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- Article
No Evidence for an Effect of Testosterone Administration on Delay Discounting in Male University Students
By: Georgia Rada Ortner, Matthias Wibral, Anke Becker, Thomas Dohmen, Dietrich Klingmüller, Armin Falk and Bernd Weber
Intertemporal choices between a smaller sooner and a larger delayed reward are one of the most important types of decisions humans face in their everyday life. The degree to which individuals discount delayed rewards correlates with impulsiveness. Steep delay... View Details
Keywords: Delay Discounting; Impulsiveness; Intertemporal Choice; Testosterone; Decision Making; Behavior; Personal Characteristics
Rada Ortner, Georgia, Matthias Wibral, Anke Becker, Thomas Dohmen, Dietrich Klingmüller, Armin Falk, and Bernd Weber. "No Evidence for an Effect of Testosterone Administration on Delay Discounting in Male University Students." Psychoneuroendocrinology 38, no. 9 (September 2013): 1814–1818.
- 2021
- Working Paper
The Great Unequalizer: Initial Health Effects of COVID-19 in the United States
By: Marcella Alsan, Amitabh Chandra and Kosali I. Simon
We measure inequities from the COVID-19 pandemic on mortality and hospitalizations in the United States during the early months of the outbreak. We discuss challenges in measuring health outcomes and health inequality, some of which are specific to COVID-19 and others... View Details
Alsan, Marcella, Amitabh Chandra, and Kosali I. Simon. "The Great Unequalizer: Initial Health Effects of COVID-19 in the United States." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 28958, June 2021.
- January 2011
- Article
Let the Right One In: A Microeconomic Approach to Partner Choice in Mutualisms
By: Marco Archetti, Francisco Ubeda, Drew Fudenberg, Jerry R. Green, Naomi E. Pierce and Douglas W. Yu
One of the main problems impeding the evolution of cooperation is partner choice. When information is asymmetric (the quality of a potential partner is known only to himself), it may seem that partner choice is not possible without signaling. Many mutualisms, however,... View Details
Keywords: Microeconomics; Strategy; Partners and Partnerships; System; Problems and Challenges; Information; Economics; Theory; Cost; Decision Choices and Conditions; Cooperation
Archetti, Marco, Francisco Ubeda, Drew Fudenberg, Jerry R. Green, Naomi E. Pierce, and Douglas W. Yu. "Let the Right One In: A Microeconomic Approach to Partner Choice in Mutualisms." American Naturalist 177, no. 1 (January 2011).
- Article
Everybody Else Is Doing It: Exploring Social Transmission of Lying Behavior
By: Heather E. Mann, Ximena Garcia-Rada, Daniel Houser and Dan Ariely
Lying is a common occurrence in social interactions, but what predicts whether an individual will tell a lie? While previous studies have focused on personality factors, here we asked whether lying tendencies might be transmitted through social networks. Using an... View Details
Mann, Heather E., Ximena Garcia-Rada, Daniel Houser, and Dan Ariely. "Everybody Else Is Doing It: Exploring Social Transmission of Lying Behavior." PLoS ONE 9, no. 10 (October 2014).
- 10 Oct 2007
- First Look
First Look: First Look: October 10
Working PapersTesting Limits to Policy Reversal: Evidence from Indian Privatizations Authors:Siddhartha G. Dastidar, Raymond Fisman, and Tarun Khanna Abstract We examine the effect of regime change on privatization using the 2004 election surprise in India. The... View Details
Keywords: Martha Lagace
- 2018
- Chapter
The Orphan Drug Act at 35: Observations and an Outlook for the Twenty-First Century
By: Nicholas Bagley, Benjamin Berger, Amitabh Chandra, Craig Garthwaite and Ariel Dora Stern
On the 35th anniversary of the adoption of the Orphan Drug Act (ODA), we describe the enormous changes in the markets for therapies for rare diseases that have emerged over recent decades. The most prominent example is the fact that the profit-maximizing price of new... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Laws and Statutes; Research and Development; Investment; Markets; Monopoly
Bagley, Nicholas, Benjamin Berger, Amitabh Chandra, Craig Garthwaite, and Ariel Dora Stern. "The Orphan Drug Act at 35: Observations and an Outlook for the Twenty-First Century." Chap. 4 in Innovation Policy and the Economy, Volume 19, edited by Josh Lerner and Scott Stern, 97–137. University of Chicago Press, 2018.
- December 2018 (Revised May 2019)
- Case
Darling Ingredients International
By: David E. Bell and Natalie Kindred
Led by CEO Randall Stuewe, Texas-based Darling Ingredients International was a rendering firm with $3.7 billion in 2017 revenues. Since 2003, Darling had transformed from U.S. focused into a global player in the processing of biological waste from meat and foodservice... View Details
Keywords: Darling; Ingredients; Stuewe; Rendering; Animal Byproducts; Used Cooking Oil; UCO; Diamond Green Diesel; DGD; Valero; Renewable Diesel; Biofuel; Recycling; Carbon; LCFS; Blend; Blender; Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Renewable Energy; Food; Agribusiness; Expansion; Diversification; Growth Management; Technological Innovation; Policy; Government Legislation; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Energy Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; United States; Louisiana; California; Texas
Bell, David E., and Natalie Kindred. "Darling Ingredients International." Harvard Business School Case 519-048, December 2018. (Revised May 2019.)
