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- Faculty Publications (629)
- March 1993
- Article
On the Speculative Efficiency of the Foreign Exchange Market
By: K. A. Froot
Froot, K. A. "On the Speculative Efficiency of the Foreign Exchange Market." Cuadernos económicos de I.C.E. (March 1993): 7–30.
- January 1993 (Revised April 1993)
- Case
Chadwick, Inc.: The Balanced Scorecard
By: Robert S. Kaplan
The pharmaceutical division of a diversified company has been asked to develop a Balanced Scorecard. Research and development projects take about ten years to bring a new product to the marketplace and the division depends on good relations and active feedback from its... View Details
Keywords: Balanced Scorecard; Performance Evaluation; Customer Relationship Management; Goals and Objectives; Customer Satisfaction; Research and Development; Marketplace Matching; Financial Condition; Product Launch; Pharmaceutical Industry
Kaplan, Robert S. "Chadwick, Inc.: The Balanced Scorecard." Harvard Business School Case 193-091, January 1993. (Revised April 1993.)
- November 1992 (Revised December 1992)
- Case
Deere & Co. (A): The Computer Aided Manufacturing Services Division - A Window to the World (Abridged)
By: Robert H. Hayes
The Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) Services Division of John Deere has just received approval to sell their software and computer systems to external customers. These tools, initially developed for internal use, have been widely used throughout Deere. Still,... View Details
Keywords: Information Infrastructure; Applications and Software; Machinery and Machining; Technological Innovation; Markets; Marketing Strategy; Product Launch; Outcome or Result; Computer Industry; Manufacturing Industry
Hayes, Robert H. "Deere & Co. (A): The Computer Aided Manufacturing Services Division - A Window to the World (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 693-051, November 1992. (Revised December 1992.)
- 1992
- Chapter
Exchange Rate Forecasting Techniques, Survey Data, and Implications for the Foreign Exchange Market
By: J. Frankel and K. A. Froot
Keywords: Currencies; Exchange Rates; International Macroeconomics; Monetary Policy; Currency Controls; Fixed Exchange Rates; Floating Exchange Rates; Currency Bands; Currency Zones; Currency Areas; Rational Expectations; International Finance; Currency Exchange Rate; Asset Pricing; Forecasting and Prediction; Policy
Frankel, J., and K. A. Froot. "Exchange Rate Forecasting Techniques, Survey Data, and Implications for the Foreign Exchange Market." In International Business Reader, edited by D. Duta. London: Oxford University Press, 1992. (Revised from IMF Working Paper No. 90/43 and NBER Working Paper No. 3470, October 1990.)
- May 1992 (Revised January 2000)
- Supplement
ABB: Accountability Times Two (B)
By: Robert L. Simons
Describes internal allocation conflicts in a complex global company structured as a matrix organization. ABB Switzerland has secured and will build an important power station project; however, internal market allocation policies dictate that this work be handled by ABB... View Details
Simons, Robert L. "ABB: Accountability Times Two (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 192-142, May 1992. (Revised January 2000.)
- March 1992 (Revised March 1995)
- Case
Kevin Simpson
By: Linda A. Hill
Follows Kevin Simpson, a second-year Harvard Business School 1990 student, through his job search to his final decision between two very attractive but different job offers: a job as an international marketing manager at Eli Lilly and Co., a leading multinational... View Details
Hill, Linda A. "Kevin Simpson." Harvard Business School Case 492-041, March 1992. (Revised March 1995.)
- November 1991 (Revised April 2002)
- Background Note
Note on Foreign Currency Swaps
By: W. Carl Kester
Provides descriptive background about the development of an international market for currency swaps and, by means of a detailed example, instructs readers in the determination of swap flows and all-in costs of financing using market swap rates. A rewritten version of... View Details
Keywords: Currency
Kester, W. Carl. "Note on Foreign Currency Swaps." Harvard Business School Background Note 292-043, November 1991. (Revised April 2002.)
