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- Research Summary
Investment and marketing strategies of American multinationals in Argentina (1890c-1939)
Andrea Lluch is undertaking a major research project on American business expansion in Argentina up to the beginning of World War II. The first part of the project focuses on the American companies investment strategies. The second part analyses of the evolution of... View Details
- December 2005 (Revised March 2010)
- Case
William Levitt, Levittown and the Creation of American Suburbia
By: Nitin Nohria, Anthony Mayo and Mark Benson
Demand for low-cost housing after World War II far exceeded supply. Was this a profitable new market? New York developer William Levitt had to decide. During World War II, Levitt was eager to build basic housing for the working class—otherwise, Levitt & Sons would have... View Details
Keywords: Demographics; Construction; Business History; Housing; Leadership; Growth and Development Strategy; Product Development; Business and Government Relations; Construction Industry; Real Estate Industry; United States; New York (state, US)
Nohria, Nitin, Anthony Mayo, and Mark Benson. "William Levitt, Levittown and the Creation of American Suburbia." Harvard Business School Case 406-062, December 2005. (Revised March 2010.)
- December 2017
- Supplement
Piracy in Somalia (B)
By: Sophus A. Reinert and Alissa Davies
Supplements the (A) case. View Details
Keywords: Piracy; Foreign Aid; Civil War; Private Property; Human Rights; Economic Development; Globalization; War; Property; Crime and Corruption; Rights; Development Economics; Moral Sensibility; Somalia
Reinert, Sophus A., and Alissa Davies. "Piracy in Somalia (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 718-019, December 2017.
- 16 Nov 2009
- Research & Ideas
The Times Captures History of American Business
encompassed other important inflection points. The end of the Civil War was one. The onset of the Great Depression was another. So, too, was the close of World War II. In each... View Details
- 05 May 2020
- Research & Ideas
China Tariffs and Coronavirus a Double Hit to American Retailers
The double-whammy of increased tariffs imposed by the United States on China and fallout from the coronavirus could make it even more difficult for American retailers to weather the storm in the coming months—or increase pressure on them... View Details
Keywords: by Michael Blanding
- May 2022 (Revised July 2022)
- Case
The Voice War Continues: Hey Google vs. Alexa vs. Siri in 2022
By: David B. Yoffie and Daniel Fisher
In 2022, after five years of pursuing a new "AI-first" strategy, Google had captured a sizeable share of the American and global markets for voice assistants. Google Assistant was used by hundreds of millions of users around the world, but Amazon retained the largest... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Artificial Intelligence; Deep Learning; Voice Assistants; Smart Home; Market Share; Globalized Markets and Industries; Competitive Strategy; Digital Platforms; AI and Machine Learning; Technology Industry; United States
Yoffie, David B., and Daniel Fisher. "The Voice War Continues: Hey Google vs. Alexa vs. Siri in 2022." Harvard Business School Case 722-462, May 2022. (Revised July 2022.)
- 08 Jan 2007
- Research & Ideas
Who Rises to Power in American Business?
"outsiders," such as Elizabeth Arden, created their own road to success, overcoming significant odds. The new book Paths to Power: How Insiders and Outsiders Shaped American Business Leadership explores the demographics of... View Details
Keywords: by Sean Silverthorne
- 2003
- Book
The Monied Metropolis: New York City and the Consolidation of the American Bourgeoisie, 1850–1896
By: Sven Beckert
This book, first published in 2001, is a comprehensive history of the most powerful group in the nineteenth-century United States: New York City's economic elite. This small and diverse group of Americans accumulated unprecedented economic, social, and political power,... View Details
Beckert, Sven. The Monied Metropolis: New York City and the Consolidation of the American Bourgeoisie, 1850–1896. Paperback ed. Cambridge University Press, 2003.
- 2013
- Book
Democracy and Its Elected Enemies: American Political Capture and Economic Decline
By: Steven Rosefielde and Daniel Quinn Mills
Democracy and Its Elected Enemies reveals that American politicians have usurped their constitutional authority, substituting their economic and political sovereignty for the people's. This has been accomplished by creating an enormous public service sector... View Details
Keywords: Ethics; Government and Politics; Macroeconomics; Public Administration Industry; United States
Rosefielde, Steven, and Daniel Quinn Mills. Democracy and Its Elected Enemies: American Political Capture and Economic Decline. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
- 26 Jun 2019
- Research & Ideas
Why the US-China Tariff Standoff Hurts American Companies More
Cavallo suggests that American companies—and more recently, consumers—are bearing the brunt of the trade war with China, whose government has been retaliating with its own import tax increases. US exporters,... View Details
- 09 Mar 2022
- Research & Ideas
War in Ukraine: Soaring Gas Prices and the Return of Stagflation?