- February 2024
- Article
Are Many Sex/Gender Differences Really Power Differences?
By: Adam D. Galinsky, Aurora Turek, Grusha Agarwal, Eric M. Anicich, Derek D. Rucker, Hannah Riley Bowles, Nira Liberman, Chloe Levin and Joe C Magee
This research addresses the long-standing debate about the determinants of sex/gender differences. Evolutionary theorists trace many sex/gender differences back to natural selection and sex-specific adaptations. Sociocultural and biosocial theorists, in contrast,... View Details
Galinsky, Adam D., Aurora Turek, Grusha Agarwal, Eric M. Anicich, Derek D. Rucker, Hannah Riley Bowles, Nira Liberman, Chloe Levin, and Joe C Magee. "Are Many Sex/Gender Differences Really Power Differences?" PNAS Nexus 3, no. 2 (February 2024).
- 05 Aug 2015
- Research & Ideas
How Hormones Foretell Whether People Will Cheat
across the river, the scorpion stings the frog. "Sorry about that," says the scorpion, as they both drown. "It's just my nature." It turns out that people, like the scorpion, may be biologically predisposed to behaving badly. In short,... View Details
Keywords: by Carmen Nobel
- 19 Apr 2010
- Research & Ideas
The History of Beauty
dedicated to environmental sustainability with a broad social vision. Q: How much does the industry influence our notions of beauty, and how much do accepted or popular notions of beauty influence product development? A: The human desire to attract reflects basic View Details
- 08 Mar 2004
- Research & Ideas
Creating Value in Your Business Ecosystem
delivery of a company's own offerings. Like an individual species in a biological ecosystem, each member of a business ecosystem ultimately shares the fate of the network as a whole, regardless of that member's apparent strength. From... View Details
Keywords: by Marco Iansiti & Roy Levien
- 09 Oct 2001
- Research & Ideas
Driven: How Human Nature Shapes Organizations
In Driven: How Human Nature Shapes Our Choices, the authors combine the latest thinking from the biological and social sciences to lay out a new theory on human nature. The idea: We are all influenced and guided by four drives: acquiring,... View Details
Keywords: by Paul Lawrence & Nitin Nohria
- 12 Jun 2018
- Research & Ideas
In a Landscape of 'Me Too' Drug Development, What Spurs Radical Innovation?
too difficult to compare in terms of structural uniqueness. However, the researchers also found that cash windfalls led to an increase in the number of biologics developed. “They put that cash to work, so it seems, by working on more... View Details
- 05 Jun 2009
- Research Event
Business Summit: Niall Ferguson and the Certainty of Uncertainty
based on the map that is used. Optimized global networks may be vulnerable to crises. Business and political leaders are often surprised by crises; they don't take a long enough view of history. Biological evolution is a metaphor for the... View Details
Keywords: Re: John A. Quelch
- 04 Nov 2002
- What Do You Think?
What’s Best for the Corporate Brain?
Summing Up Those offering insights into ways to make the corporate brain function more effectively suggest that the corporate brain may be as complex as its biological counterpart. Respondents alternatively focused on learning, constant... View Details
Keywords: by James Heskett
- 31 May 2011
- First Look
First Look: May 31
confident of the market potential for mobile payments, they recognized the challenges they faced in scaling their current business model. Purchase this case: Office of Technology Transfer—Shanghai Institutes for View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 14 Jul 2015
- First Look
First Look: July 14, 2015
In press Journal of Experimental Psychology: General Hormones and Ethics: Understanding the Biological Basis of Unethical Conduct By: Lee, Jooa Julia, Francesca Gino, Ellie Shuo Jin, Leslie K. Rice, and Robert A. Josephs... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 11 Sep 2007
- First Look
First Look: September 11, 2007
developing proven molecules from strategic partners to leapfrog competition and create large molecule biologics in India. The company understood that its transition from an API to an innovation-led company focused on new View Details
Keywords: Martha Lagace
- 10 Aug 2020
- Research & Ideas
COVID's Surprising Toll on Careers of Women Scientists
timed experiments—like biological and chemical fields—research time slid 30 to 40 percent. Overall, 55 percent of the respondents reported a decline in total work hours, 27 percent indicated no change, and 18 percent said they were... View Details
- 30 Sep 2019
- Book
Book Excerpt: Why a Volume on Race, Work, and Leadership
construction of blackness has been an economic tool for centuries; it has been used as a means of sourcing under- or wholly unpaid labor, rationalized by an attribution of blacks’ biological inferiority. Though research has since amassed... View Details