- August 1991 (Revised March 1993)
- Case
Champion International Corp.: Timber, Trade, and the Northern Spotted Owl
Champion's forest products division owns timberlands, sawmills, and plywood mills in the Pacific Northwest. The listing of the northern spotted owl as an endangered species, and restrictions on exports of logs from state-owned lands, have disrupted the stumpage, log... View Details
Keywords: Science-Based Business; Natural Environment; Product Marketing; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Government and Politics; Environmental Sustainability; Corporate Strategy; Trade; Decisions; Management Teams; Forest Products Industry; North and Central America
Reinhardt, Forest L. "Champion International Corp.: Timber, Trade, and the Northern Spotted Owl." Harvard Business School Case 792-017, August 1991. (Revised March 1993.)
- February 1991 (Revised July 1993)
- Case
Cultural Change at Nissan Motors
By: John P. Kotter
Depicts the reformation of Nissan Motor Co.'s corporate culture and the company's subsequent turnaround in market share and profits. In 1985, Yutaka Kume became president of Nissan and thereafter, he continually emphasized the need for internal change throughout the... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Leadership; Behavior; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Change Management; Management; Auto Industry; Manufacturing Industry
Kotter, John P. "Cultural Change at Nissan Motors." Harvard Business School Case 491-079, February 1991. (Revised July 1993.)
- November 1990 (Revised March 1994)
- Case
Digital Equipment Corp.: The Kodak Outsourcing Agreement (A)
By: Lynda M. Applegate and Herminia M. Ibarra
Describes grassroots effort which culminated in Digital's winning a competitive bid for the outsourcing of Kodak's internal telecommunications business. Describes the "Telstar" project, from the initial identification of the business opportunity to the process of... View Details
Keywords: Innovation and Management; Partners and Partnerships; Leading Change; Agreements and Arrangements; Business or Company Management; Bids and Bidding; Decision Making; Management Teams; Telecommunications Industry
Applegate, Lynda M., and Herminia M. Ibarra. "Digital Equipment Corp.: The Kodak Outsourcing Agreement (A)." Harvard Business School Case 191-039, November 1990. (Revised March 1994.)
- September 1990 (Revised January 1992)
- Case
Procter & Gamble Japan (A)
Ten years after entering Japan, P&G had accumulated over $250 million in operating losses on declining annual sales of $120 million by 1983. The decision facing the president of P&G International: exit, retrench or rebuild the operation? Ironically, the initial entry... View Details
Keywords: Restructuring; Change Management; Profit; Market Entry and Exit; Market Participation; Sales; Competition; Technology; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Japan
Yoshino, Michael Y. "Procter & Gamble Japan (A)." Harvard Business School Case 391-003, September 1990. (Revised January 1992.)
- May 1990
- Article
Chartists, Fundamentalists, and Trading in the Foreign Exchange Market
By: J. Frankel and K. A. Froot
Keywords: Currencies; Exchange Rates; International Macroeconomics; Monetary Policy; Currency Controls; Fixed Exchange Rates; Floating Exchange Rates; Currency Bands; Currency Zones; Currency Areas; Rational Expectations; Asset Pricing
Frankel, J., and K. A. Froot. "Chartists, Fundamentalists, and Trading in the Foreign Exchange Market." American Economic Review 80, no. 2 (May 1990): 181–185. (Reprinted in New Developments in Exchange Rate Economics, edited by L. Sarno and M. Taylor. Edward Elgar, 2001; and in Speculation and Financial Markets, edited by M. Taylor and L. Gallagher. Edward Elgar, 2001.)
- April 1990 (Revised November 1992)
- Case
Population Services International: The Social Marketing Project in Bangladesh (Abridged)
By: James E. Austin
Population Services International (PSI) was a not-for-profit agency founded to disseminate family planning information and to market birth control products, primarily in less developed countries seeking to curb their population explosions. In 1976, PSI concluded an... View Details
Keywords: Conferences; Developing Countries and Economies; Information Publishing; Growth and Development Strategy; Marketing Strategy; Social Marketing; Agreements and Arrangements; Product; Nonprofit Organizations; Pharmaceutical Industry; Bangladesh; Washington (state, US)
Austin, James E. "Population Services International: The Social Marketing Project in Bangladesh (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 590-061, April 1990. (Revised November 1992.)