researching the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline linking Russia and Germany. In an interconnected corporate world, he says, the pipeline project illustrates how inseparable politics and business are, especially at the edges of old Cold View Details
- 15 Apr 2015
- Research & Ideas
Why Americans Voted for an Income Tax
We can be forgiven, especially this time of year, for questioning a decision our predecessors made just over a century ago. In the 1910s, Americans decided to make personal and corporate income taxes a permanent feature of the United... View Details
Keywords: by Matthew C. Weinzierl
- 06 Jun 2024
- Research & Ideas
How Younger Immigrants Gain an Edge in American Business
final wave of migration after the Vietnam War in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Under the Amerasian Homecoming Act (AHA), some 25,000 children of Vietnamese mothers and US fathers stationed there during the View Details
Keywords: by Rachel Layne
- 16 May 2018
- Research & Ideas
How Companies Managed Risk (and Even Benefitted) in World War Internment Camps
companies from Germany dealt with the incarceration of thousands of their German national employees in India during World War I and World War II in her recent working paper, Countering Political Risk in... View Details
- 2011
- Chapter
American Exceptionalism?: A Comparative Analysis of the Origins and Trajectory of U.S. Business Education Development
By: Rakesh Khurana
As business education in an academic setting becomes an increasingly global phenomenon, the university-based business school in America remains a unique institution. This holds true despite the fact that the American business school as it evolved in the post-World War... View Details
- 21 Apr 2003
- Research & Ideas
Will American Brands Be a Casualty of War?
theme. Silverthorne: In general, what effect will the war and the perceived unilateral tactics of the president have on the reception of American brands overseas? Quelch: During the 1990s, View Details
Keywords: by Sean Silverthorne
- January–February 2013
- Article
Golfing Alone? Corporations, Elites and Nonprofit Growth in 100 American Communities
By: Christopher Marquis, Gerald F. Davis and Mary Ann Glynn
We examine the link between corporations and community by showing how corporate density interacts with the local social and cultural infrastructure to affect the growth and decline of the number of local nonprofits between 1987 and 2002. We focus on two sub-populations... View Details
Keywords: Business and Community Relations; Civil Society or Community; Business Model; For-Profit Firms; Business Growth and Maturation; Profit; Local Range; Welfare or Wellbeing; Business Processes; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Trends; Management Practices and Processes; United States
Marquis, Christopher, Gerald F. Davis, and Mary Ann Glynn. "Golfing Alone? Corporations, Elites and Nonprofit Growth in 100 American Communities." Organization Science 24, no. 1 (January–February 2013): 39–57. (Read a summary of the article in Stanford Social Innovation Review.)
- 2017
- Working Paper
The Rise of American Ingenuity: Innovation and Inventors of the Golden Age
By: Ufuk Akcigit, John Grigsby and Tom Nicholas
We examine the golden age of U.S. innovation by undertaking a major data collection exercise linking inventors from historical U.S. patents to Federal Censuses between 1880 and 1940 and to regional economic aggregates. We provide a theoretical framework to motivate the... View Details
Akcigit, Ufuk, John Grigsby, and Tom Nicholas. "The Rise of American Ingenuity: Innovation and Inventors of the Golden Age." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 17-063, January 2017. (Revised June 2017.)
- October 2012 (Revised July 2014)
- Background Note
The Role of the Government in the Early Development of American Venture Capital
By: Josh Lerner and Tom Nicholas
Whether the government or markets, or a mixture of both, can provide efficient and effective incentives for encouraging entrepreneurial activity and new venture financing is an age-old question. Public promotion efforts are controversial and in most cases they tend to... View Details
Lerner, Josh, and Tom Nicholas. "The Role of the Government in the Early Development of American Venture Capital." Harvard Business School Background Note 813-096, October 2012. (Revised July 2014.)
- 31 Aug 2015
- Research & Ideas
How Ben Franklin’s ‘Way to Wealth’ Introduced American Capitalism to the World
Wealth around the World: Benjamin Franklin and the Globalization of American Capitalism,” published in American Historical Review (February 2015). “I’m interested in how ideas reflect but also change... View Details
Keywords: by Julia Hanna