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- Faculty Publications (695)
- 2008
- Working Paper
Spanning the Institutional Abyss: The Intergovernmental Network and the Governance of Foreign Direct Investment
By: Juan Alcacer and Paul Ingram
Global economic transactions such as foreign direct investment must extend over an institutional abyss between the jurisdiction, and therefore protection, of the states involved. Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), whose members are states, represent an important... View Details
Keywords: International Finance; Foreign Direct Investment; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Governance Controls; International Relations; Social Issues
Alcacer, Juan, and Paul Ingram. "Spanning the Institutional Abyss: The Intergovernmental Network and the Governance of Foreign Direct Investment." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 09-045, September 2008.
- 2008
- Working Paper
Variation in Experience and Team Familiarity: Addressing the Knowledge Acquisition-Application Problem
By: Robert S. Huckman and Bradley R. Staats
Prior work in organizational learning has failed to find a consistent effect of variation in experience on performance. While some studies find a positive relationship between these two variables, others find no effect or even a negative relationship. In this paper, we... View Details
Keywords: Experience and Expertise; Learning; Knowledge Acquisition; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Organizational Culture; Performance Improvement; Groups and Teams; Familiarity; India
Huckman, Robert S., and Bradley R. Staats. "Variation in Experience and Team Familiarity: Addressing the Knowledge Acquisition-Application Problem." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 09-035, September 2008.
- August 2008
- Article
Economic Links and Predictable Returns
By: Lauren Cohen and Andrea Frazzini
This paper finds evidence of return predictability across economically linked firms. We test the hypothesis that in the presence of investors subject to attention constraints, stock prices do not promptly incorporate news about economically related firms, generating... View Details
Keywords: Economics; Price; Assets; Analytics and Data Science; Customers; Stocks; Equity; Strategy; Investment Return; Forecasting and Prediction
Cohen, Lauren, and Andrea Frazzini. "Economic Links and Predictable Returns." Journal of Finance 63, no. 4 (August 2008). (Winner of Smith Breeden Prize for the Best Paper Published in the Journal of Finance in Asset Pricing (Distinguished Paper) 2008. Winner of Chicago Quantitative Alliance Academic Paper Competition. First Prize presented by Chicago Quantitative Alliance. Winner of BSI Gamma Foundation Research Grant presented by BSI Gamma Foundation.)
- April 2008 (Revised May 2010)
- Case
Visions of Web 3.0
By: Thomas R. Eisenmann and David Andrew Vivero
Explores the Semantic Web, a vision for the next generation of the World Wide Web in which information is stored in machine-readable formats. While the Semantic Web would make information more easily accessible, barriers to its adoption are very high because website... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Entrepreneurship; Strategy; Technology Adoption; Digital Platforms; Internet and the Web
Eisenmann, Thomas R., and David Andrew Vivero. "Visions of Web 3.0." Harvard Business School Case 808-147, April 2008. (Revised May 2010.)
- 2008
- Working Paper
Using Financial Innovation to Support Savers: From Coercion to Excitement
By: Peter Tufano
We review a wide variety of programs that support savings by families, in particular by low- and moderate-income families. These programs range from ones that literally compel families to save, to those that make it hard not to save, make it easier to save, provide... View Details
Keywords: Saving; Motivation and Incentives; Programs; Income; Personal Finance; Family and Family Relationships; Performance Effectiveness
Tufano, Peter, and Daniel Schneider. "Using Financial Innovation to Support Savers: From Coercion to Excitement." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 08-075, April 2008.
- March – April 2008
- Article
Interorganizational Trust, Governance Choice, and Exchange Performance
By: Ranjay Gulati and Jackson Nickerson
This paper looks at when and how preexisting interorganizational trust influences the choice of governance and in turn the performance of exchange relationships. We theorize that preexisting interorganizational trust complements the choice of governance mode (make,... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Governance; Organizational Culture; Performance Improvement; Conflict and Resolution; Trust
Gulati, Ranjay, and Jackson Nickerson. "Interorganizational Trust, Governance Choice, and Exchange Performance." Organization Science 19, no. 2 (March–April 2008): 1–21.
