Eugene F. "Private Interaction Between Firm Management and Sell-Side Analysts." Journal of Accounting Research 52, no. 1 (March 2014): 245–272.
- 18 May 2023
- News
India's New Money Managers
When Priti Rathi Gupta (OPM 49, 2017) was 16 years old, her father handed her his investment portfolio and asked her what she could make of it. She was befuddled. "He realized that, although I had schooling in what we call commerce, I didn't really know much about... View Details
Keywords: Maureen Harmon
- 30 Apr 2008
- Sharpening Your Skills
Sharpening Your Skills: Brand Management
disagrees. Key concepts include: Most B2B marketers cannot economically address thousands of small businesses using the traditional direct sales force. If left unattended, individual managers will each do their own ad hoc marketing. B2B... View Details
- 24 Apr 2006
- Research & Ideas
Managing Alignment as a Process
corporate synergies should be defined at the top and realized in the business units. Just as the CFO coordinates the budgeting process, a senior executive should coordinate the alignment process—a responsibility for the Office of Strategy View Details
- January 2018 (Revised October 2021)
- Case
Château Margaux: Launching the Third Wine (Abridged)
By: Elie Ofek
Château Margaux, one of only five prestigious estates in the Bordeaux Medoc wine region to have been classified as a "first-growth", is facing a host of strategic decisions in early 2013. Up until this point the estate had been selling two red wines, a first wine whose... View Details
Keywords: New Product Launch; Marketing Plan; Brand Management; Go To Market Strategy; Channels Of Distribution; Wine Industry; Marketing Strategy; Distribution Channels; Product Launch; Brands and Branding; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; France
Ofek, Elie. "Château Margaux: Launching the Third Wine (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 518-070, January 2018. (Revised October 2021.)
- September 2015 (Revised March 2017)
- Case
Château Margaux (Abridged)
By: Elie Ofek, Eric E. Vogt and Robert J. Dolan
Château Margaux, one of only five prestigious estates in the Bordeaux Medoc wine region to have been classified as a "first-growth", is facing a host of strategic decisions in early 2013. Up until this point the estate had been selling two red wines, a first wine whose... View Details
- August 2015
- Case
Kjell & Company: Electronics Accessories Retail in the Nordics
By: Krishna Palepu, Das Narayandas and Kerry Herman
Swedish electronics accessories retailer Kjell is considering several issues as it plots its next stage of growth. How should it balance opportunities to expand retail stores into a new market (Oslo, Norway) with additional growth in its home market—Sweden—with... View Details
Keywords: Consumer Electronics Accessories; Online Channel; Omni-channel; Private Equity; Retail; Salesforce Management; Performance Management; Marketing; Sales; Strategy; Scandinavia; Sweden; Norway
Palepu, Krishna, Das Narayandas, and Kerry Herman. "Kjell & Company: Electronics Accessories Retail in the Nordics." Harvard Business School Case 116-009, August 2015.
- June 2013 (Revised January 2016)
- Case
Château Margaux: Launching the Third Wine
By: Elie Ofek and Eric E. Vogt
Château Margaux, one of only five prestigious estates in the Bordeaux Medoc wine region to have been classified as a "first-growth", is facing a host of strategic decisions in early 2013. Up until this point the estate had been selling two red wines, a first wine whose... View Details
Keywords: New Product Launch; Marketing Plan; Brand Management; Go To Market Strategy; Channels Of Distribution; Wine Industry; Marketing Strategy; Distribution Channels; Product Launch; Brands and Branding; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; France
Ofek, Elie, and Eric E. Vogt. "Château Margaux: Launching the Third Wine." Harvard Business School Case 513-107, June 2013. (Revised January 2016.)
- January 2021 (Revised March 2022)
- Case
Arçelik: From a Dealer Network to an Omnichannel Experience
By: Ayelet Israeli and Fares Khrais
Arçelik Turkey, the country’s market leader in household appliances, was at an omnichannel crossroads in January 2020. Arçelik was a B2B player utilizing a dealership network with an umbrella of brands and had one of the largest brick-and-mortar store networks in... View Details
Keywords: Digital Marketing; Bricks And Mortar; Franchise Management; Franchising; Dealer Network; Dealers; B2B; B2B2C; Tradition; Culture Change; Cultural Adaptation; Omnichannel; Omnichannel Retail; Omni-channel; Omnichannel Retailing; Sales Channels; Sales Channel Development; Channel Management; Channels Of Distribution; Marketplace; Platforms; Collaboration; Online Channel; Online Data; Online Sales; Online Shopping; Online; Retail; Retailing; Disruption; Transformation; Franchise Ownership; Change Management; Partners and Partnerships; Consumer Behavior; Sales; Internet and the Web; Marketing Strategy; Conflict and Resolution; Conflict Management; Organizational Culture; Distribution Channels; Digital Transformation; Digital Platforms; Electronics Industry; Retail Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Turkey
Israeli, Ayelet, and Fares Khrais. "Arçelik: From a Dealer Network to an Omnichannel Experience." Harvard Business School Case 521-067, January 2021. (Revised March 2022.)