- January 1990 (Revised June 1995)
- Case
Colliers International Property Consultants
By: Nitin Nohria
Describes the origins, organizational structure, management practices, and use of information technology (IT) in Colliers, a real estate network. Colliers provides local firms with a way to maintain local autonomy while gaining national and international coverage.... View Details
Keywords: Property; Organizational Structure; Information Technology; Management Practices and Processes; Partners and Partnerships; Business Model; Mission and Purpose; Business Growth and Maturation; Conflict and Resolution; Quality; Real Estate Industry
Nohria, Nitin. "Colliers International Property Consultants." Harvard Business School Case 490-049, January 1990. (Revised June 1995.)
- September 1989
- Article
Exchange Rate Pass-Through When Market Share Matters
By: K. A. Froot and P. Klemperer
Froot, K. A., and P. Klemperer. "Exchange Rate Pass-Through When Market Share Matters." American Economic Review 79, no. 4 (September 1989): 637–654. (Revised from NBER Working Paper No. 2542, October 1989.)
- July 1989 (Revised December 1990)
- Case
CIBA-GEIGY Pharmaceuticals: Pharma International
By: John A. Quelch
Examines the decision by Pharma International on whether to launch an antimalarial product in Nigeria and, if so, how that should be implemented. Involves commercial, ethical, and policy considerations. Rich in situation assessment data, the case refers to criticism of... View Details
Keywords: Ethics; Decision Choices and Conditions; Product Launch; Policy; Developing Countries and Economies; Pharmaceutical Industry; Nigeria
Quelch, John A. "CIBA-GEIGY Pharmaceuticals: Pharma International." Harvard Business School Case 589-108, July 1989. (Revised December 1990.)
- June 1989 (Revised July 1993)
- Case
CIGNA Worldwide
By: John A. Quelch
A CIGNA Worldwide (CWW) task group of European country directors and key functional managers is meeting in November 1988 to discuss how CWW should respond to the European Community's plan to remove existing internal barriers and restrictions to the free flow of goods... View Details
Keywords: Multinational Firms and Management; Insurance; Competitive Strategy; Emerging Markets; Trade; Insurance Industry; Europe
Quelch, John A. "CIGNA Worldwide." Harvard Business School Case 589-098, June 1989. (Revised July 1993.)
- April 1989 (Revised January 1994)
- Case
Novo Industri
By: Michael E. Porter and Michael J. Enright
Describes the structure of the insulin industry, a treatment for diabetes and Novo's strategy and competitive position in early 1982. The industry is undergoing significant change and Novo must decide how to defend and build its international position. Designed as an... View Details
Keywords: Change; Global Strategy; Industry Structures; Alliances; Competitive Strategy; Health Disorders; Pharmaceutical Industry
Porter, Michael E., and Michael J. Enright. "Novo Industri." Harvard Business School Case 389-148, April 1989. (Revised January 1994.)
- January 1989 (Revised December 1991)
- Case
British Airways: ""Go for It, America!"" Promotion (A)
Senior marketing executives of a major international airline are deciding on a strategy to address a crisis situation precipitated by a series of terrorist acts. The company is experiencing the worst downturn ever in its U.S.-U.K. travel business due to media reports... View Details
Keywords: Advertising Campaigns; Crime and Corruption; Crisis Management; Management Teams; Time Management; Marketing Strategy; Perception; Value Creation; Travel Industry; United Kingdom; United States
Greyser, Stephen A. British Airways: ""Go for It, America!"" Promotion (A). Harvard Business School Case 589-089, January 1989. (Revised December 1991.)
- November 1988 (Revised December 1992)
- Teaching Note
Foreign Exchange Market Background Note and Problem Set, The (TN)
By: W. Carl Kester
Teaching Note for (9-287-033). View Details
Keywords: International Finance