- 2008
- Working Paper
Where Does It Go? Spending by the Financially Constrained
By: Shawn A. Cole, John Thompson and Peter Tufano
In this paper, we analyze the spending decisions of over 1.5 million Americans who vary in their degree of revealed credit constraints. Specifically, we analyze how these Americans spend their income tax refunds, using transaction-level data from a stored-value card... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Credit; Personal Finance; Spending; Taxation; Consumer Behavior; United States
Cole, Shawn A., John Thompson, and Peter Tufano. "Where Does It Go? Spending by the Financially Constrained." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 08-083, March 2008. (Revised April 2008.)
- January 2009
- Article
Bank Debt and Corporate Governance
By: Victoria Ivashina, Vinay Nair, Anthony Saunders, Nadia Massoud and Roger Stover
In this paper, we investigate the disciplining role of banks and bank debt in the market for corporate control. We find that relationship bank lending intensity and bank client network have positive effects on the probability of a borrowing firm becoming a target. This... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Governance; Borrowing and Debt; Banks and Banking; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Governance Controls; Managerial Roles
Ivashina, Victoria, Vinay Nair, Anthony Saunders, Nadia Massoud, and Roger Stover. "Bank Debt and Corporate Governance." Review of Financial Studies 22, no. 1 (January 2009): 41–77.
- January – February 2008
- Article
Managing the Impact of Employee Turnover on Performance: The Role of Process Conformance
By: Zeynep Ton and Robert S. Huckman
We examine the impact of employee turnover on operating performance in settings that require high levels of knowledge exploitation. Using 48 months of turnover data from U.S. stores of a major retail chain, we find that, on average, employee turnover is associated with... View Details
Keywords: Customer Focus and Relationships; Governance Compliance; Retention; Standards; Service Operations; Business Processes; Retail Industry; United States
Ton, Zeynep, and Robert S. Huckman. "Managing the Impact of Employee Turnover on Performance: The Role of Process Conformance." Organization Science 19, no. 1 (January–February 2008): 56–68.
- 2008
- Working Paper
Product Development and Learning in Project Teams: The Challenges are the Benefits
By: Amy C. Edmondson and Ingrid M. Nembhard
The value of teams in new product development (NPD) is undeniable. Both the interdisciplinary nature of the work and industry trends necessitate that professionals from different functions work together on development projects to create the highest quality product in... View Details
- December 2007 (Revised March 2013)
- Case
Queensland Sugar Limited
By: David E. Bell and Mary L. Shelman
Until industry deregulation in 2006, Queensland Sugar ran Australia's single desk marketing system for raw sugar exports. Since deregulation, eight of the ten Queensland sugar millers have elected to continue collective marketing through QSL. However, several millers... View Details
Keywords: Plant-Based Agribusiness; Goods and Commodities; Trade; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Competition; Marketing Strategy; Supply Chain; Network Effects; Supply and Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Australia
Bell, David E., and Mary L. Shelman. "Queensland Sugar Limited." Harvard Business School Case 508-038, December 2007. (Revised March 2013.)
- 2007
- Working Paper
Incompatible Assumptions: Barriers to Producing Multidisciplinary Knowledge in Communities of Scholarship
By: Corinne Bendersky and Kathleen L. McGinn
Co-locating knowledge workers from different disciplines may be a necessary but insufficient step to generating multidisciplinary knowledge. We explore the role of assumptions underlying knowledge creation within the field of organizational studies, and investigate how... View Details
Bendersky, Corinne, and Kathleen L. McGinn. "Incompatible Assumptions: Barriers to Producing Multidisciplinary Knowledge in Communities of Scholarship." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 08-044, December 2007.
- 2007
- Working Paper
Dynamics of Platform Competition: Exploring the Role of Installed Base, Platform Quality and Consumer Expectations
By: Feng Zhu and Marco Iansiti
This paper seeks to answer three questions. First, which drives the success of a platform, installed base, platform quality or consumer expectations? Second, when does a monopoly emerge in a platform-based market? Finally, when is a platform-based market socially... View Details
Keywords: Price; Network Effects; Digital Platforms; Monopoly; Quality; Competitive Advantage; Digital Platforms
Zhu, Feng, and Marco Iansiti. "Dynamics of Platform Competition: Exploring the Role of Installed Base, Platform Quality and Consumer Expectations." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 08-031, November 2007.
