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- 15 Mar 2017
- Lessons from the Classroom
More Than 900 Examples of How Climate Change Affects Business
This word cloud is composed of blog posts by more than 900 students describing how individual organizations are likely to be affected by climate change. Image by Patrick Clapp Last fall, first-year MBA students at Harvard Business School received a new assignment in... View Details
- 2015
- Chapter
Framing the Game: How Brands' Relationships with Their Competitors Affect Consumer Preference
By: Neeru Paharia, Jill Avery and Anat Keinan
In this chapter, we explore how brands' relationships with their competitors affect consumers' preferences. Through a series of experiments, we show that the competitive context in which a brand operates can affect consumers' purchase interest and purchase frequency.... View Details
Keywords: Brand Management; CRM; Customer Relationship Management; Marketing Strategy; Marketing; Brands and Branding; Customer Focus and Relationships; Competition; Consumer Products Industry
Paharia, Neeru, Jill Avery, and Anat Keinan. "Framing the Game: How Brands' Relationships with Their Competitors Affect Consumer Preference." Chap. 2 in Strong Brands, Strong Relationships, edited by Susan Fournier, Michael Breazeale, and Jill Avery. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2015.
- 25 Apr 2012
- What Do You Think?
How Will the “Age of Big Data” Affect Management?
a quest for competitive advantage? Will analytics, as well as the supply of analytics-savvy managers, so badly lag "big data" that it will only lead to confusion and misguided decisions? Or is this just the latest management fad? How, if at all, should this View Details
Keywords: Re: James L. Heskett
- 03 Mar 2010
- What Do You Think?
To What Degree Does “Identity” Affect Economic Performance?
organization's culture affects its economic performance. The basic working hypotheses are that: (1) people put forth more effort and produce better results for organizations whose values they identify with, and (2) therefore, it's in the... View Details
Keywords: by Jim Heskett
- November 2004
- Article
For Better or Worse: How Relationships Affect Negotiations
McGinn, Kathleen L. "For Better or Worse: How Relationships Affect Negotiations." Negotiation 7, no. 11 (November 2004): 1–3.
- Article
The BIAS Map: Behaviors from Intergroup Affect and Stereotypes.
By: A.J.C. Cuddy, S.T. Fiske and P. Glick
Cuddy, A.J.C., S.T. Fiske, and P. Glick. "The BIAS Map: Behaviors from Intergroup Affect and Stereotypes." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 92, no. 1 (January 2007): 631–648.
- Second Quarter 2008
- Article
How Does Investor Sentiment Affect the Cross-Section of Returns
By: Malcolm Baker, Johnathan Wang and Jeffrey Wurgler
Broad waves of investor sentiment should have larger impacts on securities that are more difficult to value and to arbitrage. Consistent with this intuition, we find that when an index of investor sentiment takes low values, small, young, high volatility,... View Details
Baker, Malcolm, Johnathan Wang, and Jeffrey Wurgler. "How Does Investor Sentiment Affect the Cross-Section of Returns." Journal of Investment Management 6, no. 2 (Second Quarter 2008): 57–72.
- 2003
- Working Paper
Affect and Creativity at Work: A Daily Longitudinal Test
By: Teresa M. Amabile, Sigal G. Barsade, Jennifer S. Mueller and Barry M. Staw
Keywords: Emotions
- 1 Aug 2003 - 6 Aug 2003
- Conference Presentation
Affect and Creativity at Work: A Daily Longitudinal Test.
By: Teresa M. Amabile, S. G. Barsade, J. S. Mueller and B. M. Staw
- March 2013
- Article
Punctuated Generosity: How Mega-events and Natural Disasters Affect Corporate Philanthropy in U.S. Communities
By: Andras Tilcsik and Christopher Marquis
Geographic communities have been shown to affect organizations through their enduring features, but less attention has been given to communities as sites of human-made and natural events that occasionally disrupt the lives of organizations. We develop a... View Details
Keywords: Geographic Communities; Punctuated Equilibrium; Corporate Social Responsibility; Institutional Theory; Natural Disasters; Situation or Environment; Balance and Stability; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Business and Community Relations; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; United States
Tilcsik, Andras, and Christopher Marquis. "Punctuated Generosity: How Mega-events and Natural Disasters Affect Corporate Philanthropy in U.S. Communities." Administrative Science Quarterly 58, no. 1 (March 2013): 111–148.