- November 2016 (Revised October 2018)
- Case
Formlabs: Selling a New 3D Printer
By: Frank V. Cespedes, Olivia Hull and Amram Migdal
Headquartered in Somerville, Massachusetts, Formlabs manufactures 3D printers used to print everything from prototypes and models to jewelry, dental, and sculpture molds. As Formlabs prepares to ship its latest model, the Form 2, Head of Customer Development and... View Details
Keywords: 3D Printing And Manufacturing; Sales Channel Development; Sales Strategy; Entrepreneurial Management; Product Engineering; Prototype; Prototyping; Entrepreneurship; Product Launch; Information Infrastructure; Business Startups; Customers; Technological Innovation; Growth and Development Strategy; Technology Adoption; Marketing Channels; Marketing Strategy; Product Positioning; Demand and Consumers; Sales; Salesforce Management; Technology Industry; Computer Industry; Manufacturing Industry; United States; Massachusetts; Europe; Asia
Cespedes, Frank V., Olivia Hull, and Amram Migdal. "Formlabs: Selling a New 3D Printer." Harvard Business School Case 817-001, November 2016. (Revised October 2018.)
- June 2013
- Supplement
Montague Corporation: Unfolding the Future in Cycling (Video Supplement)
By: Jim Sharpe
This is the Video Supplement for Montague Corporation: Unfolding the Future in Cycling
(HBS Case #808087). View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurs; Consumer Products; Innovation & Entrepreneurship; Innovation; General Managers; Growth; Growth Management; International; Consumer Behavior; Marketing Channels; Founding; Channels Of Distribution; Entrepreneurship; Marketing; Leadership; Bicycle Industry; United States
Sharpe, Jim. "Montague Corporation: Unfolding the Future in Cycling (Video Supplement)." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 813-720, June 2013.
- July–August 2017
- Article
Why Outlet Stores Exist: Averting Cannibalization in Product Line Extensions
By: Donald Ngwe
Outlet stores are a large and growing component of many firms' retailing strategies, particularly in the fashion industry. Outlet stores offer attractive prices in locations far from central shopping districts. The main perspectives on why outlet stores exist can be... View Details
Keywords: Fashion; Industrial Organization; Outlet Stores; Price Discrimination; Retail; Channel Management; Luxury; Product Marketing; Price; Retail Industry; Fashion Industry
Ngwe, Donald. "Why Outlet Stores Exist: Averting Cannibalization in Product Line Extensions." Marketing Science 36, no. 4 (July–August 2017): 523–541.
- January 2002
- Case
Intrinsix: Managing Growth at an Electronic Design Service Company
By: H. Kent Bowen and Courtney Purrington
Intrinsix is a 15-year-old semiconductor design services company that wants to continue its growth and market reach and appears to be ready for an initial public offering (IPO). This case leads up to this strategic decision point by tracing the growth of Intrinsix from... View Details
Keywords: Decisions; Initial Public Offering; Growth Management; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Management Style; Marketing Strategy; Problems and Challenges; Competitive Strategy; Electronics Industry
Bowen, H. Kent, and Courtney Purrington. "Intrinsix: Managing Growth at an Electronic Design Service Company." Harvard Business School Case 602-067, January 2002.
- June 1989 (Revised January 1992)
- Case
Ingersoll-Rand (A): Managing Multiple Channels--1985
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and E. Raymond Corey
James Clabough, marketing vice president at Ingersoll-Rand, has to decide on the distribution policy for a new product. The decision has marketing as well as organizational ramifications. View Details
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and E. Raymond Corey. "Ingersoll-Rand (A): Managing Multiple Channels--1985." Harvard Business School Case 589-121, June 1989. (Revised January 1992.)
- 13 Oct 2003
- Research & Ideas
How to Pick Managers for Disruptive Growth
We suspect that the mistakes happen when firms choose managers at any level—from CEO to business unit head to project manager—based on what we call "right stuff" thinking, borrowing the term from Tom Wolfe's famous book and the... View Details
Keywords: by Michael Raynor
- June 2013
- Supplement
Montague Corporation: Unfolding the Future in Cycling (Spreadsheet Supplement)
By: Jim Sharpe
This is the Spreadsheet Supplement for Montague Corporation: Unfolding the Future in Cycling (Case #808087). Includes Exhibit 3, Exhibit 5, Exhibit 6, and Exhibit 8. View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurs; Consumer Products; Innovation & Entrepreneurship; Innovation; General Managers; Growth; Growth Management; International; Consumer Behavior; Marketing Channels; Founding; Channels Of Distribution; Bicycles; Entrepreneurship; Marketing; Leadership; Bicycle Industry; United States
- 05 Dec 2007
- Sharpening Your Skills
Sharpening Your Skills: Managing Marketing
merchant's direct channel sales after she opens a retail store in the area. The study used a proprietary longitudinal data set from a multichannel retailer to understand what happens and to probe the implications for View Details
- September 2015 (Revised February 2020)
- Case
Managing Consumer Touchpoints at Nissan Japan
By: Thales Teixeira, Nobuo Sato and Akiko Kanno
In 2015, Nissan was third place in the Japanese auto market, behind Toyota and Honda. The challenge of increasing market share was that 80% of car shoppers who were non-Nissan owners did not consider Nissan during their purchase process. This process involved three... View Details
Keywords: Nissan; Automobiles; Cars; Touch Points; Digital Marketing; Internet and the Web; Marketing Channels; Advertising; Auto Industry; Japan
Teixeira, Thales, Nobuo Sato, and Akiko Kanno. "Managing Consumer Touchpoints at Nissan Japan." Harvard Business School Case 516-035, September 2015. (Revised February 2020.)
- September 1983 (Revised October 1984)
- Case
Boston Whaler, Inc.: Managing the Dealer Network
Mr. Joseph Lawler, newly-appointed president of Boston Whaler, Inc. (BWI), believes that better dealer management is the key to his company's continued growth. BWI manufactured a high-price, high performance line of power and other boats for the recreational,... View Details
Bonoma, Thomas V. "Boston Whaler, Inc.: Managing the Dealer Network." Harvard Business School Case 584-036, September 1983. (Revised October 1984.)