- October 2007
- Module Note
Managing Networked Businesses: Network Mobilization Module
Eisenmann, Thomas R. "Managing Networked Businesses: Network Mobilization Module." Harvard Business School Module Note 808-079, October 2007.
- October 2007
- Article
The Effectiveness of Pre-Release Advertising for Motion Pictures: An Empirical Investigation Using a Simulated Market
By: Anita Elberse and Bharat N. Anand
One of the most visible and publicized trends in the movie industry is the escalation in movie advertising expenditures over time. Yet, the returns to movie advertising are poorly understood. The main reason is that disentangling the causal effect of advertising on... View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Stocks; Investment Return; Price; Revenue; Quality; Mathematical Methods; Motion Pictures and Video Industry
Elberse, Anita, and Bharat N. Anand. "The Effectiveness of Pre-Release Advertising for Motion Pictures: An Empirical Investigation Using a Simulated Market." Information Economics and Policy 19, nos. 3-4 (October 2007): 319–343. (Special Issue on Economics of the Media.)
- Sep 2007 - 2007
- Conference Presentation
Antecedents of Boundary Spanning in Cross-functional NPD Teams
By: James R. Dillon, Shikhar Sarin and Amy C. Edmondson
Boundary spanning has been shown in prior research to enhance innovativeness and performance of product development teams. In this study, we examine team conditions that foster boundary spanning behavior. We analyze survey data from 207 members of 54 cross-functional... View Details
- 2007
- Working Paper
Digital Interactivity: Unanticipated Consequences for Markets, Marketing, and Consumers
By: John A. Deighton and Leora Kornfeld
The digital interactive transformation in marketing is not unfolding, as many thought it would, on the model of direct marketing. That model anticipated that digital media using rich profiling data would intrude marketing messaging more deeply and more precisely into... View Details
Keywords: Communication Intention and Meaning; Interactive Communication; Marketing Communications; Consumer Behavior; Social and Collaborative Networks; Internet and the Web
Deighton, John A., and Leora Kornfeld. "Digital Interactivity: Unanticipated Consequences for Markets, Marketing, and Consumers." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 08-017, September 2007.
- Article
Gross National Happiness As an Answer to the Easterlin Paradox?
By: Rafael Di Tella and Robert MacCulloch
The Easterlin Paradox refers to the fact that happiness data are typically stationary in spite of considerable increases in income. This amounts to a rejection of the hypothesis that current income is the only argument in the utility function. We find that the... View Details
Di Tella, Rafael, and Robert MacCulloch. "Gross National Happiness As an Answer to the Easterlin Paradox?" Journal of Development Economics 86, no. 1 (April 2008).
- 2007
- Working Paper
Team Familiarity, Role Experience, and Performance: Evidence from Indian Software Services
By: Robert S. Huckman, Bradley R. Staats and David M. Upton
Much of the literature on team learning views experience as a unidimensional concept captured by the cumulative production volume of, or the number of projects completed by, a team. Implicit in this approach is the assumption that teams are stable in their membership... View Details
Keywords: Experience and Expertise; Learning; Performance Improvement; Projects; Groups and Teams; Familiarity; Information Technology Industry; India
Huckman, Robert S., Bradley R. Staats, and David M. Upton. "Team Familiarity, Role Experience, and Performance: Evidence from Indian Software Services." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 08-019, September 2007. (Revised February 2008, July 2008.)
- 2007
- Chapter
Collaborative R&D in Management: The Practical Experience of Fenix and TruePoint in Bridging the Divide Between Scientific and Managerial Goals
By: Michael Beer and Niclas Adler
The gap between theory and practice has been of concern to both practitioners and academics, yet other than pleas to close the gap with more accessible writing by academics and more interest in research by practitioners few systematic efforts have been made to close... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Knowledge Management; Management; Goals and Objectives; Performance Effectiveness; Performance Improvement; Practice; Research and Development; Social and Collaborative Networks; Theory; Value; United States
Beer, Michael, and Niclas Adler. "Collaborative R&D in Management: The Practical Experience of Fenix and TruePoint in Bridging the Divide Between Scientific and Managerial Goals." In Handbook of Collaborative Management Research, edited by A. B. Shani, N. Adler, N. Mohrman, W. A. Pasmore, and B. Stymne. Sage Publications, 2007.