- February 2001
- Article
Transaction Decoupling: How Price Bundling Affects the Decision to Consume
By: Dilip Soman and J. T. Gourville
Soman, Dilip, and J. T. Gourville. "Transaction Decoupling: How Price Bundling Affects the Decision to Consume." Journal of Marketing Research (JMR) 38, no. 1 (February 2001): 30–44.
- May 2006
- Article
How Do Family Ownership, Control, and Management Affect Firm Value?
Villalonga, Belen, and Raphael Amit. "How Do Family Ownership, Control, and Management Affect Firm Value?" Journal of Financial Economics 80, no. 2 (May 2006): 385–417.
- 06 Dec 2017
- Working Paper Summaries
Does Financial Misconduct Affect the Future Compensation of Alumni Managers?
- August 2009
- Article
Market Culture: How Rules Governing Exploding Offers Affect Market Performance
By: Muriel Niederle and Alvin E. Roth
Niederle, Muriel, and Alvin E. Roth. "Market Culture: How Rules Governing Exploding Offers Affect Market Performance." American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 1, no. 2 (August 2009).
- 2013
- Working Paper
Punctuated Generosity: How Mega-events and Natural Disasters Affect Corporate Philanthropy in U.S. Communities
By: Andras Tilcsik and Christopher Marquis
This article focuses on geographic communities as fields in which human-made and natural events occasionally disrupt the lives of organizations. We develop an institutional perspective to unpack how and why major events within communities affect organizations in the... View Details
Keywords: Natural Disasters; Situation or Environment; Balance and Stability; Organizations; Business and Community Relations; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; United States
Tilcsik, Andras, and Christopher Marquis. "Punctuated Generosity: How Mega-events and Natural Disasters Affect Corporate Philanthropy in U.S. Communities." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-060, January 2013. (Forthcoming: Administrative Science Quarterly, 58 (March), 2013.)
- 2016
- Article
Scandal and Stigma: Does Corporate Misconduct Affect the Future Compensation of Bystander Managers?
By: Boris Groysberg, Eric Lin and George Serafeim
This paper explores whether a firm’s misconduct can affect the compensation of former managers who were neither at the firm at the time of misdeeds nor involved in the scandal. Results suggest that stigma may influence compensation of former managers, even in cases... View Details
Groysberg, Boris, Eric Lin, and George Serafeim. "Scandal and Stigma: Does Corporate Misconduct Affect the Future Compensation of Bystander Managers?" Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings (2016).
- August 2021
- Article
Anger Damns the Innocent
By: Katherine DeCelles, Gabrielle Adams, Holly S. Howe and Leslie K. John
False accusations of wrongdoing are common and can have grave consequences. In six studies, we document a worrisome paradox in perceivers’ subjective judgments of a suspect’s guilt. Specifically, we find that laypeople (online panelists; N = 4,983) use suspects’ angry... View Details
Keywords: Morality; Accusations; Deception; Guilt; Affect; Emotions; Behavior; Perception; Judgments; Decision Making
DeCelles, Katherine, Gabrielle Adams, Holly S. Howe, and Leslie K. John. "Anger Damns the Innocent." Psychological Science 32, no. 8 (August 2021): 1214–1226.
- 24 Jan 2013
- Working Paper Summaries
Punctuated Generosity: How Mega-events and Natural Disasters Affect Corporate Philanthropy in US Communities
Keywords: by András Tilcsik & Christopher Marquis
- November 2018
- Article
Worthy of Swift Trust? How Brief Interpersonal Contact Affects Trust Accuracy
By: Oliver Schilke and Laura Huang
Organizational scholars have long underscored the positive consequences of trust, yet trust can also have dysfunctional effects if it is not placed wisely. Though much research has examined conditions that increase individuals’ tendencies to trust others, we know very... View Details
Schilke, Oliver, and Laura Huang. "Worthy of Swift Trust? How Brief Interpersonal Contact Affects Trust Accuracy." Journal of Applied Psychology 103, no. 11 (November 2018): 1181–1197.